As soon as I saw the video game stylized axe I knew it was Edgar Wright tier reddit trash...

As soon as I saw the video game stylized axe I knew it was Edgar Wright tier reddit trash. It's clear Cosmatos is trying to get in with big studios by creating a false film. Beyond is now clearly a hollywood shill job made for the express purpose of creating a new "legitimate" director to be used in subsequent capeshit releases in order to attract the "film buff" demographic to maximize profits. This happens all the time in hollywood. They pluck out a darling with inoffensive sensibilities, fund his indie shit on the cheap, and bam, they now have "legitimacy" "wow look at this hot new talented direcotr" appeal and can now be a new "artificial star" to hinge your summer tentpole release on.
It is all fraud, a manipulation. Cosmatos is no more an artist, no more a human being even, than the new mcdonalds festive hamburger promotion. He is smoke and mirrors, a light show, a pretend director.
Exact same career progression is true of all of the shilled meme directors of late. Nicolas Winding Refn, Lowery, Reeves, Trevorrow, Waititi, Edwards, etc. By supporting these "lesser known" critical darling you are only enabling the pre-production marketing phase of the capeshit machine.
Cosmatos is lying to you with his very existence.

With aliens Cameron laid down the blueprint for the video game sensibilities. This fact can never go ignored. Maybe there are worse things to look at on a screen for 2 hours, but in terms of cultural destruction there is no more damaging film than Aliens outside of fucking Star Wars and Marvel.

Video game sensibilities can be found in the following directors.

JJ Abrams
Edgar Wright
Coen Brothers

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didnt read all that but Beyond the Black Rainbow was trash and anyone who liked it has bad taste

>bisexual lighting

>Coen Brothers
>"Video game sensibilities"

Attached: 1499116587725.jpg (542x600, 33K)

How come I recognize the images on the right, but not the left?

Just turn your brain off.

It's important to let the medication wear off, THEN write your post.

it's shit son, his symbolism are sometimes good, sometimes meh and sometimes just plain nonsense even if you are into esoterics.
holy mountain didn't have a fucking direction to go and ended with a SUBVERTED EXPECTATION worse than D&D

Jodorowsky is absolute trash, symbolism is the lowest most banal art device possible used only by utter hacks a la Snyder

>writes like a black kid
I'm sure you have valid thoughts and feelings about art.

>didnt read all that
You should as it exposes how inauthentic Beyond and the director himself are.

I disagree, symbolism are neat if well executed, but you just can't carry a whole movie with symbolism purely, and thats whats jodorowsky do

Is this how soikids are recycling the forced "dishonest" meme? Are you that kid who made several threads daily about Fury Road and Mandy and BR2049 saying they're soi and dishonest in an attempt to validate yourself even though you have no masculine accomplishments in life? Are you that pathetic little kid?

"Inauthentic" predates all of that. For someone that's been part of Yea Forums since 2008 you sure seem to lack knowledge of the language here

Yeah, you definitely need to take your meds, pathetic little kid.

Mandy is unironicaly ironic. Cosmatos added the axe forging scene just for the trailer, same as the other shit. In the original script the black skulls just take him after the children of the new sun kill Mandy.

One is art
The other is made by a child
>Panos Cosmatos: “I might actually be allergic to testosterone,” the director says. “Whenever I’ve felt a testosterone rush I get, like, sick afterwards, and I feel exhausted and terrible. I honestly think I’m allergic to it in my own body, so being around aggressive men makes me feel like shit. I’m no role model, but this is, like, off the fucking charts. The way people express themselves online, that’s also how they express themselves in the real world. That’s what’s really stunning, is this sense of entitlement is so huge that they go out in the real world and kill people over it. It’s unsettling and dystopic to the extreme.”

Protip: If you search parts of this post in the archive, this kid has been obsessively posting this shit for like 2 years. He could've gotten a decent job and started a family in that time. Instead, he spent all his time on a cartoon forum complaining about a director's masculinity. Pretty twisted, right?


You asshole ruined my Panos thread this afternoon .

I wonder if OP is on disability or something. He spends an unreasonable amount of time here forcing memes.

Watch film instead of movies masquerading as such. You won't have this problem anymore

>tries to act uppity
>fails to end his sentence properly
You tried, poor.

>he hasn't seen the lady killers

Genuinely curious about this. What fucking game is Barton Fink

It's very clear that Barton Fink is a retelling of The Prisoner by David Mullich

literally fuck off

Cosmatos is style over subtext, Jodorowsky is symbolism over subtext, Antouanetta Angelidi is pure subtext. Both in the pic are trash, as they're unable to convey the self, just a haphazard projection of the surrounding.

>Cosmatos is style over subtext,

fhis fag likes it that way

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