Did you like it? I thought it was fun to watch but not that scary. What’s the most legit Stephen King adaptation?
It (2017)
the only good part about the original TV miniseries was Tim Curry.
Terrible. Go watch the superior Pet sematary remake instead
I mostly agree, it wasent the ONLY good part but it’s a whole miniseries and I think it’s mostly memorable for his performance. I think at some point while developing the new one they tried to get him but it didn’t work out, I could be remembering wrong. One could argue imo the whole second half of the story with the adults is more boring than the first half, however, in the book I think it cuts back and forth pretty evenly throughout the past and present
I liked it but the didnt push the envelope with the horror. I suppose they will go harder in the next part having said it will be "darker" .
The child actors were better than those in the TV movie.
Pennywise was okay, I think Tim Curry's version was closer to the mark though.
They fucked up Patrick Hockstetter who was incredibly creepy in the books.
They fucked up Henry Bowers descent into madness.
They fucked up the ending. Multiple reasons why, but simply read the book ending and compare it to what we were given in the movie.
>What’s the most legit Stephen King adaptation?
Pic related.
I thought it was pretty bad.
>most legit Stephen King adaptation
Sometimes They Come Back
Legitimately the best part of the movie
It was shit
>jumpscares one right after the other
>kids bonding vastly cut short
>way too many changes from the book for no reason
I did enjoy IT showing the spider legs for a second though
I feel like the entire cosmic shit with the multiverse and the turtle would be too much for general audiences to enjoy, and we all know what this movie was catered towards.
>2017 was 2 years ago
>movie comes out in 4 months
>still not a single trailer
uh oh
It was shit
It was really bad. Total lack of subtlety in every way. None of the kids were likeable, I found them to be really obnoxious and couldn't give a shit what happened to them. The 'scares' were so over the top they became comical. The scene where the slideshow starts moving by itself, all you needed was the hair parting enough to see the clown face, that's all, but it goes into hyperdrive and a giant fucking clown comes out of the screen. It's completely ridiculous. I really genuinely don't understand what was scary about any of it, it wasn't even lmao jumpscare startle, it was just really fucking annoying the whole time.
What really pissed me off was the clown design. They tried too hard to make him a scary clown, when what's supposed to be creepy is a completely normal clown being in places it shouldn't. You actually make the sewer grate scene more quantifiable because it's a scary clown, not two very clashing elements. Just so astoundingly unaware of itself.
Felt like one of those old adventure movies for kids, except this time with an R-rated clown as the antagonists. I really enjoyed it. It took a giant chunk of King's writing, sliced off loads of fat, kept enough stuff inside for people who read the book/are familiar with The Dark Tower universe to be pleased, and set up everything nicely for a sequel while also making it a satisfying stand-alone flick in its own right.
It's what light summber blockbusters should be, imo. It was a nice contrast to the dominance exerted by Disney/Marvel and every other studio they've influenced.
I fucking hate that movie. It was fucking normie garbage with bad pacing. It wasnt scary either.
Fair enough.
I watched it and didn't think they did a complete ass of a job, considering most King films are just complete trash.