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Other urls found in this thread:


Jesus fucking Christ

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I'm building a team.


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Arya copying Rey's "drop weapon to distract enemy then strike" move was just the beginning.

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wrong pic damn

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Sounds like subversive kino is back on the menu, boys.

wow if you are being flanked on your battle map, and you dont see whats wrong, your e a fuckin retard.

Subverting your subverted expectations

the ultimate hack job

I will pay money to watch it

tfw Rian Johnson and D&D are were just making the same shit all this time. NK and Snoke are the same dude

This map triggered me for retardation. Did some guy carve all the individual undead blocks lmao

I know nothing of those guys. How bad is it going to get?

D&D are jews, what's Rian's excuse?

i like being mad for free so this is a good thing

A crossover would be an improvement

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It works better anyways

It's like an unholy trinity of hacks.

>unholy alliance between hacks Rian Johnson, Benioff, and Weiss, forming the ultimate hack triumvirate

Interesting. Clearly then, Benioff and Weiss borrowed the "Arya drops the dagger" idea from Rian Johnson's "Rey drops the light saber" idea.

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>some shitty series dudes trainwreck of a show ends
>immediately get hired to do film
Fucking kikes.

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It's now clear these guys actually have a double digit iq.

>It's now clear these guys actually have a double digit iq.
Yeah, put together, in total

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You're talking about the show where they had a dude do like a 500 mile run or some crazy shit for "help".....resulting in the gang being saved in the "nick of time".

Just cancer.

I just don't care anymore.

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Looks like it´s hacking time...


lol its going to suck so bad

this shit write itself maximum kek

Whoa, it's like pottery

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But they also have an eight digit bank account, bubbi.

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So Rian is still making SW movieS?! WTF I thought he was out


Here we go boys

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>A crossover would be an improvement

There will be a crossover of sorts. Benioff & Weiss are working on a Star Wars trilogy set about twelve thousand years prior to the events of the prequels, in a time just prior to the formation of the Jedi Order and Sith Order when people are just starting to become aware of force sensitivity. Thematically and tonally, their trilogy is very much a Star Wars meets Lord of the Rings.

>Look at this fagit. Just look at him.

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This is literal clown world material

Rian Johnson, infamously known for fucking up a series just because he wanted to subvert everyone's theories. And Dumb & Dumber, who killed the NK using the same stupid fucking reasoning. Literally their explanation was that Kit killing the NK was too predictable so they got Arya, fuck lore fuck all the history with Jon and the dead.

Just learned that they're behind GoT THE normie soap opera brainwash crapfest...well. Rest in Peace Star Wars and RIP Chewbacca.

I told you it was over. Oh well, we'll always have the pre-Disney EU and Disney can fuck off with their "non-canonizing" of it. I expect SW to go have complete man-on-man fucking in the next few films along with copious amounts of white male bashing.

so the knife drop kill thing was taken from rian johnson recommendation. why would anyone take his advice

Dumb, Dumber and now Dumbest

The Rian Johnson trilogy is never happening. He basically just proposed he write a trilogy all on his own and dumb, dumb Kathleen Kennedy told him to go ahead with it just like she told him to go ahead with every terrible decision in The Last Jedi which alienated fans and left the franchise with no villains and no plot lines for the third act of the trilogy.

There's no chance in hell Disney is going to let him touch Star Wars again, they just haven't said his trilogy isn't happening because they don't want to humiliate Kennedy.

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The digital projectors that will play these upcoming abominations need to be sabotaged.

>mfw this post is true
>mfw they'll probably use that exact same move at least one more time before you've even forgotten about the last time

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>3 white males making star wars

Yikes. this is a huge problem.

The trio that broke Yea Forums

Cersei will be defeated by a projection of Need Stark, who was Arya all along


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white males making star wars
>Yikes. this is a huge problem.
>2 of them Jews
That's a double yikes for me, famalam.

>Star Wars: A Brave Change Episode I: The Problematic Question
...A powerful star system stands in ruin while its only hope lies within an archaic male-dominated sector of the galaxy. Now, only a daring crew of strong and determined WOMEN ASSASSINS is the only FORCE that stands in the way of the evil Nahts-C Army and its insatiable quest to make MORE MONEY PER HOUR than female-trans bipedal sentient citizens....

>Writer: Rian Johnson
>Directors: Benioff & Weiss
>Producer: ???
Who is the biggest hack we can slot in here?

It's like they are actively trying to top TLJ, searching for people to make it even worse.

Kevin Smith

how would GRRM do Star Wars, given he gets 10 years to write a script

>new Sith triumvirate

Which one is kreia?

This borders on the demonic

>jews are terrible at something
>get even more prestigious work of the sort

Borders?! They hijacked a Saturn V rocket and rushed past it while giving it the bird.

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>be David Benioff
>4 am, sitting alone and throwing scratched ideas in the fireplace
>the phone interrupts my deep meditation
>it's Weiss, sounding like he found the cure for cancer
>he's out of breath
>my pupils widen
>Weiss can barely articulare the pure raw emotion coming over him
>with those words all reality breaks
>i can only see a helmetless boba fucking up the yuuzhan vong
>it's so fucking rad
>i start demolishing everything in my office in a frenzy
>Weiss is on the other line through the entire ordeal, screaming his lungs out
>then a realization hits
>the yuuzhan vong are no longer canon in SW
>i cry
>all i wanted was a good film
>a fun film
>i pick up teh phone and scream inarticulately at Weiss
>no words are needed - he understands me immediately, he starts weeping
>this goes on for 10 minutes
>"d... david"
>"david what if rey get"
>what if rey gets raped by boba"
>not sure if i heard him correctly
>"what if boba kills the force david and then ben solo has to murder his son ben because he has no force"
>irony taste in my mouth, realize its blood
>"y you mean to get back the dark side?"
>"NO, to win the war DABID!!!"
>grab my dick with my left hand and my idea crayons with the right
>boba could probably do it with about 20 good men, i realize, he knows the land
>don't know what that's about but it sounds rad as fuck
>write it down also

Get this through your head. Rian Johnson will never touch a Star Wars production ever again. EVER. ever.

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>makes 2 good movies and promises to make a third for 15 years until everyone eventually forgets about it

Oh. Great.

At least they aren't going to be involved with the GOT prequel series.

You know those mongs who think they've "hacked" roulette by just betting red or black and doubling the bet each time, and sometimes they go on a little streak, get into profit, but being mongs they carry on their "hack" because they can't into compound interest and don't know when to walk away before they get left with nothing? Well you know this whole Stein Weiss franchise...

Kennedy loves her golden boy, Sheev will save IXs box office. Prepere to be subverted.

I hate them so fucking much

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We'll supply the Quips

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I'm never going to see it, yet somehow they still managed to make me fuckin mad.

The amount of seething in this thread is pathetic. They're perfectly fine for the job.

Did somebody say gender neutral inclusivity?

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I don't understand the anger. Just give it up. Star Wars is already dead.

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I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of incels suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.

Oh I didn't know it was a "sure knock yourself out and write it" sort of thing with no agreement on actually producing it.

Why do those two always work together? Are they like a special team? Are they gay with each other?

i would unironically watch a star wars movie from these guys

Nice. I bet they'll even get Royal Caribbean Cruiselines to do the catering.

with any luck they'll subvert our expectations once again and the movies will actually be good.

>mfw next star wars turns out to be shit
>mfw i get to dab on starwars fanboys
ill forgive them for killing got if they shit all over sw

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How do either of these make any sense?


user you don't want to know what happened after the matrix

There is nothing left to shit on in Star Wars, it just ensures the neverending diarhea won't stop now and normies will ensure it will just keep going.

have sex

They are nowhere near as bad. I would even say based compared to those hacks.

At least Rian Johnson's not working individually any more... that would have turned out way worse.

>>write it down also

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This might be good.
Combine a bunch of talented directors and their vision might conflict.
Combine good and bad directors and the talent gets washed down.
Now combine the worst dogshits directors together and who knos what happens.

>stormtrooper literally lets her go, pulls away instead of slitting her throat
TLJ was beyond fucking dumb

holy shit

women at war table :DD
is this a comedy?

lmao this is gonna be SHIT KINO

Jewish media control strikes again

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Thanos did it with the power gem

I truly don't understand this mindset. Isn't the goal of a corporation to make maximum profit? I know the masses account for far more than us autists, but what makes them want to scorn anyone at all? Jewish arrogance?


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Didn’t Rian used to claim he wouldn’t be booted off the work for the trilogy?

This is going to be the Disney version of KOTOR
You thought they'd taken it all from you
Not yet

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Watch the hate for Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 3 (the most recent episode).

Basically imagine everything you know about Star Wars, both Expanded Universe and Disney Canon...
And throw it all away because these sons of bitches don't care;
Inconsistent is their bread and butter.
I guarantee they'll make flame thrower force powers

Kathleen Kennedy

ITT: We predict parts of said movies

The drop
>world is being dominated by big bad guy
>girl trains for a month
>girl slays big bad guy with clever weapon-dropping trick he never saw coming

The unexpected
>childhood boy and girl love each other
>girl goes bad boy goes good
>first two movies build up a tragic fight between two lovers
>it's about that time, boy is now man and girl is now woman
>they meet each other on a battlefield
>suddenly man turns around and bends over, revealing a hole in his pants
>shoves dinosaur dildo up his ass screaming "oh God oh God I'm fucking retarded", remains useless the rest of the movie
>some side YAS queen fights and beats bad woman
>D&D&J during interview: "We just wanted to subvert literally all the fan theories"
>they consider this a success, use The Burlington Bar reaction as proof
>Yea Forums btfo again

>This is going to be the Disney version of KOTOR

not-bastila will be a black trans woman(man?)

no sexy twilek minor Mission Vao character with wookiee friend but instead, a really ugly fat asian girl with a bowl cut and a nu-alien blob sidekick

Carth Onasi replaced with Cancerous Odor, a stinky incel, butt of all jokes character, played by Josh McDermitt(eugene from walking dead)

Jolee Bindo, the black jedi outcast replaced with a transgender black female outcast that acts/looks/behaves like a muslim, outcasted by CIS white male jedi order

HK-47 replaced with sassy black robot, basically copy pasta of L33T from Han Solo, but with a giant robot 'fro.(dont u dare ask why a robot has hair, that'd be racist!)
revan and malik = evil straight white males with blonde hair who are constantly on verge of crying in every scene.

I'm just done with Star Wars. I can't be bothered anymore. I would buy OT if they release 4k restoration of original unedited versions, but that's as far as my interest goes.

>I guarantee they'll make flame thrower force powers
sounds cool af

>I guarantee they'll make flame thrower force powers

Every day is worse than the last

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Nepotism and hubris.
They think they can shit something and people will pay to eat it because of the brand, then they hire their retard cousins and dumb friends from the synagogue.

nothing personal, goy

>talentless subversive kikes ruin not 1 but 2 of your favourite franchises

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Star wars is already trash though, and has been since the millennium started.

I-I don't know... Maybe their shitness will counter each other like algebraic minus signs

>giving a shit about star wars post TFA
Let them destroy it even more. Star wars is dead.

what are some movies like this?