Why does the question of, "How do you write for women" baffle so many people? You just write them like a character. Why do people act like it's some magic trick?
Why does the question of, "How do you write for women" baffle so many people? You just write them like a character...
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Galbrush paradox. A woman character is a reflection of women everywhere.
women characters should be naked
I think queer party friend guy said it best
"How do you write women so well?"
"I think of a man, then I take away reason and accountability."
nice and old
How about a character is just a character
>You just write them like a character
no you don't they need to have SOME femenine traits at least
When is that mentality going to stop? The whole, "We need good FEMALE characters!" and "We want to prove that women can be funny" shit completely ignores the entire history of television and cinema and acts as if one of the biggest household names back in the day wasn't a woman comedian.
Reminder The Boss from Metal Gear Solid 3 is the most well written female character in an action story ever (in any medium) and should be the template for all "badass female" roles.
Just write a male character and make them weak, shrill, stupid and self absorbed. Bam. You've got a female character.
You people better not tell me too have sex, because I won't.
>eye candy for men
Who cares? Seriously who fucking cares. Men aren't complaining about shirtless Taylor Lautner. Hollywood is diverse these days, too. It's not like every A-lister is a bimbo titty monster.
Except for being combat skilled like Brienne or Arya, GoT largely gets women right
>lacking subtlety
>dramatically less clever than they think they are
Women can have some exceptional virtues when they stick to a feminine psychology. But feminism, ironically, tries to emulate masculinity to the point in which only the worst feminine traits are left.
It's almost is women should stfu and just not make a big deal out of shit.
Perform cunnilingus
You know a huge chunk of the vocal minority are actually white men seeking attention, right?
Check the author name for any clickbait shit you see. There's a good 60% chance it's a man writing it.
sarah connor was good
in the first 2 at least, she had a satisfying arc
No one's complaining about shirtless Taylor Lautner because it's not 2009 any more.
Ummm no, sweetie. Feminazis and leftie snowflakes take the cake on that. You guys just need to stfu.
A good character isn't just someone with a shit ton of flaws. Outside of Guardians but still in MCU, Pepper Potts, Scarlet Witch, Valkyrie and Peggy Carter are great. And two of those characters actually have their mental state together and are super competent.
The show was good too
Excellent low-key incel bait thread, OP.
>alex hirsch
that lena headey thing?
I only watched the pilot
>it only works on living things!
>*works on a metal skull*
the t-888(?) is qt tho, would waifu
>it's not a misspelling because it's British and the times have changed, guys, believe me
>disagreeing with women is incel
Based and cobrapilled
It's an acceptable form because fucking linguists say it is.
>Half Jewish
>Not raised as Jewish
Yes, white.
>Feminist media criticism
basically just "everything is sexist, everything is racist"
>How do you write for women?
you have to make them simple and mary sued, since having depth to a character requires flaws which is misogynistic.
grizzled frowning white guy is my favorite character though.
>muh appeal to authority
I like tired, grizzled, frowning white guy who is sick of all your shit and tells the monsters to fuck off. That's not sarcasm, "Old Man Logan" archetypes are great.
>"When I grow up, I want to be so contrarian that I disagree with the dictionary!"
Anti-Semite bastard
>Man has to write female character
>Writes female realistically
>Females hate it
Every time.
>muh ad hominem
Erase past scores so it looks like we are being progressive just now. Remember how black people were saying that Black Panther was the first movie ever to have black main characters when a lot of movies did it before? Not to mention they said only blacks were on the production team or whatever and in the end one of the Oscar winners was a white composer.
>Disagreeing with the dictionary is a stance
No, it's just retardation.
Aw man, one post out of a trillion feminazi and nigger complaining.
Mannn i think so differently now.
>muh straw man
1 1 3 9 6 0 2 9 0
Gonna have to try harder than that for a (you), my friend.
t. dumbass
why are white supremacists always so retarded? Most SJWs are white. They're mostly women, but then still white women. And plenty of white men are willing to pander to feminism in a futile attempt to woo women.
The only people it baffles are feminists. Hollywood has been successfully making films for women since Hollywood has existed. Bridget Jones' Diary, There's Something About Mary, Sex and the City, and every other chick flick didn't make their profits off dudes.
based loophole poster
>Why does the question of, "How do you write for women" baffle so many people? You just write them like a character. Why do people act like it's some magic trick?
Well the problem is that approximately all of the time that this question is brought up (certainly on Yea Forums) it's about trying to make some movie with a male-primary or male-presumptive audience "woman friendly" or some shit like that.
Actually writing for women from scratch is different and if you've watched a lot of shows and movies actually written for women and can't at least sense on an intuitive level that there's something fundamentally different, you might need to cut down on your soi intake and hit the gym. If you're really curious try watching some TV shows like Grey's Anatomy, This Is Us, and Killing Eve. Orange is the New Black is another one. Personally I wouldn't recommend it unless you're generously choosing to spend some time watching shows with a woman.
It boils down to this basically In the current political climate a woman can't just be another character so writers feel like they need to treat them with kid gloves.
Look at BR2049 for a recent example. That movie had interesting female characters in a variety of roles, some powerful, some not. It pulled no punches and wasn't afraid to subject them to violence and hardship the same as any male character and it still got flak from some feminist reviewers.
i didn't know liberal incels existed
The archetypal beta orbiter is a liberal soiboy and does not receive sex
"Feminism" is literally just creating make-believe problems out of thin air. If a woman says she's a feminist I literally won't talk to her, it means she will be an insufferable person.
Most soiboi liberals are incels. Most people on both political extremes are incels. Chad doesn't give a flying fuck.
I personally am racist and segregationist politically but that doesn't stop me fucking fine big-assed black women. A Chad will seize every opportunity for pussy he is presented with.
I'm fonna start using «cobrapilled» from now on, such a good termn
I think you mean (((white men))).
>If a woman says she's a feminist I literally won't talk to her
lol as if you'd ever talk to one in the first place
source on that pic?
Not only do I talk to them but I fuck them, unlike male feminists like (You), now drop the cringe act, life some weights and have sex.
Don't know, I just love it.
I've never understood the criticism of a 'warrior woman'. Are they implying they didn't exist? They of course existed. How successful they were is a different issue though, in an historical context.
You'd be extremely hard pressed to find "warrior women" before guns, outside of myths and legends like the Amazons. There really is no reason whatsoever to put a woman into combat when she could do other actually useful things during a war, that women are good at.
A book called chamiel
Women have no character
Keep SEETHING in denial, soiflakes.
Holy shit you guys are so cringe. Just own up to your crybaby oppression sjw shit. Niggers, shitskins, feminazi, and sjws are the beacon of the PC oppression era. Stop try to pass it off and learn from your mistakes so you never have to be like this again. You fucked up.
Women have no honor.
What are you trying to say? I don't speak queer.
Both true and based statements.
Why can any roastie declare herself a feminist? Why isnt their a license to be considered a feminist?
Precisely what I thought of. And true.
All female characters should be like Jill Valentine or Claire Redfield; nobody really gives a shit that they're women either way, they just exist.
OP comic is so retarded. No surprise it's written by a bugwoman who wants to suck up to racists and sexists
For a Yea Forums example, the chick from Conan is a good female character.
intelligent nihilistic and a wicked sense of humor
It's usually Jews trying to ruin western civilization.
All women should be like Snow White
Very based.
Why? Not one for vidya and unironically want to know why you say this
That's cause GRRM based them off of real historical people. Yeah everyone knows the Lannisters and the Starks are the Lancasters and the Yorks, but the indviduals are also based on real people. Cersi for example, is straight up Irene of Athens. Its pretty easy to get Women right when you basically just copy and paste them from history books.
I think you mean Sleeping Beauty. Snow White is actually present in her own movie a good 80% of the time.
Haha so lame what a pussy bitch nigger.
>Remember how black people were saying this was the only movie with black main characters
Literally no one said that. Try again incel
1 1 3 9 6 4 2 1 6
You're not getting any more (you)'s until you get that dick out of your mouth, faggot.
Based, thank you friend
I think he meant to say the first black superhero movie when there was stuff like Hancock and Blade prior.
She cooked, cleaned, and sang songs for me. And her voice was pretty. That's how they should all be.
She also instructed the dwarves to clean themselves and practice good hygiene and tucked them into bed. You're portraying her as a wife when she was really more like a mother in the movie. Not sure if you want all women characters to be motherly or if you Freudian slipped and revealed that you want to bang your mom.
>not wanting a mommy wife
It's like you're some kind of faggot pleb or something.
>You're portraying her as a wife when she was really more like a mother in the movie.
If she's my wife she's also going to be the mother to my children, these aren't different things
>she was really more like a mother in the movi
You do realize a good mate has to have motherly qualities right? Use your brain for a second. You want a wife that's bad at being a mother??
>Irene of Athens
I would a show about her and no GoT doesn't count
There's a difference between being a good mother and your wife treating you like she's your mother. I don't really want the woman that I bend over every night to also wipe my cheek when I get dirt on it.
>your wife treating you like she's your mother. I don't really want the woman that I bend over every night to also wipe my cheek when I get dirt on it.
I actually would like that. Can you please make up more scenarios?
>leftists using the word "folk"
fucking gas them please. I can't stand this pseudo-rural infatuation they have when all of them are soi city slickers
Erotic bath sessions where she washes you down and cleans behind your ears.
Though, I guess that's more of a chambermaid fantasy.
((White man))
Yeah that annoys me too. Why do they do it?
>tfw embrace the form of feminism that rejects dyke philosophy and embraces motherhood
The future is female and she isn't an insecure lesbian. Women are physically weaker but that makes them easy to love, they are naturally above violence. When us men are having mental breakdowns in the fox hole, we need to think of those special women who taught us to be something more than a man.
Its because its a gender neutral term. Same for them appropriating "y'all"
pic related is basically post-modernism is the nutshell
commies will all hang.
fucking based
Based, women's brains are some sort of animal/child hybrid that can only act retarded but you can't just write this down in a book you have to make her likable
I prefer more "here comes the train! Choo Choo!" type stuff and tucking me in at night. Man, that'd be great.
>muh fallacies
British spellings exist, get the fuck over it brainlet
Unrelated but do you happen do you happen to be virgin by any chance?
how the fuck do you misspell "opinion"
have sex
women are retarded is the problem
a chadgin
As a motherfucker that's actually been under mortar, rocket, RPG, and small arms fire, you can kindly go fuck yourself with that bullshit.
Fuck feminists though.
So why are men putting retarded people in charge of shit in our society?
>not realizing our society is being shipwrecked intentionally
To get some hole.
She's a good character because she's based
Why don't you like them?
The rough & rugged man is the essential male archetype, is it because of race or something?
To be extremely passive agressive