/got/ - Alys lives edition

she'll be back at the war council next episode, you watch.
previously on /got/:

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yeah dont care release those tits you fucking potato kikess

everyone in this show besides the witch woman looks like fucking ass. They chose some of the ugliest people they could find.


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The NK deserved to win because he gave humanity 8000 years before he attacked again and they were still in the fucking dark ages. Winterfell should have been defended with tanks and attack helicopters, not shirtless horse riders and dragons

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t. degenerate

which tranny is this??

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Reminder that Littlefinger is the God of Death.

excuse me

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she didn't die in the new canon so yes

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>Bran using magic powers to vindicate in Arya killing Littlefinger was amazing because the game of thrones was always meant to be a red herring distracting from the long night.
>Arya eliminating the Night King halfway through the final season was amazing because the long night was always meant to be a red herring distracting from the game of thrones.

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>im doin nothing this episode...please let me fight the nightking...
>just a little bit...please....
>ive been training for years...for this moment...please....
>i guess i can scream at a dragon....
jesus, they did my boy jon dirty. fuck d&d

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It's all so tiresome, lads

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The comet was just a comet. However, it acted as a catalyst for many character's stories. They all gave the comet meaning. And that meaning magnified in their mind. Pushing them into their own respective paths.

It teaches us how unreliable prophecies. Dany thinks it signified blood and fire.(Or something like that, I forget) Joffrey thinks it marks his reign. Melisandre thinks it marks Stannis as lightbringer. Everyone projects their own meaning onto it. But they can't all be right. Hell, maybe no one is right.

And that's why you can't rely on prophecy. That's why all the people saying how Jon was robbed of his character arc are wrong. You were never meant to seriously think that Jon was the prince who was promised.

Damn that dude has some rocking tits

I mean, m9, they're english

her face looks deformed. like that alien looking girl from split.


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so true! why didn't they use tanks and helicopters? nobody's talking about this glaring flaw!

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Is /got/ ready for two and 3/4 episdoes of nothing happening followed by a super quick wrap up?

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>Not Theon! Reek! My name is Reek!
Does anyone else wish they has more Reek rhymes in the show? I remember the first time I read the books I never put it together that Reek was Theon until they revealed it. It was like the reader was as mind-broken as Reek. I wanted a few scenes like "Reek, Reek, my name is Reek! It rhymes with meek!"

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>Literally a show about a book series called a song of ICE and FIRE

this was a good explanation thank you. now can you tell me who the person in OPs pic is?

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Gods she's perfect.

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>Rholler using his fire magic to light up swords via Mel
>Old Gods working through Bran doing nothing
>The Drowned God, Euron, has shagged the Queen
>The Seven doing NOTHING
Where are they?

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The only reason Arya killed the Night King was because Anor Ahai was supposed to kill him with that dagger. Obviously Job wouldn't kill him with the dagger. Also there's no way Arya is Azor Ahai, so that leaves the person that gave her the dagger and indirectly killed the Night King.
Littlefinger is alive and he is Azor Ahai.


Stannis died off screen. That means he isn't dead.

In retrospect, it makes sense why Arya was turned into a super assassin after season 5. It was D&D way of justifying the Night King's death. They figured if she was super powered, then it would cover their asses.

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fuck off, little finger is dead and the future is female

get over it

Post the webm of her talking seductive as fuck at the camera

that's basically how I imagine every "littlefinger is alive" "and stannis is alive" posters sounding like.

the english ones seem alright in here

Imagine if GoT was set during the times of single shot rifles

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>some guy spends twenty minutes in windows movie maker and churns out a better ending than anything D&D could possibly dream up
Plus it actually makes proper use of Ramin Djawadi's Night King track.

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> You will not touch him you filth.


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It's the Karstark girl, I believe. They don't look as impressive in other photos.

Gendry can run fucking fast huh?

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don't mind him he's just fucking obsessed with england for some reason.

I would kill to find out what George is thinking and feeling

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No soul.

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thinking about his next meal and feeling hungry

What the fuck did Aegon mean by this?

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normal fags would seeth

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The span of recorded history on Earth is roughly 5,000 years. The GoT world has literally not progressed out of the medieval era for 8000 years.


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thinking what's the next car he will buy with the royalties from the show

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>melts half of winterfell
>cant melt a tiny boulder protecting jon

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Money stops being exciting real fast

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it's just a brainlet meltdown, too much psychological pressure for him

manlet rage, a typical reaction when being faced with a 6'0+ being


user, there is a beatiful world out there

It's almost like JRRM wrote a story with your meaning and then the hacks Dabid and whatever started doing fanservice and now the result is incoherent

Finally, a positive representation of short people in mainstream television!

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What's with gurm and salad dressing?

It's her life to throw away. Although it's probably her handlers who pushed her to it.

rip mophie tho

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They're dying. The Warrior just died this past Episode protecting The Mother.

she only needs a bag on her head

Kinda cute

>Arya vs. 20 good men
Who wins?


>"my cousin from the UK has met him in person"


My cousin's neighbour's aunt's nan once met Hitler


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>Arya Versu-

how will we recover after all this suffering?

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Kinda don't want it to end bros...

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Why are the aesthetics in the show so shitty? The faith militant in the books looks pretty cool

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>that entire picture
>Arya is at like 95% arm's length wielding a tiny ass 4 inch dagger still 2 inches from Brienne's skin, like 3inches from a lethal blow
>Brienne is at -90% arm's length in full stabby stab mode with a full length sword still 4 inches or so from a lethal blow
>Brienne could just fade back, jut her arm forward, and kill Arya without her being anywhere near Brienne's throat
>"lol this was close! if we were really fighting it was totally even!"

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This but unironically.

>Jorah: The Father (of Dragons)
>Dany: The Mother (of Dragons)
>Hound: The Warrior
>Gendry: The Smith
>Sansa: The Maiden
>Brienne: The Crone
>Arya: The Stranger

One down and the leaks hint at Dany too by the end.

My octogenarian neighbor when I was a kid actually attended one of Hitler's rallies

Arya vs. Dark Arya

Actually imagine how retarded that would look when put on film.

Jorah at this point is the only one who could legit hold her off, the man fought the entire fucking army by himself when the Dothraki got slaughtered and still kept fighting and getting up. Sure Arya would have nothing personnel kid'd them all, but Jorah was the best shot we had.

Who are the best GoT Youtubers to watch?

mauler is OUR GUY

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I was there. It was beautiful.

A myth by poor people to make other poor people feel better.

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You can make it have a prismatic sheen to it rather than rainbow cloth and have it make the same effect and still look good.

When was the last time a "strong female protagonist" taking down the "big bad" took time, effort, struggle? They always seem to instantly keel over as soon as the girl arrives.

They live in a magical world where winters last years. It's hard enough to survive 20 feet of snow let alone build a fucking television.

This looks so fucking stupid

D&D said, that to do a 1:1 adaption of the books, they'd need 30 episodes per seasons.

They have to cut alot from the books, then cut some more, cut the corners and all that.

im high right now and this is killing me

Budget cut and can't make them aesthetic or sympathetic.

Why didn't Arya throw the dagger if she's such an accurate shot? She could have potentially saved dozens of lives in the span it took her to run and scream at the NK. Why didn't Bron give Theon the dagger and have him kill him? Bron just wanted Jorah out of the picture for Jon.

every time

That's one of the few good decisions they made? Even if they were already engaged, chances of hitting your own is low compared to the ridiculous amount of enemies, and they weren't engaged yet anyways.

>You can make it have a prismatic sheen
It would just look like a shitty costume straight out of '60's Star Trek.

Bran* Not sure why I typed Bron.
That's pretty bullshit considering the first season was relatively spot on barring some key things here and there that would have only taken no more than 5 episodes. They could easily cover everything in a season in 20 without cutting.

Bran is the real villain of the series. Basically Palpatine from Revenge of the Sith. The Night King was essentially Count Dooku trying to free the world from Bran/The Three Eyed Raven's tampering without realizing he was getting played as well. The little kid pinned to the wall in the middle of a circle they found at Last Hearth was The NK trying to communicate that there is an evil child at the center of everything. The constant circular imagery in the NK's message is Bran's wheelchair. This also adds additional meaning to Dany's "I'm going to break the wheel." They're all getting manipulated by Bran so the Children of the Forest can reclaim Westeros and he can rule as a God. Also he can walk. It's all a ruse at this point. Three Eyed Raven is a nature God that passes its consciousness from one body to another. The whole truth wasn't told when they showed the Children creating the WWs. What was left out was that The Three Eyed Raven was the one who ordered their creation and that the WWs betrayed the Children and the Three Eyed Raven because they saw that both of them were the real villains holding time itself hostage. Bran was using mankind itself as a human shield to get as many of them killed as possible and it's not really even Bran at this point. Just a being who wants to collapse civilization and have the forests return.

>>Sansa: The Maiden
How many sodomized, dog raped maidens do you know of? Brienne is the Maiden and Melisandre was the Crone. Bitch.

Truthfully every single piece of dragonglass should've been turned into an arrowtip dedicated solely to the Night King's chest


Most based edition yet

We really need a plague or some apocalyptic event to end humanity already.

what a le fag

Looks a hell of a lot better than this.

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just the rainbows

So much cringe

Nah, Brienne is the Maiden and Melisandre The Crone, so we're out two new Gods. That's basically the story of GoT, killing the New Gods who have risen among humanity.

you spam this a lot. have sex or something faggot

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Arya literally trained with a secret assassin cult for years.

it's on the way

>go back and watch first three seasons

gods the show was good back then

This is a body double

That too, or take refuge in the Vale. I understand they want to save as much of the land as possible, but the lives matter more, this is life and death now, every death boosters their forces if you fail and have to retreat. The Vale is the perfect place for that, its impenetrable other than Viserion, which can be held off.

Hell why didn't the Dothraki get Dragonglass Weapons?

>dropped out of assassins school

she doesn't train a shit to use every fucking kind of weapon like an old master


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Yeah, cleaning corpses

jesus christ please have sex

i mean theres a pretty good reason the show got gigantic, the first four seasons are extremely entertaining tv

She's the God of Death now. Kill the old one, you become it, the final lesson.

Yeah, and littlefinger faked his death, right? Keep coping


you are right sir

>ice king
Fucking normies

At this point I want GRRM to actually use the motivation of the show ending to hurry the books up for extra money while it's still hot. I want to see his version, even if the end result/fates of the characters is the same, I want to see how he goes that direction considering the differences.

At this point the show can't be saved from what it's done already.


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High in the halls of the kinos now gone
Dabid would get his crayons
The ones to write down the ideas Weiss had
and make Game of Thrones a fun show

Aya jumps down from out of thin air
And kills the Night King in one swoop
No one really dies and it's all okay
Cause dany and joe are still there


bran saw how the children of the forest created the night king. i think this is going to end with either cersei or dany becoming the night queen.

I really globbed Winterfell this time huh Gunter?

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she is fucking nothing, stop making up things for your convenience

This, it would be fine if the show costumes were good, which to be fair was mostly the case in the earlier seasons.

If all it takes is Dragonglass, how the fuck hasn't this happened to anybody else in history?

Burlington Bar and their Patreon.

This is why I fucking hate casuals.

t. jews

Are you ready now? To witness a power not seen for thousands of years!?

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its some magic shit too. they used it to bring benjen back from the dead. qyburn is the only person left that can bring people back from the dead

thank you for proving his point
what the fuck it's like Beavis with tits kek

It's silly magic, what happens if they use Valeryian steel instead, would the same thing happen since they share properties? Could any magic fucker with a Valeryian/Dragonglass weapon just make NKs?

Why did he fucking smirk???

Are the Warrior Sons even in the show? Seems like D&D just made the poor fellows the entirety of the faith militant.


And just like Vegeta, he jobs to a girl/18 soon after.

R3ddit is so fucking gay and anyone reading this who uses it, you re a faggot.

Martin stated in some interview that Coldhands is not Benjen. Yet in the GoT he is. Go figure.

White Walkers in the book would taunt and fuck with you. But the show is just retarded.

dragonglass and valyrian steel dont really share properties. valyrian steel is some voodoo magic steel and dragonglass is just volcanic glass

because he allowed himself to be blasted with everything son-Drogon had, which when he withstood it proved that he was the strongest warrior in the universe


Not him but don't the books hint that Valeryian Steel needs Obsidian of some type to be processed?

nth for Stannis

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>>acting like you read them before HBO

>where did Melisandre come from
>why did she approach them from the north
because everyone was in the crypts and literally everyone else was stationed at the front of the battle.

not really that hard

In the show
>The lord of light straight up brings people back to life, protects Mel from poison, gives her pyromancy, lets her create demons and gives her immortality.
>The many-faced god let's Arya teleport, go invisible, wear peoples faces and save the entire worlds
>The old gods ????? I guess they make some trees look like faces or something

Bored Myrcella Edition when?

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theres a bunch of theories about valyrian steel. it could be something like that, or it could be iron melted using dragonfire. no one knows


Asshai specifically.

bran is basically the old gods. its the weirwoodnet and children of the forest magic fuckery

The old gods create visions, warging, undeath magic, etc. children of the forest shit.

New Gods don't do shit since they're just some Pagan bs created later.

absolutely based

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The girl who played Roslin Frey was a literal 11/10.

>bran is basically the old gods.
Proving my point. He's done fuckall in 8 years

I didn't. I started in 2013, binged season 1-3, couldn't wait for the next season, so I read the latter part of Storm, then Feast and Dance, watched season 4, hated it, read the rest of the books, and here we are.

Remember if you make a show and the character is in danger, just cut away and then cut back to a place where they are safer. This is Game of Thrones, we can't go around killing characters.

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Think of the Old Gods more like the Abrahamic God. He sits back and lets things happen as they are, whether its on a time loop or not is irrelevant, things play out due to free will.

>One scene happened where characters projected their own meanings upon an event so therefore the prophecies never meant anything
Really? This is a pretty ridiculous stance to take given that the idea of the prince that was promised comes up in the show multiple times centering around different characters. Even if you abandon the idea of the prophecy all together, the fact Jon wasn't the one to do it just narratively doesn't make any sense. His entire character has been framed around the NIght King and the Long Night. The last two season finales were almost centrally about him. He respectively had every bit of weight within the story to kill the Night King. In terms of character arcs, literally anyone else killing the NK made more sense than Ayra. You can choose to give a shit about prophecies or not(although if they're consistently brought up in your story, they have to serve some actual narrative function) but even still, what happened was just terrible writing pure and simple.

There's that one split moment you see in Maisies eyes she wants to, Sansa too, but especially maisie. Imagine what they've gotten up to in their shared hotel rooms

>sits back and lets things happen as they are
>things play out due to free will.
So they have no powers. No wonder they're the OLD gods, people probably gave up on them because nothing happened

The seven are the fake religion. The old gods and the lord of light both have evidence supporting their existence.

>jamie screaming, swallowed by a wave of wights
>brienne screaming, swallowed by a wave of wights
>cut away
>repeat every 5 minutes
>alive and well at the end of episode

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i had some very low expectations for the battle but wow they totally blew my mind with how awful it was. every single decision they made was baffling. the only good thing i can say about it is theon and jorah both had good deaths and i was satisfied with how they went out.

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you don't understand, all religions are fake and all gods are real

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Just because you have power doesn't mean you have to use it. If they intervened what good would it do? They aren't immortal, we don't know if any God is immortal, they all so far seem to have physical forms of some type, their magic only goes so far, and even if Bran told everyone the exact way things would happen, what if it caused an adverse effect and made things worse because they were aware of that knowledge and emotions and logic began to play parts when said things began happening.

With great power, comes great responsibility.

All the fake outs that started in the other seasons made me realize that they didn't have the balls to kill anyone important anymore; before the final battle anyways.

What doesn’t make sense narratively is that after the whole catch a white walker fiasco, Jamie is the only person they got. Not only that, Bran tells Jamie he is needed. Needed for what? He didn’t do shit in the battle against the army of the dead. If he were to fight and delay or kill the night king, that would make sense, but no, that whole plan had literally zero purpose. Was bran talking about something else? I doubt bran gives a fuck about the seven kingdoms or who rules what.

Yeah, I actually like Theon at the end there, Jorah went out well too. But literally Walder Frey was better at killing people than the fucking night king.

Some of the gods in the show appear to be real

Everything about Jorah's death was the absolute pure kino moment of the episode.


too much light

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Guys this is the last meme I will ever make on my old laptop. Pic related just happened :( I was hoping if I never moved it I could make the computer last another month while I transfer stuff to a harddrive.... but never mind because it just died. I just lost years of memes, old photos, everything :( can I please get an F, and some rare older season memes to make me feel better?

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>This is Game of Thrones, we can't go around killing characters.
This, all the characters we like have to survive. The bad guys all die too!

i really want to believe bran is playing some game with these characters but i dont think dnd are that smart.

I like to imagine an alternate reality where Robb never dies and eventually secures the North's independence. Theon realizes that he no longer has any connection the the Iron Islands and returns to Robb. Then Theon starts a new Branch of the Greyjoys who are in the North

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Jorah, Theon, and Beric all had good deaths. The problem I had is that Arya should have killed Cersei, not the night king. It’s obvious she had to do one or the other, but it was the wrong choice. Jamie should have killed the knight king and died, finishing his arc off right, and Arya should have killed Cersei by wearing Jamie’s face.

Why were the Unsullied still using spears? Don't spears work by penetrating organs and causing hemorrhaging? I don't think a zombie much cares about either of those things. Better to use a heavy blunt weapon and crush their skulls.

watch the whole video

they were good character endings despite the situations they found themselves in being fucking stupid. jorah goes out protecting and serving his queen and theon goes out being forgiven by the kid he betrayed. those are both completely good endings to me.

So why can't Arya just hop down into King's Landing and finish off Cersei next episode?

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I think the army of the dead just become corpses after getting stabbed by dragon glass.

If Robb had only not married the one woman, he likely would have secure the entire North, Riverlands, Vale, and began to march on Casterly Rock. Especially with Stannis distracting Tywin/Tyrells. Dorne would probably spark up at that point and join Robb.

Stopped at Arya. She didn't lose herself, her love for Jon keeps her strong. Also the books are just a high fantasy incest novel, as GRRM intended.

>>One scene happened where characters projected their own meanings upon an event so therefore the prophecies never meant anything
Rhaegar bet on the prince that was promised prophecy three times 2 times before, and he was wrong. Why do we assume he got it right the third time?

And if the comet is somehow connected to any given prophecy, then whose? Timeline wise, it doesn't line up with any significant moment in Jon's story.

the grieving continues

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Remember the prophecy?

Green, Brown, and Blue Eyes.

Walder Frey
Night King

spears are good at everything. they had spears tipped with dragonglass so they just need to poke the zombies and they die. i guess they werent expecting the zombies to come at then like a fucking tidal wave

This is why I play CK2 desu got thousands of hours on it just to live out my autistic roleplaying fantasies.

Davos and Melisandre are the only people from working class backgrounds with chapters in the books, right? Why are the common people hitching their stars to Stannis?

They were, Jorah's was just the purest form of love between a family, a father, a mother, and the last of the children, with heartsbane by their side.

prophecies are false. legends are meaningless. nothing matters. drink onions.

Daenarys is going to kill Arya btw

That’s a misremembered and misinterpreted prophesy. It’s clearly talking about arya’s time as a faceless man

>Green eyes
Meryn Trant


Reminder, Cersei is the ultimate final battle, this is what everything in the story has been leading up to.

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Daenerys brushing off the war against the WW in the preview of ep. 4 by saying "We have finished this side-quest, now onto my next adventure" just infuriates me. As if the Apocalypse was just another easy stepping stone to her march to the throne. As if it was just like taking on the Lannister army at Goldroad or that fucking slave city.

That prophesy is dumb and any number of people she could’ve killed could have had blue eyes.

>Melisandre forsaw this
>Still led Stannis on
Retroactively ruined her character desu

that piece of shit is beat the fuck up. does the average /got/ poster really live in poverty like this? jesus

we havent seen anyone alive get killed with dragonglass. maybe arya goes after cersei but only has a dragonglass knife and she stabs cersei in the heart...

It’s not about robbing Jon of prophesy, it’s about robbing him of his damn character development. The Jews hate Joseph Campbell’s outline of a good white male so the D&D kikes had to give jon’s Plot payoff to an epic gamer girl

because he was the true king

Green eyes, brown eyes, blue eyes

The three eye colors of humans. How amazing.

Robb would executeTheon the moment he set foot in the North

What eyes did Meryn Fucking Trant have?
What eyes did Waif have?

That prophecy is retarded and she may as well have said: "You'll kill people lol"

>The Jews
stopped reading. come back to me when you've had intercourse.

everything is incoherent, cucks trying to give any sense to ep 3 are shameful

Not if he never held Balon and came back to Robb to tell him he won't help and took up arms against him

>prophecies are false.
So far, only a couple came true. But not how anyone expected them to. Even Jojen says that Bran was a wolf in his dream. He doesn't know he's looking for Bran exactly, until he arrives at Winterfell and pokes around.

>legends are meaningless.

>nothing matters
Nothing but the living.

go back to plebbit jew

Jobs character is about becoming a leader. His endgame is becoming king. Jamie’s arc was about wanting to be a knight and do what’s right, and the conflict in that. Him killing the night king would have made him a knight of renown that was remembered for thousands of years, something that Tywin told him was a worthless pursuit. Aryas arc is all about training to take revenge. Her killing the night king instead of Cersei is dumb because her arc has nothing to do with the night king.

I wish Theon and Jon Snow were friends in the books and the show. A kraken and dragon raised by wolves

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It only broke like that at the beginning of this month and i hate spending money so I was hoping I could make it last another month. So I. The span of seven days
>my car broke and needs to be taken in
>laptop gone along with old photos
>game of thrones officially became kike’d
It’s not fair :(

This is Boss. If true Dabid and Dabid are underrated masters.


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Their scene together in s7 was rare NuGoT kino

But D&D are jews? And I wish I didn’t have intercourse; I wish I could offer my future wife my virginity. I thought I was, but turns out she didn’t love me like I loved her :(

Recently my farts have started to sound like my dad's. Should I be concerned? I feel like I'm slowly becoming him.

>nk created the spiral symbol
>wheh it was shown that the first men used that symbol long before the nk
M8 this is coping hard

Are you taller than your dad?

If not, you'll never be like him :)

Hard lol

If you think about it krakens are just water dragons

>not having redundant backups on multiple internal drives, multiple external drives, and redundant backups automatically syncing to your own private cloud server
I'm pretty sure the full blown nuclear extinction of the human race could happen and I would always have my meme folders backed up somewhere.

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how would joffrey have handled the night king

the spiral symbol is a children of the forest symbol. its the place where they made the night king, the aerial shot makes it obvious

the average /got/ poster

idk, ep 3 seemed like his army was winning until Arya Sue ninjitsu'd through a gorillion zombies

who's rooting for Euron? i mean he's the only likeable person left....

Youve just ripped the charger cable out? Surely you can take the hard drive out and read it on a different pc?

take it easy, bro

omg guys i an like so hyped for dany and her dragons vs sellswords omg how exciting
my god i dont know why im still alive

its almost like you can tell the guys that outran the source material aren't any good at writing

A Valyrian steel bolt, right to the chest.

>the circular thing is Bran's wheelchair

So that's why WW did that to the horses back in ep1 of season 1, way before Bran was even a cripple?


They absolutely came up with NK death last second, I am absolutely convinced

She has a name you incel

nah, jons better than him dude just wants to do right by Need and be like him

shoulda got a thinkpad

>we learned literally nothing about the night king and then he died so we can learn more about cersei

I keep seeing people on jewbook sharing walls of text talking about why people who complain about last episode are wrong. It's the last Jedi all over again.

Why couldn't Catelyn love Jon?

you can take the hd out and put it in another comp, numbnuts

easy fix. don't be a bitch, crack that thing open.

Crossbows. Many flaming crossbow bolts. Not 2 volleys of arrows and then nothing while everyone gets slaughtered. Wave upon wave of flaming dragonglass bolts for all of the Long Night.

this tbqfh senpai

I’ve got a few flash drives with old photos on them I think, somewhere. But yeah, this sucks.... it feels like the end of an era. This laptop was with me for the past 5 years and through all the crazy times I’ve had. Now... it’s over...

Lotta themes going on in life like that I guess hmmmmm

Are Final Boss tits good enough?

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She's a horrible, shallow person. Basically hoster tully's spoiled brat.

Body double

At this point I honestly hope Cersei wins

>prophecies are good when they apply to YASSS QUEEN
>prophecies are stupid when people complain that Jon or anyone else should've been the ones that killed the NK

That tiny boulder was obviously a remnant of the wall, specifically a part that couldn’t be melted which is why it was even there

thats a body double. lenas body is covered in tattoos and saggy everywhere

Checked and true

The laptop isn't important, user. Your memes aren't gone like tears in the rain. There's a drive in there with all your memes on it. Take it out before throwing the whole thing in the garbage. However you get your next computer, you can hook that little thing up and it will that drive and you can retrieve all your memes.

Why do girls do this?


are people really this stupid? take the hard drive out retardo, you can plug it into a desktop and get everything off it

Nah this show needs more Jaime and Jon scenes

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To look more attractive. They pretend to make out with each other (only in front of an audience) in hopes that guys will want that same thing because 2 girls is hot.

>BLuebeard Daario

>tfw want to watch the new episode again from an HD torrent on my tv with brightness turned up but don't wanna sit through leftist propaganda again

I honestly thought this was some kind of fucked up shop. Great tits, but, damn.

Sorry I’m retarded, but internal hard drives can be removed and hooked up to a new computer ez? I’ll hold on to the harddrive then. Do I need to take it somewhere to have someone do this so I don’t break it?
I’d rather just start fresh.

Everyone hates Sam now

Because she was a spiteful bitch.
The real question is why Neddard couldn't just tell her.
I mean he's already slaughtered dozens, usurped a throne for his own selfish revenge fantasy, and murdered two innocent midwives over the whole lot, why can't the "honorable" Ned Stark just fucking tell her. She'd probably keep her mouth shut.
I mean for fucks sake, the entire setup for the timeline of ASOIAF is pants on head retarded.
Why didn't Lyanna just openly denounce her betrothal to Robby? Why did Ned even consider him a friend at all, considering his nature as a murderous lunatic who started a war based on an open lie.
Fuck it, Aerys Targaryen was mad, but he pales in comparison to the cowards that usurped the throne.
Ned and Robert are the true antagonists.

Gee this kid is a real tech wiz

I’ve thought this as well but your dubs confirms that women only do things to attract chad

>should have happened.
>true ending
>rest of the episodes are army of the dead moving south and a few that managed to escape winterfell
>raze kings landing
>dorne freezes over
>tfw its been a zombie flick this whole time

you know this is thousands of times better than whatever 2nd year english major shit that d&d are gonna throw together using tvtropes

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But what faggot? Shes fucking hot and not wearing makeup

>Aegon the Conqueror based on William the Conqueror
>Now Dany, her descendant, will invade Westeros and displace the current Lannister ruler
>Lannister's sigil is a Lion, Targ's is a Dragon
>Ancient Symbol of the English was a Dragon, William of Normandy's was the "English" Lions (retroactively by his descendant)
Of course, the English Dragon was destroyed by the Norman Lion but we've nearly at 2066 and the end of a thousand years of darkness, so maybe the same will happen in GoT.

All of dany's dragons vs 1 a-10. who wins?

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He was on Ellen today and it was such a train wreck that she gave more times to the kenyan ooga booga than him kek

she is uh... a little ugly bro

Because she was a spiteful bitch.
The real question is why Neddard couldn't just tell her.
I mean he's already slaughtered dozens, usurped a throne for his own selfish revenge fantasy, and murdered two innocent midwives over the whole lot, why can't the "honorable" Ned Stark just fucking tell her. She'd probably keep her mouth shut.
I mean for fucks sake, the entire setup for the timeline of ASOIAF is pants on head retarded.
Why didn't Lyanna just openly denounce her betrothal to Robby? Why did Ned even consider him a friend at all, considering his nature as a murderous lunatic who started a war based on an open lie.
Fuck it, Aerys Targaryen was mad, but he pales in comparison to the cowards that usurped the throne.
Ned and Robert are the true antagonists


>let's hide in the crypt, we'll be safe there against an army of reanimated corpses

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you take the laptop drive out. you connect it to a desktop. you boot normally with that desktop and it will show up as a secondary drive and then you can copy shit off of it. depends on the drive but youll most likely just need an sata cable

>why didn’t lyanna openly denounce her betrothal?
Because women can’t into agency

Yeah Ned should’ve told cat after the Greyjoy rebellion at least

>Ned and bob are bad guys
Lmao @ u

No she isnt faggot, thats one photo. Her fave is slightly odd but everything else is top tier. And again, no makeup. Most bitches look way worse without makeup. Fuck.off.

>DAMN! Northern women look like that!?

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Tyrion has lost about 50 IQ since season 2

Just get the drive out for now. You can learn all sorts of computer shit online if you don't know what you're doing. As weird as it might seem, even Yea Forums anons are willing to help the technologically retarded. Go to search for a thread subject "QTDDOT" or /sqt/. They can help even if your questions are dumb.
Here's the current thread. Post your problem, include that pic you posted, and you should get some helpful advice.

Doesn't matter. Cracking pair of tits, strong features to pass on to your sons. Proper lass.

>A myth by rich people to make other people feel better.

How can I sign up to suck her tits? Asking for a friend

Ellen is such elitist cringe i cant watch it. Fuck that stupid dyke.



Absolutely based

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Instead you get a Dragon, Bear, and Lion at war with the Kraken.

They absolutely are.
They're liars and cowards who act on base instinct, denouncing others for acts of heroism because it doesn't align with their skewered version of honor, all while they cover their lies in the blood of the people who know the truth.
Jaime is the hero of ASOIAF

freckled women look the best with a load on the face, it is known.

Ideas of Ice and Fire, though he's mostly doing Dune stuff right now.

What was the point of this scene?

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>One of the most honorable men in the Seven Kingdoms goes off to war and comes back with a child and rumors of an affair with an old friend and possible mistress
>Think of that every time you see the boy

Kind of hard not to, it's like seeing an old ex with a new person, especially if you still have feelings.
Because Ned made a promise and men keep their promises, regardless, only Jon was the one allowed to know. As for her denouncing her marriage to Robert, it was too late at that point. She loved Robert at one point, but was whisked away and everyone thought her kidnapped, and it all started.

Aegon/Lyanna are the reason for all this ultimately, all because they had a summer love.

Are those fukin BOARS painted on the noses?

Jaime and Jorah both are the ultimately heroes.

Both of them have development between Jaime secretly having massive honor despite his faults and Jorah learning to just accept that Dany loves him in her own way and that it's ok for this pure form of love. Both of them grow into some of the most honorable people there pretty much are, both redeemed heavily from their past actions.

>Harambe in the center


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I honestly can't remember if I watched the first season before I read the first book.
I think I bought them all at my grocery store between Seasons 1 and 2, and watched S1 in the marathon leading up to the S2 premier.

Now I'm just waiting for GRRM to either get his fat ass to writing again so I can read Winds of Winter, or fucking die already so I can give up.

>jorah: the father


I think the idea, which user misconstrues but mostly understands, is that Arya has not completed her HoBW arc but it is the culmination of everything she has learned to value so far.

Arya wants to be a cold, calculating killing machine and is faced with a choice: Deny the Self to achieve perfection, or hold onto petty attachments and always be a flawed barbarian of a murderer.

i.e. The path to perfecting her skills would mean giving up on the human goals she needs them for.

And honestly..... in the books it looks like she's gonna cheat and be a HoBW dropout again. One of Arya's chapters has her warging a cat which is :

A.) super hard
B.) symbolic of her Stark nature as a warg
C.) symbolic of her own unique identity since cats are sneaky little killers and basically the polar opposite of a dog / wolf
D.) 100% cheating through her blindness lesson.

We'll see how George handles Arya. She seems far more damaged in the books but also seems to be taking an unconventional path. I have a feeling that she may meet a much nastier end, and she might enjoy it.


she looks a little better in other pictures. that one is just funny because it's so bad.

why even where a push up bra when your titties are already huge? with her frame they just look ridiculous

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operation get behind the darkie

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