>Perfect movies don’t exis-
Perfect movies don’t exis-
Other urls found in this thread:
>should prove engrossing for viewers of all political persuasions
>nearly half disliked it
jeez critic consensus is objectively wrong...hope someone gets fired over this
>inb4 this RT page gets the Captain Marvel treatment
>of all political persuasions
which is why we made a movie about 4 democrats
nearly everyone outside nyc and california has totally tuned out of movies so it's even worse than that
>implying even 10% of the "audience" even watched it and isn't just upboating/downboating based on their own political biases
>nearly everyone outside nyc and california has totally tuned out of movies so it's even worse than that
Probably explains why the domestic returns for even movies released over Christmastime were so lackluster.
Trips of truth
yeah there's absolutely no way that the audience score isn't being influenced by review bombing conservatives. not a chance in hell.
I honestly don't get how they think we'll be tricked by muh 100 percent. I know boomers think it's still 2004 and we'll bow down to da queen, but even then you'd try and get it to like 93 percent.
Why is this woman so popular? Is it because she's young? I don't mind the thought of socialist ideas mending some of the less than desirable parts of capitalism, but this woman, as a spokesperson, doesn't ever come off as intelligent. She has the uppity demeanor of a college student confident beyond her ability.
she's not you fucking retard, go back to /pol/ and cry more
And that there's not a single conservative amongst the reviewers.
That 100% is just as ridiculous as the 55%
If the Fox News comments section has taught me anything, it's that right-wingers are OBSESSED with liberals.
Even Kim Jon Un didn't get 100% votes, he knows the importance of subtlety.
Who doesn't want to pop a load on dem AOC titties tho
That's a nice 100% you got there
The only pivotal election was that of Donald Trump
but i don't think they 'll be making any documentaries anytime soon
kek 2020 will be a cake walk. between biden, this bitch, bernie again, and all the other wierdos running for pres on the left, divide and conqueror will be easy. meanwhile the right is always gonna be solidly behind trump. MAGA2020
>she's not
Not what? Popular? She just received a documentary and has a huge following via social media, which many politicians are finally recognizing as the powerful force that it is. Never been to /pol/, curb your paranoia.
Regressives don't understand how partisan they are. They probably legitimately believe their assessment and that Russian bots are to blame for any low online score.
Netflix pays Obamas big time buckos, don't pay dumb with your superiors. I smack niggas like you
Oh wow the zog faggots are pushing her by funding docs and having bots follow her. So powerful, so brave.
There isnt a single real human being outside cuck coasts that cares about this horse faced spic
He is gonna do it
>another AOC thread
>more triggered /pol/niggers giving her free advertising
carry on please
>nearly everyone outside nyc and california has totally tuned out of movies
I'm happy to give her a platform.
She makes her party look like retards.
Don't you see that this is exactly what /pol/ wants? AOC is just further cementing the perception that the entire Democratic party is out of touch and ignorant.
it's discord trannies, are you this stupid you don't know shilling?
>be non-white
>win non-white district
wow, what a beautiful story about how racial diversity destroys democracy
It's just /pol/ retards review bombing it
This nigga says he goes on Fox News Ahahahahahahahahaha faggot
Only 45% disliked it, which means there's more liberals than conservatives in america, yet their government is ultra conservative
Makes you think
>liberal queen
>fucks white guys
don't put liberals in the same pot as these crazy left wing demorats, don't you dare. if anything, they are anti-liberal.
Most critics these days add and subtract points based on wokeness/diversity, especially on RT. That's why Black Panther is the highest rated Marvel production of all time according to RT despite being a mediocre movie at best.
How can anyone with even the most rudimentary understanding of economics support this woman?
I guess it's the official Shillometer now.
I want some nuance with my corn flakes. If this is a united front then it's the most disjointed and ridiculous one ever. Saying that as an old-school lefty. Your banana-crapping cult is not what the democratic party needs.
No one cares
No one cares it's been review bombed by retards who then turn around and point to it as evidence that the film is actually bad? That's a good thing.
>triggered polfags review bombing represents normal healthy people
poltards are mentally ill
45% of idiots are still idiot hicks
how do we get rid of them?
why do conservatives love raiding reviews so often?
any and all trump movies have like 90% audience rating despite some being truly fucking awful
Faggot ass opinion aggressively discarded. Youre time is coming you absolute waste
Why would they be fired for doing what their bosses want?
because after their wife left them for a black man its the last thing they can do to retain some semblence of masculinity its actually quite sad we need to help these people retain some idea of self respect and theyll be less likely to just attack 20 something girls online for no reason
Do they show that shes a 2 faced rich cunt who acts like shes middle class
>old school lefty
So basically a conservative
the netflix hit piece documentary about Roger Stone was pretty kino
Who says they did? You think they "review-bombed" it to put it at 55%? Dude you don't know what /pol/ can do to review bomb something when they get onto it. If anything I would assume they completely ignored it.
It's like you're attempting to deliver a narrative in which Trump voters never existed. As though nobody who voted for him has ever even heard of a computer.
We were nicer but didn't realize that the value of the government belonged with the people.
Nobody under the age of 62 watches Fox News, and that number goes up by 1 every year. Fuck off gramps.
Literally nobody cares about this except rt "critics" and Yea Forums. My parents are big aoc fans and they didnt even know this existed
Still salty from the election I see
I just skim articles and read the comments. I like to get a sense of the zeitgeist.
Objectively speaking, These are the best movies ever made.
> 1. Spirited Away
> 2. Mulholland Drive
> 3. Pan's Labyrinth
> 4. Rosemary's Baby
> 5. Silence of the Lambs
> 6. Persona (1966)
> 7. Tale of Princess Kaguya
> 8. Perfect Blue
> 9. Gone With the Wind
> 10. Psycho (1966)
> 11. Princess Mononoke
> 12. Metropolis
> 13. A Clockwork Orange
> 14. The Shawshank Redemption
> 15. Milennium Actress
> 16. The Passion of Joan of Arc
> 17. The Wizard of Oz
> 18. Vertigo (1958)
> 19. Lawrence of Arabia
> 20. Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
> 21. The Usual Suspects
> 22. Snow White & Seven Dwarves
> 23. The Dark Knight
> 24. Kiki's Delivery Service
> 25. Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
> 26. Rear Window
> 27. 2001: A Space Odyssey
> 28. The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
> 29. The Shining
> 30. Avengers: Infinity War Part 1
>incels already downvoting
what a surprise
Someone needs to start kicking these fucking "critics" asses. I am tired of their garbage opinions being allowed any form of merit.
This is why she's a good commie, she's already living rent free in incels head
Want to know what Fox News is?
Rupert Murdoch tweeted that globalist puppet master Henry Kissinger's book on the New World Order was a magnum opus:
Fox News is no better than George Soros's Open Society Foundation. Except Rupert Murdoch is actually worse than George Soros, because at least Soros is only promoting left-wing globalism. Whereas the Murdoch family is spoon-feeding the right globalist propaganda and destroying the right from the inside. The Soros family is like the crocodile that attacks the lion. The Murdoch family is like the mange that eats it from the inside.
>I just skim articles and read the comments
If it wasn't for their state-of-the-art and entirely democratic electoral system, the entire country would have taken a hard turn left since at least 2000. The reason conservatives are so scared is that once Democrats actually get the power to fundamentally change the electoral process to actually reflect majority rule, rather than arbitrarily favor heavily gerrymandered red states, the chickens will really come home to roost.
No shit you stupid fuck. The difference is that we know that, leftists don't, and believe there MSM outlets are legit.
They did it wrong
Based AOC triggering limp dick liberals and conservacucks
I thought you were My mistake.
>The reason conservatives are so scared is that once Democrats actually get the power to fundamentally change the electoral process to actually reflect majority rule, rather than arbitrarily favor heavily gerrymandered red states, the chickens will really come home to roost.
Go slit your throat. Lets reword that.
The reason conservatives are so scared is that once Democrats get the power to fundamentally change the electoral process to SHIT and MURDER the institutions to enable the corrupt and genetically inferior brown rule, in the masquerade of immoral "democratic" and not "republican values" rather then correctly favor the original European citizens. That's why Democrat did in California, they illegaly overturned a POPULAR VOTE to support illegals. That was also the last year California was a deeply Republican state. And this faggot talks about how Democrats aren't a corrupt political party who are traitors to the principles of the USA.
That's why Democrats corrupt the voting process by allowing illegals to vote in your election. That's why they scream when any measure is taken. They know that if only whites were allowed to vote, then the Democrats would have lost every election. That's why the Democrats welcome immigration. The worse thing is how conservatives allowed this.
The only solution would be a Latin American style solution of trying to make the Democrat a extinct political party via violence.
>arbitrarily favor
read the federalist papers you retarded faggot
fuck whitey
Americans took their own lives when they gave women and minorities the right to vote.
lmao cry more chode, your time's almost up
Funny how that line of reasoning isn't being spoken aloud in conservative circles.
I'm pretty sure the federalist papers said nothing about arbitrarily redrawing the electoral map so as to disenfranchise minorities and the poor.
She's being pushed by the media. There's nothing organic here
Dissent is necessary in any government.
Not everybody agreed with Hitler, not everybody agreed with Stalin. All evil or good do not come from the same place. It's not black and white.
I think a good point, is that public opinion should not be created by a system of thought that disallows and decent or contradictory ideas.
It's like not allowing the orchid in your garden. It is beautiful, possibly most of all. Yet it only exists in a destructive environment. The orchid becomes beautiful but only if it's not tread-upon or ruined.
It stands in defiance of the violet, that wants perfect conditions, but which one is perfect?
The result is the proof.
She's not. We all don't like her on both ends.
When somebody tells me they're a bartender I might ask them "what were your most complicated drinks and what was your tip? Where do you work and what days did you do well?" Which is being active in your society. I want to know about the difficulties of their occupations, and maybe even the advantages. That's how a capitalist thinks.
A socialist thinks, "how did you make that much and did you give it to? Did you pay your barback? Did you pay out the waitresses when they recommended your drinks?"
The thing is, WE NEED BOTH THOSE PEOPLE IN A FREE MARKET. Socialism is grown out of public fear.
Is there any more proof that critics are shills?
>Pan's Labyrinth
There's a reason that the Pale Man was a white man basking in his riches alone in his room.