>gf doesn't like scary movies
>want to get her into the genre
I want to sit down and watch Suspiria with her, is this a bad idea? Any experience/advice for getting your girl into the genre?
>gf doesn't like scary movies
>want to get her into the genre
I want to sit down and watch Suspiria with her, is this a bad idea? Any experience/advice for getting your girl into the genre?
How it feels to have a gf?
kys your'selve
is that your gf? post moar
invite a black male friend for her and you can watch the movie in peace.
this is getting close to sexual conduct
its not safe for work
the enforcers will be here soon and will report the thread
gib milke
depends, can you show me her feet first?
>trying to share interests with a woman
dont do that
It feels like I'll never have weekends to myself. And I spend too much money
no, I just now how to start a thread
been with my gf for 3.5 years, she recently bought herself a 2ds and is playing NSMB2 currently. it's been a slow battle but I may just have a gamer gf in the future
>all these retarded replies
Yea Forums truly is the worst board.
Suspiria isn't super accessible, I wouldn't start off with that. Something like nightmare on elm street would be good, not too scary but still enjoyable.
yeah more power to you then brotha
You could start with posting the body pillow you call a GF and explain how an inanimate object is afraid of movies.
all you need desu
>It feels like I'll never have weekends to myself
God i wish that were me
Give me your gf's #. I am going to fuck her asshole and nobody can stop me.
moar or delete thread
it wasnt until i was in a rs i truly appreciated alone time
>is this a bad idea?
which suspria are you talking about? the og one or the most recent remake? because the latter has some pretty graphic sequences
>wanting to make a woman's taste even plebbier
Was it men's faults all along?
>Rosemary's Baby
All great choices to watch with your gf