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Made Nebula my gf

Namor out of nowhere to join the battle.

Thanos should have killed Captain Marvel.

scarlet witch should've gone naked to distract thanos

Go for the head

Tell EGO that thanos is acting uppity.

>Thanos punches Carol with the Power Stone.
>Puts on the gauntlet.
>Drax jumps out of nowhere and stabs him in the neck.
>Thanos tanks it even thought it got him bleeding and tosses Drax away.
>Prepares to snap his fingers.
>Carol swoops in again and pries his hand open.
>Rest of the movie proceeds as usual.
>In the end, Quill and Thor are in a pissing contest over leadership.
>Drax interjects that perhaps he should be leader as he has single-handedly defeated Thanos.
>Everyone points out Iron Man did it.
>Drax insists that while Iron Man delivered the killing blow it was certainly his strike that did Thanos in, and thus he fulfilled his vendetta.

Attached: Drax.jpg (950x534, 126K)

Have Iron Man snap and have all non-whites get dusted

After Hulk snapped everyone back he should have gone to the Soul Stone world or whatever and talked to Natasha

holy shit why didn't they do this

>not have thanos destroy the stones but hide them
>skip the time travel memberberries bullshit
>payoff visions relationship with the mind stone to show he actually mattered and was one with it. So he could be brought back.
>Drax kills Thanos, which means he shouldnt die in IW at all
>no captain marvel


They did film a "Tony goes to the Soul World" scene, but he'd speak to his adult daughter, played by Katherine Langford from 13 REASONS WHY.

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Add five seconds for CM to say "The distress signal you received led me right to them." Ten seconds for Rocket to find out his family is gone right before he holds hands with Nebula. Ten more after the battle at the end for him to reunite with the Guardians. Some indication of a funeral or memorial for Natasha.

Tempting as it is to cut CM right out of the movie, she wasn't that bad.

Why the fuck didn't they keep that?

No idea. Probably killed the momentum of Thanos' defeat.


The Russos said that scene at the waterfront was basically Natasha's funeral, but yeah, I'd like to see a little moment with Cap, Barton, Hulk and Fury after Stark's funeral.

Have Captain Marvel explain where she was through a quick montage of her saving planets from celestial-shaking events like a rogue black hole and wayward pulsar... instead of "I'm here now..."

It's like they hate her character.


Jesus fuck this

>yfw you realize they could time-dupe infinite Nebulas into existence
>yfw this trick would work with anyone, living or dead
>yfw you have no face

Bravo Russos

>It's like they hate her character.
If the Russos are marvel fans as they claim, I can see them easily feeling apathy for that character.

This would've been amazing actually

Give Cap a different ending entirely, one that isn't so out of character for him and isn't so inconsistent with the movie's time travel logic

Have a longer scene of Tony figuring out time travel, a few more models failing, he seemed to do it too easily

Provide an explanation for why a past version of Gamora can be brought forward in time and "saved" that way, but the same thing can't apply to Black Widow

The climactic battle, while impressive in many ways, is also kinda visually ugly. Maybe find a way to do it without using such a dark, gloomy apocalypse-scape

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Drax killed him in the comics too.

This time travel fuckery also opens the door to easily bring back any of the now-retired actor's characters.

Falcon movie not do so hot? For part 2 just back up the money truck and suddenly its
>Banner, we gotta get Time Travel Cap and bring him forward to 2025 from 1955.

Not only that but I respect Evans being done with Cap but holy fuck a standalone movie where him, his shield and mjolnir fuck shit across time would be boss

Final battle a few minutes longer. Have Strange do more before becoming Water Boy.

Wise user

I'm okay with Cap's ending, what was so out of character for him? He kept trying to adjust and fit in but he never could. He just wanted to go home to 1945 and live a peaceful life with his waifu

Agreed about Tony

I figure "a" Black Widow can for sure be snagged out of time. If they ever do that BW movie I kind of assume they'll leave the door open for it.

I was kinda bored by the fight after everyone came through the portal but thought the thor/cap vs thanos and cap/thanos fights were fucking sick.

honestly Nebula is now best female

Markus and McFeeley were the ones tasked with getting CM the fuck out of the movie as much as possible so it wouldnt suck

I honestly didn't care about captain marvel until I saw the movie. Her character is a dick to everyone and had no relationship with the other characters. She had no personality besides
>I'm the most powerful so I get to act aloof
What a fucking cunt.

The final battle was literally a rehashing of the infinity war battle. It's just a spamfest of CGI, not fun to watch imo. People started talking during it in the theater because they were losing interest.

>People started talking during it in the theater because they were losing interest.

Im just over the whole Wakanda army turning up to every major battle in the MCU now. This is the 3rd movie nearly in a row where those fucking idiots with no armour and spears have shown up.


Oh just fuck off Nigger.

>what was so out of character for him

Not preventing atrocities that he had foreknowledge of, like the Vietnam war, Rwandan genocide, 9/11 etc
A consistent version of Cap might have married Peggy but also assembled a 40's version of the Avengers, altering history and creating a new timeline

Directors have hinted that Cap actually did live his life in a separate timeline, with Old Cap crossing back into the movie's timeline to talk to Sam and pass on the shield, but that raises further questions, like why one timeline is deserving of the Captain America mantle being passed on but the other timeline isn't
And since Evans is probably done with the MCU, don't expect any of this will be explained

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stopped taking off their masks every five seconds

watch it again, see how often characters go to mask on, mask off, it's astonishing

A) Keep the main timeline Thanos instead of killing him off in the first fifteen minutes instead of bringing back cartoon villain 2014 Thanos. The 2018 Thanos struggled, suffered, sacrificed, and saw his goal through. He had interactions and history with all of our main characters. His hermit life and philosophy would have been perfectly spread out. Maybe the Avengers find him completely broken and harmless on his little planet with no means of escape, and they just decide to leave him because killing him isn't bringing anyone back. Maybe as the movie goes on Earth deteriorates and Thanos is later shown the results of his actions. Maybe he actually didn't snap the stones away at all and he just used the reality stone to show them the illusion of killing him and that they were gone.

B) Instead of turning Captain Marvel into Poochie where everyone is always sucking her cock and loving her, make some characters not like her or shoot jabs back at her and make her not the Godly most powerful character.

C) Go back to Age of Ultron and not have vision lifting Mjolnir so that it'd be more special when Cap finally did it.

D) There was a bit of a missed opportunity for having Cap encounter Red Skull again.

I feel like a lot of the movie's internal inconsistencies could've been alleviated if they just went dimension hopping instead of actually time traveling. It's a lot easier to explain away
Also rewrite everything involving Thor.

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>having Cap encounter Red Skull again

This 100% should have happened.
Also shove enough money in Hugo Weaving's face to have him reprise the role (though the other guy does a decent impression)

I never saw the black panther, what's the deal with them? Are they supposed to be super human or some shit? Why are they called upon rather than a modern military with technology?


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Black Panther himself is superhuman yes. And they have advanced technology actually, it's just designed to resemble tribal African shit.

It's shown in Infinity War, they have energy shields and their "spears" are guns

>take their time to release this mess of a movie and write the time travel shit more "accurately" since the plot contradicts itself multiple times
>3 hours long movie and the discovery (or invention?) of time travel by iron man which again is the basis of the entire movie is literally a 1 minute clip
>NOT make the movie 3 hours long just for marketing, pacing is terrible
>stormbreaker that beat a full 6 stones gauntlet beam in IW and fails to do anything in EG sounds retarded
>not having a post-credit scene because I waited all that time for nothing FUCK

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No they are just humans who turn up in rags and have spears.
We are supposed to believe they are some super advanced technological army, yet they wield spears.

>No Captain Marvel
>No time Travel
>No fat Thor for le ebin Fartknife
>No pandering stronk women shot
>More Scarlet Witch and D.Strange after Snape 2
>No jobber Thanos
>Hulk Rematch against Thanos
>More dramatic Black Widow death

I liked allot of the movie but I know the time travel element more or less renders most of my list stupid. However fuck time travel and fuck!

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The excuse I keep hearing is "Oh but Thanos didn't actually want to hurt the Avengers in the last movie, but this one he is angry and wants to kill them"

Funny how he will decimate Xandar for a single stone, but wont do the same in Infinity War for 2 stones on Earth.

"Ebaumbe" is a word in Zulu meaning "hold your ground"

The real question is why the isolated Wakanda speaks a mixture of Zulu and English, instead of coming up with its own language

>comics wakandian army - futuristic soldiers with guns
>movie wakandian army - tribal units with spears
Not racist in any way, marvel studios

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This. Captain Marvel should have died.

Better question is how do Thanos and all these aliens speak English?
I know in some other MCU movie (Was it captain marvel?) they mention something about a modulator they have that translates and changes languages. But still its weird.

Fucking kek

>Present Thanos pulls a Dr. Strange foresaw everything that would happen via the time stone so he lets himself be killed so “he” can create a future where he gets The Snap and he still has Gamora.
>”I am inevitable” is a message to Past Thanos who understands the meaning
>Past Thanos doesn't change his MO, he still wants to do the Snap, but this time being more selective and killing all the Avengers
>Past Thanos being OP is explained by him telling the Avengers that his future self was not trying to kill them in IW, and Thanos getting a hold of a few stones during the final battle
>Stark is still inventing cool stuff but he is no longer the smartest man in the universe. He doesn't figure out time travel in the course of two hours, instead it was a team effort features all the geniuses of the MCU including crazy Dr. Selvig, Stark is just able to make the GPS.
>Stark doesn't create an infinity gauntlet from nothing, he just repairs Thanos's broken one and makes an inferior copy
>Thor training montage where he becomes /fit/ again
>Since Captain Marvel has to be in the movie, make her a flirty mommy in every scene like the one with Penis Parker
>Running joke where Prof Hulk flirts with her because he can no longer be with normal women, she is amused
>Marvel is nerfed, she can destroy Thanos's flagship but it takes her more than 2 seconds
>No hamfisted girl power scene, but girl team ups like Pepper and the Wasp
>Time travel hijinks are longer and the plan to get the Tesseract keeps going wrong takes them through more past movies
>Less screen time for Hawk Eye and War Machine

>End battle is longer, mini-fights all over with Maw and Thanos's other children
>Hulk has a redemption where he beats Thanos 1 on 1 but is interrupted like with Scarlet Witch
>After Cap is knocked out of the battle, he is still useful by calling the shots like in Avengers 1
>Quill redemption during the end battle where he pulls the gauntlet off Thanos, but this causes the stones to scatter
>This creates chaos on the battle field as the Avengers, Thanos, and his army scramble for all the stones
>Eventually ends with the reality stone in the hands of Thor, mind stone with Scarlet Witch, Time Stone with Strange, Soul Stone with Hawk Eye, and the power stone in the gauntlet in front of Stark
>Power stone was supposed to go to Hulk or Danvers but they are knocked out, Strange puts up one finger and Tony uses his nanobots to put on the gauntlet knowing he will die
>The Avengers together Snap Thanos and his army, powerstone kills Stark,
>Thor in the end still goes with the GotG but says he will be back to rule as king when he finds them a a proper home in space and is ready to take the mantle of king,
>When he talks to Valkerie her eyes glow hinting that she is Tesseract Loki that was captured and a prisoner on Thanos ship who escaped during the final battle
>Hank Pym chews out Scott saying they've abused the Pym particles so much that whoever goes back to replace the stones can never return to this universe
>Cap agrees to go, Strange says everything has been corrected, he smiles telling them Cap is happy in his new timeline. Cut to Cap and Peggy dancing.

>>Thor training montage where he becomes /fit/ again
So he's supposed to get fit in 10 minutes before Thanos arrives?

I just interpreted it as cap looking over the entire army in that one shot that looks inconsistent

-no Captain Ma'am!
-new Yondu rescues Nebula and Iron Man
-no random rat
-no cringe women unnatural scene
-Cap ending as post credit scene

ENDGAME was filmed before her solo movie, so the writers avoided contextualizing her too much so the solo movie's writers had a wider berth to figure out her personality and appearance.

For example, they decided to have her looking natural and don't care much about appearance in the solo movie, while in ENDGAME she wears makeup and is said to change hairstyles often.

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Could have happened when they were preparing plans for the quantum realm. Also, he is a god, so 10 minutes of discharging thunder is all he needs.

>Cap ending as post credit scene

No. Would hurt the sense of closure/finality, if any MCU movie's going to skip the mid and post credits scenes it should be this one

>>comics wakandian army - futuristic soldiers with guns
well they couldn't replicate the fbi statistics could they

I'd just liked to have had some consistent power levels.

Thor in Infinity War fucked the shit out of Thanos with Stormbreaker when he had the entire infinity gauntlet and stones. In this movie, there's essentially two Thors, Thor and Cap with Mjolnir, plus Iron man, all taking on base level Thanos at once. And THEN Captain Marvel comes at him and completely puts Thanos to shame singlehandedly with the gauntlet until the power stone trump card.

What they should have done is make Thanos essentially run the gauntlet of the main three plus maybe Hulk, or have Tony running some kind of technical time travel thing off to the side to prevent the Gauntlet getting back to Thanos.
>Thanos first encounters Hulk and they have a rematch where bigbrain smart Hulk is now able to keep up with him using his brain not brawn while other deal with Thanos' special Cronies
>Thanos only gets the upper hand by exploiting Hulk's ruined arm
>Thor comes in to try to save Hulk, but in his fatass self form he doens't have his "mojo" and is getting thrown around cause he's still shook and having flashbacks of NOOBSLAYER69
>when Thor drops Mjolnir, we see Cap run in to pick it up on the fly without hesitation and have his showdown with Thanos
>now Thanos experiencing his first ever beatdown in his life at the hands of Cap and shows fear for the first time, retreating behind his minions to try to get the gauntlet himself
>Cap helps up Thor and hands his hammer back to him, but Thor is dejected at failing again, but then Cap reminds him there's a reason he can still hold the hammer
>Thor gets his mojo back
>Thanos and his minions run through the minor characters and get the gauntlet while Stark tries to Iron Man the time machine in the van back online
>Godmode Odinforce Thor comes down for round two with Infinity Gauntlet Thanos
>Iron Man winds up having to connect his own power source for the time machine to get in gear

There's nothing to say the alternate timeline doesn't have its own Captain America. Steve and Peggy could've had children there for all we know.

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>Thor has fought Thanos near the time machine, Thanos about to give up the battle to win the war and snap away the universe
>just as he's about to, Tony calls his attention from nearby and activates an override voice command code on his armor to send it into meltdown power for the machine mode "I am Iron Man"
>Thanos has one moment of realization he's fucked before Thor homeruns him into the time machine, and Thanos, Tony, and the machine all explode away into time
>Thanos is shown waking up, alone, Infinity Gauntlet empty, floating in a void of time and space
>Tony is awakened by a voice, and opens his eyes to see Dr. Strange, who congratulates him on sending Thanos back through time before the beginning of the universe and the stones
>Strange explains he saw this outcome, and when he had the time gem he came to see Tony in this time void, knowing the end
>Tony asks if this was a rescue mission, and Strange says no it's not, as he can't pull Tony through time, and both commiserate over Tony being truly lost now
>Strange asks Tony if he'd like to see something first
>begins showing Tony images of his daughter growing up, the other Avengers moving on after everything and his funeral, living happy lives, Cap going back in time to live out the life he wanted all along, making Tony become emotional, and finally fading into a white light

>make some characters not like her or shoot jabs back at her

Attached: Rhodey.jpg (600x300, 28K)

MCU time travel is basically dimension hopping.

>Are they supposed to be super human or some shit
Being black is super power to some so you yea.

i saw the movie. gwyneth paltrow looks like goop dont really work that good

Kek. Doesn't someone mention composting? Almost sounded like a goop reference

That's basically the same exact thing as what happened in the movie but more convoluted and dumb

She's reading a book about composting.

Id probably fuck Paltrow over Larson.

Here's a question or two:

The Infinity Gauntlet was destroyed at the end of Infinity War, yet apparently Thanos uses it again?

Within this movie, the gauntlet only blew up and almost killed Thanos cause he used it to destroy the gems themselves, not just using it, so why does it almost kill Hulk and kill Tony just for general use?

Once they have the stones and gauntlet at the end, why don't they use it to make a perfect universe? It's not like they're in any rush to bring the stones back to their timelines, they could keep the gauntlet and stones for as long as they like since they're returning them back to precise points anyhow.

>End battle is longer, mini-fights all over with Maw and Thanos's other children
>Hulk has a redemption where he beats Thanos 1 on 1 but is interrupted like with Scarlet Witch
>After Cap is knocked out of the battle, he is still useful by calling the shots like in Avengers 1
>Quill redemption during the end battle where he pulls the gauntlet off Thanos, but this causes the stones to scatter
>This creates chaos on the battle field as the Avengers, Thanos, and his army scramble for all the stones
>Eventually ends with the reality stone in the hands of Thor, mind stone with Scarlet Witch, Time Stone with Strange, Soul Stone with Hawk Eye, and the power stone in the gauntlet in front of Stark
>Power stone was supposed to go to Hulk or Danvers but they are knocked out, Strange puts up one finger and Tony uses his nanobots to put on the gauntlet knowing he will die
>The Avengers together Snap Thanos and his army, powerstone kills Stark,
>Thor in the end still goes with the GotG but says he will be back to rule as king when he finds them a a proper home in space and is ready to take the mantle of king,
>When he talks to Valkerie her eyes glow hinting that she is Tesseract Loki that was captured and a prisoner on Thanos ship who escaped during the final battle
>Hank Pym chews out Scott saying they've abused the Pym particles so much that whoever goes back to replace the stones can never return to this universe
>Cap agrees to go, Strange says everything has been corrected, he smiles telling them Cap is happy in his new timeline. Cut to Cap and Peggy dancing.

Shut up fanboy

I didn't say it was bad. Just convoluted and dumb

I wanted to see hulk go absolutely apeshit
thanos shouldn't have beat thor/cap+mjolnir/iron man so easily, especially since tony did so well against him solo when he had the gauntlet
hawkeye not killing the panther things with his bow but cutting them in half with his sword while hanging from a rope?
where did valkyrie get the pegasus?

>The Infinity Gauntlet was destroyed at the end of Infinity War, yet apparently Thanos uses it again?
He probably almost died from the second snap because the gauntlet was busted and didn't protect him from the energy of the stones enough
>Within this movie, the gauntlet only blew up and almost killed Thanos cause he used it to destroy the gems themselves, not just using it, so why does it almost kill Hulk and kill Tony just for general use?
Again, stark gauntlet was inferior to the peter dinklage one so it did a poor job protecting the user. Thanos himself was struggling with it in the end

The gauntlet was severely damaged and Thanos heavily injured from the snap. The gauntlet was then destroyed and Thanos even more rekt by atomizing the stones. You'll notice he didn't have half of his face burned off in the end of IW.

The raw power of the stones is too much for normal creatures to handle. Thanos and Hulk were really the only ones who could survive it. Plus they were in a rush to return them in order to rectify the splintered timelines they created by removing them, which were certainly almost all bad ends.

What did they mean by this?

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Can someone please explain how captain america appearing as an old ass man on the bench didn't violate the movie's own rules for time travel?

>Keep the main timeline Thanos instead of killing him off

Yes. Having old wiseman Thanos through the movie with all those experiences would have been instantly better.

Think about this. We literally got less than maybe THREE MINUTES of Thanos screentime after achieving his goals to see how it affects him. We see him for a moment at the end of IW, then a minute or two in Endgame. After he was the main character of IW, he goes through all that, we get NO TIME with him afterwards. What in the fuck possessed them to developed the character so much and so well and then throw it away for a joke.

>they were in a rush to return them in order to rectify the splintered timelines they created by removing them

This isn't correct though. They are able to return the gems to the exact points they took them from, meaning it's like the reappear an instant after leaving, harming no timelines.

Old Thanos' arc ended. He won. He was content. He was already dying and at peace with it.

He went to an alternate timeline, became old, went back to main timeline to give shield to Sam, then he either went back to his new timeline or stayed in the main timeline and died of old age.

a more serious tone. less quippy bs, and try and make it unpredictable, as in we dont know if thanos wins again bc of time messes back stuff. the delivery of some of these lines was atrocious. the dialogue was many times amateur hour. it seemed undercooked just to get it served.

the movie seems to imply that you can go back in time with the wristband but cant go "back" to the future without the special platform
cap goes back to 1945, but lives in that timeline until AFTER he was supposed to return to the platform (116 years old), THEN uses his wristband to go back to the original timeline

That's like saying Tony Stark's arc ended at Iron Man 3.

>developed the character so much and so well and then throw it away

My interpretation was that 2014 Thanos wasn't supposed to be viewed as so different from 2018 Thanos.
Hadn't acquired the stones and didn't have a concrete plan for using them yet, but the will, drive, personality and malicious intent was all the same

>the movie seems to imply that you can go back in time with the wristband but cant go "back" to the future without the special platform

It's the opposite. The wristband is the returning to the future device.

- Remove Captain Marvel entirely
- Remove girl power scene
- Have Cap either give Bucky the shield or neither of them; I'm not racist but it really takes me out of the movie when I have to go "ugh, Captain America is black now"

It did. They had to come up with a new arc for him when RJD extended his contract.

Attached: FalconCap.jpg (970x1473, 167K)

Well they they were able to go from 2012 to 1970 with just the wristbands so that doesn't really work

No one else noticed this????? It was even more obvious in Endgame, this is from IW. In Endgame they had the dark horizontal stripes going across the middle. There were even two blue beams going straight up right after ScarJo jumped....

Even still

>Avengers do time travel to stop Thanos in first 2 hours
>after everyone is back there's economic turmoil, riots, chaos, etc
>Avengers realize they have to go back and stop themselves from undoing the snap
>they keep 2018 Thanos alive to live with his suffering
>he's is upset he killed Gamora
>in the final battle 2018 Thanos shows up and delivers a crippling blow to Thanos and saves Gamora
>2018 Thanos asks Tony to make sure he is a part of his snap
>Tony says "I hope they remember you" and snaps Thanos' army, both Thanos', and the original "snappers" (minus a few Avengers they want to keep)

Leave out Captain Marvel. Ant-Man and the original six Avengers were all you needed.

Don't kill off the villain 5 minutes in and then act like murdering a lame-duck alternate version of him at the end is some kind of achievement.

Thanos should have snapped away all straight white men. He would be praised as a hero!

This, and the "I am inevitable" line sort of indicates that Thanos represents the same sort of threat no matter where/when he comes from

Don't bring time travel and alternate realities into the story that minimizes stakes and confuses the audience just to asspull a victory.

Guardians of the Galaxy, right?
Maybe there are other planets where English is the spoken language, and a conquerer like Thanos is well-versed in it by now. Also, it’s possible that the flashbacks in Gamora’s home planet and stuff are “translated” for the viewer.

But seriously, wouldn't it be funny if all straight white men were snapped away! Funny laughs

They had to do it because they had to turn the movie into a clip show fanservice engine for going back to reshow a bunch of things.

seriously you guys
you guys seriously

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It's actually a combination of zulu, xhosa, and English.

It was a perfect movie. Minorities and women saved the day, and stomped all over the white men. White men are a joke. Maybe they should have all sacrificed themselves for the greater good. Not that they needed to if squirrel girl decided to show up.

somebody explain to me like a brainlet, how did Dr. Strange manage to come back?

Hulk snapped everybody back. Unfortunately, him being a straight white male and all

>I'm not racist, BUT

>Create infinite nebulas
>they are all connected on the same network

>captain america gets a happy ending where he gets to live out his entire life with Peggy Carter, a woman he knew for like two days
>iron-man, who was reluctant to fight and potentially lose his wife and 5-year-old daughter, dies
>Black Widow dies, and only Hakweye gives a shit
What did they mean by this?

Why couldn't they just use the stones to bring Tony back?

Why couldn't Dr. Strange just stop Starlord from punching Thanos in infinity war? They had the glove off before Starlord woke him up. Just teleport him out of there. Or cut off Thanos' arm while he is restrained?

How come Cap is waiting for them on the bench at the end, if he had to jump back into this timeline to get there? Isn't this leading the audience to believe that he just aged in the main timeline?

How was Nebula able to warp an entire spaceship and Thanos' entire army through time travel?

How come Strange never used the time stone in infinity war? Is Thanos supposed to be immune to time now? Just rewind him or freeze him in place like we saw in Dr. Strange's movie with other humanoids.

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Still, why the same languages as South Africa, when the MCU places it right in the middle of the continent, bordering Uganda and Kenya


so (((they))) control the soul stone huh? Never would have guessed it was called the foreskin stone in the end credits

>beheading Thanos just seemed tonally awful to me. If you wanted to make it better either let him live or make the Avengers ostracize Thor for doing it
>time traveling sucks in serious media but you'd have to rewrite the whole story for it
>would write out Captain Marvel because she does literally nothing besides give Tony a ride home
>instead of Captain America going back in time and ending up in the same time line somehow (?) just have Hulk say "He missed his window.." look confused and then he gets a recorded message from older Cap with his wife and kids saying essentially the same thing he did on the bench
>cut out scenes from the beginning because it dragged like shit
>cut out scenes from the ending because it dragged like shit

Also the "memorial" to the people that got snapped was a little retarded. Do you know how many people are in the world? Even just in the US you'd need a ton of those slabs. Also portraying the world post-snap as like a post-apocalypse was silly. In reality it wouldn't be nearly that bad.

Only flaw was no LGBTQIA+ representation (even though I'm pretty sure spiderman is trans!)

Maybe thanos could have used the guantlet to make everyone LGBTQIA+

>In reality it wouldn't be nearly that bad.
t. Thanos


Got it. So it was just a bit delayed from when he snapped

>Ten seconds for Rocket to find out his family is gone right before he holds hands with Nebula.
Them holding hands should imply that she just told him, or he at least inferred it. Showing, not telling

>Black Widow dies, and only Hakweye gives a shit
This retard misses or is too autistic to understand the entire scene of Hulk, Cap, Hawkeye, Thor and Tony discussing what to do for her.


She literally said she was out saving other planets

What am I missing?
What jewish shape or symbol does that resemble?

Yet she never encountered or even heard about the big fucking grape that's been decimating entire civilizations and killing half of their populations.

Attached: 1521B48F-5411-4BBE-9889-A0979A44B943.jpg (750x721, 373K)

>I'm leaving to do other things
>Okay I am back now

Quality writing

She is a strong woman, but she can't save the whole universe. Maybe if the white straight men did something about it. Oh wait, they didn't becuase they are the true villains all along

Right on queue. I figured this would be the only response I get. You guys get a real chuckle out of this shit don't you?

Nice post number btw

can you imagine the headache of bringing half the world back at once? Legally, it would be a nightmare. 5 years is enough time for all the snapped people's possessions to be dispersed and inherited, houses sold, torn down, cars repossessed, debts canceled etc.. then suddenly overnight you have half the world show up and they are essentially legally homeless. Sure, people with families that actually love them will probably restore them to their possessions, what's left of them, but there would be plenty of people who would be left high and dry.

Then you have the social problems. People remarrying after their spouse disappears. Having kids with their new spouse. Someone's dad goes off the deep end and becomes an alcoholic or drug addict after their family disappears, when the family comes back, he's a shell of a man and can't function anymore.

It just goes to show that you should always double the resources when you snap

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>They need more limitations on their ability to time travel, then more of the actions taken would have made sense
>Captain Marvel needed a severe nerf, as her existence breaks the movie and makes you question the need for Tony's sacrifice
>Thanos needed a believable buff. Even with Thor's nerf it's not feasible he could put up a fight without the stones.
>If you can't think of a way to get old Cap back to the main timeline, then don't fucking do it
>You need Star-Lord to do something to redeem himself

Maybe instead of a 1 hour funeral for Iron Meme they could cut it down to maybe a 1 minute

Yeah... "Talked"

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>you'd need a ton of those slabs

Guessing that memorial was just for residents of San Francisco, just the one city or county.
Other cities might have their own memorials

>It just goes to show that you should always double the resources when you snap

Or just reduce birth rates to keep populations stable. Or just make the whole universe LGBTQ!

> but she can't save the whole universe.

That's a fair argument but the problem with that is, Thanos is a very well known threat across the galaxy that she comes from. Hell even the Kree Empire has had run ins with Thanos but we're supposed to believe that at the very least, word of who he was never reached her when she was out saving planets?

Can you please stop nitpicking and admit that women are better than men, you neonazi incel?



this guy is OP as fuck. why is he taking orders from thanos? seems like he could easily overpower thanos pre-stones.

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>Why couldn't they just use the stones to bring Tony back?
Dunno. Maybe no one there was strong enough to use the gauntlet to bring him back. Strange seems to have rules for using the time stone. He is also a dick.

>How come Cap is waiting for them on the bench at the end,
Handled poorly, but the Russos confirmed that Cap lived in an alternate timeline and came back to give Falcon his shield.

>How was Nebula able to warp an entire spaceship and Thanos' entire army through time travel?
Presumably a combination of Thanos's scientist having Pym particles and past Nebula having all the conversations The Avengers had about time travel in her memory.

>How come Strange never used the time stone in infinity war?
Strange did use the time stone to look into 14 million possibilities. It is presumed that if Strange used the stone during his battle on Titan, Thanos would negate it with his other stones, and take the stone anyway, or kill one of the major players in the Endgame scenario where they win. All other scenarios are explained away as ones they would lose in.

Has it really been established in any way whether she knew about Thanos or encountered him in the past?

Some of the other planets she took care of could have been ones that Thanos tried to cut in half


under Fox's belt while this movie was finishing production

Thanos talk good.

Scarlet Witch Maybe, Carol absolutely not. Just admit that she's shit at her job

They covered themselves with Strange's "only one in fourteen million scenarios resulted in Thanos' defeat" bullshit. By that rule established in Infinity War, everything that happened in Endgame had to happen exactly as it did. Any variation would have led to an undesirable outcome of some sort, somehow. Strange traded the time stone for Tony's life because he'd seen that Tony had to live in order to die in the only scenario that featured half the universe being restored and Thanos dying.

The way she talks about thanos implies she hasn't a clue who she is. I think there was a line of dialog to that point but I gotta watch that scene again to find out.

His powers are outweighed by his sycophantry, the need for a master to kneel before

>Dunno. Maybe no one there was strong enough to use the gauntlet to bring him back. Strange seems to have rules for using the time stone. He is also a dick.

Captain Marvel is shown to be Stronger than Thanos even when he is wearing the gauntlet. She could have worn it. Besides, bringing 1 Tony Stark back to life is trivial. The gauntlet is capable of bringing trillions of people back to life and hulk survived that. He could have done it again to save Tony. So could Captain Marvel. It's a huge fucking plothole.

>Handled poorly, but the Russos confirmed that Cap lived in an alternate timeline and came back to give Falcon his shield.
It's a mistake, and the Russos have to retcon to pretend they always intended him to have "jumped back".

>Presumably a combination of Thanos's scientist having Pym particles and past Nebula having all the conversations The Avengers had about time travel in her memory.
The Avengers all had to wear special time travel suits that were hermetically sealed to navigate the quantum realm. Plus a special machine.

You didn't answer why Strange didn't just stop Starlord from fucking up in Infinity War. He saw it happen in the future, he could have just teleported Starlord away and they would have won. They literally had the gauntlet off Thanos' hand.

Move on with their lifes

Hulk and Ancient One needed a sex scene. Something short and tasteful.

Now that I think about it Drax didn't really get any closure to his family's death. It would have been nice if he got a little 1v1 against Thanos, even if Thanos tossed him around he could say he personally helped.

realistically, thanos is his stooge. he has the shot calling capabilities but way less risk of actually being in power. Like how america slips in their CIA candidates in foreign countries

he had no aspirations of taking over or ruling anything.

turned bucky to a chick and have her fuck cap

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I think they didn't walk out of the ship he kind of knew.

>Daredevil, Fantastic 4, Nova, X-men, Inhumans arrive from Strange's portal to help in the battle
>Remove the all girls scene
>what said about Drax so that he gets closure

in the comics he doesn't have any of the telekinetic bullshit powers. he is more a grima wormtongue. he has a genius level intellect and his speech is superhumanly persuasive, he was able to make Dr. Strange his thrall.

this would probably make for a poor movie, so they gave him telekinesis.

I thought that drop of blood thing would lead to something.

How come strange didn't use the time stone to fight Ebony Maw in New York, and prevent his capture? He even said he might want to use it to fight.

I would if I were the Russos.
They were given the most powerful character that can clearly 1v1 Thanos dumped in front of the audience 1 month before Endgame.
They had to find a perfect balance between a) nerfing her so she doesn't just carry the plot, and b) giving her the appropriate screen time because a lot of long standing fans want this film to be about the original 6, not some newbie.
I imagine there was a lot of back and forth on when and where to include her.

>This is a plot hole

>The Russos have to retcon
Yes, they are hacks.

>Special time suits to navigate the quantum realm
This is forgivable since Thanos is a cosmic conquerer that has access to some the greatest minds in the universe. If Stark figured it out in three hours while drinking whiskey, Thanos's team could too especially when given Pym particles and Nebula's memories of Stark explaining his research, and Nebula's quantum suit.

>You didn't answer why Strange didn't just stop Starlord from fucking up in Infinity War.
"Only one scenario to win" bs. Honestly, it's hack writing that gave the Russos a cop out the plotholes that allowed Thanos to win. They should have left the "14 million scenarios" line altogether. It cheapens the victory if it was destined to happened, and makes Strange who is already OP, universe-breaking.

I think the MCU is now in an alternate timeline where Cap travelled back.

he tried. ebony maw just incapacitated him when he attempted to.


Nebula should have been the one to snap Thanos.

>get rid of captain marvel she sucks
>don’t kill thanos in the beginning
>no big cartoon fantasy battle

Thanos should have stayed alive and it started 5 years in the future they do the time travel shit and thanos starts to figure it out then it’s a race through time against actual thanos to undo the snap having little conflicts through different set pieces

Otherwise it was pretty good but my 60yo boomer dad couldn’t keep up it was too much and he did pretty good so far.

Also just delete captain marvel she’s awfull

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have sex

this one is pretty good, that would have been really cool to see.

Yeah like the memorial made sense and stuff like that but why would the Mets be gone? There’s still 10 million people on nyc post snap, the USA wouldnstill have. A population of 115 million about as many as we had in 1945

Sure there’d be large areas of cities that were abandoned mostly and being canabalized for new constructions as people would naturally resettle closer together for the most part

I'd have made the time travel plot fail utterly, and the rest of the movie is a dry, actionless drama about everyone moving on with their lives or hanging themselves.

Yeah and you could even have thanos blow up the avengers base and all that shit but it would have been better with a smaller more intimate final fight

Seeing how badly Scarlet witch fucked up Thanos, Maw should have been able to do it too, his TK seemed just as powerful but far more precise.
But Maw is also clearly terrified of Thanos and fears punishment for failure. For all we know Thanos has something like and inhibitor chip planted in Maw that goes off if he ever tried rebelling. Or maybe Maw just has no desire to lead and needs to serve to feel a sense of purpose

>and makes Strange who is already OP, and in this context is using a stone controlling an aspect of the universe, which after these events is destroyed, universe-breaking.

Not make an unfunny normalfag pop-culture reference every 30 seconds would be quite good.

Hulk needed his rematch, it's ridiculous he got benched. His sacrifice for using the stones made sense but it immediately charred his arm for some reason? While thanos slapped it on no problem. I would give anything to see a hulk v thanos rematch, but maybe last minute before thanos gets his ass handed to him, squidward throws him across the field or something. Hulk was waisted in this movie.

They could've gone two routes, either have Prof Hulk bait Thanos out by pretending to fight him head on only to outsmart him in some way, or have something like Mantis shuts off his "Banner" side and letting the Hulk out again. Pic related

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Introduce Ant-Man (Pym) before Age of Ultron.

Save Captain Marvel for Phase 4.

Litterly both would have been perfect, better to see him atleast go in for a few good licks than disappearing off screen in the battle. That mantis route would have been great tho, but prof. Hulk outsmarting thanos into a trap would have been a good alternative as well. If only if only...

Hulk and Bucky send Cap back in time, and walk off with Falcon being all 'wait, doesn't he have to come back?" and then Falcon motion towards old man on the bench.

Boner, No!

Nah, it's legit time travel happening within a multiverse setting. As it's presented in the comics, it's pretty airtight. The problem is that the Russos, lazy, short-sighted, unimaginative fucks that they are, butchered it so badly that they left the door open to infinite duping of anything or anyone, literally bootstrapping people back into existence with zero consequences.

Less Nebula
More Dr Strange
More Thanos, he had fuck all involvement in the movie
Fat Thor was an awful idea, yeah fine have him drunk but don't spoil him like that
Stark should have lived
Stark should have had one final suit/gimmick
I thought it was a shame Thanos was unaware of any of the events of the previous movie, like the individual battles
Don't bother with that cringe as fuck 'girl power' moment
Captain Marvel was absolutely pointless

All in all it was alright but that many characters is always going to be a clusterfuck

Because unlike the comics, Disney is fucking allergic to moral, ethical, and philosophical questions on that level.

How was caps shield not scratched anymore from black panther in civil war?


Heh, that's... honestly that's fucking great. That improves the movie.

It could have been instant, but he had to contact the monk dude and help summon the rest of their army from various locations.

no greater sacrifice, no greater duty than preserving the timeline to earn well deserved happiness

The fact that scarlet witch alone could fuck up Thanos, ruined a lot of things for me.

Have Cap give Bucky the shield. It's much better narratively and also Bucky is an actual meta not some guy in a stolen flight suit. Bucky is his best friend that he has known all his life, Falcon is some guy he met a couple of years ago he had a few adventures with. It's dumb.

Also have Bucky be the one to call cap on the radio during the big cavalry arriving scene. Has more resonance for above reasons.

>I am inevitable Mr Anderson

>That shot when cap stands alone agaisnt thanos' army
I swear that will go down as one of the most fucking iconic shots in cinema history

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It never was. That was paint.

She's glass cannon, she was able to fuck him up but you can see it's only because she manages to keep him just out of arm's reach. If he touched her once it would've been over instantly

Yeah I didn't understand that bullshit. Considering cap was willing to die for bucky in multiple movies and even fuck over stark in civil war for him.

I mean, we all know the reason it was given to Falcon instead of him.

I wish they would've lingered on that a bit longer. Need to really sell the hopelessness of the situation before the cavalry comes in, as is the transition felt a little abrupt for me
But the shot was great I agree.

because bucky was a literal terrorist for like 30 years and its way better to have the symbolic captain america to be someone with a comparatively clean slate?


>have the symbolic captain america to be someone with a comparatively clean slate
I disagree given that Steve himself had a simple origin story. It's way more interesting to pass the mantle on to the guy with the least clean slate possible, all of the odds would be stacked against Bucky as he'd still be seen by the public as an enemy to the country, maybe the world. He'd have to earn their trust and reconcile with his own demons, along with fulfilling his best friend's last wish by taking up the Captain America title and continuing what he could no longer do.

There's a lot less substance between Cap's relationship with Sam, it's just not as interesting as Bucky Cap potentially could be.


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It makes for a great redemption arc, it's massively superior to Falcon cap in every way.

With all the shots of him holding the shield and glaring over it in Winter Soldier I personally think the original plan was to make him the successor. They just switched it up for the big diversity push planned for the next phase.

The movie opens. Thanos awakens in the early moments of the day in order to tend to his garden. A slight breeze rises on the morning air rustling Thanos crops and tickling his nasal cavity. Thanos pauses his gardening, begins the process of a sneeze to clear away the foreign bodies. Right before he starts to sneeze he no longer feels the need, and instead looks up toward the sun rising upon the land, he takes a deep breath, giving a big purple grin and continues his work. End credits.

First movie is all about how Thanos has recognized the universe is running out of resources and his solution is to halve the population.

Second movie Avengers undo Thanos' solution but don't implement a viable solution of their own.

So basically they've doomed everyone because they couldn't deal with their failure.

Thanos was absolutely correct but disney cant allow the heroes to even consider that maybe he has a point for even a moment which is quite sad

Maybe have the Hulk fucking do something?
He unlocks the secret and can have Hulk's strength and Banner's brain but never fucking uses Hulk's strength and doesn't fight. Fucking faggot man.

i just think there isn't much point to falcon's character if he doesn't get the shield. meanwhile bucky stays pretty interesting shieldless or not and has a shitton of baggage that i can't imagine cap would want to put on him even in his weird selfish vibe mode.

i believe that with falcon being given the shield they now basically need to make him a perspective character so we know him and his story far more

the most interesting parts of buckys character are behind him and his arc has essentially been over. theres no real need for a redemption arc because he's already at least "made amends" with people that he's wronged (tony, t'challa). i wouldn't be opposed to him being around but as the focal character just about everything worth knowing about him has already been explored.

>Strange x Maw rematch.
>Hulk got snapped, so his radiation-based powers got dumped onto Banner instead of "lol I scienced myself like this."
>Hulk comes back to curbstomp Thanos' other lieutenants, maybe fuck up Thanos a bit.
>"Avengers, assemble" should have been before they were, uh, assembled.
>Lady Sif becomes "king" of New Asgard.
>Helicarrier with Ravager fighters takes on Thanos' warship.
>Captain Marvel has some more camaraderie scenes, or at least talks to Nick Fury.

I mean I still enjoyed the flick overall but man, so many missed opportunities.

>Lady Sif becomes "king" of New Asgard

lmao where is he looking

Thanos to win and dab at the audience before the credit rolls

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I personally didn't like the final battle. To me it was all just meaningless trash. I totally understand why it exists, it's cool to have them all the together, but I was so bored. Pretty much right up until that moment I was totally on board with everything, but man, was it exhausting to watch them fighting.

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no Tony snap at end.

panther nig gets gauntlet, does a 100 yard football dash with jukes and football jazz / passes to thor.

thor raindbow roads away with gauntlet.

battle rages on earth, thanos is taken prisoner. is put on trial, Ben Affleck DD defends him.

wish hulk got more action, ruffolo is a cuck.

wish stark got to use Jericho weapon from IM1

wish someone fucked widow

wish spiderman and Maw did a little more

wish someone fucked nebula

>So basically they've doomed everyone because they couldn't deal with their failure.

And Ultron told Vision this would happen, and he agreed but decided it was best to let it happen because their is beauty in it. Ultron called him naive and Vision said "Maybe, I was born yesterday."

Glad it all comes back to the most kino scene in the MCU

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>>Hulk got snapped, so his radiation-based powers got dumped onto Banner instead of "lol I scienced myself like this."

Hulk and Banner are the same person, they're just split personalities retard. You can't "dump" the shit on Bruce. And that's how he became Professor Hulk and Doc Green in the comics.

Tom Holland and Harley Keener Ty Simpkins are so handsome.

Giantess scene with Evangeline Lilly where she grows giant the same time Scott does and starts stomping enemies.

When thanos nukes the avengers base, I thought those guys were DEAD. Like, double-dead. I was in awe that 100% of them were practically just "winded" when the entire region was flattened with repeated concussive, terrain-deforming blasts and buried with tons of rubble and shrapnel.
I wanted most of them to die for screwing up the mission and then having to use the the time stone to go back, re-hire the avengers from, like 15 minutes ago, and try again, and possibly die again in a fisticuffy time-jumping battle akin to a mixture of Edge of Tomorrow and Dexter's Ego Trip.

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Yes but the comics are retarded. Plus split personality or no, they spent a lot of movies with Banner and Hulk portrayed as separate entities with entirely different personalities for a better narrative dynamic between the two. It's a jarring shift from IW having them briefly converse with each other to Banner straight-up murdering that persona off-camera, especially when he doesn't even fucking use that strength except in one scene.

>I'm okay with Cap's ending, what was so out of character for him?

The model of all good and virtuous Steve Rodgers would change history for his personal benefit? It just left a bad aftertaste.

>What in the fuck possessed them to developed the character so much and so well and then throw it away for a joke.

Present day Thanos won and achieved everything he set out to achieve. There was nothing else left for him, he'd come a full circle. Dragging him back to battle would've been a disgrace.

>stops Tony from having a happy family
>has a happy family life himself
Fuck him man. No hero.

They should have done the GotG ending shtick with the anti-snap, have all the avengers required to withstand/use the force of the infinity stones. That way Hulk alone isn't gimped for the final fight, and it becomes more impressive that Stark manages to use it solo, albeit on a much smaller feat of power.

Why didn't Thanos just make everyone time travelers so we could use the past for infinite resources?

I was mad like this but then remembered Tony told Cap to maybe try out of a little of that family life himself, early on. Think it was when we first see Morgan.

>I am the most powerful being in the known universe.
>I can find Tony and Nebula in their tiny ship in the vastness of space in the nick of time, but I've never heard of Thanos, his genocidal followers, or his fuckhuge ship.
>For twenty years, I've been "protecting other planets."
>From everything but Thanos, his genocidal followers, and his fuckhuge ship.

They should have shown more of the cunt Brie Larson in that tank top. Preferably with hands up.

Or have Bruce somehow learn about Nat's fate and go full-on savage Hulk in a fit of grief and pure rage, just slinging Thanos around like a ragdoll till Maw hurled him away.

thor didn't kill thanos. he cuts his arm off, they beat him badly and leave the planet. credit scene should be thanos crawling on the ground towards his armor.

>the movie should only be 1 minute long

This. We should have gotten Nova instead, amped up like a mother from having absorbed the entirety of the Nova Force in the aftermath of Xandar's destruction.

That's what makes him a better choice than Marvel - his powerlevel is a variable instead of a constant.

the stones are still gone. it wouldn't change much.

I would have been ok with everything if Cap hadn’t fucked off with Peggy and if that irritating cunt Valkyrie had been recast or killed in IW.

thanos lives, regrets decision, fights alternate thanos who wields infinity gauntlet.
Thanos dies a hero

The changes I'd do include these two user's posts plus one more thing so I'm cping everything in one place
>>Thanos punches Carol with the Power Stone.
>>Puts on the gauntlet.
>>Drax jumps out of nowhere and stabs him in the neck.
>>Thanos tanks it even thought it got him bleeding and tosses Drax away.
>>Prepares to snap his fingers.
>>Carol swoops in again and pries his hand open.
>>Rest of the movie proceeds as usual.
>>In the end, Quill and Thor are in a pissing contest over leadership.
>>Drax interjects that perhaps he should be leader as he has single-handedly defeated Thanos.
>>Everyone points out Iron Man did it.
>>Drax insists that while Iron Man delivered the killing blow it was certainly his strike that did Thanos in, and thus he fulfilled his vendetta.
>Add five seconds for CM to say "The distress signal you received led me right to them."
>Ten seconds for Rocket to find out his family is gone right before he holds hands with Nebula.
>Ten more after the battle at the end for him to reunite with the Guardians.
>Some indication of a funeral or memorial for Natasha.
>Tempting as it is to cut CM right out of the movie, she wasn't that bad
My extra change: Bucky doesn't act like a Japanese schoolgirl at the end with old Steve.
>Falcon gets the shield
>Leaves without asking about Peggy
>Bucky sits next to Steve, looking at the distance
>"Did you get that dance?"
>Cut to old Steve
>Go to the next scene in the movie

Avengers theme plays when Iron Man snaps/says I am Iron Man.

weak body; he couldn't handle wielding all six infinity stones, but his master can

>said to change hairstyles often.

I actually thought that was a joke that Marvel hasn't set an official style guide for her for writers to use so there was a period where in 1 week you would see her with 4 hairstyles.

less drama more funnies

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Tony Stark should not have died. It should have been Steve or Thor instead.

No fat Thor. The scene where he talks to his mother should have been played completely straight and he should have begged her not to go to her death. It was already the most emotional scene in the movie despite being butchered by comedy.

No time-travel. You've opened up the door and now you can never, ever close it. Whenever something really bad happens people are just going to ask "why not time travel though?". Come at me with your dumb "split timeline can't change the past" shit, but that's not the point. They can always just go back, get the stones again, gauntlet whatever the problem is away, then return the stones to their time, just like they did.

If you're going to do dumb time-travel shit and have a 5-years time-skip. Have Tony Stark work out time travel over those 5 years, instead of figuring it out over a night of brainstorming.

Should have been some kind of credits stinger about Loki being alive due to stealing the tesseract when Tony fucked up in the past.

Shouldn't have killed Thanos. I suppose they could always bring him back with his comic-book plot armour "Lady death hates him and thus he cannot die.". But it would be dumb at this point, as they've clearly avoided Lady Death as a concept.

Thanos shouldn't struggle against Captain America, Thor and Iron-man. Comic book Thanos WITHOUT the stones could literally have solo'd the entire good-guy army that spawned from Strange's portals. This Thanos reels from being punches by Captain America for some reason.

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Because the T'Chaka actor speaks it and so they used his native language.

Kept Captain Toe Fungus out of it

I want the writers to think their shit through better so fuckery like this isn't possible:

Professor Hulk's Recipe for Infinite Pym Particles:

1) Start with 2 canisters, one to get you to the 70s and back just in case Pym's being an asshole and tells you to fuck off.
2) Convince him to give you any number greater than two canisters.
3) Travel back to your present.
4) Wait any arbitrary length of time. Let's say one minute.
5) Travel back to your previous arrival.
6) Take all the canisters.
7) Travel back to your present.
8) Repeat Steps 4-7 as desired.
9) Pay back your past selves from your surplus "before the world notices."

Assuming 5 cannisters as a starting point, you can time-dupe 3072 into existence in just ten minutes. It kind of makes you wonder why a roomful of geniuses would ever be worried about running out. Now reconcile yourself to the fact that you can do this with literally anything, even people, because the Russos are lazy fucking hacks.

Literally ANYTHING
This feels like the longest dragged out scenario Strange could've mustered up, not the only possible way to defeat Thanos like that makes fuck all sense.

Tony having a better comeback when Thanos says "I am inevitable." Even a simple "No" would've been miles better and truly speak volumes about what Avengers are all about - Pushing against the "inevitable" and standing up to fate itself.

Why are people saying that Captain Marvel is stronger than Thanos with the gauntlet? Doesn't her beat her or something? Or does she actually beat him up but they get interrupted or something?

this would have been the best idea. the thanos snap was dumb and made no sense in IW so why not have them close the plothole when thanos realizes what he's done. by the fucking way we see trees come back on earth when hulk snaps everything back but thanos' garden world isn't half treeless is it. shit makes no sense

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Fight with past Thanos is a DBZ mess when it comes to power levels. They should've just given him some stones so it would make a little more sense him beating everyone and consitent with what IW showed us.

Not made this movie and ended the MCU with Infinity War!!!FACT!!!

Hulk just wished for more trees tho.

They should've left the snap to stay so it actually carried some weight in the next decade of MCU and maybe just bring back heroes for future films (Since this is a must for printing more money).

when did hulk wish for that. they keep saying the original snap took 'half of all life in the universe'. it wasn't just fauna it was flora too. also why the fuck does everything have to be a snap. just kill thanos with the infinity stones or by beating him to death. if every movie going forward has a snap, or in this case, multiple snaps, it makes the snap in IW mean less. its retarded turtles standing on each others backs all the way down

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Can someone explain how cap was able to use Thor's hammer?

>when did hulk wish for that
It's the only explanation why trees came back (I didn't notice that desu) like you say, but they clearly didn't when Thanos did the IW snap.

I think they just used the snap because Thanos did, it could've probably been a Roman salute or whatever.

>just kill thanos with the infinity stones or by beating him to death
Still have to kill his Children and the enormous army, so getting it over with asap is preferable. A snap acknowledges that. I hope they don't even do it again, though. Could get Flanderized very fast.

He was worthy, foreshadowed in age of ultron. I have no fucking idea how he wielded lightning though, I remember odin said that the hammer only helped channel thor's powers and wasn't a source of them (when he mockingly called him a god of hammes in ragnarok).

Have time travel effect the past.

Do it like in Prisoner of Azkaban.

Have all these little clues in the past movies and then it makes sense only now.

Like in Thor 2, he waits a while for the hammer to come, have that be the moment that Endgame Thor takes the Hammer.

Things like that. But that would require a ton of good writing, which this steaming pile of nigger shit did not have.

And two, fuck off with the feminist shit. They have all the men bumbling about and being saved by women. Fuck that shit.

tfw never ever

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This is why time travel is a mess if you are unable to plan it years in advance (same with prequels) and leave tidbits to come back to. And even then, risk everyone shitting on you because of so many unexplained scenes that did nothing for the story in those films. It's easier for books, but I digress.

That's why they should've gone for the space-time / multiverse heist and not a time heist. You'd still get all those fanservice moments connecting previous films and not delve into the lowest method of time travel, which is the most commonly recognized as the dragon ball approach. What a shame.

So basically this was just an anniversary movie of sorts? Man Zi-O is bad enough...

Toriyama is widely known as a lazy hack and he literally came up with a more satisfying, better time travel story than an entire MCU writers.

Could we have a moment where Cap reacts to the news of Red Skull still knocking around?

Post-credits scene teasing Marvel Zombies.