Only the chads that finished S2
American Gods discussion
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second season is so bad lol
What if I never bothered with the show but read the book?
Faggot show
i hope mr world wins.
lol nerd
Acceptable. Apparently the show has nothing to do with the books anymoreNah. Only the Thor episode was a snorefest
I've read the book. Good stuff. Is the show any good? I heard they turned Shadow into a nigger, so I skipped that one.
>Easily the best character
>Only gets a few scenes
What did the show mean by that?
I thought it picked up a little around there to be honest. Previous two episodes were the ones I had trouble getting through.
Is that Crispin Glover as God?
There are more annoying African Americans on the show besides Shadow
It made me ditch the show for a couple of episodes. I still don't understand the ending, who fucked with Shadow's licence?
>more annoying African Americans
god that episode with the race riot and racial shit was annoying, and im a blckanon. The whole time i'm like only a kike would write a character like Nancy. He's like a parody of afrocentric retards on twitter.
Nancy is a cuck. The yelling and the screaming, he should have been killed by the spear
I unironically stopped watching when they killed off mad sweeney.
there was no reason to do that. and it served no purpose. He was unironically one of the only likable characters, and I wanted to see how he treated dead cunt after he fucked her through voodoo ritual bs.
also voodoo white wimmin was pretty hot.
as someone who read the book and watched S1, no its trash. Ian McShane is based tho
>1 episode left
>You stop
It's funny. I never liked the leprocaun in S1, pretty funny in S2 and was pretty shocked he died.
Im still wondering what purpose the muslims serve that made watching that loong boring gay ass fucking scene where a genie blew a golden load in his ass and took his clothes.
what did that scene add to the story except lay out that bryan fuller is a huge fag.
I do like the effects of the gods in "god mode" though.
and the scene with technical boy being created was kino.
>watch american gods when it first came out
>there is a literal 20 minute hardcore gay sex scene with faggot arabs
This. Him and Odin are the only reason to watch the show.
I've never read the books, but if he isn't resurrected or some shit by early next season, if this show even gets a next season, then I probably wont keep watching.
Dumbest show ever.
It's Bryan Fuller and his faggot ways. Based S2 didn't let that shit happen
What the FUCK is that mask thing that took tech boy away?
>>there is a literal 20 minute hardcore gay sex scene with faggot arabs
i unironically think this is the scene that keeps the show teetering on ratings and made some of the cast leave. So far nothing about that was explained, and it was clearly gratuitous as hell.
even bilquis pussy black hole had some exposition as thats how she gains power. arab ass fucking was so unecessary, as was the "kill yourselfs niggers because youre fucked in america" bullshit scene that made me hate nancy moreso than I would have if they just opened with him weaving a nice suit the way they had thoth, writing a story..
its like they cant help themselves with shoving political commentary into the show.
it's renewed for season 3 with a proper show runner and pablo shreiber is signed up to play master chief in the halo series so he's probably not gonna be around anymore
what is he the god of?
9/11. Every world event
>mfw three gods who have had run to do whatever the fuck they wanted for thousands of years, one of whom literally eats people with her cunt, one of whom is Egyptian, have an NAACP meeting and discuss the treatment of 'our people' at the hands of the white man
Anansi wouldn't be so bad (he's got a good actor and can be quite entertaining) if not for the fact everyone takes his retarded bullshit seriously. A fucking house nigger trying to tell Thoth of all people how the world is.
>if this show even gets a next season,
i kinda like the show, but i kinda hope it doesnt. I feel like its best elements are already played out, and they wont stop with the social commentary.
and it really shows as a blackanon what the show runners think about black people, to where they have to constantly portray blacks as victims of WHITE AMERICA , when the two black gods of Anubis and Thoth are pretty likable with good exposition, but they have to have stereotype god Nancy on screen so much more. I literally cringe whenever hes on screen.
based low key user
>mfw (((globalism))) is just mischief and tricks
They should just cut half the cast and make it Odin and Czernobog on a Thelma and Louise road trip.
>A fucking house nigger trying to tell Thoth of all people how the world is.
this. he yaaas queen , the pussy goddess as if she answers prayers or some shit and isnt really a demon that drains life force from people. Who would fucking worship you....except tinder cucks?
Then you have Nancy whose first followers he tells to kill themselves, and is mostly a trickster god. Also he makes suits and talks in ebonics.
then you have Thoth. He's seems to be the only one with a job as a god. Yet he's treated as some kind of pariah.
My issue is why isn't all those Jesus' not doing more.
also the scene with Moneygod, and Wednesday being a subtle shoutout to Deadwood ans was much appreciated. I just hate watching a show with so much potential just waste itself with nonsensical political shit a god wouldnt care two fucks about.
Speaking of which, where is God?
>where is God?
good question. considering "gods" in this show are thoughtforms or whatever,OG god would be pretty present and interfering with this shit going on. Or would he?
i dunno, don't christians consider him unknowable and yet "inside us all" at the same time?
Biblical God is basically the same as Jewish God, just cut the New Testament and it's the exact same dude. Can't blaspheme him, goy.
hes loki
he did. hes part god
thats what hes shown to be but he isnt. thats his thing
delete button
Awww. Sometimes I pretend to know what's going on in the show
I'm not going to read the thread but after 3 episodes this sucks. It used to be visually amazing but it can't even manage that now.
God is omnicient and know what is going to happen even though Christianism is all about free will and not believing on a set destiny. Basically “God works on mysterious ways” means he will intervene if he decides to give a fuck but probably won't
The season is over? The fuck?
Damn this show moves slow.
>Only the chads that finished S2
But I want to know how much wasted potential New Media is before jumping ship
Yeah only 8 episodes. Fuck knows what they were thinking
Might be the cutest chink on tv
>Is this culture a Judeo-Christian culture? Is forgiveness a quality of Christian ethos? Didn’t Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold of Columbine high school pose with a caption that stated, “Stay alive, stay different, stay crazy”? Didn’t they target Christians? Weren’t they accused of being “Nazis”? Wasn’t one of them Jewish?
Based Crispin Glover.
God damnit. I thought we were gonna finally get an episode of Shadow going rogue.
>Is it possible that the Columbine shootings would have not occurred if Steven Spielberg had never wafted his putrid stench upon our culture, a culture he helped homogenize and propagandize?
>Would the culture benefit from Steven Spielberg’s murder, or would it be lessened by making him a martyr? Or would people then begin to realize their lives had become less banal and more interesting due to his departure?
Absolute madman (in a good way)
>Shows the Africans being stupid and ignorant and racist the entire show and never learning anything
This show, it's eh, it's okay. Pretty realistic.
He did cause a death
>Would the cultural mainstream ever silence or suppress Steven Spielberg? Has the United States government given the immensely wealthy Steven Spielberg millions of dollars to fund a media project that reflects his religious heritage, and his cultural beliefs? Does The Talmud speak of the superiority of the Jews and the inferiority of other cultures and beliefs? Does Steven Spielberg reflect this religious imperative? Is Steve Spielberg neurotic? Is this belief hidden and suppressed?
Crispin Glover is woke af
I wonder what his opinion of Spielberg is
Just finished episode S2E3. The intro with Mr. World was fucking amazing.
It is pretty funny how the show has multiple prominent black characters and the impression the viewer walks away with is "Well, at least Shadow is all right compared to these fucking monkeys"
It's probably a bad sign when the character that's just "kind of bland and okay" is a breath of fresh air compared to the characters you actively want to fucking strangle and never see onscreen again.
he is cool
I think they just don't want to address it. The story is Pagans vs Modernity, Christianity is a sidenote. I kinda like how A: a million different Jesuses exist, based on different people's visualizations of Him, and B: they're just not going to ever be central to a War Between Gods because they are all chill dudes who legitimately love helping people and will willfully lay down their own lives (and spontaneously resurrect) to save mortals
>Do Steven Spielberg’s passions burn? Do passions burn in the man now imprisoned who wished to anally rape Steven Spielberg? Do our cultural mouthpieces confidently inform us that the wish to anally rape Steven Spielberg is a bad thought? Could anal rape of Steven Spielberg be simply the manifestation of a cultural mandate?
>*abandons this shitheap of a show because he's playing Master Chief in Halo*
I'm not even saying Halo is gonna be good but I'm glad he's gonna be paid millions for it
>Crispin Glover spent the early '00s shitposting conspiracy theories on avatar/signature/postcount forums and kept his own AOL page full of them
God that's incredible
I want to go back
he is loki duh
next you will tell me it's a coincidence odin let shadow mind his spear and the series of events that occured after shadow killed him, namely that shit with the tree, was just happenstance even though they repeatedly tell you "WERE ALL JUST PAWNS IN HIS PLAN"
the spear is protected now and the only person that can bring it back, and that just so happens to be really fucking handy with a spear apparently, dead.
imagine that.