AOC - the movie: Netflix releases trailer for documentary

>Netflix has released the trailer for its documentary about freshman Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the 2016 campaign that made her a national star. 'Knock Down the House' premiers on Netflix on May 1.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I want to put my peepee in her

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Why americans belive in socialism in 2019

latina titty kino

>Getting elected in a minority district by promising gibs makes you notable to the media

>hasnt even served a term
she's ugly too


Not full-on socialism, just the things that work. Look at Sweden.

>implying Netflix or Time is run by actual Americans

>casting for congressman
>win because woman and exotic looking
can dems at least try to hide their forced retardation

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>cuckservatives literally never shut the fuck up about her
>leftists end up clinging harder to her
>she has all this support now

This is the same tactic Trump used to become president, niggers.

Sweden is 98% white

this is the new test-bait to see how nutty of a candidate they can push

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>look at sweeden

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Wow. This is powerful.


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She's not old enough to be president though

>Look at Sweden

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What has she even done?

and the USA was 90% white 50 years ago. what's your point. relax and you lose paradise quickly.

wow the jews are really championing her as the new Hillary

How come publicly it seems all Jews hate trump but everything the trump administration does is positive for Jews? What am I missing here?

>This is the same tactic Trump used to become president

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>World will end in 12 years if climate change not addressed
Please for the love of God just keep burning more fossil fuels. I want this shitshow over so bad.

Different kinds of jews.
Zionists vs. the Hollywood synagogue of satan.

((Thanks, Obama))

nothing, just sneeds being sneeds

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Billions in free advertising from all the media biting the bait constantly reacting to his crazy statements, look where he is now.

I can’t wait for the part where she stands up to Amazon. Capatilism has no place in the future of America.

All fields and hidden

#metoo, fren
something about latinas really sets me off. i still think slavs are cuter.

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damn. i need to hire a team of illegals to follow around literal whos for cheap, then sell that shit to netflix when one of the subjects makes it big.

Which are worse? Or is it a "whoever wins we lose" thing?

CNN aired his rallies unedited almost everyday during the election

thats because loose immigration laws not because socialist laws.

Covers like these pretty much convinced me that climate change is a vastly exaggerated event tantamount to a hoax.



80% of American Jewry are non-observant Reform Jews who vote the straight progressive ticket.

true and true, but all sides of media hated him from the beginning except for retard places like Yea Forums & infowar tier news
This goofy bitch got some mainstream support just by being anything anti-trump
Not sure what Trump has said that's really crazy, policy wise at least(and to a rational person). This weirdo's green-deal was 2nd grade level retardation

>Look at Sweden.

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>/pol/ retards are pacified by her because she's hot

>conservatives wouldn’t talk about her if they didn’t push her as the next big thing or she didn’t say so much stupid shit
>"unemployment is low because people are working two jobs"


>tfw no socialist mommy gf

Israel has free healthcare and they are 0% white.

when are they going to make an AOC porn parody starring gianna dior getting gangbanged by a bunch of white guys in maga hats

>Lose a representative in the leadership of the party
>Lose a massive head quarters with thousands of jobs
>All for a goblina to give boomers confused boners
Good job NYC

And the more you give her publicity, the more you legitimize her. crying out loud, she just has a literal who office position in a New York City district, which is fucked anyways.



Infowars thought he was a democrat plant originally lol

Time mag is such a trashy rag

non-american here, what has she done that warrants a documentary?

inb4 incels give 1 star en masse to this on imdb to ""show them"" how much of pathetic virgins they are

have sex

>taking the condom off mid sex is rape in sweden

reminds me of pepe's comeback
starts at 16:05
19:40 in particular for that feel

Pissed off all the NEET sociopaths, just look at this thread as proof.

>get approached by some suits who offer you money to do what they want
>go from bartender to senator in a month
>get voted in by illegal immigrants who want to fuck your pussy
>follow the script, but also genuinely believe the bullshit you say
>basically exist just to waste people's time and fill a vote
>be a laughing stock but don't know it

This movie is going to need a lot of filler, because my greentext is everything important that has ever happened to her.

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Nothing. Our mass media has morphed into the agitprop machine from the late unlamented Soviet Union.

publicity isn’t legitimization


if you release a Netlix special and no one watches, does it make them money?

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have sex

It is when you give them so much time out of your day that casual viewers think they're actually someone of significance. Thanks to dumb Rhinos always talking about her, she's become a new figurehead for leftists.

Be the Democrats answer to Trump as she is equally as stupid.

Seefor an example of the kind of moron that supports this shitskin thot.

whoever wins we lose, big global daddy soros or zion don Bibi

Why are they pushing this shit colored, horse faced retard so much? There's nothing special about this spic, she is just another america hating foreigner

ok quick, how do I get this based?

I liked the part where Republicans were cynical brutal evil vicious monsters because they held a vote on a bill that she proposed. That was entertaining.

To be fair there's a good chance her and Omar are plants to fuck with the DNC voter base the same way Sanders helped to sink the ship in 2016.

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do people still like her all the chapofags I see on Twitter have turned against her

>seething at brown women
I don’t support her, why don’t you go pull the legs off some insect hiding in your room.

Sweden is not even socialist, they're a social democracy.
And they also have some of the world's lowest corporate tax.

I haven't seen that one posted before that's great

>Not full-on socialism, just the things that work.
learn to read

She totally isn't a plant, definitely not a stooge we swear! We just happened to be making a documentary about a literal who. In no way is this tied to Obama!

CNN is a fucking joke. Like even more so than any other "news station". One minute they are covering some blown out of proportion event and the next minute it is about how it is Don Lemon's birthday.

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Let's be fair, it is impressive that Don Lemon managed to find the fountain of youth despite his obvious mental handicaps.

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Imagine waking up and being this retarded woman. She can't even debate in a public forum.

Behold, I bring thee tidings of comfort and joy:

>…the network saw its prime time lineup drop 26% in April compared to the same month one year ago.

Jews hate the voterbase that Trump represents, but they love what Trump does for Israel.
There are no differences, just look at the overlap between the two and becomes apparent.

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Israel are evil jews but they aren't the Marxist kikes who subvert everything we do with far left Communist propaganda. It's a no win situation but the big theory of Greater Israel hasn't happened yet, actual Hollywood Jews promoting faggots has went from about 0-60 in less than a decade and is for sure a real thing

>It's Her Turn 2.0

Shut up kike all of you are on the same side.

ok go praise your Muslim senator who hates whites and also hates Israel while promoting Communism. Cornering jews into Israel is the only sane option, or I guess supporting faggotry and now they're promoting suicide is the best option to you?

John Kreese is her bodyguard?!?

while she was a bartender her brother submitted her to an open casting call:
she's groomed by the DNC the same way Obama was before he came Chicago Senator and was only a community organizer
i'm actually surprised the Right doesn't focus on this more than anything else when it comes to her. she literally auditioned.

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It would be hilarious if she loses reelection and Netflix wasted all this money to prop her up

Reform Jews give zero fucks about Israel.

she's gonna lose for sure, the dem establishment in Jew York won't let it happen again

imagine not liking aoc

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g-d he's so perfect

SEETHING boomers

Fucking hell, that shit is one of the key differences between "left/right". Both socialism and communism is strong opponents of national states/national borders. "It's a social construct made by the elite to divide the working class". That thought has partially seeped into social democrats and especially the liberals (since big corps love cheap imported labour)

Ryan: “Russia is trying to turn Ukraine against itself.”

Rodgers: “Yes. And that’’s sophisticated and it’s, uh...”

Ryan: “Maniacal.”

Rodgers: “Yes.”

Ryan: “And guess, guess who’s the only one taking a strong stand up against it? We are.”

Rodgers: “We’re not…we’re not…but, we’re not.”

McCarthy [referring to DNC hacking]:“I’ll guarantee you that’s what it is...The Russians hacked the DNC and got the opp [opposition] research that they had on Trump.”

Ryan: “The Russians hacked the DNC...

McHenry: “ get oppo...”

Ryan: “On Trump and like delivered it who?”

McCarthy: “There’s... there’s two people, I think, Putin pays: Rohrabacher and Trump...[laughter]...Swear to God.”

Ryan: “This is an off the record...[laughter]...No leaks...[laughter]...alright?!. This is how we know we’re a real family here.”

Scalise: “That’s how you know that we’re tight.”


Ryan: “What’s said in the family stays in the family.”

just like a marionette :^)


They're really trying to push this goblina. Too bad her own party wrecked her on that dumb Green Deal. Her career is pretty much over after that.

Sure you do rabbi

so not socialism things

>the Phenom

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>I'll guarantee you
>I think
>I swear to God
wtf I'm voting Jeb!

Pompous little twit

>she's groomed by the DNC
that's the justice democrats which are against the establishment supposedly, they obviously have high profile backing and it will probably come out that it was just the dnc or whatever manipulating the progressive voters

Christ, every time I open Netflix the very first show that gets brought up is something like this or some other cringey leftist political documentary or some tv show where a fag and a feminist team up to drop some truly atrocious reddit humor. Aren’t these huge companies supposed to take data from the shit I watch and advertise to me based on that? Why do they think I’m going to watch this shit just because they shove it in my face. Even my dog knows better than to eat shit if you shove it into his face

You literally just shilled the documentary and didnt even say anything yet these retards will give you (yous) fuck you and everything you stand for.

>lose a massive headquarters with thousands of jobs
do you know what happens when amazon comes into a city? its the most vampiric disgusting soulless corporation of our era. oh no a bunch of minimum wage jobs that cap out at 39 hours a week so that they dont have to give full time benefits will never reach the new york people! oh no a corporation that has hundreds of employees on government benefits and bases its whole business model on roads while paying very low to possibly no taxes wont come to our city to put all the other retailers out of business!

It has already been released on Norwegian Netflix. Saw it yesterday.

It is exactly what you think it is. Cheap political propaganda that plays primarily on emotions. I'm not even a /pol/tard or to the right. I'm just a centrist, and even I found it extremely fucking distasteful. You can do the same type of propaganda about literally anyone, even Hitler or Stalin, where you focus on their struggles and their yearn to change a broken system while sad songs is being played in the background to make you root for the person.

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he's the only thing holding back the Jewish menace, he literally bombed nothing in Syria and made it seem like he did, so you fucks have nothing. He's playing them perfectly and you're mad he's not going to war with Russia and Iran

Somebody shop some cracks onto this ugly bitch's face so we can turn this into a YAGSBARRO thread, she looks looks like Javier Bardem

i hope she becomes president, i enjoy the spectacle of her insanity

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This, we already got one retard elected, why not another?

Why is AOC such a sociopathic racist retard?

Based accelerationist

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Sweden is more CAPITALIST than USA.
We should be embracing Sweden's free market policies.
Also look at Switzerland, they're the most capitalist country in the world.

Any other left-leaners confused and pissed that this retard is getting so much attention? As if Biden didn't make us look bad enough already.

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Only works in homogenous societies. Socialism in the USA is me paying for more useless shit for niggers.

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The real question is why is nobody calling out this literal shill thread. You retards are helping this idiot

do it bro i want to see burgerland become a socialist hellhole so they can finally pay for all of their crimes

She is nothing more than a prop to sell shit. Liberals love her for that reason alone. Sane middle calls people sees her as an airhead that spouts shit that the uneducated masses have no clue about

It doesn't "work" in those societies, it's just "not as terrible".
Socialism in general is terrible.

How dare they tarnish that title

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Yes. Luckily the DNC as a whole shuns her like the fucking plague she is. The only thing she has is a little clique of other "woke" women in Congress and a bunch of rabid tranny followers who used to be Berniebros.

BASED. I miss ISIS and their shenanigans

>america bad
Sorry for dramatically increasing living standards worldwide and freeing many countries from authoritarianism bro...

Any thread about AOC works in favor of the Republicans - not AOC herself.

sorry bro but your future is brown

Have you ever actually talked to someone from Europe irl?

The liberties we call socialism in America are basic human rights over there, and as a result, quality of life is greater and individual happiness is happier.

You're so far deep into it you don't even know what's good for you anymore -- honestly really sad.

So do we get to hear how she was funneling money to her campaign manger then back to her boyfriend?

>freeing many countries from authoritarianism

How ironic that anti-authoritarianism turned out to be the number one cause for the downfall of the US. Or should I repeat that in spanish?

I almost forgot /pol/ wasn't Yotsuba B mode for me

First and second amendments are worth more than free nigger healthcare. No one in the US is arrested for being mean on twitter.

Socialism is relatively okay in a strong homogenous society. In the US, never.

Diaspora Jews, the kind who lead all the evil of the world and subvert western civilization, hate Trump.

Zionist Jews, the kind who hate Muslims, want to conquer the middle-east, and actually practice their faith, love Trump.

why do we deserve this?

>basic human rights over there,
That's the problem.
You're brainwashed by your government to think state monopolies and reductions in living standards are "basic human rights".
What a fucking joke.
If healthcare and education were completely privatized they would be a lot cheaper and living standards would go up.
USA just sucks because the government also monopolizes these things but does it in a retarded way so the price constantly goes up fucking over everyone. Look how expensive healthcare is in the USA, THANKS GOVERNMENT INTERVENTION REALLY HELPED THE PEOPLE THERE

>quality of life is greater
Quality of life is only greater for some of the countries and the countries with higher quality of life have extremely high levels of economic freedom, this is WHY living standards(real wages) are so high.

>honestly really sad.
The irony.

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AOC is an angel, neocon shills on a korean image board can't change that

She’s literally el goblina

Yeah, me too. I find her oddly hot even though she looks like a psychopath in every picture of her I've ever seen with the exception of the magazine cover in OPs pic.

you know how jesus was a jew, and judas was also a jew, but judas stabbed him in the back for a nickel? welcome to zionists vs plebian kikes. it's actually hard being a plebian kike, because you don't get shit, you get shit on. everyone is waking up though, it's the same for everyone. i get called a zionist, and a white supremacist, but i'm just some jew. white people get called nazis, but they're just out mowing their lawns. some black guy just wants to run a business, but he's a nigger because he voted trump. my grandfather always told me your greatest enemy looks just like you, and it's depressing how true that is.

Unironically based and redpilled Moshe

>unironically defending Amazon, a company known to fuck over its employees and using its economic power to pressure cities it operates from to give it insanely beneficial deals and forever leeching you for gibs while no paying a cent on taxes.

kike your a kike

i truly was behind this post the whole time.

1. You don't understand what rights are from a political philosophy POV
2. Even if you did, rights aren't real. Giving "rights" to people is not a panacea.

Mocked by other politicians for making it to congress while being working class and unable to afford rent.

She tweets about the corrupt corporations and lobbyist and exposes them.

Constantly bullied by retarded right-wingers who vote against their own interest and /pol/tards who wander outside their safe space.

Met a girl from the Dominican Republic here in Tokyo bros, who looks exactly like her, should I go for it?

being brown i guess (and a very light tone) thats something you celebrate in murica that and cutting your dick of course

She was a literal who waitress who went to win the seat from a twenty year incumbent that had been groomed to be the next person to take over Democratic leadership, and became the youngest person ever to serve in congress. And now she's easily one of the most influential persons currently serving in Congress. If you don't think that isn't impressive, then you're either a moron or a seething conservative, and those aren't mutually exclusive options.

She isn't influential even within her own party. She's just loud on social media but Pelosi will never give her the time of day.

thank you santa user

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nothing, it's all just part of the campaign marketing

pelosi always gives her the time of day... to tell her she's a retard. imagine being called a retard by pelosi, who's arguably the biggest retard the DNC has.

>one of the most influential persons currently serving in Congress

What is with this retarded meme that a social media presence equals influence? She has near zero influence on actual policy in Congress. Saying this is like pretending Ron Paul was one of the most influental Republicans due to his immense following, yet we all know that he was just another fringe voice that the Republican establishment ignored. Just like AoC is.

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The fact that she is constantly being addressed and talked about despite being a complete nobody as a politician until a handful of months makes her influential. Nonody would pay any attention to her social media and create all these delusional conspiracy theories about her if she had no influence.

It's absolutely hilarious how the right has tried everything from lol she's so dumb, she's an actor just reciting lines fed to her, she's a a Soros ouooet, oh look she danced on a college video ten years ago, fake nude pictures, or my god she had a nickname in school! in vain attempt to try to make her look bad. Because nobody can find anything actual substance to use against her so all that's left is pathetic personal attacks. That's how afraid you are of a woman of color getting any power in the country.

>not blaming obama for this situation you were warned about

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Letting Amazon come into your city increases the number of jobs which puts an upward pressure on wages you absolute fucking idiot.

This post made me vomit a little..

You are a damn fool

>That's how afraid you are of a woman of color getting any power in the country.

Black and latino women have served in both the House and Senate for the past 50 years. Nobody's whining about any of them. Want to know why? Because most of them aren't batshit fucking insane and a disengenous cunt like AoC is.

Why are you pretending like AoC is the first latino woman to win a Congressional seat?

user, I have something you may need to know...

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The substance is that she's an idiot. Congress bitchslapped her stupid green deal idea. The right makes fun of her because she's an idiot.

yeah but
u jus dont like her cause ur afraid of woman. And of other skin color. Your just afraid of it

Because the left are revisionist cherrypicking cunts

And she won a majority Hispanic (and shithole) district in a liberal city vs no gop competition. So scary....

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>does it make them money?
nothing makes them money
netflix literally just loses money

You seem awfully obsessed over a person if she is truly a nobody. It's the conservative media who can't shut up about her. She's being given more free coverage by Fox News than all other mainstream media combined. Literally living in your brain rent free. If you're not afraid of her you sure do spend awful amount of time crying about nothing like a snowflake. How embarrassing,

They finally achieved the 1 in 4 ratio they preached all these years
God bless feminism

I'm half-latino, half-slav and I agree.

Sweden is the rape reporting capital of the world

>Amazon starts all of their warehouse workers at $15
>amazon has a set scheduled and 40 hours
>always has overtime.

Amazon isn't Wal-Mart.

>liberal's new queen
>her boyfriend is white


She is on the cover of Times Magazine and the practically every shill radio, magazine headliner. Who the fuck are you kidding with this strawman bullshit

Obama was only a community organizer for a year or two. He went to Harvard Law School after and taught law at University of Chicago. More qualified than Cortez

Amazon lets an algorithm to fire people without having any human be part of the process by monitoring how "productive" you are. Your productivity is monitored electronically and graded in a way where people can't go take a leak during their shift because it might flag them an automatic warning for slacking off because the warehouses are so big that going to the bathroom takes a lot of time. And we know annually Amazon warehouses fire roughly 10% of their staff. That's insane.

This was maybe the case to begin with, but liberals fucking fell for Fox's propaganda and now they're running with it. The right started the fake hype, but as of now the left has no one to blame but themselves.

look at this samefag

>tfw I'm as right as they come
>tfw I've been shilling AoC nonstop on Yea Forums and plebbit for the past 3 years

She's a human hand grenade, and she's in the enemies camp. Why wouldn't I want her to go off?

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I've worked at a Amazon fulfillment center for five years. Rates are piss easy if your not a complete retard or nigger. Also given how the newer warehouses are automated the rates are not even that hard. If you cannot be assed to scan two items a minute then I'm sorry.

Later I went to go work for Tesla in Fremont for new experiences and that place is a total clown show.

>the more triggered Yea Forums is about AOC the more attention she gets and more exposure she gets
i dont want to stop this because i support her, please continue to get insanely ass blasted over her like the liberals did over trump and propel her to the presidency when shes of age godspeed Yea Forums

post pics of you with daddy's cum on your face faggot

Will they show the parts where AIPAC forged her birth certificate and paid off anyone who knew her to pretend she was a Bronx native Latina?

>amazon will, instead of running air conditioners just have an ambulence out the front of the factory so when people pass out of heatstroke they go to the hospital
>amazon employ neo nazis to run their migrant employing factories in germany
>amazon tracks the amount of time you spend int the bathroom and if its unacceptable you lose your job
>amazon demands you be dedicated to the company literally 24 hours a day 7 days a week and if you dont comply your fired
wow innovative if we just treat people like slaves we make so much money for shareholders thanks America

You need to be hunted down and killed

>ignoring the last 200 years of lassiez faire capitalism in the Scandinavian countries

>ignoring how little the government interferes with businesses and entrepreneurs in the Scandinavian countries

Shilly shilly suck my Willy

Sweden doesn't have an enormous fucking population like US. Socialism or democratic socialism only works in low-population countries, and only if capitalism has some influence on policy.

>my understanding of world politics comes from /int/ bants

And conservative media like Fox still talks more about her on average than any "liberal" media. That's why studies show that among conservatives her name recognition far exceeds the rate of her recognisability in liberal circles.

>i support her
Why do you even come here? Not trying to be condescending - I'm honestly wondering why you're not on Tumblr or Reddit or anywhere more suitable for bleeding-heart types.

>lassiez faire capitalism in the Scandinavian countries
wait when was this? Scandinavia was heavily reliant on nationalised petroleum industries that funded their welfare state model, thats like the opposite of lassiez fair capitalism, its direct government interventionism


>Fox talks more about liberals than liberals
Why am I not surprised.

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because triggering you overgrown children is way funnier than doing it on reddit, on reddit they just ban you if you disagree with anyone on say r/ the donald but on here I can say whatever i want and watch as the (you)s role in from triggered polbabbies who discovered this website 20 minutes ago

please respond

If that's the case then let the states handle it


bro at least wipe the republican cum off your face before talking its gross

>higher level of debt per household
>greater levels of unemployment
>taxed out the ass for being even middle class
Nah I'll take my economic freedom thanks

























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>you will never mind break AOC to be a hardcore Republican

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>leading cause of americans going broke is medical expenses, for europeans its buying houses
i wonder which place has a better quality of life?

Slaves don't have wages.

It only makes you look like a retard. Her Green Deal was a joke and despite her degree, she clearly never payed attention in her Econ courses.

what is it and republicans and needing to break minds to get compliance? Why not just strive to be best?

How do you know you're not in a cult? What is your "true north" that keeps you sane?

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Healthcare is expensive here because of socialist subsidies and overreaching government regulation. If you want prices to be cheaper and actually meet real economic demand, you should let the free market do what it does best.

post pictures of your tits shill.

>That pic
Putin is the most wholesome part of his own country.

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Netflix was a mistake

>Putin is the most wholesome part of his own country.
like how catholics are the best people to trust your kids with.

keep clucking nigger. Prove you're not a cocksucker RIGHT NOW. Because ANYONE that would unironically shill for the FAMOUS child rapist like Putin must CLEARLY be a fucking cocksucker.

Literally kill yourself faggot.

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Cow Farts.

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>enormous population
>more people to pay into the welfare state
>more robust diverse workforce
>muh homegeniety
Nothing you faggots say makes any sense, no reason at all why it wouldnt work here

I live in CA and we have literally the highest taxes in the US, and the highest environmental regulations(which are also taxed) and its a fucking shithole with the highest homelessness and highest cost of living in the country

More taxes and more government does not mean better

Scandinavian countries are better off because they're 90% white, not because they're taxed into obvlivion.

Anyone who wants more taxes and more government is either a moron(AoC) or trying to scam you(Bernie)

That debt is largely due to Sweden's weird mortgage system where you basically can have a hundred year mortgage or whatever on a house.


Homeless is entirely due to the conservative legislative branch refusing to build housing for the poor.

>medical expenses

Let tens million illegals and their children into your country with no oversight and your health care system will NEVER catch up

They still outrank America on the Economic Freedom Index, which is indicative metric of capitalist policies.

Nothing will ever be as kino as the anthony weiner doc
Literal 1 in a million chance of things lining up as perfectly as that. It almost comes off as scripted its so fucking good.

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why is amazon so based

I love 1 day shipping, it's amazing

hey nigger why don't you look at the per capita expense of healthcare. The US spends WAY MORE for medicare and medicaid, which only cover a fraction of people, than ANY WHERE ELSE IN THE WORLD spends on their universal systems. NOBODOY IS GETTING FUCKED LIKE YOU ARE. YOU STUPID FUCKING NIGGER.

Honestly just kill yourself. PLEASE. Just kill yourself. Nobody likes you. Nobody will remember you fondly. You're a degenerate nigger shill for Sentara and LITERALLY your death will be the most patriotic thing you ever do.


>pay into
That's the key you fucking retarded liberal dipshits miss. You're flooding the country with illegals who DO NOT pay into the system, yet want to institute programs to give them more free shit.


Wake up, Brown America. It's time to vote!

>what is it and republicans and needing to break minds to get compliance? Why not just strive to be best?
oh sweet summer child, that's not what mind break is

why is this bitch so popular?

come on bro

why do my fellow jews vote for socialism and fucking democrats?

>please jeff bezos fuck my wife harder my tiny cuckservative dick cant satisfy her

keep clucking nigger

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Yeah it’s the *squints* party that has no power in Cali causing Cali homelessness.
Go watch Seattle is Dying and it’ll explain why your shitty politics are the reason for more homeless.

>The US spends WAY MORE for medicare and medicaid,
because the government controls healthcare in the USA
this is why it's so expensive
we need a free market

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The film was made about a series of outsider candidates, challenging established politicians in hard races, and 3/4 of the campaigns in the film lost.

The filmmaker clearly did not expect AOC to win.

So you've got a few things
a; It's a simple story that focuses mostly on character studies, not on her politics or goals
b; It counts as one of those great documentaries where the filmmaker gets lucky and something cool happens while they're making their film

It's really not a film made with the intention of promoting her for the presidency or grooming her or anything like that. If anything, it shows, clearly, that she's already out of her depth (in a good way) and is atleast a couple decades off that, if ever. It's more like a character study of someone really first learning about grassroots politics, and trying to explain how they feel about being a working class outsider and how discontent and frustrated they are by the establishment in general. As are the other people running in the film.

A lot of the themes are similar to the working class disenfranchisement which won Trump the election. I'm actually surprised it doesn't resonate with you anons.

The poor-rich and the powerless-powerful divides are more important than left-right. The people who control us just make us obsess over left-right so they can keep all the power whatever happens.

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Fox News artificially inflated her importance to make Dems look stupid. It worked.


Yeah, I'm sure that's the excuse and not insurance companies reaping all the money with their monopoly and costs rising due to people waiting until they have to go to the emergency room to get treatment for basic illnesses.

Why do you enjoy having lower living standards?
I don't understand you people.
You want less business and industry? Why?

This. They fucking hate israel.
They are traitors both to the principles of the United States and to their ethnic homeland.

whatever makes you feel superior to others man. I don't wanna hurt your fragile self esteem
>1:01 "We have to get to a hundred percent renewable energy in ten years"
This woman is fucking retarded.

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This image never gets old. Every time it pops up libs become speechless.

>not true socialism fallacy

scandinavia's economy is heavily centred on government interventionism and if you think this is lassiez faire capitalism you need to finish high school and actually understand what youre talking about and no amount of shitposts from conservative think tanks is gonna change that reality


You really expect people to have non-biased view on anything in this shithole?

>because the government controls healthcare in the USA
nope. it's an insurance-only system that incentivizes all market participants to cost-inflate.

You're LITERALLY a nigger shill for health-insurance companies. They've spent billions for you to have you mush-minded ideas that you unironically shill for them.

Your death will be a better day for ALL white people.

Livestream your suicide.

guys this is a little sad youre so dedicated to defending an actual billionaire on the internet when hed fuck your wife and have you executed for taking a 5 minute break if he wanted, youre a slave to a corporate master who hates everything about you
please respond

say it with me


>make Dems look stupid

How does it make them look stupid? Her policies are super popular by the American public.

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lmao there are no conservatives left in CA, every major city is a sanctuary city ruled by big government pro tax LIBERALS

That should have created a utopia right? More diversity and more taxes = better quality of life right?

It's literally going to be the future of the entire country as soon as they import enough mexicans to the rest of the states

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She would be a terrible president. Her approval of the green plan proved it.

they did it because her movement is run on the pretext of rejecting campaign finance from industry
and that's incredibly scary to them

imagine not having the campaign of politicians who set enviromental regulations, paid for by a coal lobby

or people who regulate the drug industry paid for by pharmeceutical companies.

>y-young democrats shadow money

absolutely insignificant smokeshow and even if real the ideas are still valid and should be shouted from the rooftops

Imagine being this upset.

If you watched the film you'd know she doesn't want to be president now.
She's not even vaguely ready.

>support more immigration and stick up for corporations (as long as they censor your political opponents)
>why do you want a lower standard of living?
Good question. Amazon still sucks though

if only the supermajority in california could do something with out being hindered by the several conservatives in the corner

Ah yes let me just take your word over the Economic Freedom Index. Surely you know better.

They really aren’t though.
The leftists who control Cali must really be hindered by that powerless minority then, if it’s their fault leftist policies aren’t working there

If daddy asked to spit in your mouth, would you?

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Are gonna be ok come 2020? Just know that there are people you can call if you're considering suicide.

so that's a yes. You would let daddy spit in your mouth.

As for your dumpster fire country. Everyone that hates you is rooting for Trump. You're history's greatest cuck. Post pics of pets.

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seethe more I'm so hard right now

Whats with liberals and gay shit?

t. shills

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It's quite a sweet film. The scene at the end is beautiful, she tells the story of when she was 5 she bullied her dad into taking her on a road trip with his friends. Her dad has died while she was in college. And at the end of the film after winning her primary, she goes to washington and sits infront of the capitol building and tells the story of that and says;

>we ended up in washington
>it was a really beautiful day
>he lay down next to me and pointed at the washington monument and he pointed at the reflecting pool and he pointed at everything
>and he said, you know, this all belongs to us
>this is our government
>it belongs to us
>so all of this stuff is yours

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economic freedom index is hardly indicative of a lack of ecnomic intervention, countries like Syria score lower because they're disconnected from the current world financial model while sweden is more integrated due to their proximity to the first world and its standard economic practices which includes adherence to a free market system, this does not mean that government intervention in their economy wasn't the source of their economic success especially considering that their nationalised petroleum industry was the thing that funded their welfare state, this is indisputable, you arent wrong when you say sweden has a free market economy this is obviously true, but they still only have their economic success thanks to heavy government intervention. It's disingenous to point to the free market as exclusively why sweden was successful

id let daddy fuck my wife MAGA

No it isn't. Read Thomas Sowell.

post pics of pets

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Lucking out on geographical location is not an argument for socialism either.

well lucking out on geographic location is literally the entire reason the US is a global superpower you fucking retard so if youre saying swedens geographic location isnt an argument for socialism then americans geographic location isnt an argument for capitalism get a fucking grip

this also tells you something really positive about her character
she loves and respects the memory of her father and wants to make him proud

Based response. That guy probably doesn't even know that the government artificially lowering the cost of housing creates scarcity of housing in the market which can increase homelessness as well.

do conservatives not get that theyre the new triggered libs and making them asshurt is the new big thing?


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actually america has more unoccupied houses than they do homeless the reason for homelessness in america is because americans are cruel and sadistic selfish people who revel in the suffering of others, if you dont believe this just look at the masochistic way they elect republicans every 4 years to fuck them in the ass

Regardless of location and resources capitalism is more effective and efficient at growing GDP per capita and creating lower costs therefor allowing for a higher standard of living overall. It's not the amount of resources a country has that makes it successful, it's how well you allocate them. And socialism always fails in that regard. I'd suggest reading "Basic Economics", by Thomas Sowell. He has an entire chapter debunking this.

i want to eat trumps cum out of my wifes pussy fellow based and redpilled MAGApede

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well considering the soviet union went from a agrarian feudal society to a developed industrial power that was unaffected by the world financial crisis its clearly not the only avenue through which you can grow an economy quickly, youre cherry picking history to try and justify an ideology rather than understanding economic success as more a result of geographic and historical luck rather than any policy making it this way

Thats a lot of typing to end up saying nothing.

>it's an insurance-only system that incentivizes all market participants to cost-inflate.
Holy shit you're fucking dumb.
The reason health insurance companies have so much power is because government intervention grants them this power.
Read the image, you're literally retarded.
Do you know how cheap healthcare used to be before government took it over?

>You're LITERALLY a nigger shill for health-insurance companies.
My policies(a free market) would dramatically reduce their power.

fuck off bootlicker


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post that youtube vid of that lady getting dragged into the subway

^^^ fuckin this

gay ass faggot alt right incel bitches i can't wait to stone you shits

No, not really. 80% of homeless are mentally ill/drug addicts who were unable to pay for their housing, be it due to their money going to drugs, or that they're just plain mentally unable to. It's not a housing problem, it's a "they just refuse to pay the bills" problem. Only super niave people would think that it was a housing problem.

but they’re 100% jew (i.e. homogeneous population)
that was their point

classic americans dont see anything wrong with what im saying because theyre such cucks they willfully accept a worse life just to spite other people

keep shucking and jiving nigger

we'll smell your stink for decades after you're dead

be a woman

damn, looks like neither of us are gonna get our wish...
I might eventually, you won’t though lol

I support free markets and white nationalism.
I hate central banks but you seem to love them.

>muh USSR
The ONLY reason it was a "superpower" is because it had a massive military.
Living standards there for the average person were garbage.
Many third world shitholes that embraced free markets in the past 60 years quickly turned from an agrarian society to an industrialized one MUCH FASTER THAN THE USSR DID

Also the USSR had massive help from the capitalist west.

Kill yourself.

GOD I want to nut on her face so fucking bad...holy shit. total retard though

Any geographic or historic luck would produce better results under capitalism. The Soviet Union was also extremely inefficient compared to the other free markets of its time, despite being one of the most well endowed countries in terms of natural resources. When the government controls the means of production, distribution, exchange, and most importantly price values - less efficient resource allocation is inevitable.

>100% homogenous
literal retard

>no argument
wow so this is the power of (((national socialism)))

>all the brainlet replies

Socialists are too stupid for arguments.
Support for socialism is genetic.
You people have low IQ.

Isn't it passed your bedtime?

it's because your brain he deteriorated into mush from watching your alt-right utoobrz

The mentally ill portion of the homeless population is the legacy of Reagan, and his Republican policy to close mental hospital and putting the patients out on the streets.

I’m sure they give the goyim good gibs there.

My life is great here idk what you're talking about.

its true tho, thats how the brainlette mind works

>soviet union
>inefficient compared to the capitalist west despite being able to effectively house and look after people in under half the time any capitalist country expected they could accomplish such a feat
can you guys learn about politics outside of pol infographics for once its embarrassingly retarded
also the USSR was far more efficient than the bloated corrupt capitalist russia of the contemporary era

HA HA! BASED DADDY TRUMP! I hope He takes of more land for glorious Israel!

We don't have free healthcare, we have subsidized (((private))) healthcare companies, and there is (((free))) social secruity. If you are poor though you will be taken care of.

>americans accept a shittier standard of living because they literally are unaware of how bad their lives are compared with the rest of the world
classic MAGA my fellow pede

>fire department
>Social Security
>Hurr Durr Privatize everything!!! durr!

You're all idiots because you're incapable of discussing a film rather than discussing politics, or even of discussing politics in the context of a film.

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similar to ...*gasp* S W E D E N!!!!! *dun-dun DUNNNN!!!!* OOOOHHH NOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And yet it was less efficient than other countries with more economic freedom despite their lack of resources. I'd also love to see the effect of war on its economy during that time. I'm not basing it off any /pol/ charts btw, this is all listed in that Basic Economics book I recommended you. Free markets are always better at resource allocation because it's impossible to regulate price values correctly otherwise. This is a simple fact. Even Stalin's economic analysts would tell him that so he put them to death for speaking out.

i'd hit it

My healthcare is covered and I keep most of my check. I'm doing great bud.

>>fire department
>>Social Security
Every single one of these things should be privatized, especially social security.
Are you a boomer or something?
Do you dumb socialist zoomers actually think you're going to get social security? It's bankrupt and we're going to have to print more and more money to maintain it.

Socialists are the dumbest people on the planet.

>basic economics
>le free market solves everything
actually have a little bit more effort put into your discourse you arent even aware how quintessential geographic location is to the development of a nation i think youre the one who needs to expand beyond basic economic books

Their lack of economic understanding is astounding

Switzerland has completely privatized healthcare and it's cheap and there are no waiting lines like there is in Sweden.

Oh no, the free market wins again, how can this keep happening..... ;.;

On the paper but then it results on being crushed by taxes and having no more freedom of speech or privacy
Socialism is about crushing the middle class and make everyone but actual rulers poor.
>t. living in a yuro socialist country

>gets mugged by poor americans who have no money and are addicted to opiates thanks to complete mismanagement of the economy for decades
>lmao im doing fine
youre walking yourself into a grave

>libraries should be privatized
um... what

yes but you have to remember this is america we're talking about. it would be like arguing that we should lose weight and then a bunch of fat asses reply back with "Look at what happened in Madagascar! You Want us to all starve!"

>Every single one of these things should be privatized, especially social security.
americans unironically want their government to sell them into slavery and they think the rest of the world is the one with issues lmao

Again, your geographical luckout would be more efficient within a free market than communism due to correct price values. You should get a rudimentary understanding of economics before critiquing others.

Lol, Benjamin Franklin says you can go fuck your self Nazi fuck face.

bro at least take ben shapiros cock out of your mouth before you talk i have no idea what youre saying when you talk mid blowjob

When is she gonna release her titties?

I live in a white neighborhood I'm good bro. If you're arguing for less socialism (which causes more poverty) and a more white homogenous society, then I guess we're on the same team.

if america protects israel christians win

>we're going to have to print more and more money
Oh shit, I didn;t read your whole moron post and i just saw this! OH NO NO NO NNO!!!! You have to be fucking 12, okay kid, go to fucking sleep, you're mom or dad has to continue home schooling you tomorrow

They're a product of the pre-internet age.
They're just a place for bums to hang out now.
They should be completely privatized.

>americans unironically want their government to sell them into slavery
Having social security existing in the first place is slavery, they take money from you your entire life, waste half of it and give you back inflated dollars when you're 75. You could have invested that money or saved it at least.
You bootlickers defend central banking because you ENJOY being a slave.

Why are socialists such retards?

youre fundamentally flawed in your analysis you're trying to justify an ideology rather than trying to understand the success of these countries most developed countries are developed due to legacies of colonialism rather than muh free market your discounting history and geography in favour of economic ideology

>opponent doesn't bother to show up for debates
No wonder he lost

Ben was pro white at least.
Unlike you.

>no argument
that kike shapiro doesn't even agree with me
holy fuck you're dumb

Look at this dumb zoomer defending social security and his own impoverishment.

her presence on the political scene is just a symptom of the demographic replacement. Import the third world; become the third world.

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I suggest you watch Frederick Wiseman's documentary about the NYC public library system 'ex libris'
It is an incredibly good film and does not contain any interviews, narration, non-diagetic music, or montage cutting, so is almost totally unbiased.

I think that will help you understand the purpose of a library in the modern day.

It would be a tragedy for our civilisation and society to lose those institutions.

What's with liberals and gay shit?

USSR was incredibly inefficient there were massive shortages and wasteful surpluses constantly

Levels of economic freedom strongly correlate to economic success.
You'd know this obvious fact if you weren't an ideologue.

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Am I?

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>It would be a tragedy for our civilisation and society to lose those institutions.
I know right.

Where would the bums go hang out!

Also just because I want to privatize these things and make people who use them actually pay for them doesn't mean I want to completely get rid of them.

Yes, it effectively does though.
And Libraries are actually funded jointly by public and private money.

Watch the film. Not to change your mind, although i hope you keep it open, but because it is a very good film, interesting, and you are interested in film right?

you got me user, i forgot that the swiss copied america! Oh wait....

it's like you forgot im on a computer with internet access that can look up shit. No wait, maybe you really don't know that since you didn't bother to look it up your self.

>here are no free state-provided health services, but private health insurance is COMPULSORY for all persons residing in Switzerland
sounds like evil black secret muslim president care to me dipshit.

>but then it results on being crushed by taxes and having no more freedom of speech or privacy
>Socialism is about crushing the middle class and make everyone but actual rulers poor.
look at all that assertion.
>t. living in a yuro socialist country
how long have you been a supporter of ukip?

holy shit my dick is fucking sore dude im in pain

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No he's right. The money is spread less thin under socialism but it doesn't have much value because they're shit at increasing GDP per capita.


Not that user. But if you happened to read the book he was mentioning, you'd be in the presence of Thomas Sowell. Perhaps try reading the material versus spouting your ignorant garbage. People like yourself are so hopelessly stupid and incapable of development that it's disheartening.

>i forgot that the swiss copied america!
they didn't
America doesn't have a free market system.

>>here are no free state-provided health services
Exactly lol.
This fact must anger you so fucking much.

Oh no, they have to buy something they were going to buy anyway, the horror.

You're just mad that markets can provide services better, cheaper than the state can and with no waiting lines.
Keep licking that boot.

>>Socialism is about crushing the middle class and make everyone but actual rulers poor.
This is a fact.
The only economic ideology that actually increases living standards for the working class is a free market with no central bank.

Socialist bootlickers love central banking because they enjoy their living standards stagnating and going down.

>Ben was pro white at least.
yes he was so pro white he wanted the irish and Italians to leave. and even the germans. also
>caring about "mu racial identity"
truly, absolutely pathetic.

>look at me I post substanceless garbage by replying to 20 posts and linking them to a board I hate

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>posting bullshit sponsored by a libertarian thinktank
>But there did exist a system of voluntary social insurance during the turn of the century. In From Mutual Aid to the Welfare State, historian David Beito writes that there were thousands of fraternal societies across America during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. These societies were organized by religion, ethnicity, and other similar affiliations. They were also the most common provider of insurance and relief before the New Deal. In general, they would cover funeral costs and provide some sick pay. These were particularly important for low-wage workers, and played a bigger role in insurance than charity or welfare institutions. Politically and socially fragmented, they played no part in calling for a public role in social insurance. These institutions continue to be a focus of celebration for conservatives.
>But there were a few major problems with these societies. The first was that they were regionally segregated and isolated. These forms of insurance didn’t exist in places without dense cities, industry, or deep ethnic and immigrant communities. Even in states with large cities and thriving industries like California and New York, only 30 percent of workers had some sort of health-care coverage through fraternal methods. Moreover, the programs were fragmented and provided only partial insurance.
>As the Russell Sage Foundation concluded at the time, private societies stand “as a tangible expression of a keenly felt need, a feeble instrument for performing a duty beyond its own powers.”

>the demographic replacement
statement like this, and the people that hold them, make me actually buy into the meme. Like i didn't even give a shit about it but, yeah, i do now hope and pray you all get replaced by a non white person. White people are fucking cancer.

>yes he was so pro white he wanted the irish and Italians to leave. and even the germans. also
He was an anglo nationalist.
Nothing wrong with that.

>>caring about "mu racial identity"
You just defended Ben Franklin lmao

Imagine NOT caring about your own people. What a fucking idiot. You actually want your communities destroyed.

>libertarian thinktank
So what? They're actually right.
>the atlantic
This website constantly fucking lies and is no better than Vox.

>he first was that they were regionally segregated and isolated. These forms of insurance didn’t exist in places without dense cities, industry, or deep ethnic and immigrant communities.
This isn't even true. They were mainly catered towards ethnic minorities to the point where Teddy Roosevelt called them fragmented Americans and had them all destroyed.

>only 30 percent of workers had some sort of health-care coverage through fraternal methods
Yes, other people had healthcare through other methods.

What a dumb argument.
You're pathetic.
Healthcare used to be incredibly cheap in this country, especially in the 50s and 60s.

It's only expensive now thanks to YOUR pro-corporate "regulations.

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>i do now hope and pray you all get replaced by a non white person.
Do you lick boots?

>White people are fucking cancer.
>incredibly low crime rate compared to non-whites
>incredibly economically productive
>culture so amazing that everyone around the world worships them

No user, you are the cancer.

>rebuttals with TheAtlantic

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