Fat fuck that can barely hold a sword

>Fat fuck that can barely hold a sword
>Never really fought anyone in his life
>Kills a White Walker with no training, out of sheer luck

>Based Arya spends several seasons training with the best assassins in the world
>Kills the NK with the knife Bran gave him
>Barely manages to do it
>Yea Forums autists getting triggered over this

Tell me the truth user.
Is it because Arya is a girl?
While on the other hand, you identify with Sam and his inceldom?

Attached: sam-tarly-752x440.jpg (752x440, 33K)

>Is it because Arya is a girl?

sam should've died last episode. it's unreal that he and a bunch of others survived.

Sam isn't an incel.

I think it's mostly about that autistic one thousand ft jump, but I could be wrong.

He was when he killed the WW tho

>Is it because Arya is a girl?

No, it's because Arya is not Jon. Infact, I don't think Arya even said the words "white walker" even once since the show aired and yet she's the one to save the day? Not the guy whose entire plotline revolved around fighting the white walkers/night king?

>old man in the citadel
>is writting
>...it seems that the adventures i lived in those times were a real, games of thrones
>zoom out, the end
he's needed for the final shot

I wonder if Sam surviving everything is supposed to be a play on the whole "anyone can die" thing, like if anyone can die it follows that stupid virgin fatties can survive everything. But it's more likely they just kept him alive for fanservice.

No, it's because she leaped 15 feet into the air, past an army of wights and walkers, instead of using faceless magic, and then did a knife drop.

you turbonigger.

1. No one can kill the NK with an ambush, he can see everything around him in the present moment
2. Arya couln't pass through the thousands of undeads and WW that surrounded Bran and the NK on the Godswood
3. Arya can't jump 10 meters
4. Even if all these is ignored the NK would kill Arya in the very moment he grabs her

All of this has already been discussed, go back to your cage cuck

its because her storyline had nothing to do with the white walkers and yes she is a girl.

>muh cucks
Spotted the incel

He needs to live to bring the evidence of Jon being Targaryen.

He brought up 4 articulated points none of which you addressed, you lose!

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Care to counter any point instead of focusing on a buzzword?

The Waif can.

Attached: waif-xlarge_trans_NvBQzQNjv4BqNUHzxaamNmHDqK-YksWRz2o-yMLyYquKCawpyDOW254.jpg (1024x640, 56K)

Nobody’s a fan of this fat cunt. He’s just GRRM’s selfinsert and cannot die because of plot armor.

Melisandre’s got that red guy without pants magic.

No. I would be equally pissed at any character that´s not Jon for doing it. Let me explain you how arcs work. Jon fought the NK for eight seasons and he is the choosen one (resurrected Targaryen, Azor Ahai, the prince that was promised. Even the Night Jobber recognized him the first time they meet).
Arya´s arc on the other hand is killing Cersei so she is plot protected until that happens. She had never even meet the night king. I am pretty sure she is capable and all but it had nothing to do with her. Not only she is not the choosen one, she is supposed to be fucking no one.
It´s not about who your favorite character is... Azor Jaimie did not make any sense either. It´s about arcs. The fatso never killed randomly. He killed characters because either they had fullfilled their purpouses or because killing them would trigger events. No because "subverting expectations is cool". D&D on the other hand have been adrift for several seasons doing stupid shit but never as stupid a shitting on 8 years of build up.

> Have sex

Yeah, sex is cool and all but have you ever drop the mic after calling a faggot OP on his bullshit?

the night king is so powerful he makes you butthurt by ruining your expectations

Gilly probably knows where it is. Sam should’ve died last episode.

>Dany never held a sword in her life.
>Gendry has had no real training
>Jaime has only one hand and is established he can't fight anymore
I know the series' last couple of season haven't been that great but this single episode has completely ruined the whole thing beyond redemption