It wasn't kino like the original Independence Day but it was a fun flick
ITT: fuck you I like it
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but the original was bad too
This is now obscure Michael critchon thread
part 3 when?
Also this. 90's creature features were sweet, I don't care what anyone else says.
When I watched this movie I think was the first time I experienced ruthless gaslighting from my sociopath girlfriend (now ex) I didn't know what was happening to me but it was truly terrifying.
It was more than gaslighting actually, it was all the tactics of abuse only used by people with no conscious(narcissist and sociopaths) but it was the first time she started doing it to me. I didn't know what was happening to me but I was terrified. Anons. Educate yourselves heavily on the narcissist problem. Especially if you have a hard time speaking up for yourselves
Yes im talking to you 18 year old anons. Before you run off with the first bitch who puts out get educated on narcissim and the red flags
unironically just turn your brain off and enjoy the ride
Aaron Paul need for speed
Someone get this retard off the computer
But it was kino
i unironically really enjoyed resurgence. first movie in years that had that we're just going to make a fun, balls to the wall 90s mega blockbuster feeling.
This movie was so fucking bad that I was speechless.
not even a bit guilty about this pleasure
Yeah I enjoyed it, wanna fight about it?
I got a headache from listening to Laurie screeching the whole movie.
The AvP movies. They both have their issues (close up, pitch black WWE fights in AvP 1, Dawson's Creek-tier high school bullshit in Requiem), but there's something comfy about both movies.
That's a well-liked movie, user.
this movie's only crime is not enough dafoe
Bruh this is seriously the worst movie ever made ever.
A man of taste
It was fun
I was an extra on this movie. AMA
Yes, I'm being nostalgic for a cheesy ass action flick from my childhood. Fight me faggots.
Sequel when?
Michael Chuckton
Fuck you and fuck you too, plenty of comf right here
never and we knew it at the time. They scanned one dude for a video game that never materialized.
That whole story of the African warlord fighting them on the ground would have been a far better movie.
I honestly enjoyed it too. I like my dumb monster movies.
Resurgence is offensively bad.
>I'll show you a close encounter, bitch! Get it? Remember when my dad punched an alien and then said the words "close encounter" to no one in particular? And then he described his sitting alone and quipping to himself so that the words could be entered into the historical record and passed down to his son?
This was worth it for Jeremy Irons alone.
Any interesting lore about the aliens?
Downloading this right now.
Also this
I thought her performance was great, way better than Jaime Lee
>never and we knew it at the time
But why?
Eh, I just found her incredibly shrill. I know she's traumatized and all that, but it made the movie a chore to watch. Malcolm McDowell was great though.
i always loved the 1998 godzilla movie.
>Mr. Will Smith, tell us about your experiences with the aliens
>I punched a motherfucker on the face and I thought "this sure was a close encounter"
What is so bad about this?
Aliens rip off but entertaining. Probably one of the hardest pg-13s out there
genuinely fun movie
I don't think it's a chore at all, probably the most brutal slasher film ever made. But yes, McDowell is great as a sell-out Loomis.
>If I want your opinion I'll beat it out of you!
I'll probably watch it again one day because of him. I did appreciate the brutality too.
The alien orb thing was a huge blue ball and we had to pretend it was real and projecting stuff so of course some extras who are trying to 'get discovered' go crazy.
No, the "worst movie ever made ever" is either pic related or the one two posts below yours
How old r u
Everyone in my theater clapped at the end of Revenge of the Fallen and I died inside. I was angry the entire movie and movies generally don't make me angry, even when I don't like them.
What was the end again?
god damn this movie was so shit
Prime and Sam standing on an aircraft carrier
Before that, Prime yells
and disembowels the villain
Oh, I just meant when the end credits started playing. They genuinely loved the movie.
Wasn't this such an epic moment though?
Truly unforgettable.
This movie was complete trash. Also the audio and sound fx suck balls
They were going for silly and fun but it was just shit.
Retarded movie that can't decide if it's funny or a retardedly corny horror movie.
Last Knight makes this look like The Godfather.
One of the dumbest mivies of the 21st century.
Disagree. Last Knight and Age of Extinction are still bad but they're not quite as juvenile, they don't have the same potty humor etc and, despite the material, Mark is a better and more tolerable lead actor
disclosure and the 13th warrior are kino.
books are better, I think I enjoyed the andromeda strain and prey the most
this is one of the true greats of badgood cinema
how is congo obscure? it had a big ad campaign and wide release. anything crichton in those days was considered pure gold.
Litereally k.y.s.
Marky Mark killed this franchise and was wildly miscast. Only the most Red.dit faggot imaginable would think Marky Mark is better than Shia in Transformers.
foight meh yaagh croikey dar be dragoons
His single greatest performance outside of TD.
fuck you, I liked it. cute vampire g/f kino
Nothing Mark does is as bad or as cringe as this fucking scene
are you fucking shitting me it was abhorrent, maybe the worst movie I've ever seen
The original was good after the aliens invade (which is depicted realistically; people would turn to see this isnt fucking alien thing emerging from the sky, panic, start looting. Then the ship destroys cities and we got some amazing CGI and model work on the explosions. The air battle the next day was just as sick. Robert Losier, Jeff Goldblum, Bill Pullman all put in great performances and Will Smith fit the bill because he was just getting off of TV and the world hadn't caught on to his "I can only play idealized badass versions of myself" style of acting. And then it turned into Jews save the day by around the second and third act.
The second movie I barely remember and I saw that bitch in theatres. It had numerous call backs to "the batrle of 1996", it had a small scene alluding to what fighting the aliens on the ground was like and how you can only kill them by stabbing the backs of their heads (I was like, "Why wasn't THAT the movie?"), Bill Pullman was in it and it was a waste of that man's talent, there was a scene where an alien ship lands on half the planet and its big enough to knock us out of orbit and wipe out billions of lives and no one mentions anything about it, the queen alien fight was a video game cutscene, there was a line where Will Snith stand in says "kick the tires, light the fires", a friendly robot gives us detsiled files on how tofight the aliens and now qe are gonna take the fight to them and Data who ends up being gay the whole time ends the movie saying "Let's go kick their asses", everything is fuzzy inbetween all that.
Will Smith dodged a bullet with this film, but he landed right in Suicide Squad, so he's no fucking Neo and he missed out on that too.
Y'see, I don't give a fuck what anyone says. Godzilla was based. The toys alone for this movie were epic enough as it is.
You are diggimg your hole deeper and deeper.
>Robert Losier, Jeff Goldblum, Bill Pullman all put in great performances and Will Smith
forget those guys, cousin eddie did all the heavy lifting
Provide an example of something Mark does in those movies that's worse than Shia's cringefests
are we really arguing whether marky mark is worse than shia the beef?
>oh hey this giant steaming pile of shit over here has a very slightly less amount of steam coming off of it than THAT giant steaming pile of shit over there
what's the goddamn difference? they both make ashton kutcher look like marlon brando by comparison, who gives a damn.
speaking of sweet Randy
FUCK Y'ALL, I love this goddamn stupid ass movie
Transiformers 1 is legit solid and 3 is universally underrated.
Both Marky Mark movies are dogshit.
>Transiformers 1 is legit solid and 3 is universally underrated
I guess if you get an infinite number of monkeys pulling an infinite number of levers in an infinite number of brains, sooner or later just by pure random chance one of them is bound to produce *that* opinion. congrats, I guess.