Dr.Doom is bas-

>Dr.Doom is bas-

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The fuck is this nigga tryin to say

Holy fuck can Americans get over 9 11 already.

Why didn't magneto prevent the steel beams from melting?

I feel like it's a good thing that I couldn't tell him apart from thanos, right?

Like, that's the point of the character, right?

>We don't have an iconic character like Superman so we have to really sell this manufactured post-9/11 patriotism

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>Holy fuck can Americans get over 9 11 already.
Ameriburgers get one small taste of life outside a first world country and they come undone

This comic was made 13 years ago

Comic writers must meet and fanfic a ton of fresh kinos like this

Thanos' design was commissioned to be a ripoff of Darkseid

Whoever wrote this trash should be hanged from a tree. Millennials were a mistake.

Why didn't they just time travel?

Fucking virtue signaling faggotry

Darkseid came first

There was a comic about that, but only went back to 9/10 to warn them about it
She couldn't stop them as the thermite charges were already placed

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>Dr. Doom?
>Can we stand butt-to-butt?

not fanfic, its a crossover, a good one too.

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How many 9/11's do Doom and Magneto have between them?

Jesus, does he have a Green Lantern ring on his cock too?

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Is that from Injustice?

That's still one of the best comic book covers in history

green lanterns aint shit

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how are those people so big?

>Superboy Prime killed more Green Lanterns than fucking Parallax.

Yes mommy

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>entire universe gone
>lol crybaby
the lanterns deserved to die

Doesn't dr doom kill people all the time and cause violence and mayhem? This seems really retarded

He sure was in a simplier time

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>We will make you kneel

magneto was a holocaust survivor, I guess it kind of makes sense, but he hates humans

Wilson probably wouldnt care, but wouldnt approve of it

Doom wouldnt care at all

mute and slow down. most of all, mute.

He isn't even from the US...

>I guess it kind of makes sense, but he hates humans
Many mutants live in among humans. The planes and towers probably had plenty of dead mutants.

So does the US government, but they still get sad about atrocities caused by other ideologies that they don't see as worth it.

Sufficiently hot steel becomes non-magnetic.

I mean, it’s Guy Gardner.

Also this dude has murdered hundreds of his friends and is literally threatening to destroy the entire universe. Pity can only stretch so far.

>the US government is sad about atrocities.
I seriously doubt that. The US government has killed millions since WW2.

JMS was a mistake

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I actually get why Doom might feel regret about this, but that's kind of the same reason this scene is still distasteful to me. Doom sees himself as humanity's savior, and believes we can advance past international rivalries under the unity of his benevolent iron fist. Obviously, he would not believe the deaths of innocents by religiously motivated terrorists are a good thing, it's the kind of international infighting he's trying to prevent, but that doesn't mean there's some shared values between this Latverian dictator and us, like the page wants to imply. He certainly seems to believe the killing of innocents is justified in bringing about his perfect world, doesn't he? It's honestly weird for him to even be there, on this specific day, visiting this specific tragedy.

I think from Morrison's Earth One with the vagina planes

You missed the point of the full sentence you clipped a part of.

>vaginal planes

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Hahaha imagine if Wonder Woman forced you down onto your knees and made you eat her pussy. Hahaha how crazy would that be.

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to save billions

Trillions more likely.

gardner is and always will be a dick, he should never have gotten a ring, edgy fgt


I fucking love this dude, but he's universally hated. He just beats the fuck outta everybody. He's like Bizzaro with a brain (a kids brain). Shit. He's the reverse Shazam, isn't he.

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9/11 was well deserved

Yea Forums is a USA board if you think about it though. Point out one thread, just one... that America isn't responsible for creating.

You don't belong here sandnigger.


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Always the woke hijab bitch living in a western country because if she lived in her homeland she would be banned from speaking

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I thought Magneto hated humans?

Comic book feminism was better when it was just femdom jackoff material.

How many of your friends did we kill?
Would you like to know which of them were cowards?

I must be a bigger monster than Dr Doom.

What's this from??? Based line. I feel like it was a bad guy trying to get purposely executed instead of going to jail?

The gender who have less testosterone, weaker bones, shorter height, less brain volume, less agression... is gonna take over the stronger gender? Pure fantasy.

Are we talking about DOOM in here?

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