Altered Carbon

Just watched Altered Carbon on Netflix. This show has a better story than Game of Thrones, along with spectacular special effects considering it is relatively unknown.

Why does no one talk about it? What did you think about it? If you haven't seen it yet, why not? it is a 9.5/10 show.

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thought it was great.
Hope season 2 goes well.

Takeshi was White in S1 , he is black S2, why not just make him Japanese, which he actually is?

I loved it. Sadly, Cyberpunk/Dystopian scifi is a niche market, probably because its the future we are heading towards and people find that depressive.

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Thought it was great as well, why did journalists give it mediocre reviews? Audiences loved it, it has a great IMDB score.

I thought it was good and there were threads made about it here a while ago.

The Japanese shit was pretty lame though. I don't know how people can watch a lot of that without finding it to be cringe. Also the leader of the resistance somehow also being the person that engineered modern society was just too convenient and unbelievable.

I remember in the 2nd episode some women got into a 10 minute dialogue in Spanish. I didn't have subtitles, had to give it up.
>Stop making Spanish a thing in America. It's never gonna happen. It's a failed language spoken by a failed people. Better luck with Chinese.

most of the sets looked like the cost a thousand dollars. that sequence where james purefoy is down with the poor people handing out fucking bread or whatever, is literally a wearhouse, a floodlight, and a chainlink fence. it was like the dogville set.

>I remember in the 2nd episode some women got into a 10 minute dialogue in Spanish. I didn't have subtitles, had to give it up.
I've dated hispanic girls, and if you go to their house to eat and meat their parents, it plays out exactly like those scenes. I get why some found them annoying, but they are well done. They will speak in english for a while then start cussing in Spanish, just like in the show. Especially if they THINK you can't understand them.

>Stop making Spanish a thing in America

it already happened user, stop being delusional

Listen Slowpoke. Nobody talks about it because its shit and your opinion is shit.

>Anthony Mackie
>Goes well
Pick one

>Also the leader of the resistance somehow also being the person that engineered modern society was just too convenient and unbelievable.
None of that shit was in the original book. Originally it was purely about the murder investigation - there was no family subplot and no revolution subplot. That's why all that bit feels a bit hacky. In the book, Envoys are the elite special forces of the protectorate, and Takeshi Kovacs is a mercenary rather than a paroled criminal.

Not that I think all the changes were bad, but whoever wrote the show clearly weren't as nihilistic as Richard Morgan, and a lot of the moments in the show where we get some kind of emotional payoff or catharsis don't happen in the book. For example: Takeshi doesn't kill his father, he just abuses the family for years and then fucks off when get gets some money. Lizzie's analogue (Layla) doesn't really get any kind of development, she's just a victim. Rae isn't his sister, she's simply a yakuza boss

At lot of the changes added emotional depth that wasn't in the original book, making the show more meaningful. But I think the writers attempt to give the audience payoffs along the various storylines undermined some of the gritty reality that I feel is at the core of the show.

Remember the police detective who is obviously a jew and he is pretending to be muslim. That was probably the funniest part

>I didn't have subtitles
Well that's your own fault, isn't it?

>Stop making Spanish a thing in America. It's never gonna happen. It's a failed language spoken by a failed people.
Well that's a tragic amount of denial. Honestly, I think future California should probably have more Spanish speakers.

only one season and it's a netflix show, so people on here have an innate bias
also the show's plot really doesn't make much sense.

The younger generation will eventually give up Spanish. They are more ashamed of it than proud

>implying they aren't all semites.

The book reads like tryhard elgelord wannbe cool. I remember reading the first chapter in the bookstore and not being able to bear the cringe

Even if it was hackey compared to the book, it's not as hackey as Arya teleporting behind the night king.

I stopped watching when I saw the protagonist had brown eyes

>also the show's plot really doesn't make much sense.
why not? I found it pretty easy to follow

I'm sick of got and capeshit threads.
I just finished Person of Interest, is there something similar out there?
>inb4 mr robot
Not enough violence and they preach politics, not to mention the blonde actress hooked up with a nigger for no reason at all, he didn"t have even 5 minutes of screen time. Person of Interest had nearly no subversion at all, I don't think series like that are allowed anymore. It ended right before all this insanity became completely ubiquitous.

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Thought the show was good and I like to think it take place in the Titanfall universe
>mfw my Linkies will make me rich and will be able to larp as a detective in the street and have the disposable income like he does in the show

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Do it now.

They just added season 3 on Netflix so you will be complerley caught up.

...Also Travelers.

It has that Person of Interest feel but with time travel.

Dang wrenn schmidt is hot. I discovered her in Outcast if you never seen it. The first season is probably the most underrated posession show I've seen

>we have further postponed plans for new Titanfall games
somebody hang me with a rope

it's bad
but it has a literal 10/10 woman so it kinda makes it worthwhile

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Post her puss please. HD if possible

>why not? I found it pretty easy to follow
Saw it with some friends, brainlets find the concepts of stacks and backups confusing.

Is the future really going to be exactly like this?

dropped it at ep 7

>Person of Interest

Just Googled it, seems like it has great user reviews. Thanks random user, found something to watch. How come I have never heard of it before, though?

She is Tibetan. Easily the hottest Tibetan of all time.

Attached: dichen.jpg (334x500, 58K)

>Is the future really going to be exactly like this?
Even if your consciousness can be downloaded, how do you know it will be you?

Say that you die, but your consciousness is revived in your stack. How do you know it will be you and not some random person that has your memories?

Half Jap half Slav tbf

She's by far the worst thing about the show.

She doesn't come close to Ortega either.

Attached: Martha Higareda.webm (1280x640, 1.74M)

I'll check it out. Thanks, marketer-kun.

Literally Lori Greiner

As another PoI fan, I can’t think of anything similar. Fringe is sort of a neat enough sci-fi show. Legion, being an X-Men Show, is also good sci-fi. I also enjoy Billions and Succession, though that’s just random thoughts. Honestly, PoI is pretty special on that it’s a sci-go police procedural.

Dont get your hopes up. It's clunky and not very good.

>Is the future really going to be exactly like this?
it won't, because once we have this level of tech there won't be a reason to keep humans around

>Even if your consciousness can be downloaded, how do you know it will be you?
>Say that you die, but your consciousness is revived in your stack. How do you know it will be you and not some random person that has your memories?
so you watched the show then. congratulations.

presumably that rock you've been living under is sufficiently thick to block all signals from outside

She is not the worst thing. The troll casring of the ugliest black actors they could find (the father and daughter) are the worst. Although at least the black lawyer chick is hot.

You must be of legal age to post on this board.

Says who? Quit projecting.

Critics are actually critical. IMDB users are mostly fanboys and they all spam 10/10 for stuff they like even just a little bit.

>used a merken
>show claims """full nudity"""
fuck off or actually grow the pubes, lady

it was pretty entertaining. the fairy tale stuff was pure cringe though, as was the main character's "princess", the fairly unattractive mature black woman.

it's transhuman, friendo

He is lines of code on a hockey puck. The entire point of his character is that he can be anyone.

That is one of the elements of cyberpunk, yes.

Subhuman nipples.

Doesn't happen

It kinda jumped the shark when the introduced their own OC cyber!ninja! The whole point of Morgan's books is that they're not chock full of cyberpunk tropes - being more a realistic take on futuretech and its implications. The showrunners don't get that though and brought in too much retarded tropey shit.

Season two ought to feature the same complete change in tone from the first, as with the books' switch from detective-noir to a mil-sf take on Kelly's heroes. But I'm betting they'll fuck things up even further by bringing back all the unwanted shit from the first season.

Attached: altered carbon s01e03 flechette gun.webm (720x360, 2.76M)