How old is she? how is she still fertile? didn't she marry robert 20 years before the show started...

how old is she? how is she still fertile? didn't she marry robert 20 years before the show started? let's say she was married at 17. she'd be ~37 at the start of the series, and if each season is roughly a year, she'd be ~45 now. this kid, if she even is pregnant, better come out retarded.

Attached: 220px-Cersei_Lannister-Lena_Headey.jpg (220x308, 22K)

have sex

she's 31 at the start of series

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she looks so much older with short hair.

Mama tyrell acts like she’s totally barren and worthless when tywin threatens to marry loras to him. But the writers have abandoned everything they didn’t write, so she’s like 29 now.

Joffrey mocked Jaime for being a "40 year old knight with one hand" and she's even older, no?

My mom was 40 when I was born and I cane out alright. Than again I’m on here.

based mad scientist

She's his twin sister. They're the same age. Season 4 takes place about 3 years before season 8, so she'd be about 43 now. That's pretty old, but it's not impossible for a healthy child to still be born.

my mom was 14 and we ended up in the same place


Their whole family is fucked up in some way so it would make sense if it came out retarded

>outfit in that thumbnail makes it look like she has a long neck

Attached: What am I looking at here.png (377x296, 20K)

>each season is a year
Each season prior to season 6 was like 3 fucking months.

>Season 4 takes place about 3 years before season 8
Meanwhile Sam's wife's son is eternally a baby

How I would have changed this season
>keep episode 3 nearly the same
>oops where’s the night king
>cut to kings landing where the night king flew in and drops a few corpses.
>busts the throne room because why not
>battle at winterfell goes poorly, but their isn’t a night king so the dragons cut a path for everyone left alive.
>the winterfell people retreat south to the eyrie, the most defensible castle in the 7 kingdoms.
>Cersei and her goons retreat on eurons ships, running from the now million strong army of the dead
>the army and night king march to the eyrie
>another huge battle, with bran as bait.
>Brienne attacked defending Sansa or something, Jamie sees it and kills Brienne so she can’t be turned, is heavily wounded in the process
>Theon does his sacrifice, Jon fights the night king but gets knocked back
>Arya jumps towards the night king and gets caught like in the show, but the night king catches the dagger
>Jamie comes in and stabs the night king in the back, as he is distracted with Arya.
>The army of the dead falls.
>Westeros realizes the fight the north and danerys won, and all remaining banners follow them.
>Cersei’s army is defeated and Cersei tries retreating, but Jamie finds her.
>Jamie stabs her in the gut, turns out Jamie died after killing the night king, and Arya stole his face
>final episode is a “where did they go, what did they do” conclusion.

Based retard

The kid will be a dwarf. Screencap this.

I think you're mixing up the book series ages with the TV series ages.
Nearly every single character in the TV series has been aged up, including Cersei.
GoT wiki says she's 43.

Maggy's prophecy about Cersei said she will have only 3 children.

Assuming GoT still reflects medieval culture, 43 is haggard. Many children die in child birth or after from disease, hence why young women were the only women to bed, so you had lots of time to make an heir.

>Assuming GoT still reflects medieval culture, 43 is haggard.

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