New Star Wars Lore and "Palpatine's" return

This is from an upcoming TROS tie-in book that I had an opportunity to work on in some capacity that I cannot disclose.

"Always two there are, master and the apprentice".

Sith aren't really just cool looking dudes with red lightsabers. Sith is technically a singular being, Sith Ari, a spectre that was born from a sort of a fission in the force that happened thousands of years ago.
"Master" is possessed by Sith Ari, while the "apprentice" is trained to kill their master so Sith Ari can take over their body.
Basically, all Sith characters are a single character that possesses different bodies.

"Strike me down, and and your journey to the dark side will be complete."

That was basically Sith Ari preparing himself to jump bodies and possess Luke, leaving the old Palpatine's body behind.
Luke refused, but the disembodied spectre, a part of Sidious' soul, so to speak, was haunting him for years nevertheless, pushing him to cut himself off the force.

Snoke was born only of a part of Sith Ari that latched itself to Vader. Obviously, he wanted to be complete again, that's why he was so obsessed with finding Luke.
Luke ascended in a "Prantu" ceremony to take the part of Sith Ari that possessed him away from the mortal plane.

Ironically, when Kylo killed Snoke, according to Snoke's plan, one part of Sith Ari ghost now lives in Kylo, and now it seeks to find its other half beyond the mortal plane, where Luke took it.

I don't know what happens in TROS though. This extensive write-up will hopefully tell you what to expect, though.

Thank you for reading, cheers!

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my dad works at nintendo, can confirm

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This would actually be decent, so I can 100% guarantee it isn't true.

i like it

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Fucking bullshit.

Post on /r/starwarsleaks

>we're gonna break the rest of the universe by turning the force into demonic possession instead of an impersonal thing
This is worse than time travel

sounds retarded so its probably real

honestly i dont care i am done with SW

If fanfiction at least a pretty cool one. The only problem is, that in a book the explanation can be written in a cool or even elaborated way. In a movie dialogues like this, may sound cringeworthy, lore-heavy and Midi-chlorian-like strange.

hehehe. you still care about Star Wars? How cute.

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'The rule of two was created as a philosophy by the Darth Bane before he went and genocided entire Sith order
>Sith were in existence for thousand of years before the coming Darth Bane
>hurrrr it just jumps from one ''''sith''' to another

I fucking hate Disney. If this is true then once again the scumbags don't even understand their own canon, since they kept Old Republic as a part of it.
Ah, why the fuck do I even give a shit. There is literally nothing left for me in the 'geekdom'.

I didn't think the lore could get any worse

this x2

None of this is anywhere near as cool as the old EU Sith origins. Give me Purebloods or give me death.

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>see all of these unique characters with unique motivations, personalities, achievements and abilities?
>they are all the same character, an all of those characters that previously existed are now NULL AND VOID of all they are.
>also, LOL he dies on our newest installment we JUST introduced the concept in, REY IS THE BEST
I dont think even SW current writing team would approve of such a retarded plot device.

This is the stupidest shit ever.

Did it really work? I mean all they did was turn on each other and kill themselves but there were plenty of them. Surely they were more dangerous with numbers.

Sounds retarded but my expectations are super low

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>I dont think even SW current writing team would approve of such a retarded plot device.
Have you seen them? (Or rather Xem).
These are the same people that approved The Last Jedi. And the fart book.

They stopped caring a LOOOOOONG ago.

Consistency is more important than raw power. Sure, an order of evil magic wizards is stronger than just a couple of them scheming dumb space jews like Sidious did, but if every time this order of evil space wizards make a plan or an attack there is a HIGH chance of Coup d'état happening DURING the plan and the plan failing because of it, the latter is far more desirable.

It really wouldn't.

Sith in numbers never managed to wipe out practically all jedi.

That’s actually pretty good, so of course it is fanfic.

>heh being evil is just a ghost possessing u lol
yeah i could see it, it would be a bigger slap in the face to fans than midichlorians

lol this is too overly complicated and would require a big speech of exposition to explain to mainstream audiences. Absolutely won't happen. Terrible larper. Either you're 15 years old or you have the mind of a 15 year old.

Well except it only possesses you when you kill your master.

Well, they found a way of making it worse. That’s something, I guess.