Do you realize, what you've done, what you did? You fucking worthless writers, you've just destroyed root and stem what the entire fucking point of this entire fucking show was. We survived season 4 episode 10's complete Tyrion fuck-up. We survived season 5's Dorne plot, aw-fuck-it-we-will-just-say-we-survived-season-5-as-a-whole, we survived season 6's complete waste of the Blackfish, we even survived season 7's insane teleporting characters and the absolute obliteration of Littlefinger and Coldhands, not to mention the zombie fucking polar bear. And we did it because we always knew that the show as whole still had some fucking life left, still had a chance to really prove itself to be worthwhile. It still had a legacy, to have something to say about humanity and to make all the death, betrayal and utter madness come to a fucking point. That death trumps everything, that we all need to help each other to overcome it. We need to put aside our petty squabbles of who should have more power, who should punish whom, who deserves, who has the rights. We put it all the fuck aside, because we fundamentally need to preserve life. We can't even complain about those things without being alive in the first place. We want to live for the moments that cannot come from a divided, greedy, prideful, envious, sadistic, naïve, lustful, warmongering nation. The game of thrones was never the point, it was life versus death. It was a show of perspective to get so invested in all of the politics, deals and betrayal and to get so caught up in every decision that each house made pushing one above the other, only to realize that no fucking banner matters, no allegiance matters. Your team was chosen for you - life against death. Something that everyone values and those who stood against that? They were the ones that would be punished. And so as a result the game of thrones would become a distant fucking memory by comparison to what is important. What was supposed to cherish.
Do you realize, what you've done, what you did? You fucking worthless writers...
Other urls found in this thread:
have sex
you knew they were gonna do this...yet here you are
Mauler's video is spreading and even the more dense fans are getting more aware and starting to look at the current status of the show objectively. I feel sorry for those who cant realize the truth
Hope.. hope
>Mauler's video
>I feel sorry for those who cant realize the truth
Oh god not that sperg, it's somehow even more annoying than the normies.
It's basically reddit who shrieks and over emotes their reactions on camera. Normies are wondering what the fuck happened
Unironically this
Jesus Christ what have they done
It's gurm's fault. They didn't sign up to write a book, the fat fuck left them without any material
I can't say I agree but I do enjoy your enthusiasm
Imagine caring about this normie schlock past season 3
Have intercourse, my man.
Get some rest Preston. You're losing it.
>start video
>says fuck 30 times in the first minute
>close tab
people listen to this shit?
Put penis in vagina.
Imagine being such a massive faggot
>some throwaway dagger Geofry gave to some sellsword as payment was the key to destroy the night king
These lads are full of asspulls
>Dude it's so deep how Arya used the same valyrian steel knife that ignited the whole conflict
I bet this is what D&D thought passed as good writing or some thematic depth
Link the video
It's ok man, just cover your ears. It's a good show, a great show, 10/10 episode.
back to your discord pathetic shill
based retard user
but like.. it's just a show lol
*blocks your path*
His video will enlighten the sheep
Absolutely based Mauler.
I mean, there's the video of that laughing spanish meme dude with subtitles related to the newest episodes and massive amount of normies are agreeing with the video. The only people defending are those people who watch this shit at a bar on camera and retweet about YASSSS
Yet I’m not the mouthbreathing retard taking this capeshit tier trash seriously let alone getting upset like you lmao
Its obvious you get upset regardless at retarded bs
iTs JuSt A sHoW fuck off normie
I didn't. As fucking stupid as they are I thought they at least understood that simple concept, or were at least told that simple concept.
I've been on this right strictly for the memes and somehow these retards still managed to disappoint me. This season makes fucking Dexter's final season look good.
Yeah you just proved that you are a faggot
>This, this is the glorious piece of big brain critique that will enlighten the masses, turn the tide and make people revolt.
Looks like no matter how much of a retard you are, spergs will treat you as a genius if you pick the most obvious targets. Your average Yea Forumsanon knows more about film than that guy.
YASSSSS arya is a killer queen
We need to spread it. It is the final nail in the coffin of show apologists.
It's muh childhood.
Not hard to sound like a big brain critique when the thing he's critiquing is one of the most awful pieces of television to ever grace screens
We told you this all the way back in season 2 but you didn't want to fucking listen then. You have no one to be mad at but yourself.
The swearing is played up for comedy but his points are all very sound. I like his depressed tone reading the Maisie Williams quote.
You guy would be licking GRRM's balls if he did it first.
Pull the massive undead dragon dildos out of ur asses and lets enjoy sum tv eh?
My gen x aunt just made a post on facebook basically saying "YASSS ARYA SLAAAYYY", but then again, she's always been an idiot.
Why the fuck are you so interested in proving that a show that is bottom of the barrel trash for like 4 seasons now is in fact that? Why the fuck are you still watching this shit? Are you guys insane? Why an obnoxious pedant like mooler would even bother with this trash if he's triggered by fuckin physics? Is capeshit and normie shows all you can watch? Are you incapable of dedicating like an hour of search and find some amazing stuff that will last you months?
Fuck, I would take this board being infested by Brie Larson reeeing again over this shit.
Please enlighten me with what you watch. You clearly are at such a level that everything you watch is amazing please share pls
woah why are you name-calling over a show? is being a normie an insult even..?
>Look at how cool and enlightened I am for defending shitty writers. At least I'm enjoying the show with their cocks up my ass!
Fuck off. I'd not be okay with a shitty badass ex machina like that if GRRM personally penned it.
These normies are literally spilling out of their containment general and reddit, there is no sense trying to make them leave
>spilling out
when are you ever not going into topics to write bs?
>I didn't like the show before everyone else I'm so much more dignified
Just be glad that people finally understand the shit they are watching
The writing of s08 e03 of GoT reeks of "I'm so bored of this shit. Let's just get it over with already". Creatively lazy subpar crap. This is not up to HBO standards. Benioff and Weiss are truly, truly hacks. Fucking frauds. And Disney has already hired these charlatans to write the next Star Wars trilogy. Fuck off. You couldn't pay me enough to watch that shit.
More like by the time the show got this cancerous level of mass appeal it had already jumped the shark
What are you even attempting to say you dumb nigger?
>everything you watch is amazing
Nice reading comprehension you got here. It does not have to be amazing, you just can't go lower than capeshit, disney starshit and GoT. Why are you acting surprised if shit in fact tastes like shit and praises some guy who points it out by autisticaly screeching? It's not on them, it's on you. And do your own homework, nearly anything will be an upgrade over this.
Never used to be shit though do it? Come on you're lying to yourself if you think the first 4 seasons weren't amazing
“But I immediately thought that everybody would hate it; that Arya doesn’t deserve it. The hardest thing is in any series is when you build up a villain that’s so impossible to defeat and then you defeat them. It has to be intelligently done because otherwise people are like, ‘Well, [the villain] couldn’t have been that bad when some 100-pound girl comes in and stabs him.’ You gotta make it cool. And then I told my boyfriend and he was like, ‘Mmm, should be Jon though really, shouldn’t it?’”
From watching the first couple mins, his critiques, while correct, miss the biggest point which is that GoT used to be a study of causation, where the GoT universe worked like an intricate machine, each thing causing another thing to happen. We got to have a detailed knowledge of the motives of the characters and then just saw what happened. There was no obviously good or bad side. The show was interesting because of its ambiguity and "god's eye view", whereby we weren't stuck inside the rationalisation of a winning side but rather got to see all these events play out, like in history.
What D&D did was take this interesting new approach to narrative and fuck it up with obvious good and bad sides, heroes and villains, people who win despite all the odds because they "should".
Basically drained all the things that made GoT unique (and therefore worth a watch) and subsumed it back into fantasy like Lord of the Rings, except adding more crudity and worse dialogue.
In this sense, the pleb complaint that the most recent battle should have been lit up like Helm's Deep isn't even necessarily wrong. Why bother building a realistic sense of how dark it is if all the heroes are going to survive anyway. Who gives a fuck. May as well just show off as many zombie waves as possible. Light it like a sports game.
They're getting the KOTR era for their trilogy, so it's already written for them just like GoT was.
D&D are the modern day Disney just rewriting stories already written.
Fucking BASED
Why the *fuck* does anyone think they're good storytellers? The minute they ran out of pre-written story from George, the show went to absolute shit and completely collapsed.
Got these nerds dancing
It's season 8.
get a load of this normie
go back
Ever heard of sunken cost fallacy?
But george give them the key and told them to do whatever they want ,instead they did a u-turn and crash the series with no survivor by trying to take it to the next level.
You seem like an unpleasant person.
You are playing a hypothetical Mass Effect 8 after ending of 3 being what it was and each subsequent entry being just as bad. What do you expect?
But its ryan the madman who is directing so...
>They're getting the KOTR era
No. The story they wrote for their trilogy is pre-Jedi-Order and pre-Sith-Order and will show how those Orders came to be founded.
Maybe it takes an unpleasant person to tell you to move on after a show has been consistently bad for the last 6 years and you still coming back like a good boy to watch every week and be mad. Stop hurting yourself, find something to enjoy instead of binging rants to make you even more mad. It's bad for you.
Because the last 5(?) years are not good indication what would happen at all. No, it will be good again, any minute now, for sure, next week.
Give me a series to watch then bigboy
Want to know why this happened? The writers are Jews. There I said it. They do not think like you or I, they think that who gets to sit on the throne is the most important thing because the throne is supposed to reflect the promised land. Nothing is more important than for the jewish people to get Greater Israel and get their promised land, and if the whole Middle East has to burn for that, then so be it. They are unable to consider stop fighting for the throne for a bit in order to tackle greater issues like climate change. The only thing that matters is getting the promised land God granted them. The only thing that matters is the Iron Throne. Hollywood is run by jews.
go back?... where! what are even you talking about... like sorry a dumb show pisses you off so much
I dont understand why you're upset. GoT was great five years ago. Time to move on, buddy.
Twin Peaks
Back to plebbit. This was all a shitty fucking retcon.
Not him, but a good advice is not to bother with american tv in general. The greedy fucks just can't end anything, and would either keep running it to the ground for profit or cancel due to lack of interest. Stick to weebshit, even the bad ones are usually entertaining instead of infuriating.
or this
read it again
All I read is something written by a hipster who should be asleep at this time of the hour. A cranky hipster.
I barely like this show retard and you're as unpleasant as the people you think your telling to move on.
Mauler is a god. Writers should fear him.
The only person iv heard say positive things about the last episode is my brother in law (Who I suspect has brain damage from chronic diabetes)
He is a bookfag too so I was expecting him to hate it.
>Swear words scare me.
What are you 4? Swearing a lot is a sign of intelligence.
You are shilling for an autist that says a bad thing is in fact bad and keep watching a bad thing just to jerk around that it's bad.
Maybe you should move on to reddit if you can't handle people being mean to you for being stupid.
has Yea Forums ever been more upset with a show than this? its fucking hilarious you guys are madder than star wars 8
>madder than star wars 8
Let's not get ahead of ourselves here. This board was like 80% of TLJ for the first month and there were consistently a few threads up at all times for the next half a year or so.
yet youre here taking it serious enough that you feel the need to reply. Colossal faggot detected
You have issues pal, what your favorite movie?
> jews
I do think this has a lot to do with it, but not for what you say.
I think it has to do more with jewish nepotism. These guys didn't get there by their own merit and have no problems destroying something they goy love to inject their own poz message.
i've given up on anything produced after ~2000-2005
anime is the the only remaining entertainment of mine that isn't corrupted.
literally everything they've come up with since they ran out of books to draw from was having someone act like an idiot for no reason and die, from Stannis to Littlefinger all the way to the night king
I dont know what you're projecting but you're seething over ridiculous shit. Are you a manic period? What's your favourite tv-show?
>an unbridled rage
>why does he say bad words?
Are you gayer than the knight of flowers as depicted by D&D?
fuck GoT and fuck television in general.
now kindly fuck off back to r*ddit.
>If you aknowledge the retardation in the title, it automatically makes it good
I think you are retarded pal, what's your favorite music album.
Last I checked my point has nothing to do with it being good or bad, but that the presence and use of the word "fuck" has nothing to do with it, but should be expected considering the title.
I don't know why u mad, are you mentally ill? What's your favorite comic book?
>Swearing a lot is a sign of intelligence.
To be fair, you have to have very high IQ to screech like an autist while recaping a plot of an episode.
>Scared of a four letter word
What the fuck are you doing on Yea Forums than Nigerian?
You seem like a huge cunt, dude. Some guys asking about your favourite movies and you start mimicking their words. I dont think that's quite normal for an adult
Im confused by your gif. Is that a pig? And its sexist somehow?
>zombie fucking polar bear
What do people have against this?
This. Yes, they fucked it up but it was this or nothing. They aren’t authors.
Literally no idea. Of all the things to bring up.
Because he can throw around random things and people would still applaud it as long as he says the popular thing to say. There is no value in this, its just telling people they are in fact right. Reddit karmawhoring, but profitable.
Honestly, GoT was never that great. It was obvious that the badguys were Cersei and Littlefinger, Starks were good, and everyone else was gonna be redeemed if they were presented as anything even remotely likable (ie Sandor, Theon, Jaime) and I never got the insistence the show was that great besides some entertaining moments. There's no real message to be gleaned from this. As mentioned, they even fucked up with "The game never mattered, Death comes for us all and we need to be ready" theme so yeah you're an idiot for sticking with it. Sorry to tell you that.
Same kind of applies to the book I guess. It even has a chosen one prophecy. Still might at least land the aforementioned theme.
Yas queen slay
What would've really made it good would be if instead of Theon, Jaime died defending Bran and the dagger meant to kill Bran saved him.
Though I don't watch the show so I may be wrong here and that would go over poorly still.
don't have sex
Have intercourse
>so it's already written for them just like GoT was.
According to most in this thread, they ruined what little they were given for GoT. That may or may not be true though.
possess coitus
Subverting and destroying established cultures and economies is literally what they do.
It never will since the fat fuck has no interest in finishing it. Maybe we will get one post mortem, with a co writer or something, but he can wish for it to never be released and then we are fucked.
Dumb and dumber version is the only one we are going to get.
That's fine by me. I've never been invested in GoT. Something about it felt overhyped, maybe the perceived depth people have about every little detail. Well-written books though.
only reason I can think of is it begs the question of why there aren't a fuck ton of dead animals in the Night King's army
>whereby we weren't stuck inside the rationalisation of a winning side but rather got to see all these events play out
>like in history.
Well put.
All of this has already happened and we're in a historical/fictional retelling of story hundreds or thousands of years old by these Heroes that were there.
The view presented it seemed. This is but one book within a library of historical the tales of Kings and Heroes.
D&D subverted this Hero's Journey on purpose because (((they))) literally can't help themselves to subvert.
And yeah, zero ramifications of the "Biggest Bad", Jorah got a shit death bc shit writing, Theon was meh at best despite theatrics, oh and Beric's was fucking pathetic (resurrected to throw a sword to save Arya here? LOL @ Milly magically being there to tell Arya "blue eyes" and the literally show her running away from them, "so much chaos hope you just forgot about this hamfisted shit 5 mins before, LOLZ" D&D
They don't give a crap about fantasy shit, they probably find it juvenile
>GoT was never that great
You're just wrong and all one has to do is look around at how fucking garbage tv and movie writing is today.
Blah blah but yes, the first 4 seasons were objectively great. Heroes, villains, mysteries, and motherfucking real consequences to actions (no plot armor for "main characters"). You fuck up and you die, a mere cut that gets infected and you die, a single misstep, bad luck, wrong place wrong time, etc and you're dead. All of that was there unlike any other show, let alone the pure trash (((they))) shit out today
>t. reddit intellectual bc Lynch is omg so amazing, right? lol anyone who doesn't get Lynch isn'r as smart as me
Omg I loved Inland Empire. So many plebs these days just can't appreciate 3 hours of close up face shots with a wide angle lens. Pure kino.
Fucking word cunt.
Fsggots who swear in every sentence shit me off
Like Jim Jeffries and all these other “Aussie” comedians they play up the “swearing culture” of Australia so much
I genuinely cannot listen to Australians swear it makes me cringe
This is the weakest fucking excuse for that ending
ITT: russian trolls
Not sure why you mentioned climate change like a fag since they push it but yes, they literally cannot help themselves from subverting the majority culture like this for they are the string pullers of our culture (Hollywood, music, tv, news, silicon valley, our courts, etc).
(((They))) literally invert reality and the truth, beauty is ugly, freaks and abominations are normal and beautiful, etc and not to mention consume consume consume like a good lil goy
Because the faggot writer said he really needed a really expensive CGI bear because it was like omg so fucking cool.
What those two had so say after this episode proved they're nothing but retarded hacks writing shitty fan service.
>omg wouldn't a zombie polar bear be so sweat?
>omg we should totally have Arya kill the NK with a nifty blade trick like Rey did in SW
>huh? who gives a fuck that her entire story has had nothing to do with WW or the NK, that's the entire point retard.... a pure genius expectation subversion
>lol yep, Arya is totally like a lvl 110 super assassin and fighter now because umm, like the assassin school whose power was only stealth magic via wearing faces (OP power alone) and even their Master wasn't an invincible fighting superhero (leader got caught) but that's okay bc she trained with Needle for a couple months when she was 10.
i couldn't go beyond stannis' butchering. which was really from season 2's introduction of him but it just got worse and worse. by the time season 5 comes around and he's king at the wall, they show him doing his duty but quickly erase and fuck that up as well when it suits them.
>omitting the Tysha reveal
I gave up on these hacks after that
>tyrion fuckup
which one would that be
Mauler didn't say anything new. Preston's criticism was half the length and twice as informative on what the episode failed at doing and that was out days ago. But hey this is Yea Forums so you guys need an e-celeb to tell you how to feel I suppose.
Yeah. I knew the show was pretty much doomed, once it got past the books, after that part.
They realize that the war with the Night's King isn't the war between the Lannisters and the Starks, right?
This is surface level shit.
This, for all his whining about battle tactics he failed to get into how this show that was based on an ANTI-WAR series with morally grey characters turned into a knock off of LOTR. GRRM's portrayal of the Others is as an actual society and culture, and here we get lame fucking video game shit. We saw the largest loss of life in the whole series this last episode with the Dothraki charge, the people who pledged their lives to Dany and the army she's built for years. I bet she'll barely spend time thinking about it, just like how she never once commented on the ZOMBIE FUCKING DRAGON attacking her that was once her beloved child.
Its all so mindless and insultingly shit. Its like the writers have no fucking clue how to handle these characters.
Modern anime is shit.
even Maisie and her boyfriend have more writing sense than these idiots
Reminder Maisie is the one that got them to tone down the scene where she escapes the Waif, so it would have been even more ridiculous if she hadn't