>Mother of style! Naomi Watts cut a chic figure in a camel coat and statement sweater as she picked up her son Kai, 10, from school in New York City on Tuesday
Mother of style! Naomi Watts cut a chic figure in a camel coat and statement sweater as she picked up her son Kai, 10...
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jew indeed. you can tell the hollywood types are sick in the head when you see what they do to their kids. Trannies have never been more than a percent of a percent of the population but for actors it's a fashion statement. sickening.
Suicide by 16?
>tfw your mom never turned you into a cute girl
>her son
is that the same kid or are they doing it to both of their sons?
Sharia when?
damn she looked good in king kong, now she looks like ultra granny
suicide rates
>Here's your son, bro
And then one day, for seemingly no rhyme or reason at all, people voted Hitler into power
>the willy dance
>kids a cocksucking faggot tranny now
really makes you think Liev (((Schreiber)))
is there a correct term for boy cunny
I would and so would you.
Imagine fucking that kid's ass.
I'm not into boys, but if they look exactly like a girl I guess there's no harm.
Why do feminists who try to shape their sons into beta crossdressers never date one?
If that's their idea of an ideal male, they logically should hook up with one, right?
yeah you're a faggot bro, sorry to say.
Imagine having your mum turn you into a girl and you end up as huge titted shemale and you get your revenge as a young adult by fucking her and making her suck your tits.
>her son
is that a typo? how can a boy look so much like a girl?
b-but where's the son??
>implying you wouldn't
Nope I only like women
Fuck, so it wasn't just memes. Seriously, how many hollywood kids are trans? This isn't normal.
Too much makeup.
Gay and pedo, how typical.
boys have penises girls have vaginas
I'm not gay, he literally looks like a little girl.
"Pedowood i-isn't real goy!"
Probaly not
More like he'll be trans-fluid and start taking heavy amounts of drugs and enter the party scene. Then he'll crash sometime around 21
Imagine having all kinds of money and assets, yet youre still not happy in life so you fuck kids.
this thread is full of projection desu
jeez lads when did she hit the wall so hard?
I want to fuck that kid and suck on his cute little feminine cock
no homo though
>Mother of style! Naomi Watts cut a chic figure in a camel coat and statement sweater as she picked up her son Kai, 10, from school in New York City on Tuesday
based /ourguy/
Libcucks are mentally ill
I'd hit it (allegedly)
she would have been locked up and you grandparents would have raised you....
Haha h-hes not Jewish right guys?
a father can't bond with his children these days without being called a pedo
Its fucking jews every single time. Leftists cant even debate this
If jews are going to be make cunny legal, then I side with the jews.
I have a good relationship with my father despite him never dressing me up as a girl and tongue kissing me.
Then it's not as good as it could be. He's your only dad, go fucking make out with him.
this tbqh
>tongue kissing
You mean normal kissing, like all parents should do.
soon brother
She looks so semitic
Muslims are fine with fucking girly boys though.
She looks perfect.
only those sunni degenerates that also like to take a shit on women
post some nazi cunnies that's too old
Only legal for them, goyim
בגלל זה אני מתגייר ליהדות
Imagine this kid fucking your ass.
>fathers who kiss and hug their own children are pedos
Sounds very feminist of you. Men are evil after all.
I just can't wrap my head around as to why would anyone ever wanna fuck some old hag when cute little girls exists
>Men are evil after all.
not all
kid should be taken away from her, she should be sentenced to death
Is this appropriate father/son behavior?
>transphobic scum
What are you doing!? You are supposed to seeth at the jooos, not post sexy little girls! fuck Yea Forums!
That kid is he(she) gets to express him(her)self at a young age, in an accepting supportive environment.
Rather than suppressing it, and being emotionally torn but too afraid to commit to any transitional hormones.
you're grasping at straws
He had no daughters so he worked with what he got
That kid is *lucky he(she) gets to express themselves
ombo breaker
WTF, I unironically love Jews now
He has an erection and both boys are half in his lap, that's definitely not normal
How do you attract a jewess with nice legs?
Naomi watts career and looks apex started in tank girl and ended with muhollland dr. lynch was right about hollywood they will corrupt any young actress , she probably sold her 'soul' when she got Peter jacksons king kangs really disgusting
yup I'm putting this in my based compilation
Why legs and not milkerz
You cannot tell if he as a boner or not. I don't see it. And what's wrong with having them in his lap? If it was their mother instead you wouldn't care.
The girl in that pic's chest is hidden so can't comment.
If your Mum is jewish that makes you jewish
>hollywood kidfuckers incorporated
Once you go cunny you don't want granny.
I wish I were a hollywood jew so I could fuck all the kids I wanted
what the fuck is this
>i'm a girl
>can't even spell straight
do people actually know what this means or are they just doing it because they see other people doing it?
the symbolism I mean
I'm thinking he's based.
>pathetic unironic pedos trying to hijack a pure and based boylover thread because their threads always get deleted
Truly sad, kek.
kids like pizza user it's pretty simple
and i like kids
Yeah...... the top right pic just shows the kid was molested by someone.
explain user?
gosh I wish that were me(the fat old jew)
>tfw made so much daddys milk to this cute and funny
mods hate what they don't understand
Thats my uncle Harv, he pretty redpilled and based fella actually.
Some of his mates
imagine the smell
the one eye symbolism meaning and I dont mean "le Illuminati xD" I see people using it all the time and I am just wondering if they know the meaning of it or do they do it because it's "artsy"
bill was a pretty based dude
Sometimes a pizza is just a pizza.
>and I dont mean "le Illuminati xD
then what do you think it means?
bros i took the cunnypill and now I have zero interest in girls over 13. I feel like a bad person wut do
enjoy permanent celibacy and lifelong loneliness
I guess I'll just wait for VR
I can tell that guy is falseflagging. All he ever posts are ugly girls. He don't know what proper cunny looks like.
the selfdrillingsms type vids are getting pretty good, will prob be lifelike for a few years before they ban it
>ban it
eh it will just go deep web and mods for photorealistic games will be pretty easy to get
has another cunny ever been as well captured on camera as her?
who dis?
also why is a girl her age in a booster seat?
shop out the "dancing" to make this pic an 11.5/10