This is probably the greatest video I have ever watched
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As usual, Mauler delivers.
inb4 hurr durr shill hurr durr incel hurr durrr long man bad
He needs to stop swearing he sounded like a retard
I watched it earlier because I like to hear people rage.
Really there's some real criticism of the episode but it's mostly salt.
I like mauler and his editing but hate the people he chooses to associate with
this shit is such superficial criticism, its hate for the sake of hate. Pure cringe and bluepilled
>video essay
Literally D&D right now
I could of sworn he did a stream where he talked about Endgame, but I'm not seeing the vod on his channel.
Is anyone else just done with the show?
Like not even care or gonna watch it.
Like is anyone else boycotting it?
His streams are archived on another channel, called "Mooler."
Work on your vocabulary.
rian johnson directed this episode
>Why didn't they just invent nuclear bombs to defeat the night king, it's a little thing called battlefield tactics!
Probably just for shitposting
But I really dont care anymore.
I actually had hopes for season 8. I was that naive
“You’re not allowed to criticize them because they’re richer than me”
You’re fucking pathetic. I bet you donate to youtuber’s patreons. Unironically have sex
Thanks user.
are you literally retarded m8
Is there any other reviewer like Mauler and E;R? I like watching angry people
Before I start tell me how many minutes does he spend retelling what happened and when does the actual review start?
Based and redpilled
E;R? Spoonfeed a pleb who enjoyed the hell out of Mauler's got rant
>everything wrong with movie in 37 minutes
>money determines success in the arts
do people really believe this? being profitable is beneficial to practice while this incentive goes against the real intent
If you think that is alot then look at the length of his other videos.
>doesn't comment on ghost being in the cav charge
Keep watching retard
E;R is hilarious and puts a lot of work into his editing, I like his stuff more than Mauler's.
Only liberal cucks hate him.
Good video but he should read a book once in a while and improve his vocabulary
watch the whole video
there is more than one family gathering i would wear this to.
based 2016 poster
Thanks buddy!
>It was directed, co produced, and co-written by jew jew binks
lmao, surprised he got away with it on jewtube
>points our glaring plot holes and other issues why the whole episode is horribly written and this is shown in the fact that it's the lowest rated episode of GoT ever
Watch the whole video
The episode was bad but Mauler just attacks it like a rabid dog. I enjoy his other stuff but that video was just weak.
This dude sounds like such a fag holy shit. Is this the typical GoT fan?
>this manchild still thinks swearing so much makes him cool
>Mauler video under an hour
Fucking finally
>this shit is such superficial criticism
What in particular do you think is superficial about his criticism?
The fact that he disliked a series that praising on twitter gets me likes
But in this particular case he is an involuntarily celibate man, although he's not wrong
he swears way way WAY too much, turned it off in under a minute.
>40 minutes
Why? Even on x2 speed that is retarded
don't "have sex"
Do you know who Mauler is?
This is the same nigga who is currently having a predicted 8 hour long series on ranting about The Force Awakens
Cool, but its a waste of time. I guess i could throw it on in the background while I BTFO libcucks tho
have sex, incel
lmao GoTards seething
Your shitty reddit bar reaction show shat the bed, deal with it
How short is your attention span?
based reductio ad absurdum poster
Its more the fact that id rather not waste nearly an hour listening to an angry nerd
>uses nerd as a pejorative
>posts on 4chinz
cognitive dissonance much?
don't have sex
anyone can nitpick for hours, doesn't make them right though
Apparently you're retarded. Shitposting and making fun of idiots like you use much more enjoyable and a better use of my time.
with grammar like that it's no wonder you're projecting this hard
People defending the horrible writing and plot holes are not the normies and bookfags. Ironically it's not Yea Forums either.
Who does that leave?
You are the bluepilled one, dont even know what superficial means ya fucking retard
Mauler vid was good.
might as well just stray from writting all together.
I'm seeing the same shill insults and tactics i see on other boards - it's like they have corporate approved slogans.
just filter "have sex" and "take your meds" and you'll block 60% of them
I usually like mauler and he made some good points in this video, but
>The shows theme was always that humans have to stick together vs the dead
>he actually likes arya
The worst parts about this show was by far the white walkers since they turned this show about morally grey politics and what not into DUDE GOOD VS EVIL LETS ALL JOIN TOGETHER AND BEAT THIS BADDIE
And Arya is like an anime character from boku no thrones which dosent fit this show at all.
>do people really believe this
yes, jews
I stopped watching after season 4 u cucks, cant believe people still watch it
>3 episodes left
youre gonnna watch it anyways
You're right only the half. Normalfags are all of those wannabes who dwell into "geek culture" because of The Big Bang Theory, they are the ones pushing YAAASSS QUEEN SLAY
>retard cant even formulate a coherent reply
Go watch manchildren swearing abojt a shitty jewed tv show dor an hour, cuck
Str8 Savage
I was done couple of seasons ago. I was only watching to see the dead decimating the North and the final battle. Until S7, I thought Jon would be the one to do kill the NK and the combined human forces would finish the undead army. I hoped for more, such as Jon realizing he can't beat the NK and sells out the south so the dead can leave the north alive (kinda like Craster's deal but on a much greater level). But once Mel told Daenerys that the prince that was promised could be a female, I knew Jon was no longer the PTWP. Still I continued watching thinking the dead are still gonna come and the north will still get decimated and the south would get badly hit. Then S8 E3 came and it showed that GOT will end in a more lame way than the lamest fairytale story.
Low test cuck
God, that episode pissed me off
D&D have to be the worst showrunners GRRM could have chosen. Their writing is even worse than day time soap operas.
Those are not normies my man. Normal people dont live and breathe through a tv show, make exaggerated reaction clips and post on twitter about GoT all day long. It's the ones addicted to the herd mentality who are addicted to the feeling when people pat their backs.
In other words, got is just something to watch for normies but they dont go apeshit about it.
WHAT WAS THE POINT OF DOING THIS TO BODIES????????????????????????????????
It represents the show's quality going down the drain
blessed video, didn't even notice the retardation that is front line trebuchets
>it's bran's wheelchair
t. brainlets from another thread
yes, lowtest Yea Forums cucks and capeshit shills
There’s a samefag who keeps bumping this thread with the same shitty commentary
>he swears too much :(
>work on your vocabulary!
>superficial criticism
Literally the same style as if we are too dumb to notice. Go talk about essentialism and neo-Hellenism in Cars 3, Big Joel / Just Write
same. still going to watch it but damn the last episode left a bad taste in my mouth that won't go away
For real.
Both of these pricks were born into wealth. Benioff's dad was a Goldman Sachs head. They admit that they avoid fan opinion like the plague. They know in their hearts that they are hacks.
I'd rather be a rich hack than a poor purist.
With the former, I can do my status quo BS for an occupation to make money, and then spend the larger resource pool to then make something more grandiose and genuinely artistic.
>le fuck & fucking
I'm all for hating on this turd but god damn learn some new words.
Shut the fuck up faggot.
i think he was "doing a thing"
His other videos are all done in vastly different styles
Still sounds like a retard though
unironically based
He said the bad swear words!
The view counts keeps rising faster and faster.
Have sex Mauler, you fat foreigner
Is it just endless nitpicking of dumb tactical decisions meant to make the battle more exciting for a normie audience or does he actually get and the more fundamental reasons of why it's shit?
He goes into more fundamental reasons toward the end.
in the beginning he talks about the poor tactical decisions, I'm at the middle now and he's talking about how the show cuts every time a character is in danger, and in retrospect it's egregious how many times they do this. I didn't notice how bad it was upon first watch.
>is on Yea Forums
>is probably not a child
>can't handle swearing
Were your parents prudes who would flog you and wash your mouth with bleach if you dared to swear?
Fucking hell go find your balls, you seem to have lost them somewhere.
Like jesus fucking christ. Holy fucking shit.
The last third he starts to talk about how the episode falls apart in storytelling.
The entire battle didn't matter anyway since Arya just easily snuck past everything and killed the Night King
Teased as the biggest threat to the world since first scene of S1 and one which the Stark house was founded to fight.
Kills less major character than Walder Frey.
E;R is much better than Mauler, who talks like he is fresh out of highschool. Seriously he used the word literally for emphasis around 15 times in the first minute of the game of thrones video.
it represents the NKs tax policy
Based. I don't give a fuck about ecelebs but this autist is our best bet to get the normalfags to turn on the episode as well.
ascended answer
have sex
lmfao she ded of drugs
i would say some gay shite like "you are what's wrong with this world" but you are right. based.
This. I like his videos but every time he said fuck the way he did it made me cringe so much I had to turn off the video
>spend 40 minutes of your life listening to a droning sperg
I find E;R tryhardy and obnoxious, but I agree that he's better than Mauler. There just isn't a lot of good YouTube Yea Forums criticism.
Based fantasynegro also took a shit on the episode.
One of the few reasons to watch his videos. It ups the entertainment value.
No it just makes all his criticisms fade into tonal monotony, rather than being able to appreciate them.
>not waiting for the Preston Jacobs Serious Q and A
lmao stick to Star Wars mauler you have a few months also shouldn't you finish the next 3 hours of the Last Jedi review?
>mfw preston did a better job in half the time and covered all the same bullshit
mauler btfo
If you are a greedy hack on one front then you are generally a greedy hack on all fronts, you wouldnt care about ever making something genuinely artistic since that doesnt make money.
Watch the episode and criticize it yourself, pretentious brainlet.
>Cavalry armies bad
>front line cavalry bad
Imagine actually believing this.
Maybe because he's so fucking mad at the state of this once great show?
that one autist really did E;R's job though for him with that 3 hour review on Korra being bad though but his Death Note Review was good
Create your own show and enjoy your own narrative, pretentious brainlet
>t. mauler
Why the fuck do you nerds believe your criticism is so necessary in any way?
what did you expect from a couple of jews
>Those likes
Based normalfags waking up
Why the fuck do you believe your presence in this thread is necessary in any way?
Literal phoneposter wants to call others cucks
be honest, how drunk are you?
D&D behind the scenes is pure kino.
Hi, director DIRECTS acording to the writing, he doesnt make shit up, writers write a script, director si directing them based on it.
When will wolf man give us his thoughts on why GoT is bad. I need someone to tell me why Éowyn is a good example of feminism compared to arya and why jews deserve to die.
Wanna safe space? With playdough and therapeutic puppies? Maybe some community healing circle?
Bran and Gendry and Rickon and Joffrey and Tommen and Jojen and Dickon and Lancel are so handsome.
Yes, entirety of the 'art community' is just a nepotist circlejerk for wealthy pretentious faggots.
There is none superstar who came out of nowhere and swept the stage.
>make money, and then spend the larger resource pool to then make something more grandiose and genuinely artistic.
that's what they all say, until they don't
>the middle now and he's talking about how the show cuts every time a character is in danger, and in retrospect it's egregious how many times they do this.
also didn't realize just how bad this was until this video by sir swearsalot (sounds like a teenager who made a youtube video for the first time, kind of embarrassing)
he really pointed out just how often they have shots with plot armored characters completely overwhelmed with wights and they just cut away, which magically saves the character
it must have happened more than 30 times
>sargon ripoff
>cartoon avatar
>anthropomorphic avatar
>"The Problem With"
>"forced diversity"
It just keeps getting worse
This. It’s very reddit.
>I was just following the script
You think this is Nuremberg or something?
Its a message
A vision from the future
About what will happen
Drawing an allegory
When toilets are invented
---the joke --->
>topics get discussed
>retards pipe up
>instantly get BTFO’d and shamed
>why are you so angry
have sex incel tiny weenie boy
So we can't cuss, but we can call each other retards. Okay, retard.
retard is not a curse word retard.
I'd say it falls under the category of finding no better vocabulary to express yourself, retard.
kek his rant on s8e3 is gold
>went up 100k views in just a few hours
Yup, it's going viral. Dabid is screwed.
So what's next? There's got to be some horribly written reason why they had Khaleesi's armies killed. I'm picturing a scene where Night Queen Cerci confidently attacks the army-less Dany until --no way!-- She destroys all of Cersi's army alone with Drogon.
>no better vocabulary to express yourself
Sometimes cursing is the best way, cursing exists for a reason you cinderblock brained incompetent.
If I call you a faggot, it’s not as strong as calling you a fucking faggot, it adds more punch you stupid nigger. Shouldn’t you be sucking on mom’s tit and not on Yea Forums?
Literally a perfect white millenial cunt post.
The only funny part of the entire video was when he said that Jon Snow may have thought his autistic screeching was what actually killed the dragon.
The rest was just randumb swearing mixed with valid critisisms I've already heard 2,000 times since the episode aired.
He’s 100 right. Also fuck nu/tv/. Sorry for using a no no word.
Front line heavy cavalry can be ok
But the dothraki literally fight in rags
it's not about just swearing, it's about the frequency
you can say
>this episode was really fucking bad
and that would be okay
but if you say
>this fucking episode was fucking really fucking bad, fuck
then you're just adding nono words to your sentence for no reason
fuck you, you fucking fucknugget
Hbomber guy probably