Peggy please don't be in Manhattan on the morning of September 11, 2001. Don't ask me how I know...

>Peggy please don't be in Manhattan on the morning of September 11, 2001. Don't ask me how I know, I promise I'm not involved

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She'd have been 80, and going by Civil War probably with early stage Alzheimers by then? Why the fuck was he still letting her wander round Manhattan?

>he sucked on those milkers for 70 years
how can one man be so based?

Would the Avengers have gotten shawarma after NOT helping the victims of NYC out of the rubble like they didn't do after the battle?

>yfw you realized the Russos did such a shit job setting up their time travel rules that Steve could have literally time-duped a copy of himself to remain in our timeline
>yfw you realized this would work for any character, living or dead
>yfw you have no face

>Peggy: "So, tell me, Steve, how does time travel work?"

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>know 9/11 is going to happen
>use that knowledge to prevent your girlfriend from getting inconveniently stuck in Manhattan for four or five hours while the major tunnels and bridges are locked down

>Steve, why couldn't you just travel back in time and take a past version of Tony Stark to live in the future? You said everything is allowed except messing with the infinity stones

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I didn't know they made bras that strong back in the 40s.

Its nanotech, you like it?

the manhattan project was an orgy. she was going to an anniv meetup.

We didn't want to rip Tony away from his family and friends and leave them to suffer knowing we stole they're Tony.

You don’t have to.

1) Bring him forward
2) Wait with him for a minute
3) Travel back a minute
4) Bring that Tony to the present

You now have two Tonys. Do this again, you get four. Now you can travel back and leave a Tony in each alt-line you just created “before the world notices.”

Russos are fucking hacks.

>Peggy, whatever you do, don’t stop that school teacher from getting on that space shuttle on January 28th, 1986.

I raise your moral and scientific issues with Caps actions for thi-these.

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>Peggy, I need to go to Kenya to murder a child so that he doesn't become president of the United States. It's just like killing baby Hitler, except I'm morally justified.

How the fuck did the Russos manage to slip this line in?

It was a different now

>Peggy, please, don't go to Tiananmen Square on Beijing, China between April 15th and June 4th, 1989, because nothing will happen on that day.

This is shopped, r-right?

>Peggy put all our savings on these Microsoft fellas. I have a feeling they are the future.
What the fuck. Old cap is basically Rothschild from all the dirty deals he made.

Yes but now you have 4 alternate timelines where thanos wins and everyone gets f*cked. Tony has to die in order for a timeline to not get THANOS'd

>go back in time
>no internet. No Yea Forums

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So call me ignorant here, but is she heavy chested?


It’s not shopped, you can tell how big she is even when she’s wearing a turtleneck

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this was her all along?

So the Russos claim Cap made an alternate reality when he went back and stayed there with Peggy. But then how the fuck does he make it back to the "main" reality to give Falcon his shield?

probably got help from the howard stark and hank pym from the other timeline to get back to the "main" timeline

Unless old cap was Reve Stodgers the whole time!

Or he just got in one last dance. Found someone else in the past. Had a full life with someone else. He's mum on who he married

Yes that's clearly what the scene where he's dancing alone with her in a house with them both wearing wedding rings after pining after her for the entire movie implied.

Your just making more and more timelines that don't have Tony because you stole him

I work at a theater so I hear this line all the time. The sorceress says only removing a stone makes an alternate time line... sooo idk

>doesnt stop the illegal war in iraq

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Cap doesn't age like normal people do. The serum has super rejuvenating properties. That cap is on the bench is from the distant future

>Peggy, I know it's our wedding night, but I have to tell you something and you're not gonna like it. I'm not a virgin, Peggy. I'm sorry I couldn't save it for you, it was just so hard. Things are different where I come from. But listen, that's not all. My first was a girl named Sharon. Sharon Carter. She's your niece, our niece, in the future, Peggy. She's a great girl, not as tight as I hope you are but she taught me a thing or two that I hope you'll enjoy. I can't wait to see her again in 40 years and watch her grow into the woman who went to town on my dick like it was the American dream. And she was a good friend.

They could use this same technique to produce an entire squad of their heaviest hitters with zero consequences, then just go back to Wakanda and aim for the head. That gets them all the stones, the gauntlet, and saves them from having to bounce all over the timeline playing a collect game.

This is why you'd better have your shit wired tight before you start fucking with time travel in a story. They're lazy fucks and botched the shit out of it. What makes it even worse, this bullshit is now part of their cinematic universe. Lazy fucks.

>Hi boy, are you Patton Oswalt? I just want you to know that even if you miss I got you covered. You'll know what I mean one day.


>buy bitcoin and subscribe to pewdiepie


Does anyone know [/spoiler]know what song they dance to at the end[/spoiler] I feel like I’m 99% certain it’s “In The Mood” without ever having seen it.

>buy bitcoin
No you got the meme wrong he's meant to give good advice.

Nope! Count them:

1) Main Timeline
2) Timeline 1: borrowed Tony
3) Timeline 2: Duped Tony(2)
4) Timeline 3: Double-duped Tony(4)

Now there are enough Tonys to not only replace the main timeline's lost Tony, but to replace all the Tonys we "borrowed." Keep going past 3 iterations, you start producing more than you even took. With zero consequences. The Russos fucked up. Badly.

You can do this shit with literally anything - the stones, the gauntlet, cap's shield, etc., because these lazy fucks couldn't be assed to think through the implications of their dumbass story decisions.

Incorrect. See .



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Why didn't Thanos just make everyone time travelers so they can use the past for infinite resources?

Is this really part of her MCU character?

A posh British woman with a black dude in 1946?


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I actually don’t really mind television/film portraying racism. But I absolutely hate anachronism; it reduces your entire setting to just an excuse to have a big costume budget.

>it reduces your entire setting to just an excuse to have a big costume budget.
that was basically this show in a nutshell + 40s was bad because sexism and racism and here come these badass women and minorities to teach white men a lesson

>1) Bring him forward
what if you do this and then some dickhead immediately comes and takes the Tony, go get another one? what if they keep stealing their Tonys?

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This shit is retarded. It wouldn't be so bad if they did totally make it clear you can out shit back after you take it with no consequences.

>OP thinks this is a funny joke cause he's too dumb to realise Marvel time travel isn't the same as Back to the Future time travel
Russos already confirmed Rogers still did heroics in the alternative timeline he created by getting with Peggy. It's who he is, except he actually got to have a satisfying life with the woman he loved in the time he's from.

I don’t really get the criticism that Rogers wouldn’t “bail on his job” to go back to the past.

By Endgame, there’s really plenty of superheroes, most of which can probably do Rogers job better.

Black Widow alone proves you don’t even have to be a superhero, you just need to train really young.

>Rogers still did heroics in the alternative timeline he created by getting with Peggy
Worshipped as a hero in the Western World due to ending Vietnam, saving Kennedy, etc. Rich as shit due to 70 years of stock market knowledge. A Genghis Khan size family due to Blue balls the size of Peggys tits. Truly the winner of the Infinity Wars.

What's to stop you? You're putting him back "before the world notices." No one would ever have a reason to "steal" anything, because if the Russo's dumbass time travel rules, you're free to bootstrap your ass straight into a post-scarcity society. Nothing you can dupe will ever be in short supply ever again.

You could have a Hall if Presidents with the actual dudes without disrupting history at all - take them, dupe them, pit them back.

Would be interesting

You can't copy a person, every time you travel you create a new timeline, and you'll steal a Tony from one.

Not by what they show in the film. Remember - you can put shit back "before the world notices." The Hulk even says so. Hell, at one point Cap even fights himself. There would be literally nothing stopping both Caps from time-traveling back to the present.

>Peggy, whatever you do, don't vote for that Goldwater fella. We have to make sure we "save" black people and give them "rights" and make their "lives" """"better'""" by voting for Johnson.
>Cap turns to the camera and winks
What the fuck did they mean by this???

Rogers had good fucking taste

Both Caps could travel forward, but then you're left with a timeline without a Cap, the same timeline where Loki escapes.

Nope! Because you can put him back, remember?

Yes, you can, but that would also create a new timeline when you return. What if you never returned? You've completely fucked a timeline.

Were that true they would not need to bring the stones back in the first place.

I *wish* that's how the dumbasses presented in the movie. They have Banner saying some retarded shit about how you can borrow shit from a timeline and then put it back later "before the world has time to notice" or some shit like that. When he says that, he's talking about the Infinity Stones, so if you can do that with them, you could damn sure do it with a person. What's even worse, it's sort of implied that doing so "corrects" that timeline back into non-existence.

It's flat-fucking-retarded.

That's correct. They could time-dupe their own copy and just return them.

they're probably gonna retcon it and have Hayley Fatwell travelling around time with him in future movies.

What the fuck are you talking about? Every time you steal a new Tony, you're making a new timeline. You can steal a bunch of Tonys and put them into your main timeline to have a Tony army but eventually you'll have to return the Tonys back to their timelines or else those timelines would become fucked by not having a Tony.

Are you talking about the conversation with Hulk and the Ancient One?
I think she's talking about a specific timeline, hers, without the infinity stones, not speaking for all timelines.
She's just saying that a timeline without the infinity stones are doomed, and returning those stones at that exact time prevents that, not closing the timeline or anything.
If you travel to one timeline and have nothing to do with the infinity stones, you're still creating a new timeline.
She even makes a point when Bruce says I will return them, she says that in order for that to happen, you have to succeed. So there exists a timeline where they didn't win and the stones were never returned.