/got/ - Game of Thrones


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first for arya IS AZORIS AHAISSSAS


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she didn't deserve to go out like that, bros

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Henry dies in the next episode.

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>NK freed himself from control of 3ER/CotF
>now wants to kill what turned him from human into a monster, the 3ER/CotF
>3ER manipulates humans into defending him from NK
>3ER still wreaking havoc and killing humans through manipulation of the past and warging


She died soloing a fucking giant

That was exactly the death she wanted and deserved

no she didn't

as a literal child with no experience in real combat, she should never have gotten up after being smacked by the giant


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>director of episode 3 says he wishes he could have directed episode 4 as well because he sees episodes 3-5 as having a very clear beginning, middle and end as a seamless story

There's still hopes, there's gotta be a twist


Name a better death for her?

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she should have been in the crypt. its her own damn fault.

>Ned, I dreamt I was dying in child birth.

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This, 100% this.

How people don't fucking see this is beyond me.

The Three Eyed Raven(/Crow) is a LIAR. youtube.com/watch?v=aC7qh8gFbhQ

Ravens and crows often symbolize A TRICKSTER. youtu.be/7jwMxwwSdug?t=239

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thelordcommander! the greatest /got/ YouTuber that ever was or will be


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dying at age 98 in king's landing, surrounded by the 10 children she gave her late husband king aegon targaryen

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>brown eyes, green eyes blue eyes

So do humans not have blue eyes in GoTverse?

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So Bran knew that Arya would kill the NK right? If so, why did he let Theon and his men sacrifice themselves when he could have sat in the Godswood alone and told Arya to lay in wait?

I struggled to get myself to re-watch, but I did and this scene really stuck out. It's something I didn't really notice before because there's like 20+ times that the episode shows characters in extremely dire circumstances, and then cuts away as they're getting completely swarmed / overrun, for example the multiple scenes showing Jaime / Brienne / Podrick fighting up against a wall with 30+ zombies pushing towards them, showing them surrounded, basically hugging the zombies and over and over again they come out unscathed.

But I found this later in the episode, just look at this nonsense. Of course, they cut away from this scene the moment before the horde of 5+ zombies slams right into Dany, because of course there's no way we could show her magically surviving this scene, so we just have to make it look dire and then BOOM cut away and then cut back and show them fine and still fighting later, that way we don't have to think about it or confuse ourselves wondering why our favorite characters with plot armor as thick as a black woman's ass aren't fucking dead.

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>Targs are gonna win

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Jon kills dany

i found a website that just streams GoT 24/7

what do i do with my life now?

Wait a second. Ever wonder why the three eyed raven was beyond the wall and not in the realms of men?
>The Wall was built not only to keep the WW out, but also the three eyed raven and his magic

Is there any limit to how shit they can make it and still have normies applauding it?

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The dude arya killed was not the Nk. That'll be the twist.

As long as they don't make i too problematic, no

What would he make of Jon Snow now, who has the support/love of Danaerys Targaryan and is actually Aegon Targaryan the rightful heir to the throne? Would he still be a cunt to him?

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>grind dragonglass into dust
>dump it over the NK
fool proof plan

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i fucking hope. and then cersei kills jon. its the absolute only way to redeem this shit show

something actually entertaining

>arya stabs cersei in the heart
>she turns into night queen due to the dagger touch the nks heart
>3er was villain all along and starts warging everyone and reveals his true intentions when the battle between cersei and the rest is at its peak

What's a better ending

It was always the 3ER's plan to let NK touch bran so the humans could kill NK once he breached the wall.

I think if she lost her brave demeanor at the sheer horror of the undead giant I'd like her more. If we went by actual decent GOT standards she would have broken and reverted back to a realistic reaction for a girl her age.

I mean shit even the dothraki shat their pants when they rushed the dead and looked upon them. DD had to make it about girl power though.

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>the most expensive episode of the most expensive universally acclaimed show ever that broke all viewership records, the culmination of 20 years of books and 10 years of seasons worth of story, directed by the man responsible for the previously most popular and critically well-received episodes, is the second worst reviewed episode in the entire series
>the only reason it's not THE worst reviewed one is because the episode in which Sansa was raped was review-bombed by Tumblrinas

Unironically B R A V O D A B I D, they have pulled off an unprecedented real life meta kino, they have united normies and autists against a common enemy the same way the Night King was supposed to unite the warring living houses against the dead.

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holy fuck if true this could be something to hope for

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Use this one first

>Tfw just here for the Bobbyposting now
>Tfw it will be over in 3 weeks
>Tfw I will never see any Bobbyposting anymore after those 3 weeks
>Tfw the only reason most if not all the people are here is for the Bobbyposting
>Even when the show is at it's worst in terms of writing people will still be here for the Bobbyposting
>Even when people didn't agree with who they liked or had different opinions they always came together for Bobbyposting and laughed at it together
>There will never be another series of threads as good as when /GoT/ was alive and had Bobbyposting
>The only threads in the past that was as good as prime /got/ was The Walking Dead threads on Yea Forums when S1 was being made
>Tfw you will never watch S1-S3 for the first time again
>Tfw you will never see Bobbyposting again for the first time again
>Tfw it's over

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The Wall was built by the CotF because the Night King refused to carry out their order to kill all mankind.

it was so bad bros, it was so disappointing, it was really bad. we could've had a corny episode with jon being azor ahai, we could've had a surprising episode with everyone dying, we could've had anything, but we got this. what the fuck. kill me, pete.

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Euron is Azor Ahai, he will draw forth Lightbringer from her heart

Hey I got le screencapped

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>a light sprinkle of dusts covers the NK
>nothing happens

great plan there dumbass

have sex

Others lookin kinda cute here lol, thicc

What did Sapochnik mean by that?
>Sapochnik: I wanted to do 3, 4, and 5 and there literally just weren’t enough days because we shoot two units. Then I said “4 and 5” and they said, “No, you have to do 3 and 5.” What I really like about 3, 4, and 5 is they’re a complete piece with a beginning middle and end.

Azor Arya

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Why was Sam crying like a bitch the entire episode? Last we see of him he's still crying and trying to fight off wights. Did he even survive?

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>Tfw it's over
we're finally off the ride mate, since season 5 we've been hoping that somehow some way it would be saved but now we can finally close our eyes and rest

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Probably because it would be a "well if you tried a different tactic maybe it wouldn't have worked out that way" string theory stuff

>it's real

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Have you been watching? the NK is dead. Winter never came. It was all a lie. Abandon all hope of a good story conclusion.

People kept trying to save him and dying in the process.

Sam has the highest body count in Westeros

Pretty much confirms there is some twist or we don't have all the information yet. Gonna be something about the Cotf, 3er, Euron, Azor Ahai, Nk or whatever but it's not done yet.

"He who passes the sentence should swing the sword" -Ned Stark
The Starks are known for their honor.

Why does the Night King have to personally kill Bran/3ER?
Because he is an honorable Stark.

The 3ER LIED about the Night King's intention.

Newfag here. I've only watched each episode once and have never read the books.
Just curious, where do you all rank each season of the show?

From my memory, having binge watched it about a year and half ago... I feel like Season 4 was the peak and seasons 7 & 8 so far clearly the low point.

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It's already been shown crazy shit happens when he touches someone. Something could happen to 3er or Arya still

How is she still alive?

Ok, let's say Jorah is able to teleport in front of Dany and stop the human wave of wights attacking her from doing any damage, he still has 2-3 other wights all moving towards him from the left.

How are they not completely and utterly fucked in this situation? Oh wait, just cut away! That way you don't have to think about it, thanks D&D! Such brilliant writers.

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Ending will be an underwhelming defeat of Cersei and Euron. Then Aegon will challenge Daenerys for the throne in trial by combat.

It's very convenient


>best NK has ever looked in the series
>instantly dies because this is Game of Quasimodo now

Truly the darkest timeline.

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Let the Tormund posting begin

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>All the lighting budget went to CGI for a a skeleton dragon and zombie polar bear

Ish it jusht me? Or ish it getting crazshier out there?

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>look mommy i review bombed a show because i don't like girls!


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>It would be quite anti-climatic if all Jon (or even another hero wielding Valryian steel like Arya, Brienne, or Jaime) simply stabbed the Night King and ended the whole war without us ever understanding the underlying conflict.

>The final season of "Game of Thrones" will hopefully reveal more depth to the stories of the White Walkers, and we have our fingers crossed that every Valyrian steel owner of Westeros fights for the side of the living in an epic showdown.

Normies called it two years ago


>all the shit they went through was so he could be a meatshield for Arya Stark

I'm a little bit mad, not gonna lie

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The cutaway saved everyone.
Azor Cutaway!

She raped him and Robb marries her anyway. He truly was the goodest boy in the north

people will argue over individual seasons but i think we all unanimously agree that the first 4 seasons were better than anything that came after that

We looked for you in the catalog.

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>4 days until we get the next burlington bar reaction video

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Bran was so quick to intervene in that battle meeting to reveal NK's 'intentions'.
This is our last hope bros


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this, every day we stray further from the lord of light's light

why did the night king want to kill bran again

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He could be president of France

Seasons 1-4 were kino. 5 and 6 had some great moments. Season 7 was way downhill and Season 8 is like Season 7 but if they fix it then it could reach 5 and 6 status

Nah, the 3eyed raven and his weirwood tree were the command center of the White Walkers, who were controlled through the Weirwood net, which is why men started cutting them down. This lead to the WW freaking out and basically killing everything, which is why some CotF started helping the humans drive them back, but in exchange they wouldn't destroy them or cut down more trees. This is why the north, the place where that the WW had conquered, still has trees. The WW were then driven back, but because the Humans had agreed not to destroy the CotF and their holy sites, they just built a wall to keep that shit contained. Now the WW seeks revenge against the 3 eyed crow and he uses humanity as his shield

was it rape? How could robb have consented if he was under the influence of opiods?

This. Maybe they could have done with 15mins less runtime and cut down on "muh peril" moments like these

main characters are constantly saved by cutaways in this episode. either that, or another main character comes in and saves them (jon and sam, edd and sam, jaime and brienne etc)

I didn;t think it was possible to give Beric a bad death, but they fucking managed it. I'm almost impressed.

What happened to the fat qt? I couldn't see her in the last video


Do we know if Sam even survived?

She was booted for being too homophobic

Because he hated what he did to him. He never wanted to bring an endless night, just to stop the monster that is the 3ER.

Arya killed the man that was so close to stopping the malicious three eyed raven.

Get over it, it was pure shit, the tactics, the leadership, the plan. It was all shit

And Arya appeared literally out of thin air, just fucking look at this

Also Night King grabbing her neck mid flight would've out right killed her

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Of course Sam survived, it would be very uncool for Gilly and Little Sam to survive without him

The Burlington Hambeasts from Windy Niggerton

The fat one lost weight. I was quite surprised

To remove all memories of mankind

>tfw no Gwendoline Christie amazon gf

>emotionless supernatural antagonist finally shows emotion after years of having a blank expression hinting at a bigger and more personal motive behind his actions
>dies without anything being explained

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It was rape. He was barely conscious she just wanted that King in da Norf dick

Season 1 and 2 are 9/10

Season 3 and 4 are 7/10

Season 5-6 are 4/10

Season 7-8 are 1/10

Are you kidding?

FUCKING HELL is that Sansa far right? What the FUCK happened

It actually takes a lot of effort to fuck up to the point where EVERYONE complains, especially when everything was already laid out for them. There were very few ways to fuck up the conclusion to this story, but by god they've managed to find one.

>People still don't know Bran is the Lord of the Light

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imagine what some decent writer and good director could do with all that mythology stuff, some surrealistic director and creative writer and it would be fucking amazing.

every single plot hole or inconsistency or case of shit writing i see, a make a line about in notepad
approaching 6k words now

No, she posted homophobic tweets and was kicked from the bar group

What the fuck, didn't seem like the type. What did she say?


What was the dothraki's plan if Mel didn't come to light their arakhs? They didn't even have dragonglass weapons

She lost weight and cut her hair. Still ugly but barely recognizable

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>people still think that will be a big plot twist

Can someone post GOT disbelief stages? They will go to king's landing, defeat Cersei and live happy forever



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How do I get over NK dying like that? I'm still so angry.

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>yfw Gendry is going to kill Cersei with 2nd hand smoke


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Goddamn I am mad. So many years of waiting and so many hours of watching and it all amounted to a wet fart. This is rivaling Mass Effect 3 endings levels on disappointment.

Ikr. Hated that. Shows emotion once then nothing

*depending how bad the last few episodes will be


There is only one man who can defeat the 3ER.
Someone the 3ER doesn't think to look for.
Someone who is a master player.
That man is Azor Ahai, the lightbringer.

"Light bringer" means to "bring knowledge".
Adam and Eve ate from the "Tree of knowledge".
Lucifer gave them knowledge. He opened their eyes, brought them the light.

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>What was the dothraki's plan if Mel didn't come to light their arakhs? They didn't even have dragonglass weapons
Given all my understanding of pre-firearm military tactics, there was no plan beyond 'get rid of the dothraki' or 'feed the Night Kings army another few thousand corpses to be resurrected'

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head bitten off instantly, no yass queen slay moment

but from Sapochnik interview we dont know if that was the conclusion to the story. He said that Ep 3-5 are beginning - middle - end. If EP3 was conclusion, then why call it *beginning*?

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Not gonna lie. The second she said she did it I thought Jaime would say that exact thing

Yeah, pretty much this. I'd need to do a rewatch to see if season 4 is still my favourite but I just loved all the stuff with Tyrion and his father and Joffrey. But I'm pretty sure it took a notable dip during seasons 5-6 and then an even worse dip season 7. Season 7 was just bizarre. It's like they were rushing everything and characters had modern transportation methods. I thought westeros was supposed to be like the size of a continent.

>Of course Sam survived, it would be very uncool for Gilly and Little Sam to survive without him

He should have been in the crypts and defended the women and children there.

>wanting them to go full Attack on Titan

Back to

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The Night King tried to show what his intention was.


no, mass effect 3 ending was not as bad

i say this as someone who seethed for weeks after the end of me3

this episode was a bigger failure

>Also Night King grabbing her neck mid flight would've out right killed her
the NK had supernatural strength troughout the entire show, scared bran trough a vision, broke the floor with his hand completely fucking up the cave spell, killed a dragon with a spear, the strength needed to penetrate the scales and go trough the other side is something that no living creature or thing could do, and yet when he grabs arya mid air, not only isn't she scarred, not only doesn't her neck immediatly snap, not only is her hand crushed, she is completely unaffected by the NK already established supernatural powers

Season 7 they went oh fuck what do we do people are getting impatient and then they sloppily threw together the setup for season 8. Then they fucked up 8 with this past garbage

>Live happy forever
>Not realizing the Lord of Light defeated the Night King
>Based on the series "A Song of Fire and Ice"

Get the fuck out of here normie

Season 8 can still be better than season 6 IF they will wrap the mythology in good way, if they wrapped the mythology in EP3 even if they stick landing with other stuff then no. Season 6 was all shit except THREE good episodes, The Door, BOTS, Winds of Winter, and 7 episodes of borefest.

Man of the Nights Watch, first person in centuries to kill a white walker, Lord of the Reach

He was in the right place

>To remove all memories of mankind

Mankind doesn't even know about him though. They don't do anything with his memories.


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>20+ times that the episode shows characters in extremely dire circumstances,
this made it unwatchable. they don't NEED to write it this lazily

Is there any chance we will ever see the "outlines" given to D&D by GRRM?

How did Bran get back out then?

He remembers everything though due to time travel.

Typical doomer

The exact same beginning, but stop the scene at 0:07

Because DABID are literally retarded and genuinely think the Cersei plot should be the conclusion, when it's obviously and objectively the White Walker story. There's nothing more to it, remember all the theorizing trying to explain and rationalize Arya's awful chase scene in Braavos? NOTHING, they're not capable of it.

i just want them to go back to doing realistic gruesome shit. old thrones would've had her die a shocking, gruesome death but we can't do that anymore least the normies seethe.

but we dont have ending yet retards.


>No, she posted homophobic tweets and was kicked from the bar group



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Which he would have said if the episode would have been written by someone slightly more capable than Dabid

>get crushed to death by a giant
>get trampled by a hoard of undead
>get turned into a wight

Pretty gruesome to me


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Considering Jorah spends a decent chunk of S1 mentoring a young Dothraki, teaching him the Westerosi language, fighting style, and customs, he probably does believe in the First Man’s Burden

>Season 8 can still be better than season 6 IF they will wrap the mythology in good way
True, but they won't.

It has to be really bare bones shit or else they direction they took the show makes no sense

knife enters under the ribs and the tip pokes the dragonglass heart


Azor Ahai will bring us (the viewer) the knowledge about how the pieces all fit together.
When he makes his move, it will all make sense.

Lucifer, the bringer of light

Holy shit
That is the symbol for the CotF
He put a dead child in the middle


Watchers on the Wall > Blackwater > Hardhome > The Spoils of War > Battle of the Bastards >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Beyond the Wall >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The """Long""" Night

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It's so weird.
It's almost as if they were all supposed to die, but then they re-cut the whole thing to make them survive, maybe tacked on a few extra scenes.
At one point, I could have sworn brienne was killed, but nope, she is fine.

Why was Jon screaming at viseron?

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I'm conflicted on one hand I want to believe there is some epic twist coming that will make the show good again, but on the other hand I want last season and to be universally reviled and destroy the reputation of the show because D&D are hacks and it might be the inspiration for Martin to finish the books

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this was supposed to be the ending though. the overall point of the original story is that the throne and the whole fucking system is shit and doesn't really matter, and stopping the ice apocalypse should be the main goal of people

just because d&d don't understand this doesn't mean it isn't true

That nigger bran doesn't even thank the Reed girl but thanks Theon. ingrate retard

Well, they still can need to write conclusion to Bran story, if they write something interesting around Three Eyed Raven they can redeem episode 3. But if Bran still be useless autistic piece of shit then i dont have words.

>undead murderous giant staring at a little girl long enough to give her a stabbing moment rather than just crush and move on

see: how Ser Patrek died

That's honestly good.

at least ME3 ending was somewhat fixed with the free extracut ending, this shit is fucking irredimable, it's like getting rid of the repaers midway trough the game and making udina and kai leng the final bosses

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fuck, reading that in ian glein's voice is so good

there's multiple scenes where brienne is just screaming and on the ground covered in zombies and it cuts away and she's fighting again.

It would honestly be hilarious if it wasn't so fucking awful.

Okay, are we reaching this stage now lmao.
When people start doing this, you truly know you have a disaster on your hands.
You are setting yourself up for disappointment.

Night King gave bran a moment before being stabbed. It's their culture

Does Dany still have 2 dragons left or did another of them get kilt

drama queen

Lmao, The Long Night is still much better than Beyond the Wall, not only Beyond the wall was shitty written, even worse than The Night Long, but the directing and cinematography was also uninspired. At least The Long Night was aesthetic

mass effect 3 was at least a great game up until the ending

this episode started being total shit as soon as we could see the army formation at the 12 min mark


Hardhome is the best episode in the entire show


lel i forgot how jon basically had patrek kill himself

screencapped your post faggot
I have hope

i hate that you're right


it's too shameful that picture

>tfw Team Dragonstone never ever again

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Just gonna be more disappointed in the end.
I have seen this many times, you are in the bargaining stage.

She has two still. Look at 0:21 they're both in frame:

people are acting like it was literally the worst episode of television of all time

>There is no Azor Ahai you dumb fuck, in the show. The finale drama will come from Dany going postal and Jon having to kill her. That's literally all there is to it.

>you dumb fuck

>Oh the irony. I wish you could remember making that comment in 3 weeks.

Can the user who wrote this just tell us what he's thinking for his version of the finale? Might as well, it probably doesn't even matter anymore.

I want a return to the comfy days when DwD had just come out, the show wasn’t that big yet, everyone was happily theorizing, and the obnoxious normies were occupied with other things. Maybe if the show bombs and GRRM puts the books out we can go back to those days
Also where’s the picture from, kind of cute

Thought Experiment: If Ned was allowed to take the black, does she get as fucked up as it currently is?

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for me, it's

>great tier
blackwater, hardhome
>good tier
watchers on the wall, spoils of war
>stupid but bearable tier
battle of the bastards
>anime-tier writing tier
beyond the wall
>utter shit
short night

I’ve noticed many people putting down others for enjoying season 8 and especially the third episode, people, if you liked it it’s ok I was on the edge of my seat the whole episode and I think it gave us some of the most emotional moments in the whole series, don’t let anyone tell you that you have bad taste for enjoying the episode, everyone is entitled to their opinion.

Edit: and if someone hated it, they can, their opinion is just as valid as anyone’s else’s. Just don’t hate on particular people for loving it or hating it.

Edit 2: thanks for my first silver and first platinum coins kind strangers.


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She's perfect and I'm lonely and horney

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it was not, but it was a culmination of so many things, anything less than a 8/10 is a disappointment. when it's a 5/10 in a case such as this, it feels even worse

just turn your brain off bro it's fantasy lmao

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Azor Cutaway!

hive minds and retards, but yes, if that was the conclusion to Night King and overall mythology of the show then yes, it was really disappointing, but if they still have something more in future episodes, then probably this episode will be viewed much better.

Of course he wants to kill the CotF.
They doomed him to 8000 years of torment.

They tried to get him to kill all mankind, that's the reason they created him

CotF: "Here go kill everyone".
NK: "No I will not, because of my honor as a Stark is so strong I am able to refuse doing this"
CofF: "Then gtfo"
NK: "No, fuck you, im gonna kill you."
CofF: "No, fuck you!" *builds a magic wall that only a dragon can bring down*

>I still carry a token of [brandon stark]’s esteem
>from navel to collarbone
What was it? Did he have some necklace? Were Brandon Stark and Littlefinger lovers? Of course fucking D&D never has a shirtless scene for littlefinger so we never fucking know what the hell he is hiding under his shirt. What if Brandon stark and littlefinger held some secret weapon that was discovered by Arya, and that’s why Arya killed him- so she could use the weapon against the Night King?

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>dude it was emotional and i thought that character would die before the scene cut then i whooped then clapped
why is game of thrones aimed at the soap opera audience now?

It honestly might be my favorite episode. It’s so fucking good.

Edit: it’s pretty sweet that I’m being downvoted for expressing my own opinion on a game of thrones episode being my favorite. Sick. Never change Reddit.

Edit 2: since the downvotes keep coming has this subreddit become completely devoid of discussion to the point where someone can not express their opinion on an episode being their favorite? Must I hate this episode? This subreddit is turning into a bunch of whiny entitled cry babies because they didn’t like how the last episode turned out. Don’t watch the fucking show anymore then.

Even though S08E03 sucked monkey fuck, there's still time for some insane plot twists. They may be rushed but yet be better than "haha arya kills main guy so ez"

The Long Night is objectively better than Beyond the Wall, only retards disagree. Both have shitty writing, but the rest is much better in The Long Night.

Expectations were sky high, potential was sky high, and Dabid still managed to make something that disappoints everyone. They have shown that they fundamentally don't understand the story, to the point that 20 million casual viewers call them out on it, really embarrassing.


plenty of us love it and think it was one of the best, but you have lots of incel white men that are straight up BITTER at women taking charge and overcoming adversity

dont listen to the noisy minority

No, it'd be even worse. Ned's death was a significant moment in the early show that was kino and indicative of the different nature of GoT compared to other lighter fantasy works.

stop that

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Would this show be redeemed if Arya dies a brutal death?

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Depends. When I was a child, I had no impulse control and let adrenaline took over while as an adult I freeze in fear.

Sapochnik delivered once again with his directing. not even he could save us from DABID

I was so disappointed in Sam. Yes, he's always been emotional and has a caring demeanor but damn he cried constantly. I wanted Gilly to slap him in the face to help him get his shit together. He was just coming unglued.

D&D are doing their job. They know the fanbase pulls in a dozen different directions so they make bland mush that pleases nobody but truly pisses nobody off either.

Lowest common denominator = highest profit margins

>boo boo don’t give me the imaginary minus points
>let people enjoy things!!!1!!!!
why are all redditors such spoiled, pussified morons

drawn and quartered preferably

Does anybody have a video on the episode that actually talks about why Arya killing the Night King is total fucking bullshit (and not just cause "where did she jump from")?


It would be an admission of guilt, and he would stand by it giving no legitimacy to any retaliation

>fuck up
>get saved by bro
>bro gets killed
>run away

Sam lost all good will he had left in this episode

Attached: For Fucks Sake Sam.webm (888x500, 2.92M)

Yes, because Robb already burned all bridges by following his mothers paranoia instead of taking Tyrion to neutral ground or KL where he could have had a fair trial.
Robb just straight out starting a war because he felt entitled and was bullied by his bannermen who lusted for independence...that could have never ended happily.

What did Cat expect? Tywin to just accept that Tyrion was killed in the Eyrie after some stupid trial?
Ned would have used his connections among the Nights Watch to get pardoned anyway which would have led to the same King in the North kind of shit. Stannis would still have fought against Joffrey and Renly and the North would not have surpassed that chance to declare independence.

Whoever wrote the line in the show of Robert to Cersei, but they were right. The only thing that kept the Seven Kingdoms together was their marriage.

i want jon to suddenly stab daenerys in the face or stomach, that will be good scene.

This is really weird now that I come to think about it.
It's not even a writing problem, it's a problem with how it's edited.
I am kinda going out on a limb here, but what if they had a couple of different endings for this episode or some shit and then just cut it in a way that would fit that.
Maybe the whole cersei shit was supposed to happen before the long night and they retooled the season to better subvert expectations or something like that.
If that is true, then the next few episodes should be almost unwatchable, confusing and poorly edited.


but shit writing.

Name one worse

>Patrick is a fan of the Dallas Cowboys American football team (whose logo is a blue star), while George supports the rival New York Giants.[6]

literally what in the fuck

Trial by combat

Screencap this

We are reaching "Littlefinger is not really dead" levels of COPE

>(both at the same time) BLUE EYES

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Fucked to death by Ramsay

Style of substance, probably his worst episode, but you can't polish a turd.

>D&D are doing their job. They know the fanbase pulls in a dozen different directions so they make bland mush that pleases nobody but truly pisses nobody off either.
They failed, they went beyond incompetent, they wrote the military commanders to be literal treason or dereliction of duty tier morons. Seeing the moronic actions killed any suspension of disbelief I had and made me question WHY am I watching this garbage. It would've been GREAT with GOOD writing

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Even the absolute lowest common denominator brainlets understands that the White Walker threat is the ultimate focus on the story, if their conclusion was moved to the end instead of hastily cobbled together mid-season, it would've been received far better than now regardless of how it was written. They could've told the exact same story with the exact same events and dialog and scenes, only in a different order, and people would've liked it more.

Do You think if Robb would have married like he was supposed to that he would still Be alive? I kinda do

Where did she come from? I don't understand. D&D say they explain in behind the scenes but they never actually do. she did not jump from the tree, no, and she wasn't wearing a wight mask. she just jumped out of somewhere.

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Also, do literally all of the wights and WW not have blue eyes as well?

D&D are fags for trying to retcon that as foreshadowing their EBIN TWIST and audience is fags if they eat that shit up

My heart was racing the whole episode and I loved it. The cinematography was incredible. The action and the emotional moments were really well done. There were some flaws but that didn't grate on me. And while I was shocked that so many mains somehow survived, I realize the story isn't over and I'm excited to see where it goes from here.

And I definitely yelled "ARYA MUTHAFUCKIN STARK!! YESSSS!!!!" at that moment lol

>unironic reddit post

my throne now simple as

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You retards still watch this thing? Go read the chad patrician Dunk and Egg.

There were some awesome fight scenes though. Beric had a couple sweet fights, the initial wave was terrifying, the lighting of the trench was good too. He tried his absolute best and delivered us a good battle episode with a shit story.

>drawn and quartered preferably

Stripped nude and then broken on the wheel by Ilyn Payne.

She stealthed past them at incredibly high speed (not the walker's hair being blown out of place by her passing) and lunged at the big boss.

Arya is basically a speedrunner

Attached: Instant Kill Mode.webm (888x500, 2.83M)

They could have shown her using secret Faceless Men cloaking tactics to sneak by the WW and it wouldn't have made this shitshow of a plot any better.

why did they keep showing Brienne brutally screaming in the episode

>if I tell you what happens, it won't happen

Danny is gonna kill Jon after they defeat ceresi

Same reason female tennis players do it

Sean Bean was at the season premiere, will the season be redeemed if he shows up in any capacity by the end?

well, he is right that cinematography and action was great, emotional scenes well done? Idk, the only good emotional scene was Dany & Jorah

>Yes, because Robb already burned all bridges by following his mothers paranoia instead of taking Tyrion to neutral ground or KL where he could have had a fair trial.
>Robb just straight out starting a war because he felt entitled and was bullied by his bannermen who lusted for independence...that could have never ended happily.

With Ned still alive the North would go less radical and probably support Stannis like Ned wanted. Ned could even send letters home telling Robb to support Stannis. With the North pledged to Stannis the balance of the war would be different.

Is you blind? She come from big red path drawned in this image

she looks insane

>no dedNed vs Jaime rematch

youtube.com/watch?v=O7S9DMGYRAI remember when we got a well directed, intense, actually visible, enjoyable and realistic battle of humans vs the white walkers?

Is anyone else just becoming more jaded and angry about this episode the more days pass?

I'm not calming down or thinking about the next episode like I was last week, I'm just sitting here still seething and it's getting worse because I keep thinking about more flaws / more reasons to dislike it.

The only decent things were the visuals at times, everything else from the writing, to the editing to the direction was underwhelming to outright bad.

isn't the majority of plebbit hating on this garbage as well, it's glorious how dan and dabid managed to fuck up so bad even the shows biggest apoligists can't come up with a valid reason to defend the episode

Arya's fucking Robert's son (true) so literally fulfilling the prophecy of the House of Stark and his joined together, so she's got the biggest plot armor of them all.

>cinematography and action was great

Cinematography was shit. They obviously calibrated their monitors wrong or something but not being able to see shit for most of the episode was a gigantic fuck up, not an artistic decision.

you are wrong.

Jon will slaughter dany/the dragons/ theunsullied when its revealed he was just using her armys for the fight against the NK


Definitely. Walder Frey isn't evil or anything. He was happy enough to finally be "seen" by the Tullys. He wanted that all his life. Roose was the bigger danger, and the bannermen overall. They saw Robb (rightly) as a stupid kid.

Cat going to Renly instead of Stannis was another mistake. Them mistreating Jaime Lannister was even worse. The Lannisters treated Sansa just fine with the exception of Joffrey, but she attended feasts and all and lived like a princess and had many liberties. Jaime was lucky to survive in the mud and amongst angry northmen.
That mistreatment would have eventually bit them in the ass when Jaime was exchanged with Sansa, especially since Jaime knew how dire the situation for the northeners were.

Also: If Stannis hadn't attacked KL, Tywin would have won already. in the second Cat chapter of Storm they remark how lucky they were about that turn of events.

Because she is a strong warrior.
Stop getting triggered by women.
It's so cliche.

Go outside and get laid user.

"David Benioff and D.B. Weiss will receive the Outstanding Television Writer award at the 2019 festival."

Hell yes, Yea Forums. Finally D&D get the recognition they DESERVE!


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That's assuming Ned would recant his confession, and it's fucking Ned

This was the big closer, the ultimate fuckup, there's no recovering from this one. Every time they fucked up in the past, there was that reassuring fact that the main core story is still intact and that the ruined storylines were trivial in comparison to what was to come, that fact is now gone. There is no way to come back from this one, and the few ways people theorize they could, we know they're not capable of from experience.

literally noone cares

I was mad for the first day now I don't really mind it. The show has had some great seasons and they show has 3 very long episodes left. Either it stays shit or they fix it but it doesn't matter to me because some of the funniest shitposting and most enjoyable content has come from GoT.

This odesn't even make sense, but maybe Bran had to give Theon some kind of clue that it's time for death you penisless fag

Why did they make a point to show Eddison and Lyanna be resurrected and then do nothing with them?

a scar

have sex, guy

Don't forget that in the current show, something like a major character promising his life to the daughter of a man in exchange for using that man's bridge to transport his army would never happen because now armies can just magically teleport wherever they want, rivers and thousands of miles of land be damned

Your problem, i downloaded from torrent and i saw everything with underwhelming 6800 bitrate, and this was the most aesthetic episode of GOT easily, well directed, many great shots.

>Robb won every battle he commanded
>stupid kid

>zombies can't swim cliche
Why are the books better in every single way

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have guy sex

Didn't win the Battle of the Red Wedding

Can you imagine these hacks will now be taking swings at Star Wars movies? First Rian now Dabid, Lucas' magnum opus got SUBVERTED hard.

But the bannermen told Robb that they wouldn't support Stannis. Maybe Ned could have convinced them or forced them, but maybe Roose would have seized that opportunity to usurp the Starks, promising an independent North.

Your eyes simply can't follow her movements, so it almost looks like teleportation to you, but in fact, her speed is just so great, that her movements look almost instantaneous.
Or to put it simply:
>N-nani?! H-hayai

How the fuck did she just fall in like that? Was she drunk or something?

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This was the last, honestly tragic death, before the show itself

lazy bait.

You need to go back

Who cares? Its just literally hive mind, probably many people enjoyed this episode, but then started reading internet and changed their opinion.

All the bad episodes/storylines before only ruined minor aspects of the story, this episode ruined the core story itself.

She was suicidal ;)

>But the bannermen told Robb that they wouldn't support Stannis.

They were riled up about Ned being executed. If he was at the wall alive and well he'd send a letter to Robb saying that Stannis is the king. The lords would support Stannis if the word came from Ned.

high centre of gravity. Those milkers aren't dried up just yet and Robin hasn't been fed in 30 minutes.

not bait, but ok

The ending of himym

>we're supposed to think of Cersei's forces as dangerous when it's southern babies' first foray into the North especially during winter
Logically they shouldn't be able to get past Moat Cailin, but logic was thrown out the window long ago.

It's basically a spit in the face to the entire show.
Everything got cut to make room for this CGIfest. Literally every character arc, every subplot, every last bit of political intrigue that made the show interesting originally was hacked away in a mad dash to get to this battle.
It basically meant that the first 6 seasons were just filler and all that matters is the Walkers and Dragons plotlines, which were the most isolated from everything throughout the early seasons.
The intricate web of plotlines and character interactions were swept away to make room for muh dragons vs muh zombies.

Then even the Walkers were hastily written out because Dabid changed his mind and wanted to go back to the Game of Thrones I guess? But now there's nothing left because they cut it all already.
It's just gonna be another boring battle with no stakes on either side because no character has an arc left to fulfil.
Really at this point does it matter who kills Cersei? Whether it's Jon or Dany on the throne at the end?

Such a chilling letter. When I read it I thought, "Holy fuck am I glad I'm not there."



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How do you know that they wrapped the the mythology storyline? Night King may be dead, but they still can be big twist with Three Eyed Raven, they still can redeem the show and this episode if there is more mythology, it depends what conclusion they written for Bran

>I see...
>so much of your mother...
>inside you...
Then Sansa has him killed. Did littlefinger discover the twist that the starks are all one hive mind controlled by the night king???

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it really sold the whole hopeless feeling and the dread of something really being wrong without having to do a big cgifest battle, which the show relies on to keep the viewers distracted

Hardhome replacement was kino, one of the rare times the book replacement wasn't a complete fuckup

Were you expecting some stunning revelation? Mr Freeze was created in the middle of a COF spiral, and so used the symbol spitefully. That’s it. No hidden meaning.

And nothing to do with the Targaryen CoA either, if that really needs to be spelled out for you.

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You still keep forgetting that it wasn't only a war between the North and the Lannisters.
Balon, Stannis, Renly... The kingdoms went to war, there was no way of stopping them.

If, if, if.

Ned was stupid and didn't want to go to the Wall. He didn't actually accept it. He would have gone and then do some stupid shit that would have cost them dearly anyway.

The smartest approach would have been to kill Joffrey, marry Sansa to Tommen and defend their claim against all the others, intermarry with the Tyrells and get Renly in the fold as well, then kill Stannis. Stannis is the only player that would never accept a compromise.

Of course, but it wouldn't make him wrong

It doesn't matter if the bran/3-eyed raven is the villain. There's only 3 episodes left, which is not enough to flesh out that idea. Next epusode is filler and the one after that is the war at king's landing

>doesn't ask for a dragon glass spike fist

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Come on man, it's DABID, you're setting yourself up for disappointment

you serious mite?

Can we incorporate the Crows Eye into this somehow?

guy have sex

So what are the episode 5 leaks calling for?

and im curious to see how Yea Forums would finish these last episodes now

Jesus, the autism on display in these posts

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Yep because why not make full circle as we defend our leader and leave clear path allowing someone do something Arya did.

Even more weird is that why didn't Night King kill Arya? He fucking speared dragon with one throw. Did he see a Stark and hesitated because isn't he Brandon Stark after all? If they explains this nonsense in upcoming episodes somehow, I can forgive some flaws in s08e03.

yeah I wouldn't mind a nice qt Other gf like the original night's king

Seriously, the only way this show makes any sense if the 3ER lied about NK, the NK tried to save mankind, Littlefinger is Azor Ahai - has to kill his love "Nissa Nissa" aka. Sansa to make "lightbringer" get to the 3ER

"he will be born again amidst salt and smoke"
Littlefinger will be BORN AGAIN (faked death)
Salt = tears when all your favorite people die, bye Jon the classic hero
Smoke = smoking ruins of Kings Landing
Wake dragons from stone = Blowing up Kings Landing with wildfire. which is most likely how Jon and the others will die.

Sansa and Bran is probably in winterfell since they have nothing to do in a war at Kings Landing.
Bran will use his powers to try to figure out who blew up Kings Landing.
We the viewers get a nice flashback scene that explains everything.
Bran opens his eyes, see's Sansa dead on the floor and Petyr Baelish standing in front of him.


The flashback scene explaining everything is through Brans powers. We get to figure it out along with Bran.

look on the brightside, at least those "leaks" that cersei's golden company attacks winterfell after they defeat the army of the dead wasn't true... yet.

Actually I would have preferred that compared to what we got.

She was outplayed like Anthony Bourdain

Biggest fans give their opinion first and because they are biggest fans they most likely vote 10/10

It's later when more sensible people give their vote

It's kind of like killing thanos after he already snapped his fingers. Still wanna see the mountain get her.

Ygritte look good. I'm jelly of Jon snew

>making udina and kai leng the final bosses
my fucking sides but this is literally what the show is now

Had a guy in my pub convinced that she'd try her ninja bullshit on The Mountain, get mashed, and then Cleganebowl

I'd be alright with that. Throwback to the time Big Dog backhanded her when she tried that shit on him

Thinking more makeup = more attractive

come to think of it mass effect has a lot of parallels with the show, still managed to somewhat reedem it's ending while the show just JUSTed itself without a chance of saving it

They even remind us that Tyrion commanded the siege of King's Landing, which went well, and Jon commanded the latter half of the siege of Castle Black. Why the fuck was it put together like such a mess?

It's only the skull.

Euron or Qyburn or both?