ITT we discuss slasher flicks

Let’s start off with this gem, who’s seen it? Any recs?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Maniac cop 2 and 3. and maniac for that matter

What are you, a fuckin cop?

Madman and The Burning are the best 80's slashers nobody talks about. This genre has a limited shelf life but I love it all the same

I have a fetish for nude women in the forest after having streaked with and fucked one there a couple times, so that chick wandering around with her pussy out, looking for her clothes gets me off every time.

Fuckin a I’m a cop what the fuck are you

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Wasn't Refn supposed to direct a Maniac Cop remake? Its been a couple of years since I heard any more news on this.

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just watch texas massacre, all the other ones are shit.

Madman is fucking beautiful


Fuck you

No joke though, I Know What You Did Last Summer is a pretty good thriller/mystery flick

Halloween '78 the greatest slasher/horror film ever made faggot

Disco Pants Jason FTW

Disco Jason

literally me

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Whoops. I clearly wanted to get this song out there

Honestly, all the disco versions of popular movie themes are severely underrated.

People forget that Disco is the granddad of just about all pop and electronic music that we've enjoyed for the last 40 years.

maniac cop is good but 2 is better
also pic related and its remake with elijah wood are other good slashers with the word maniac in them

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This is great.

I will never underestimate the pure power of disco

Michele Soavi's Stage Fright is another rare classic

Hatchet is a modern classic

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The Maniac remake was really well done. Or maybe I'm a sucker for a good horror movie with a great soundtrack. Athough not even the OST saved It Follows for me.

haven't the maniac remake yet, but I thought wood was a strange choice, I'm assuming he's playing more of norman bates manchild than a sleazeball like joe spinell.

That was a good one alright. Didn't reinvent the wheel but did all the slasher tropes justice

The last half hour of Manic cop is a lot of fun.

The Tom Savini shotgun to the face was a moment of beauty

Not the greatest time to make it when cops are shooting nigs everyday. We will have to wait until the cops wipe them all out before we get a remake.

Which Maniac Cop movie had Bruce Campbell? I can only vaguely remember it

Head explosions and melting are the two best movie deaths

We can agree on that.

Would the Saw movies be considered slashers in some way?

The first one. he gets killed in the second one

prefer the sequels tbqh. 2 has that incredible police station massacre and 3 is unfairly maligned. anyone seen uncle sam? it was lustig and cohen's last film together. it's kind of a retread of maniac cop with a much lower budget and much more political.

joe bob played madman a couple weeks ago

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When is the next Joe Bob stream? He seems to be doing them more frequently now which is great.

Uncle Sam is stupid, but enjoyably stupid

Thank you for your service

Anyone seen this?

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Joe Bob Briggs (TCM 2!) seems to be a Yank thing. I wish we had something like that here

It's clearly Sam Raimi's worst movie but still a lot of fun to watch

every friday night on shudder or brettygood

Every friday night?! I didn't know it was that frequent, nice. Very nice.

Yeah Uncle Sam was good fun.

Uncle Sam wants YOU!....dead.

Actual classic

No, but I'd like to

Can't blame you, I love that track.

i really enjoyed the maniac remake with frodo

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i watched this recently. it was fun but nothing special at all , 6/10

if you want kino slasher try The New York Ripper (1982)

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This is one of the best slashers of all time, fuck all who say otherwise

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The slasher movie where he quacks like a duck. Fucking awesome!

SNDN 2 is hilarious. "GARBAGE DAY!"

Also I've been doing my first watch of the friday seris and can say Part 3 is the best (after that it starts getting shitty and comedic)

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Literally half of SNDN 2 is just old footage from the first one.

hell yeah, fucking bizarre but the film doesnt really play up to it. it also has some really nice italian-inspired cinematography

I'll keep spamming slasher threads with this poster every single day.

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christmas evil was better

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You all have pleb taste. Make way for the best slasher.

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I agree with you. Parts 2 and 3 were the most enjoyable by far.

What a unique opinion.

That's like saying The Beatles are the best rock band. It's so obvious it's redundant

6/10 at best.

Every film copies it.

It is in today's "unique" hipster horror movie like It Follows

Well, the Beatles aren't the best rock band. Queen is.

i put 1 slightly above 2. didnt enjoy the woodsman-baghead jason as much. but they are close.

first 3 are clearly the best though. I still need to finish Manhattan onwards but its just gotten so silly now that ive kinda lost interest

It copied all the tropes it gets credit for creating from Black Christmas which came out 5 years prior. Also Black Christmas is actually a good, scary, tense movie whereas Halloween sucks dick. Carpenter's worst by far

Just wait until you get to Jason Goes to Hell.

I have, it’s a fun one not talked about enough

I will grant you that. But Queen had a few bad albums in the 80's, and the Beatles did not (your opinion on Magical Mystery Tour may vary)

So. Fucking. Edgy.


maniac is so good and disgusting. the bathroom scene made me really uneasy.

seriously why the fuck did they change the iconic art to that dogshit?

pirate it breh


black christmas is not scary tho. i just watched it recently its kinda dull. haloween i do find scary, the soundtrack kills it and the kill sequences are tense.

>Carpenter's worst by far
lmaooooo. yeah youre just being contrarian. dont shiton haloween just coz its more popular

not even a slasher

There is no way you think Halloween is Carpenter's worst film. I don't even like Halloween all that much, but the later years of his filmmaking career get really terrible.

Was it that or Manhattan where Jason literally punches the head off a guy?



'Carpenter's worst'

You fucking imbecile

I liked this movie but I wish it had something more. Like a better final confrontation or something. It kept building up then just kinda fizzled out.

I liked how the protag and antag were both played by someone with a good chin

>Jason Goes to Hell
christ it hasnt eve rated well, at all

dont think ill bother desu

Thank you for your service, user

Guys, so that one girl actually accepted my friend request on Facebook. This the first time someone accepts my friend request. I don't know what to do or what to say. Should I just message her with "thank you for accepting my friend request" and a picture of a rose or something? Please help me, my horror friends. I want to sleep with her.

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its shitty and gay. just watch the shaving scene. not as gay as noes 2 though.

You should fucking delete facebook and go kakuna mode you autistic fuck

>I liked how the protag and antag were both played by someone with a good chin
the killer had to be prosthetics tho right ? no way that was his real face

It has Freddy Krueger's glove at the end. You can't watch the rest of the series and not watch this one

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All plebs. TCM is the best slasher. Halloween routinely lets you know exactly where the killer is and as such kills nearly all of its tension. Our characters are not particularly interesting and there's no depth or artfulness to the story. It's as hollow as capeshit. The same is true of most slasher movies but at least they can be exciting on a visceral level. Halloween just makes me want to take a nap. There is one, ONE, moment in the film which I genuinely love and is a singular shot of absolute brilliance though. Toward the end when Michael is in the house going after Laurie she accidentally rips his mask off and he frantically scrambles to put it back on. The mask is his face now, he needs it or he is nothing. The desperation on his real face and in his eyes as he puts it back on is incredible.

Queen fucking suck you pleb

Send her a hallmark eCard, good for any occasion. Thinking of You is a good one.

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Ask: "Hey do you want to watch Black Christmas with me? My Yea Forums buddies say it's kino. We can watch and shitpost and at the same time."

Include the pic.

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Sit down and have a chat with yourself and ask yourself why you would call John Carpenter's best movie his worst.

thats why they are platinum selling artist and your favorite underground anime chillwave artist has 1000 plays on soundcloud lol

What the other user said. Jason Goes to Hell is the one where Jason switches bodies throughout. It's bizarre, to say the least.

prince of darkness is his best. jesus christ what a scary movie.

ill keep that in mind thanks. its just that ever since part 4 with all fucking retarded supernatural stuff... well yea

the street scenes where michael hides in the hedge were pretty kino

Your paragraph is meaningless and you are just desperately trying to cover up for the fact that you don't know shit about horror movies.

Lets not pretend that Pig Splitter Jason in part 4 isn’t awesome

That's not what I said. Work on your reading comprehension, user.

>not knowing about Robert Z'Dar

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Oh yeah, with Alice Cooper stabbing a guy with a bicycle. The last scene was the best part of tht movie

fucking based

I am sorry, user. I didn't mean to disparage your stupid taste

are those tits in the movie?


oh yeah the jason thats gets recked by a little 9yo kid. so awesome!

well damn. well that still dont look natural lol

It's okay, guys. I already sent her this pic. Waiting for her reply.

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do it. send her a message with "thank you for accepting my friend request" and a picture of a rose

It was shit with mildly entertaining bits.
Sleepaway Camp is the best slasher ever made.

Tell her I have a big wily

I know more than you retard. At least I have some taste unlike you mindless chumps who jerk off to halloween and f13.

You misspelled GG Allin

cringe. fuck off deron.

im just imagining you atching the ward and being like "yeahhh, so much better than haloween". lmao

go away megaman

"My friend, who I know and trust with my life, has a huge appendage"

>im not a mindless chump who jerks off to well known horror movies just tcm!!


I like GG Allin but punk is nowhere near the constant melodies of The Beatles, let's be honest

that's going to be one happy lady

That was the best seizure of a misspelling i'll ever see. Bravissimo

I enjoyed your video almost as much as I enjoyed the title. Gee, Brain....what are we going to do tonight? NARF

t. has only heard Bohemian Rhapsody, We Will Rock You and Another One Bites The Dust


Sheer Heart Attack FTW

what do you think user

>that still don't look natural
It wasn't
>Due to his cherubism, a medical condition resulting in an enlarged jawline, Z'dar had a unique and easily recognizable look with a slightly sinister appearance, which aided his career as he usually portrayed villains.

fair play. at least its not implants or some shit

Friday the 13th remake anyone?

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it was better than the original and it features some god tier tits

Him and Wings Hauser, man. Chintastic

I watched it but cannot for the life of me remember it

Has my second favorite jason design

That poster alone might have made me go see the movie.

Black Christmas is slasherkino and this is the only place on the internet where I can find people with such good taste in slashers.

This movie is fucking weird. Lots of titties, though.

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Yea Forums fucking suck when it comes to slashers and just jerks off the same handful all the time

His hockey mask now goes with his lovely jacket.

>final girl, Stacey and chad are all chop up
>weird nerd who spys on girls in the shower is the hero
>produced by Harvey weinstien.
Makes you think

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Hello Billy!

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre isn't a slasher. It's a work of art.


Yeah, if your thoughts are stupid

I see a lot of love for more obscure and great slashers but ofc Yea Forums isn't exempt of jerking off what's popular.

Not fond of it. The characters are too annoying (Asian guy was alright though) and the kills are mostly uninspired. I'll admit that the death with the chick getting barbecued was pretty brutal though.

No it's only a good movie in the last 40 minutes. Headcheese be damned

are busty perky titties an essential part of slasher movies? because i need nudity to enjoy violence.

TCM 2 is a better horror movie, let's be honest.

tits are part of the formula, yes.


Black Christmas>Halloween=Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Everything else comes after.

>Madman and The Burning are the best 80's slashers nobody talks about
both good stuff. although I think pic-related would take that category for me

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The Hitcher (while great) is a thriller though

Says you, Billy

wrong. such a shit movie.

i swear horror is the hardest genre to trust other peoples taste..

I understand why you might think it's a god horror movie, but it's not.

you have a very generous definition of "pretty good"

I think that means headsplosion caused by melting while being run over by red forman is the de facto greatest of all possible movie deaths.

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Billy can't keep getting away with all this shilling.

Likewise for anyone who doesn't understand Rutger Hauer


>texas chainsaw massacre
Plebs step aside. You don't need to go to texas for a chainsaw massacre

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"Well then you are lost!"

Still haven't figured out what he was going on about in those phone calls. I assume there is some kind of story behind it rather than random rambling, scariest part of the movie.

What’s your favorite design

This one was fun to watch. I loved the look on Bluto's face

>people on Yea Forums unironically listen to queen

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"Just like having a wart remoooved! You fat pig."

I'm not sure that it means anything, but it was very disturbing. Props to Channel 4, who showed this, Braindead and Hellraiser on Christmas Day 2006

2004 maybe. Fuck it I can't remember, but the balls to show these movies on Christmas day was amazing.

Flimsy story but wow those incredible sexy lit close-ups. Neat stabbing gore too.

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halloween gets credit (justifiably) for establishing a lot of the genre tropes, and it did a lot right. but let's take our heads out of our backsides. It didn't do everything right, and plenty of subsequent stuff copied and improved on it.

>prince of darkness is his best
2nd that. halloween is definitely nowhere near his worst though. carpenter's had some serious highs and lows. Vampires, for instance.

>GG was the best rock band
not even GG would approve of that statement

Good movie.

>The Hitcher (while great) is a thriller though
only looks that way at the beginning. by the middle he's full got full on jason teleportation and he's wiping whole settlements off the map with casual abandon.

Yeah, and then at the end it goes full capeshit where he's shooting down helicopters with a handgun blind firing out the window of a moving car while driving

now that you mention it yeah, he's a rockstar

the burlap sac jason

>The Burning are the best 80's slashers nobody talks about
The Burning is really overrated.
Weak killer make up, severely unlikable characters, sex scenes are bleak and unsexy.
Only thing it has going for it is the raft massacre.

I would put The Final Terror, My Bloody Valentine, The Prowler, Humongous, Just Before Dawn, Madman & The Mutilator well ahead of it.

2 & 3 were better.

My mammal sauce is the best mammal sauce, I spread mammal sauce on my wang

What are your plans for the month of October leading up to HALLOWEEN?

not in modern horror

Cropsey was never overrated. Nobody outside of genre aficionados know the movie at all

jerking off to a different picture of Elvira each day

>omg this horror comedy so le wacky and zany
>this is definitely a slasher movie not a thriller
horror fans all need to die

Wrong link...but the right link? Fuck knows

Jason Goes to Hell is great and not silly much at all.
> Most mature well acted cast of the franchise.
> Solid final girl.
> Duke is cool & mysterious.
> Great Jason make up & stature, he is imposing as fuck. See pic related.
> Best gore of the series.
> 2nd best sex scene of the series.
> Great opening.
> Great finale.
> Great diner shootout.
> Solid score.

> Duke is underused.
> Jason's outfit is generic.
> The claws that drag Jason to hell look kinda cheap.
> Not enough Jason.
> Jason looking exactly like he did when he was killed after being resurrected through Diana's body is weird.

What I would have done different within reason...
> Never have Diana's body be moved to the Voorhees house. Have the morgue be built into the police station and so when CampbellJason attacks the police station he resurrects himself there and so the whole diner massacre sequence has him in his traditional Jason body.
> Have Jessica get naked, show her ass when she is being carried out of her house.

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Your mother needs to go first. I can't tell if she's a thriller or a spiller

I appreciate anyone who takes the time to break down what they do and do not like.

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I agree. I revisited it recently and found it really fun. I think I saw a different cut the first time though because the one I saw on Netflix seemed a lot tamer than I remembered it.


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I’m a big Friday the 13th fan and enjoy this one for its attempt at extended Jason lore. Every Friday movie has a little something different going for it, this one is way different in setting and the shit they throw at you, plus while there should be more Jason it’s still about him. My least favorite is FvJ but even that is fun to watch


Such a fun movie. Ted Raimi and that stupid ass tape he listens to got stuck in the heads of like 10 people I showed the movie to.

>dont care about collecting bru lays
>collect horror on blu ray
anybody else like this? i buy some shot on video stuff on dvd too.

Part 7 had the best Jason make up, it's the only film where Jason is more menacing without his mask on.

The only things keeping 7 from being the best of the series...
> Overly censored to hell.
> Overly unlikable characters aside from Tina.
> Stupid ending with the undead father.
They should have just had Tina use her powers to drag Jason back into the lake with chains and re-break his neck.

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Anyone remember the part in Sleepaway Camp where this evil camp counselor chick sets up a date with the old guy camp owner? What was up with that huh

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It's utterly asinine that it didn't get a sequel, especially with how much money it made.

Should have had it pick up like a day later with Swat teams and bounty hunters combing the woods for Jason.

I loved the tunnel idea. The other things that ticked off fans, Jason keeping a girl hostage, the prolonged tortuous deaths wouldn't need to be repeated in the sequel.

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Watched pic related last night to fill out my Friedkin. I was expecting some sort of street hustler getting caught between feuding street gangs from the poster, but instead got a shitty giallo with two hours of boring kills and man ass.

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Maniac Cop is pretty good but I think 2 may be slightly better & more balls to the wall. Too bad about the recycled footage.

I agree this one is gold.

I'd like to recommend The Burning. That movie should be always mentioned when it comes to slashers.

It's kinda sad that it's a dead genre, or at least I get the feeling I already saw everything worthwhile.

Go watch, The Funhouse, one of the better sleazy slashers of the 80's.

>Directed by Tobe Hooper
>Feels like a true successor to Texas Chainsaw Massacre
>Lots of trashy carnies in the movie and sideshow freak stuff adding to it's atmosphere
>Has some nice tits and nudity, plus a sex murder.
>Has one of the more memorable killers.

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thats what you get fag. also not horror.

This is the best looking Jason and it's not even CLOSE. The movie isn't horrible either. IMO best Fridays are 4 > 2 > 3 > Remake > 7 > FvJ.

OP said slasher, not horror, and the bad guy is a slasher villain.

Some good ones I don't see talked about enough:

>Stage Fright
>Tourist Trap
>Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon
>The Tripper
>Girls Nite Out

fair enough

the bit where the main guy wakes up in the county jail and his door is mysteriously unlocked, and then he peaks out in the hallway and just sees the K-9 dog licking up the puddle of blood? that gave me nightmares for a solid two years.
age 4 was a wild time. in hindsight I probably should have just stuck to the pg section of the video store

> 1974 >> 2003 > 3 > Beginning >> Leatherface >> 3D >>> 2 = Next Gen

Reminder that Daddario offered to do this scene topless & the elemental personification of retardation that is the director refused because it would be too "gratuitous"... in a fucking Texas Chainsaw Massacre film. May god have mercy on his fucking soul.

3D would be fairly decent if it wasn't for that ass fucked twist with Daddario's character.
> Ooooh the police were too harsh exterminating genocidal cannibals, lets team up with said genocidal cannibal and encourage him to murder my innocent step parents because "blood". What the actual fuck.

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Deadly Friend, a rare case of a female slasher, who happens to be a cyborg waifu murdering people with her super strength.

Attached: deadly friend.jpg (204x300, 19K)

> From: Friday, February 13, 2009 at 12:00:00 midnight
> To: Sunday, April 28, 2019 at 12:00:00 midnight
> Result: 3726 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes and 0 seconds
> The duration is 3726 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes and 0 seconds
> Or 10 years, 2 months, 15 days excluding the end date.
> Or 122 months, 15 days excluding the end date.
Oh dear god...

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>3D would be fairly decent if it wasn't for that ass fucked twist with Daddario's character.

3D was written by Adam Marcus, whose a retard and co-wrote Jason Goes to Hell. He's a major cuck who thinks he's Tarantino and a male feminist.

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>3D was written by Adam Marcus, whose a retard and co-wrote Jason Goes to Hell. He's a major cuck who thinks he's Tarantino and a male feminist.
you ever watch that 8 hour long f13 documentary? dudes a fat fuckin fag. god he was insufferable.
>like i had to put some nudity for the fellas but i swear im not gay

> h1 = strongly great
> h2 = great
> h3 = good
> h4 = great
> h5 = decent
> h6 (producer's cut) = very good
> h6 (theatrical) = poor
> h20 = decent
> hR = bad
> h07 = ok/meh
> h2 (09) = ok/meh
> 2018 = haven't seen

> F13 = decent
> p2 = very good
> p3 = very good
> p4 = very good
> p5 = near great
> p6 = great
> p7 = very good
> p8 = poor
> hell = great
> JX = good
> 2009 = very good

> 1 = great
> revenge = good
> warriors = great
> master = good
> child = bad
> dead = decent
> new = near great
> fvsj = good
> 2010 = ok/meh

This or Dressed to Kill.

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>> master = good
>> child = bad
>> dead = decent
I've only seen Dead & Child once each but I remember Dead being genuinely fun like Master and not weird & gross like Child.
Lead female was solid & Freddy's plan actually makes sense in this one unlike Revenge/Child. Writers have got to stop fucking writing Freddy as wanting to be reborn into the real world, there is no reason on earth he would want to do so and give up his dream powers.

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He's a moron who thinks he's too deep for everyone, and thinks he's constantly breaking cliches, which is his whole deal whenever he does anything. JGTH was like his first movie and handed to him to both write and direct when he was in his very early 20's. He didn't even have to work or fight to get the project. It was just kinda sorta handed to him, because he knew some people.

He was also very influenced by all the indie-film shit that was going on in the early 90's and was trying to ape it with JGTH, and tried to do lots of artsy camera shots that were completely unusable according to the book, Crystal Lake Memories. He also fucked up the casting, when the girl who played the main actress lied and said she'd do a topless scene, and instead of recasting her immediately, he just told everyone he'd convince her to do it, which ended up with him and the actress refusing to work together and Sean Cunningham taking away the directing job towards the end of shooting. The actress afterwords was blackballed in the industry(rightly so for lying), but Marcus never got black balled for being a fag, but he is a male feminist though guys.

This has to be a troll


Halloween 4 is so good.
> Great moody opening credits surveying farm equipment adorned with Halloween decorations.
> Solid score.
> The film certainty has a different feel from the original 2 films but is still very suspenseful & atmospheric in it's own way.
> Like 2 the film does a decent job of fleshing out Haddonfield as a real town with culture & history.
> Donald as always is great.
> Harris as Jamie remains among the best performances from a child actor I have encountered in a horror film.
> Rachel is a solid final girl.
> Sheriff Meeker (beau starr) I have always thought to be cool, his professional & trusting interaction with Loomis is more enjoyable then the more strained back & forth between Brackett & Loomis in 1/2. We get a faint hint of laziness/denial on his part with him initially trying to blow Loomis off but once he takes things seriously he goes into war mode like a boss.
> I liked that they wrote both Loomis & Myers as having learned from the events of 78, what with Loomis not hesitating to demand a town wide curfew which he resisted doing in 78 and Myers taking out both the Police & Power stations early on & letting officer Logan take him directly to his targets.
> Build up to & reveal of the police station massacre is chilling as well as the triple Michael sequence.
> This is easily the most powerful we have ever seen Myers on film.
> Entire ending from the battle atop the truck to the shootdown, to the twist is epic as hell.

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nah horror fans are just autistic

>He also fucked up the casting, when the girl who played the main actress lied and said she'd do a topless scene, and instead of recasting her immediately, he just told everyone he'd convince her to do it, which ended up with him and the actress refusing to work together and Sean Cunningham taking away the directing job towards the end of shooting. The actress afterwords was blackballed in the industry(rightly so for lying)

Being Meeker is suffering.
> Wife dead???
> Daughter constantly hounded by horny punks because of her incredible juggs.
> All his deputies & friends get killed in 4.
> Holister get killed because he didn't deputize the mob to keep a eye on them.
> Daughter dies while he is out trying to stop the mob.
> Jamie whom his daughter died during his efforts to protect briefly turns into what he was protecting her from and stabs her step mother.
> Spend year unable to properly grieve because he has to restock a entire police department with new deputies and transfer everything to a new bigger sleek police station.
> 6 more of his deputies get killed.
> Finally capture the guy who killed your daughter.
> You & your 7 remaining deputies get shot to death by someone whom you have no fucking clue as to the identity of, your brand new police station gets fire bombed and Myers released.
> Get replaced by a piece of fucking shit who won't cooperate with Loomis.
Feels bad man.

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98c looks like he's on the PS2

It's in Crystal Lake Memories. There's some mention of it in the documentary based on it as well, and in the dvd commentary on Jason Goes to Hell. The actress refused to do a topless scene, taping dixie cups over her nipples in her shower scene, so Adam Marcus couldn't lie and trick her by panning the camera down more. Otherwise the camera would have shown her wearing cups as pasties.

This is the actress's IMDB, notice she did next to no more films after JGTH. She had lied to get the job, promising she would do a nude scene, but then insisted she didn't want her family to see her topless on screen. So Marcus and everyone involved black balled her from the industry over refusing to show her tits.

You can read some stuff about it on various fan sites as well:

>There were issues with Kari Keegan doing the nude scene where she is in the shower crying. She was offered a body double but didn't take it. Instead she showed up that day wearing flesh colored items so they couldn't get anything on film by accident.

>Tensions rose over the nudity issue as well as an issue with Kari getting her neck sprained. In the end Sean Cunningham had to come in and direct the last few days of filming.

The tensions bit was about how Marcus was pruposely mistreating Kari Keagen because she refused to show her tits. Pic related is the scene she was supposed to be topless in, which Marcus kept insisting was going to be very classy.

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The absolutely fucked state of Friday the 13th for those unaware...

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fun fact: the guy who plays jason in this is playing swamp thing in the new swamp thing show

It's very retarded that Miller was allowed to win the rights. I believe that ruling is being appealed isn't it?

It's basically a fact that Miller was commissioned to write the movie, he never wrote the script ahead of time and shopped it around, it was a clear work for hire. He also had nothing to do with any of the sequels, nor created the Jason that we know of in the sequels, nor the hockey mask or any of that.

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Sean Cunningham, the director of the original movie came up with the idea to make and market a horror movie that he'd call, "Friday the 13th," and then hired a writer named Victor Miller to come up with a story for it so they could make a quick buck.

Years later, Sean Cunningham requires the rights to the series and takes them over to New Line. However, Victor Miller decides he wants money from the sequels, and is mad that Sean Cunningham gets money just because he invented the idea and owned the rights, and decided to take advantage of a California law where artists can try and reclaim the rights decades later, on the basis that they were tricked or swindled. Most people side against Miller however, but a judge ruled in his favor.

stupid. faggot even ruined the dlc for the shitty game.

>tfw was gonna post a hot deal for my niggas but it went back up in price

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He basically killed the game, and ruined quite a bit of the hype around it, because more stuff was coming for it, and would have come out had Miller not won the case. Gun Media said that even if the ruling is reversed on appeal that they couldn't re-start development on the game again, because it takes time and money to put new people back onto game development, since it would cause a bit of restructuring within the company on account of that everyone involved had to move on to other active projects when development ceased.

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Okay schlock. The cop ruined it for me but that milf touching herself in theatre was pretty hot

These proportions are making me uneasy.

he isn't really "in" it, it's mostly just voice over. The movie's shot in first person.
I assume if EW is ever playing a villain, it's because the filmmaker liked him in Sin City.

oh so thats why people like it.

Joe Bob might be the most American person in America.

Cropsey is fucking amazing.

>tfw jbb is actually pretty cool
now i know why people like him
t. 24 year old zoomer

Joe Bob is what got me into exploitation films. His reviews of Basket Case, Bloodsucking Freaks, Cannibal Ferox, et al, are what made me want to see those movies in the first place.
Him, Michael Weldon (Psychotronic Magazine), John Waters (for repopularizing Russ Meyer and Herschell Gordon Lewis), and (unfortunately) the Medved brothers (for popularizing Ed Wood) are the most important figures in making b-movies semi-mainstream

The Jason was great, a shame that the characters beside him were so unlikable.

dude, it was directed by Lucio Fulci

any of you guys ever read this?

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Great Giallo/slasher flick. It's got to be the sleaziest film I've seen. Really a movie from a bygone era of New York.

you ever see nightmares in a damaged brain? that has some new york porn scenes and other shit. headless eyes is old gross ny stuff too.

Best scene

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most of these are just terrible

Girls nite out is terrible. Fact.

I understand your issues with Dream Child, but I'll take it over Freddy's Dead any day. One of the most annoying comedies I've ever sat through.

You havent sat through many then

I've seen my share, but I do try to avoid them. Yeah, it's not like watching something like Epic Movie, but it's still pretty goddamn obnoxious.

> Elm Street 1 = Classic, might be overrated, but still an amazing movie to revisit
> 2 = poor followup that is occasionally fun with a few great scenes
> 3 = the true followup, debatably the best in the series, great mix of comedy and horror and great death scenes
> 4 = cheesy, but still fun and wickedly quotable
> 5 = the real decline for freddy, it tries so hard to replicate what worked in 4 and comes across like a parody
> 6 = freddy is a clown. A funny clown, but a far cry from anything that ever made him scary
> 7 = personal favorite, it is a meta movie that borderlines on pretentious and fan service
> FVJ = more of a Friday movie than an elm street movie with Jason being a clear favorite, but super fun and stupid
> remake = bad. We all know why it’s bad. It’s just bad.

blood diner was a favourite

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killer looks like theyre smoking a joint from the thumbnail

Such a classic, need to pick up on Blu Ray

I'm about to re-watch. Will be interesting to see how it's aged.
One line I always remembered was the guy in the cave "I'm so horny I could fuck a cow"

that's the book I was talking about here it's great

don't pay a hundred bucks for it, though, I'm sure there's a pdf somewhere

thats where the screenshot is from

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Actually rewatched that earlier. That's a pretty misleading poster because Nightmares in a Damaged Brain is still a true scumbag slasher. I would kinda put it in the same category as stuff like Maniac and New York Ripper. It's great.

if anyone knows any other scuzzy slashers please post.

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a really unsung classic
was shocked by how much I loved it

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Anyone read any of these Friday the 13th novels?
Some good plot ideas in there, should he used for future films.
I started Hell Lake but fell off, was good. Would require a bigger budget to show Hell.

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