Just finished the last episode
Just finished the last episode
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I e just finished the 3rd season but 2 was by far alot worse than 1 and 3
Why did they make paulie such an asshole after season 2?
Watch it Chrissy
watch it user
2 > 3 > 1 > 5 > 6b > 6a > 4
Don't get cunty user
why did they make you such a fucking fanook after season 2?
Tony should have shot this fag point blank after being in the 1st accident
Can someone post the brain meme of all the endings
has anyone watched earlier seasons recently? im trying to remember one scene where there is some shit going on and tony drives to payphone by the road. similar pose to this but phone is out in the open there is no box
why are there no fat ghouls?
Absolutely based OP. Sopranos is the only show that gets better with each season.
Are you sure it isn't a later season. Sounds like after he killed Tony B
was he the worst part of the show?
he was hilarious
He was fine until he went full retard and got involved in the NY war.
just checked it, it is not that scene. im pretty sure it was in one of first 3 seasons. phone was on the left, road was on the right.
I liked him
When meadow visits college?
he was a constant pain in the ass for Tony with his fuckups. He was like a second chrissy.
m'boy are you fat
best chance is to keyword search through scripts
Why didn't Phil show up in the window? Was Frank Vincent sick so they just recorded his voice?
Only once he got involved in NY. For half his time on the show he was trying to go legit.
Tony was just seething about him because his guilt about him going to jail made him angry and he couldn't take Tony B's bants.
Yeah, must be what the other user said then since that photo is the Meadow college episode
Pure kino
payphone was same as pic related, definitely not college episode. ill have to rewatch. it is driving me insane for some time already.
that shot is tony calling adriana (long term parking) but you knew that right?
also when are we going to have another stream night bros
How would the NY war have gone if Jackie, Ralphie, and Tony B were around? They would have been much more than a glorified crew...
yeah i know. i searched for the right image but cant find it.
is it the payphone image on that page? i cant upload the image for some reason. just search the page for pay phone
can you remember any more about the scene? you have me curious now
thats the one! really like this shot, it's what i think of when i hear sopranos. nice to finally track it down
who is he talking to anyway? i want to say something about the pussy #2 hit
he is talking to chris after truck driver got killed
>hi-jack, bye-jack
The Wire is better
Never watched it how does it compare
Nahhh nigga
The Wires characters are just so bland in comparison
I torrent'd the first season. Gotta start this weekend.
Cant hold a candle to sopranos. Wire is basically 5 times less exciting breaking bad with more focus on hank that takes itself too seriously.
Did you just call S2 the worst? That's impossible since it has the best villain, Ritchie
You guys think Ralph's a little weird about women?
best character in the show right here
Was it this scene?
The fuck was her problem?
When Brendan and the nigs try to jack a truck and a nig kills the truck driver of the company Junior was meant to protect and Chris calls tony and he answers. It is next to the bing the payphone i think.
He fell out of Tony's favour after the shit with the Russian. Then he tried to pressure Tony to rule in his favour because he was splurging on his "mother's" retirement care. By the beginning of season 4 Paulie is in the can and feeling alienated. He realizes Johnny Sack was playing him but by that point he's lost Tony's trust (and with good reason).
Paulie won out in the end though. He knew Tony was considering whacking him so he played both sides and probably ran whatever was left of the Soprano family (glorified crew) after Tony was whacked.
nvm my post you found it already
thats not dgirl
I'm putting all my money on Pie-O-My this Saturday
Who was in the wrong here?
>Tony was whacked
Charcoal Briquette
Yeah all that foreshadowing, POV shot established and finished with a smash cut to black, all of that was just for kicks.
Finn It be decl𝕒red th𝕒t thou h𝕒th' withdr𝕒wn thine suitc𝕒se!
>tfw ginger ale on the skull
I thought is a badass gangster movie. Very disappointed after several episodes. It's all about feelings, emotions, relationships, all that gay stuff.
Best rating
CRINGE idiot doesn't understand that The Sopranos can only be truly understood after watching Neon Genesis Evangelion as well, side by side
Based and evapilled