This guy has the most fucking annoying voice

This guy has the most fucking annoying voice

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thread ex machina


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You mad?
You mad someone criticized what you like? Dispite you being a faggot on here that does the samething. Kek

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>Rey is such a badass lol! *Remove sins*
>REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE DRUMPF! *Add a million sins*
>I hate being a white man *ding*

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the whole channel is terrible

thaaaaaaat's racist! *ding*

cinema sins is just boring normalfag shit, people who defend it are cringe and people who criticize it are autistic.

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>”that.... that so f*cking epic”
*reverse ding*
I used to watch these videos so I could get the jist of capeshit


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I used to write for that channel and Ieft bc they hired 2 shit writers that I had to share jokes with circa 2016. They got too ambitious.


I could get past that at first, but his high and mighty attitude when people criticized him was very unbecoming.

and he wont shut the fuck up about trump



the based wars

Let's be real here, user

all Jewtubefags have annoying voices. -LITERALLY- all of them.

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That was such a fantastic thread

I liked how he intentionally misused "racism" in his common "thaaaat's raycist" sin, but then he counted two unironic social justice sins in con air. Sad.