Zardoz- Have you guys even heard of this film before?

Zardoz- Have you guys even heard of this film before?

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The gun is good.

But what about the penis?

the girl in the movie was a 9/10

Thank you

what are you 12? everyone and their mother has heard of and seen this silly ass movie.

Thats one cosplay I don't ever want to do.

Why cant movies be as experimental and trailers be as kino anymore?
t. grindhousefag

apparently, John Boorman was supposed to direct an adaptation of LOTR in the 70's and that was his inspiration for Zardoz when the project fell through



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Yes, this is the intro level to classic sci-fi and Connery-kino

peak Rampling was pretty comfy

It's one fun ride.

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second best connery film after 'the hill'

charlotte and her freckly friend made me very excited in my teenage years

Imagine my reaction when I found out this lady in the movie is the lady who voiced Kreia in Kotor 2.

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i adore her image

Oh wow. This looks like that Rick & Morty episode. Lols.

The penis is evil. The penis shoots seeds, and makes new life, and poisons the earth with a plague of men, as once it was.

Attached: seankilt2.jpg (360x501, 45K)


Huh. I guess maybe that episode was too. I was thinking the Gazoprazorp one.

Attached: gazorp.jpg (680x642, 103K)

Unironically one of the most brutal critiques of neoliberalism ever put to film once you overcome the meme factor

This movie is a proof connery was always a fucking retard when it comes to picking movies...this wasn't a later thing. he was always a fucking retard. zardoz, Highlander II: The Quickening, The Avengers, Finding Forrester....Sir Billi is a fucking masterpiece compared to this garbage


Connery is way over your head pleb.

The mask depicts the Roman 2-headed god Janus. Why? I'll never know.

what the fuck does this scene imply about current society?

it seems like we are moving towards something like zardoz unironically

as the masculine man stands by bewildered you are also shown shots of "nu" males who are sorta female like with their nice clothing and hair

am i reading too into this? what the fuck??

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Everyone knows zardoz. It's legendary coz of Connery's ridiculous leotard thing.