Did Theon redeem himself?

Did Theon redeem himself?

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Fuck no. He never checked his white male privilege.

fucking masterful acting

this guy is a genius

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>Liam Cunningham that low


Alfie Allen is incredible though

Fuck this show used to be so awesome

>my dick got chopped off and now I'm fucking dead two minutes before the NK was going to be killed anyway, but a spastic in a wheelchair told me I'm a good man so it's okay

was Theon's the most retarded death of the episode? It has potential to beat the NK, at least that looked clean while being completely nonsensically retarded and destroying immersion

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His arc was finished. No more to do.

Redeem himself by running autistically towards the Night King and having his plate armor pierced by a dull piece of wood?

nigga why is richard that low
he was great

>gets stabbed through leather, plate, and skin with a broken stick
Yes. Second has to be Beric holding back 5 wights by stretching his arms and legs across a large doorway

No. Him killing the Night King would have made more sense than Arya doing it, because then he would have gone from being Winterfell's betrayer to Winterfell's savior. He literally died for no fucking reasons because Bran was just killing time for Arya to stab the guy. He could have just told Theon to stay put for five seconds instead of pointlessly throwing his life away.

Actually you know what? Fuck it. Arya should have gone for the kill, been stopped by the Night King, and when she dropped her knife, Theon should have picked it up and stabbed him and then died. There. Episode somewhat un-fucked.

Sean should be higher

His arc was done in season 2 and he should have died there at the finally. It would have been perfect and the actor could have gone to do new things. Why did he last all the way to s8e3?

Said spastic was the brother he most betrayed(that was still alive at least) and he also told him that he was at home, something Theon was always conflicted and teased about.

i hope he gets better roles now that he is free from the shitfest. he gave it his all and did everything he could not his fault theons arc is still frozen in the books.

He was forgiven by Bran and was granted an honorable death after living as a cockless wretch for so long

most actors actually did really well.
If there is a tier list, joffrey should be top, he absolutely nailed that character.

Did anyone count how many retarded ways Arya got out of shit. I just remember her barrel rolling over a stairway of walkers(their heads perfectly down so she could roll down their backs) and i thought that was pretty retarded, then 1 second later they show her staring at a doorway of them for 5 seconds as theyre stuck on eachother trying to get out.
Who the fuck came up with an edited this retardation

Arc? What arc? He served absolutely no purpose to the main story and even his death was irrelevant. Euron is more important to the show and he was only introduced last season. He never did anything impressive to "redeem himself", he just became more and more of a fucking gimp until somebody finally killed him. If "look how many shitty things can happen to one man" was the arc, then no it wasn't fucking "complete", you can keep that going forever and ever, but it doesn't make it interesting.

cosmo should be higher as should bean

Did you even watch this fucking show?

Gleeson really was a perfectly hateable cunt through and through. It reminded me of the lady who played Dolores Umbridge in the HP movies, which was also a kino performance, though I suspect Yea Forums will never admit it.

i'll put him higher in the next version, i just consider his acting to be just "enough" for his character, he was an average actor who happened to play a great role, that's why people keep asking to put Aiden Gillen higher

He didn't portrait a wide range of emotions convincingly, made the same face for 3 straight seasons
He was good, I think he's well placed, he acted no better than the other people above him
Yeah Gleeson was perfect, I guess this just shows the proficiency of the 3 actors above him

Fine, grant him an honorable death. But make it an actual honorable death instead of him just getting shanked by a stick shoved through leather and chainmail by cold man who gets shanked himself five seconds later. They just threw that character into the garbage can.

there is such thing as being to good

damn rodrik and luwin were great characters

Not in the show. There was nothing for him to redeem since Ramsay Snow wasn't even that bad in the show (AHHH MY LEGAL HUSBAND HAD SEX WITH ME ON OUR WEDDING NIGHT AHHH SAVE ME BRIENNE SAVE ME LITTLEFINGER SAVE ME THEON SAVE ME JON AHHHH), all the kino Roose parts are cut out and all of Theon's character development is thrown out the window to make Sansa look better


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>hush now child, I'm off to see your father
>gods help you theon greyjoy, now you are truly lost

you are right though, he didn't redeem himself, but only because the two dabids kept fucking up his storyline and having him go in and out of reekmode several times across several seasons. For fucks sake the pentultimate moment of his arc was him getting kneed in the balls

have sex

I think Roose is one of the all-time greatest missed opportunities on GoT. Maybe they were afraid of overusing him but every scene with him in the early seasons was pure kino and he really should have had more to do.

yes and no at the same time, which is why cried before dying

He checked his white male privilege with his cock and balls

What are your estrogen levels?

Why didn't D.D drop the show after season 4? It seems like they didn't give a shit about the show after it.

What could more honorable than charging down the fucking Night King in one last display of bravery?

because they like money

Damn these videos gave me the chills. Comparing this next to s8 shows what a shitshow it has become. Last 3 episodes were souless holywood garbage

Yes. I look at the show as basically the fall and redemption of Theon Greyjoy. Also was the best actor on the show, just barely, but the bar is high.

What was the point of Sansa being in the north other than to steal all of Theon's scenes and get bastard dick for shock value

who cares fuck this reddit capeshit

His arc is so well done that I get the feeling that he's the protagonist too, I just could relate to him more than any other character, he just seemed so realistic

I don't agree with all of these but its still pretty accurate.

One of the best parts of the books is Theon thinking back to him and Robb openly mocking Roose for the soft way he talks and being like "what the fuck were we thinking this nigger is a monster"

why wasn't he given a Valyrian sword if he was defending Bran?

This is just a chart of whose character had the best writing. Indira varma is a pretty good actress you can't polish garbage into gold though

>Ramsay Snow wasn't even that bad in the show
I think the whole betraying and murdering the northern armies along with hunting peasants in the woods for fun kind of makes him a bad guy

LF, Brienne, Ygritte had pretty good writing

Actually killing him while dying, rather than just being a placeholder for someone else to kill him five seconds later

Bran's last comment to him was a dig.
>you were a goodman
Did he imply that Theon was just as sadistic as Ramsey's Sir Twenty Goodman?

He's not knocking sansa's teeth out or making her fuck dogs though so it's nothing compared to the books

LF had dogshit writing after season 4.

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it kind of made sense until season 7 though, then he went full numbskull

YES I remember vividly what you're talking about. Book Roose gave me chills. Show Roose was fucking fantastic when they LET him be but they just didn't give him enough stuff to do.

This is true, but also CIA's portrayal of LF was just a little too slimy. He should be a likeable, open guy. He came across like someone you shouldn't trust just in the way he moved and talked.

I stand corrected, that's pretty bad.

So why exactly were the White Walkers in the story? What purpose did they serve? What the fuck was the point of that entire plotline that's somehow less important than petty selfish politics?

I'm pretty sure he acted that way because the directors told him to, his portrayal is so different from the books that there's no other way.

Probably to show that humanity can unite against a greater threat but will quickly start being dickheads again once it's dealt with

Theon can only go full circle by dying, he has caused the Starks too much pain just to be forgiven. He could never become the hero. He needed to die for them to be fully redeemed.

Why the fuck is GRRM allowing this catastrophe

Selfishness and petty politics are all that matter and Cersei wasn't a bitch by refusing to help but actually a 4D chess level genius letting everyone else tank the WWs.

this meme keeps getting better

That's also what I suspect. I like CIA as an actor and it reeked of bad direction rather than a bad performance.

WWs were dumb from the start, the only way they could work was if they really killed all of Westeros and NK sit at the throne, showing that everything is really just random and you can't control shit

D&D provide a salad dressing drip feed and all the German prostitutes he could ever ask for

So, nothing then.

after pic related happened... no.

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>So why exactly were the White Walkers in the story?
Because Game of Thrones is a subversion of the classic good versus evil fantasy tale by... becoming a good versus evil fantasy tale. DAMMIT DABID

Agreed. At first I wasn't sure who would have the better redemption story, him or Jaime, but they are both great, imo. Theon steals the show for me. You hated him, you pitied him, you cheered for him.

Contractually obligated + doesn't care + boatloads of money

Honestly the more they fuck it up the better for him in a way because people will still look to the books for the "proper" ending

The dude was kidnapped by the Starks, rejected by his natural family and house, made to look like a weak bitch in front of his sister, had his dick cut off, was tortured for months, starved, deprived of water, beaten, had his finger slashed, forced to sleep next to flesh growling eating dogs, was severely beaten, saw people flayed to death and have their eyes cut out and crucified upside down and burned to death/hung while flayed, was conditioned to call himself "Reek", forced to watch his sister get raped by the guy who cut off his dick, was attacked by his uncle, once again treated like a complete bitch in front of his sister, then he gave his life defending Bran Stark. The dude did evil things but holy shit he paid his price.

>people caring this deeply about GoT's """story"""

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Theons death was actually one of the best parts of the episode. He was a good man...

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can someone post the THEYRE MAKING THEM PAY THE IRON PRICE pasta?

I'm sorry you got your dick cut off.

Posting the GOAT Theon scene

It is known.

Theon greyjoy your own cock and eat it you incel in denial.



Considering the lazy fuck probably doesn't know what to do with the story himself he was probably hoping they'd come up with something for him

He was sent as collateral by his parents which was perfectly normal in medieval times, the greyjoys and their whole island deserve to die honestly they're all scum

>Ygritte that low

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Robert was too kind to the Greyjoys, Cersei was right about one thing:

>Robert should have scoured the isles after Balon Greyjoy rose against him ... He smashed their fleet, burned their towns and broke their castles, but when he had them on their knees, he let them up again. He should have made another island of their skulls.

no. he should have held his own at least for a little while vs the night king. would have made his death more acceptable. became super bitch after getting his nuts lobbed off and died like a bitch

>U kno nuffin Jon Snoo
It's for acting ability, not attractiveness. She wasn't very good.

Theon was an awesome character and very well acted but he honestly should have died saving Sansa. He would have actually saved a Stark instead of charging to certain death

irredeemably cucked character

I actually liked the shot of him blocking that doorway, the lighting really framed it well. I thought it was a perfect way to send him off.

But then the Hound and Arya enter a room from a door on the other side of the hallway, yet somehow Beric flies into the room right before the door closes.

hes one of the most important POV characters well into the Winds of Winter

He lived as a failure, he died as a failure. But at least he died honorably.

this show used to be SOOO GOOOOD

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Have I been on pol too long or is that a scheming merchant outline?

Watching first 2 seasons and then last 2 seasons is it even fucking comparible in quality like holy shit when people say this show went to shit it's actually mind boggling how something so great could become so dogshit. Like holy shit the season is half over and it's been nothing but fucking trash all around, not even just the writers, everything is complete and utter trash. Like AHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHH Jesus Christ these guys are fucking complete losers and should kill themselves. But honestly I've never watching anything by D&D again and I'm happy I didn't pay HBO to watch this fucking shitshow.

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>there will never be hbo quality filming of the actual ending of the books

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holy fuck I forgot how good this show was. Compare this to the garbage we have now and the difference in quality is almost unbelievable

It's so fucking obvious that they were relying heavily on the books and GRRM's input. Without his outlines, they're nothing.

Why didn't Theon stand his ground? Why was he armed with a fucking pole? Why didn't Arya show up earlier?

No. My personal reading of "You're a good man Theon," when Bran says it is that Bran doesn't really believe it but knows Theon needs that vindication and is about to die anyway so he gives it to him. But maybe Isaac's aloof acting just made the line sound insincere and I'm giving D&D too much credit. The show is full of characters saying bullshit completely sincerely (Arya saying, "She's the smartest person I've ever met," about Sansa for example) that the writers expect us to believe because these are points they're supposed to have hit but completely failed to achieve.

The fuck are you talking about, he does nothing of the sort to Sansa. She's not even there, it's just some random rich bitch.

Cersei isn't as good as Joffery or Sean Bean. Season 1 shes great but after four she just raises an eyebrow and sips from a wine glass.
Tyrion has not acted in the last three seasons.

Kit should be raised to at least Bronn or Drogo. He's portrayed the brooding and moody Jon much better than le smug face arya.

lmao I see it too

>remembering what this show was
>wondering what it could have been
>seeing what it is today

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>I’ve gone too far to pretend to be anything else

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he should have been the one to kill NK but that wouldn't have generated at as much twitter nigger reactions

yeah this would have been better

He doesn't blink once during this whole scene


what the fuck went wrong?
why are we now watching goblins stab monsters while sad music plays to try to coerce me into an emotional state?

>OP asks, "Did Theon redeem himself?"
>redemption is emotionally running towards the Night King in a suicide dash and making no effort at all to engage him in one-on-one battle
>Here, take my polearm and kill me with it swiftly

Not a redemption by any stretch of the imagination. Theon's death seems to indicate that Theon's problem all along is that he was a low-IQ imbecile.

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Because show was building up 8 years to the White Walker threat that can't be just dealt with in one night...

I-imagine how silly it'd be if they got back to their petty squabbles for iron chair after that, haha!

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It was a really cringe and impotent charge too, he looked like a fucking autist spergoid all hunched over and reeeing the way he was.

No redemption at all, his death was as cringe and pathetic as his last few years of life.

>the White Walker threat

The lack of anything from the White Walkers, other than walking, is what bothered me probably more than anything else in episode 3. For eight years we've heard tales of the ferociousness of the White Walkers, that they are an undefeatable and indefatigable enemy. And then, we see that this fearsome and almighty army cannot even advance beyond their first battle, that their entire army is put down in just one night before sunrise by a rabble of scared and incompetent fighters.

My takeaway from this episode is that all of the tales and lore mean nothing. That all of those tales and lore are overstated as a way of keeping people scared and thus prepared for the coming threat. That the true ultimate threat is not that "winter is coming" but the threat from the power that comes with being the crown of the seven kingdoms. The real and present danger to the people is not the fairy tales they tell each other but does in fact come from having a cruel tyrant on the Iron Throne. We, the audience, were fooled all along just as the people of Westeros have been fooled into believing ancient fairytales.

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>average actor
>"they were boys"
>"this one was only the watcher. hang him last so he can watch the others die."
Richard is based. Please do not respond unless amending.

Well that's a pretty fucking stupid af if that really was their intent with this all along. And they should never have actually depicted the Walkers as godlike in strengths, abilities and ruthlessness.

Because it's just jarring and immersion breaking at the end of it, unsatisfying. You've already bought into the allure of the Walkers and seen their power and terror firsthand. You felt that tension and horror at Hardhome and in all the Beyond the Wall scenes prior to it, especially the Night's Watch expedition.

This is literally just another ME/Reapers scenario and cop out by the writers.

>that final note as the thunder rolls in and it presumably cuts to the equally kino execution

It's Bran, he doesn't bullshit really from what I've seen in the show. He just says things as he sees it, as he was always going to say it.

>the way he convincingly portrays a frustrated and increasingly hopeless cunt in the beginning
>the glazing and slight reddening of his eyes when he stares into the fire
>the way his voice quivers when he's screaming at the horn-player
>"but I've gone too far to pretend to be anything else"
This guy... Makes us hate him so fucking much and then pulls at our heartstrings so much that we can't help but share in his sorrows in the span of like three episodes. And then there's the reek saga and the long road to absolution. So much kino in one series and not an Emmy in sight.

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god damn, the show was on a completely different level back then


holy fuck, i thought people were memeing from the replies but this truly used to be kino.

what the SHIT happened?!

She had a lot of hilarious dunks on him for being a virgin, good comic actress she was

The show had an outline and the showrunners followed the book closely with small alterations and additions that never strayed too far from the tone/writing of the books. Theon's chapters were always great and my personal favorites, so the show just translated the book-storyline to a TV-storyline like an adaption should. Then with no outline they veered way off course into fanfic land with no outline to guide them.
This original scene was good though, I'll give the showrunners that. Probably mostly Alfie Allen if the recent seasons are anything to go by.

Not as good as Arya killing the night king. Did you see the way she switched knife hands? pure kino

That would have been okay if he didn't show up at the door right behind Arya and Sandor in the next cut BAKA. How the fuck did he survive that lmao. Leave it to Dumb & Dumber

Even as a casual I thought the fact that he was even fighting at all, let alone taking on a horde of undead, was redemption enough. The charge was fucking stupid though. He should have stood between NK and bran and stood his ground, then been killed

This is why he should have been the one to kill Ramsey, not fucking Sansa cause "wah i had to have sex with someone i didnt like"

who the fuck charges like that with a spear.

Kinda this, I just cant believe how shit that entire scene was. There a about a thousand ways you could make it better. But muh "slowmo while running and screaming towards certain death" movie trope was of course the one they go with.

Yes, but the problem was that if he had just chilled he wouldn't have died. Coupled with the fact that he has already redeemed himself multiple times already. He had already more than done his time and atoned for his actions.

>Jaime that low
>The FAGGOT Viper, whose scenes comprised of 90% him doing some deviant bi/homo shit for no reason other than to beat you over the head with the fact he was a homo even though it was only really a foot-note of his book character
>Stannis and Davos that low
>Catlyn that high
>Brienne that low
>CIA that low

What the fuck is this shit?

In the series? Created by the Children of the Forest to defend against the First Men. Then they turned against them and now wanted to kill everything that lives.

I meet the man who played maester pycelle, he had some good stories to tell.