/got/ general

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Other urls found in this thread:


first for i miss him

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What happened to this show, bros? It used to be beautiful

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they ran out of source material. the story died in Season 4.

Don't worry, you'll see him again.


end of season 4 with arya sailing away is actually a great ending for the entire show


Now that we've had all possible Hollywood cliches, can we even have really clusterfuck nonsensical ending D&D?

He could burned you too big faggoooooooooot

why would someone kill a character before finishing his storyline?

Not in the books he didn't.
>"If I should die in the coming battle, you will seat my daughter on the iron throne... or die in the attempt."


Is YouTuber Neo going to kill himself when he finds out that Littlefinger is dead and makes zero appearance in Season 8?

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Use this one first

Hold me, bros.

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>people still think he's dead

Please no WoW spoilers, though I’ve already heard somewhat that Euron seriously gets a kraken involved. But one user said he had already summoned a kraken in the books? I though varys in a small council meeting reported that a literal kraken was spotted in the narrow sea, but that this was just a show scene? Did it happen in the books? And what makes it mean euron summoned it; can’t it just be an ordinary sea beast?

This, he was resurrected in the latest episode, and found a way to break the bond between himself and NK to avoid dying with him.

To make burgers clap


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No krakens have been seen in the books so far.
iirc Varys mentioned a kraken sighting as he was breaking the news of Dany's dragons to Tywin, it made it seem like another made-up sailors tale that wouldn't be taken seriously, but also gave him plausible deniability since he technically DID tell the truth (this is what smart characters do, Dabid take notes).

thelordcommander! the greatest /got/ YouTuber that ever was or will be


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Just to be clear, the ending was actually foreshadowed

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when do we see sweet robyn?

checked i hope you’re right

Next episode. He will lead the charge cavalry attack in King's Landing

how the fuck could he have possibly faked his death?

Hopefully soon. The Vale has as many men as Dorne, and like Dorne, they’ve been forgotten despite the fact that they are very powerful from a military perspective

Why did he say, I demand a trail my combat

The High Sparrow did nothing wrong.

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>Mel never meets arya or talks about her shutting blue eyes in the books


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How the fuck can this show actually make the ironnigger and the wine aunt into a threat to rival Ice Satan?

Just quoting a random post from the previous thread to spook them with a (You) ITT if they use Yea Forums X.

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>D&D made it canon

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How do you know that they wrapped the the mythology storyline? Night King may be dead, but they still can be big twist with Three Eyed Raven, they still can redeem the show and this episode if there is more mythology, it depends what conclusion they written for Bran

Same way they made Sansa smart and Arya badass
Have other characters assert how dangerous Cersei is until the brainlet audience believes it

>How do you know
I am not blind or mentally handicapped

>I see...
>so much of your mother...
>inside you...
Then Sansa has him killed. Did littlefinger discover the twist that the starks are all one hive mind controlled by the night king, leading to his death to keep it quiet??

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Would jon 1v1 fighting the nk have been better?

>they still can redeem the show and this episode if there is more mythology
Why can't you fuckers hit the acceptance stage already? The show will end miserably and we will never get an ending to the books. We might get Winds of Winter but Dream of Spring will remain a goddamn dream.

needs a NK edit/update

Nice Varys, nice :) I miss him


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Bran will only show up as a trivial background character from now on, if at all, I'm willing to bet money on it

only if jon killed him and completed his character arc

Theon's skin shedding as he charged, revealing bark beneath because Bran had made him a tree person.

I wanted that

>everyone makes Night King theories for years
>Dabid subverts the shit out of all of them and writes some hack shit
>audience responds by making MORE theories about they're gonna salvage it



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>Just to be clear, the ending was actually foreshadowed

The foreshadowing was building a foundation made of shit so that a temple made of shit could be built upon it.

I still believe that there is more to the mythology in this season, if everything from EP4 will be around war with cersei, throne and other political predictable stuff then yes they fucked up.

Just watch Tommy Carcetti in The Wire to see a Littlefinger that made it.

Already done

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you no like thing =/= thing bad

Because there's numerous ways to fix it and I don't want to believe I just wasted 8-9 years of my life

ASoIaF fans have been doing this shit for a decade, they never learn.

>blocks your march on the capital

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It would have been based but utterly bluepilled. Still miles better than what we got

Ok so far I'm loving this, but it's far too smart for the writing now. That's what's so sad

His time is up.

Can't wait for his return

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that goodnight and joy be with you all montage, holy shit that hit, the realization that martin will never finish the books and we're stuck with the dumn and dumber fanfic as the only ending

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Bet they wish they'd stayed in Essos

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Hopefully not, there is much potential for good storytelling with Bran, they can literally wrap around him the entire mythology of the show. I still believe that the big twist will be Bran.. If not , and they going with the route Jon vs Daenerys, mad queens, or other artifical forced shitty writing, then there is no hope, and they ruined GOT.

So what if Jon fought the NK and was clearly getting tired and outmatched and Arya then pulled some dumb ninja shit and stabbed him in the back?

Yes because we would get more Kitkino with his based choreography

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>tfw you realize that every person in that scene is dead

What goes on inside her head?

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>I still carry a token of [brandon stark]’s esteem
>from navel to collarbone
What was it? Did he have some necklace? Were Brandon Stark and Littlefinger lovers? Of course fucking D&D never has a shirtless scene for littlefinger so we never fucking know what the hell he is hiding under his shirt. What if Brandon stark and littlefinger held some secret weapon that was discovered by Arya, and that’s why Arya killed him- so she could use the weapon against the Night King?

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Littlefinger is still alive, I'm telling ya now!

What if bran drives dany mad. He could start feeding thoughts into peoples minds and make dany doubt everything forcing jon to kill her.

Remember that time Bran travelled for 6 seasons to the Far North to learn how to time travel from an ancient seer then used it to learn Hodor's backstory and nothing else?

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The writing for these deaths are actually so bad that people refuse to believe the characters are dead.

This power..... such speed.... THE SEED IS STRONG

tfw they'll never get to the Great Plain being in foreign lands

wheres the better edit where its annoyingly dark

Salvage the show in 5 arrows or less
>Cersei and her armies manage to kill off Jon, Dany, the dragons, the northern forces etc
>Bran is observing from nearby
>gets up from his wheelchair and his eyes turn white as he walks out onto the battlefield and raises his arms
>an ice storm forms as all the dead are raised
>end show

>ending was foreshadowed
You mean when mel implies she's going to kill people and names every eye color a person can have

how can ep 5 be bigger than ep 3?

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It's a scar, remember the story about how he was bullied in a duel with one of the Starks.

wtf is this "Littlefinger is alive" meme


arya killing the NK completely nulls Jon's entire arc, his sole purpose as to save humanity and end the long night, instead he did pratically nothing and almost died reeeing at an unead dragon

nevermind. Got to the azor ahai shit and went full retard real fast.

women literally can't paint

Poopoopeepee uncensored

There must be much more


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If everything in comes true.

daenerys dies episode 5, thanks robert

autists who can't accept that their favourite show is written by hacks

A-At least we got two entire seconds of kino for BestGirl

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There's always room for a little more

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Why did she just fall in? Was the floor icy from the draft let in by the open moondoor? Was she drunk? Why did she fall in so fast no one could’ve saved her?

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He went north and gave the NK a dragon,

This brought the NK to Winterfell, so Arya could kill him.

We the viewers saw him more, but his story was equally as important as Beric's in bringing Arya to fulfil her destiny

I hope Jon turns out to be actually useful in the books.
D&D turned him into a spineless cuck who is only good for fighting fodder. Meanwhile his sisters get the glory.

its not a meme, it's the actual ending, and it's perfect.

>Queen Dany and her husband, King-Consort Jon have defeated the evil queen Cersei and finally reduced the Andals back to the state of feudal subservience beneath the foreign Valyrians (Northerners, Iron Islands and Dorne all get to be free)
>However, there's one bump in the road
>The Dark King Stannis has come with his army of the damned, Fire Wights!
>"You've beaten the Ice, now face the Flame!"
>He's making villages in the Riverlands pay the Iron Price
>Dany reaches her hand out to Jon's
>Jon looks at her, gormless as ever
>"Looks like it's time to do some ruling"
>She raises and eyebrow at the camera
>Pans out, showing Lady Commander Brienne of the Queen's Guard and Tyrion, Hand of the Queen
>Goes to credits
>And who
>Are you

Littlefinger was unironically the character I followed the closest and was rooting for to win the entire "game of thrones."
Show had gone to shit before he died but that was the moment I gave up on it completely.
His interactions with the rest of the cast were always great. Especially those Varys/Littlefinger scenes in early GoT, those really hooked me on the show and the world's intrigue.

Littlefinger warged into Arya, he killed the Night King


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Anyone who is saying this episode is not aesthetic and has great cinematography can literally fuck off.

Remember that time the original Long Night lasted a whole generation resulting in building giant magical barrier, a nights watch, creating countless prophecies which results in children being burned and wars being started simply because no one could find one teenage girl with a trampoline and an ice pick to kill the Night King?

Jon should be a foot taller and 30lbs heavier in the show. At this point he should be one of the most grizzled hard badass men in the show but he just comes across as schlick bate for women. Some of his fight scenes are still pretty kino tho

She was pushed by littlefinger

straight from grrms notes

That was the only scene that was bright enough to see

got too popular, needed to please the lowest common denominator while still bringing people in.

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What is it about his fights that looks so great? Did he actually learn swordfighting or something? I love how unscripted it looks despite being insanely scripted

normalfags kill everything they touch, look at video games for fucks sake

Dothraki Scene below the asteroids is awesome too

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it would only be kino if jon lost and then uncle benjen showed up out of nowhere and killed him and he would be like
>uncle benjen....HOW??????????
>there's no time
>GO! (even though the white walkers are gone now)
>uncle benjen disappears

Seriously, the only way this show makes any sense if the 3ER lied about NK, the NK tried to save mankind, Littlefinger is Azor Ahai - has to kill his love "Nissa Nissa" aka. Sansa to make "lightbringer" get to the 3ER

"he will be born again amidst salt and smoke"
Littlefinger will be BORN AGAIN (faked death)
Salt = tears when all your favorite people die, bye Jon the classic hero
Smoke = smoking ruins of Kings Landing
Wake dragons from stone = Blowing up Kings Landing with wildfire. which is most likely how Jon and the others will die.

Sansa and Bran is probably in winterfell since they have nothing to do in a war at Kings Landing.
Bran will use his powers to try to figure out who blew up Kings Landing.
We the viewers get to join Bran on his timetraveling powers to explain everything.
Bran opens his eyes, see's Sansa dead on the floor and Petyr Baelish standing in front of him.

he never gets hit because he's 4 feet tall, and beneath everyone's swing

I'll start reading the books when that fat fuck releases the next one.
Tired of D&D's twitter normie pandering.

or instead of this rube goldberg shit to kill the NK, could have easily just paid a faceless man to go north to kill the night king

>rambles jitterish for epic foreign language moment

>director: look like you out of yo depth
Kit: i got u senpai

Because Dabid literally sabotaged the entire production of the battle to get that shot in hopes of winning Kit an Emmy
They failed

>melly creating burning swords was not part of the plan beforehand
>the plan was literally to ride into the dark with no way to see shit
>the plan was literally to launch trebuchets at a random point in time at some random distance
>the plan was literally to just sit and wait in the dark without knowing if your cavalry was effective or whats happens

>let's fire our trebuchets as our cavalry charges
>won't that hit our own men?
>who cares it looks cool

>meanwhile Jon is sitting atop his literal fire-breathing beast doing nothing like the gormless twat he is

>I hope I'm pregnant

Too much true

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He doesn't know the Night King's name

I’m trying to Gimp funny GoT memes since that’s all I have now even though I’m new to this. Thanks for making me laugh; it’s inspiring to see funny edits like this

it's arya getting stabbed in the gut all over again

? Prove it
>sacrifices all logic and reason for an epic moment
You’re what’s wrong with the audience

D&D mentioned in the making-of for "Watchers on the Wall" that he's actually genuinely good at fight choreography and learns it very quickly, apparently the crew thought the footage of him fighting in WotW had been sped up or something and were surprised to figure out it was actually Kit just moving and executing the choreography that fast

>Tyrion gets crossbow'd by Bron and dies
>Cersei blows up King's Landing and kills everyone who should have died last episode
>Valonquar moment happens as Jaime kills Cersei
>the WW baby that got turned doesn't die for some reason, and after a peaceful reign of King Jon, grows up fully and returns the threat

For a cinematic point of view it very cool

>we have on the great war
>now we will win the last war

We also supposedly still have uncle bengen out there somewhere. He was brought back to life by the children of the forest after being attacked by the white walkers ...same way they created the night king....dragonglass. Now that the wall is down and the magic broken maybe he will show up somewhere.

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>Meanwhile, 3 years ago...

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but what do they eat

Imagine a world where we had nice things

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Sorry, but benjen wasn’t main cast enough to survive getting swarmed like this

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You might have a point if dnd didn't say they just fucking made it up two or three years ago.
Which is several years after melly and arya

Unlike you, Winterfell researched Chemistry and fortified Walls before the battle.

Besides: You are in Feudal Age but somehow you can use trebuchets? Cheater.

I just want to hold Emilia and tell her everything is going to be fine

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have sex guy

This is fucking grade A posting lad

To prevent future wars and save a populace from a mad queen

I miss Robb


Man i wish he would make more videos

>trouncing any kind of rules or logic established by the universe in order to have a cool shot
Hmmmm, where have I seen this before

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The writers are tired
Send them to my chambers

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Back when there were other northern lords other then cringey fan service mormont. Take me back

>that fucking scene

This and Stannis and Night King. Three worst deaths I've ever seen in tv history.

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not dark enugh

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>Why did he say, I demand a trail my combat

Wow wow wow that would require logic. You know who wrote this?

He'll be back

You ARE watching the superior show aren't you? It's GRRM approved.

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He should have at least been involved. They didn't fight once and its been Jon's storyline since s1e1

It's so bad it's almost unbelievable, literally the opposite of what was intended, it'd be like adapting Animal Farm thinking it's about the cute social interactions of farm animals.

Spoilers out. Dany outbid Cersei for the Golden Company with wealth from Mereen and slaver's bay. They turn on Cersei and she blows up the city. She survives though and gets taken alive and Dany is going to torture her, but Jaime tries to stop her and gets killed. Tyrion tries to free Cersei but gets caught. Jon is disgusted that Dany didn't bring the Golden Company North to fight the Night King if they were loyal to her all along. In other words it wasn't Cersei holding them back, they wouldn't have followed her orders anyway. Dany alienates everyone and is pretty much alone and pregnant though Queen of a destroyed King's Landing and a massively indebted and fractured Seven Kingdoms by the time the show is over.

I wish I was Bran

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Arya is Jaqen in mask and kills whoever is sitting on Iron Throne in last moment of last episode. 3ER end the show saying
>The purpose......is complete

Hol da dore hol da dore

>You ARE watching the superior show aren't you?

I have got to start watching this shit. Seen the piolet good stuff.

why was this scene so kino?

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Where did you read that, laddie?

God I wish that was me

Because Gurm wrote it.

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Yeah it’s just the video of her tripping

If season 5 was based on the books, why it was so shit? The last books are boring too?

Is this game still fun and replayable in current year?

Wait if she's immune to fire and the blue lad is too. And also he looked at her funny when she cooked him. Maybe she's kinda a white walker dude or something and not a fire lady lel

sunset found her squatting..

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Can't stand this guy's face. The hair makes it even worse.

Jon with some of the other main characters fighting the White Walkers, and the Night King as well would of been legit.

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>we have three more episodes of teleporting and bullshit child like squabbling over who gets what in post-war Westeros

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>If season 5 was based on the books,

It wasn't for the most part. Almost all of it was Dnd fanfiction

Imagine if the last episode just went full meme,
>NK comes back
>Stannis comes back with 20 good men
>Arya dies
>Littlefinger smothers Arya
>Bran actually does something
>Jon kills Dani after she goes mad
>Cleganebowl isn't shit
>Arya dies

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>ywn be a showonlyfag watching season 1 for the first time, actually caring for the characters and feeling hyped for scenes like this one
It might just be me being a nostalgic fag but it hurts, bros.

it's so forced that it hurts


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Bring him back.

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The Arya shit has made me unironically a Danyfag. All her shitskins are dead so she can’t ruin Westeros now. Arya ruined the show though, I hope the reasons Emilia said she cried when reading the ending is becsuse she goes mad queen and burns everyone, murdering every last piece of worthless shit who allowed Arya to get the big moment and then she sits on the Iron Throne until the end of time.

The virgin Jon Snow

>get rid of the dead in one episode
>"uuh, so you wanna know what happens to the realm next?"

no thanks

>Valar morghulis
>Valar morghulis
>all men must die
>Valar morghulis
>D&D: the NK is literally death incarnate
>they kill the NK

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Had to make it 20 seconds long just in case I missed it.

They will never kill off Arya or Dany, or even Jon. There are certain characters they know will cause so much shit storm they don't want to go there. I bet there are characters in the show who die in the books, but live to the end.

I'd have liked to have seen everyone with valyrian steel in the godswoods as a kind of Kingsguard for Bran. They have their duels with the NK's lieutenants, and Jon has a solo against the NK. Shit looks kind of bleak for Jon, then Arya unmasks as a wight and gets in a backstab to distract the NK, then Jon gets to kill him.

>the whole purpose of the show was defeated in one episode
>the final bosses is le wine aunt and le finger in the bum
>it really came down to who sits on the throne in the end
>tfw it was all a pointless waste of time

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Sauron has been defeated, but we must deal with the even greater threat of that one farmer who is still angry about his crops getting stolen back in the Shire

In b4 a full army of dothraki are in next episode.

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more like
>uncle benjen slaps his horse's ass
>it tramples jon snow's head, killing him
>he swings his fire flail and hits himself in the head
>they both lie dead in the snow

Alright, time for some sleep, See you in two hours when I'm at my job /got/.


I love her

dat face doe

>In b4 a full army of dothraki are in next episode.

We'll see like 10 or 20 of them as extras and an entire army of second sons and everyone acts like everything was fine.

Three episodes left. What could DnD do to redeem the whole shit show?

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see you user, I'll miss you. Have a good day at work!

Qyburn or Euron takes throne

Everyones complaining that this fat fuck survived despite being covered in wights multiple times. But worse off they completely do a 180 on his character development by having him spacing out in fearand getting Edd killed.

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is this a tranny? who is this?

>And who
>Are you


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I'll try to stop in and see what's going on in late night /got/ edition

Kill themselves on camera

No not Farmer Maggot... Rally those Rohirrim we used to charge Saurons force head o-... Oh wait.

redo episode 3 and end it with jon dying and resurrecting Benjen style, kill almost everyone else
"Fan" edit related


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>Everyones complaining that this fat fuck survived despite being covered in wights multiple times.

Pretty much every character was covered in wights and none died.

Littlefinger or Night king come back.

I mean it kinda happened, Saruman taking over the Shire was the final conflict in the books


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So many fake-outs of deaths on named characters. First you see them swarmed, then they cut and next scene they're fine or there's suddenly like a third less wights than there were before.


Jon and Stannis will forever be remembered as crazied fear mongers, Westeros will remember them as fools for trying to convince people the army of the dead was a threat..

ME3 somewhat fixed it's ending with the free dlc, can you imagine it they got rid of the reapers midway trough the final game and udina and kai leng became the final bosses? because that just happened on the show

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it was all a dream

>Saruman taking over the Shire was the final conflict in the books

Good thing this shit was cut in the movies and Saruman just ends up in his tower forever

>keep episode 3 nearly the same
>oops where’s the night king
>cut to kings landing where the night king flew in and drops a few corpses.
>busts the throne room because why not
>battle at winterfell goes poorly, but their isn’t a night king so the dragons cut a path for everyone left alive.
>the winterfell people retreat south to the eyrie, the most defensible castle in the 7 kingdoms.
>Cersei and her goons retreat on eurons ships, running from the now million strong army of the dead
>the army and night king march to the eyrie
>another huge battle, with bran as bait.
>Brienne attacked defending Sansa or something, Jamie sees it and kills Brienne so she can’t be turned, is heavily wounded in the process
>Theon does his sacrifice, Jon fights the night king but gets knocked back
>Arya jumps towards the night king and gets caught like in the show, but the night king catches the dagger
>Jamie comes in and stabs the night king in the back, as he is distracted with Arya.
>The army of the dead falls.
>Westeros realizes the fight the north and danerys won, and all remaining banners follow them.
>Cersei’s army is defeated and Cersei tries retreating, but Jamie finds her.
>Jamie stabs her in the gut, turns out Jamie died after killing the night king, and Arya stole his face
>final episode is a “where did they go, what did they do” conclusion.

Qyburn goes full necromancer and raise a new army of deads, Baelish returns from Braavos and sits on the throne

kek this

No. You need to give me a good reason why they are able to get close to the NK and Bran playing crow simulator is not it.

Only two ways:
>they are literally three episodes of pure kino that somehow redeem all the shit they managed to throw at us
>they go even further beyond and the show becomes so retarded and insane that it makes even the most core normalfags mad, giving enough meme moments that we get years worth of /got/ material

>get rid of the dead in one episode

Cersei literally has a small undead army.

>Azor Jon is still in play.
>He saves the realm.
>Mostly everyone else dies but no before they find out Dany is with child and has an emergency birth.
>Bran is very creepily asking to hold the baby (boy)
>Bran is becoming new NK
lol "there must always be a lich king" thanks blizzard
>he worgs out and back again telling them they must banish him north of the wall

Who is this Brad Pitt-looking motherfucker?

I'd rather have the reapers die midway and have the Illusive man as the final boss.

How would he have dealt with the Night King?

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After writing this I realize it's probably gonna be neither and both the people that still care and people that don't are gonna be disappointed somehow.

what did this mean?

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He'd have fucked him

Qyburn becoming a pseudo night king to haunt the future could be a good twist. Like in his expiremebts the dude accidentally stumbles upon the magic the children of the forest used to create the night king, and does it on himself:

It was mentioned briefly as a potential future in the movies when Frodo was looking into the Mirror of Galadriel

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>final episode is a “where did they go, what did they do” conclusion.
please no

we always win

He would have shot him before throwing him out of a plane

He already killed the Night King indirectly by giving Bran the dagger.

Magic was back, and it’s strength is tied to the comets vicinity.

I thought of a new ending, just as dumb, but probably would have taken longer for people to end up hating it

>Bran at the tree
>"you're a good man, theon"
>Theon does his retarded charge
>The NK and all his generals slowly walk towards Bran
>the NK stares at Bran for a moment
>then all at once the NK and the generals bend the knee to Bran

But he literally alone dealt with NK?

bran evil or some shit

Man it must be chill to be a southern boy in this time in D&D Westeros

You're getting your dick sucked by some absolute 10 in a brothel for a penny while northern fucking shits are dying by their thousands just so you can get a few more nuts off

Feels good man

Just an omen for "Shit is about to go down"

they would be best friends

>her magic requires king's blood
>didn't kill or rape Gendry, Jon, or Daenerys
what a let down

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I'm not buying the Azor Ahai shit, but other than that it would redeem his shitty death. And it would actually reinstate one of the deadliest players.
I now really hope this is true.

The plot point where he pays the woman, did that ever get resolved by anything else? Did she do ANYTHING else than just getting paid?
Chekovs gun applies.

Poorly. He was good at deceiving and manipulating people to play the game. Those skills would literally be useless against the NK. There's literally nothing you could offer him to get him to stop. You could give him Bran on a silver platter and he'd still do what he does

UndeadGregor was the true Night King all along
Kills Cersei
Raises more undead in KL

the illusive man was littlefinger on the show and they fucked him sideways and shat on his whole character and arc, how much better would've things been if littlefinger had won the 4d chess game he was playing the whole time and was the final villain instead of "i want to see the manager" cersei

Arya was the faceless man all along

Compared to what we got this would have been incredible.

Why is nobody asking WHERE DID SHE GET ENOUGH POWER to flame up an entire barricade and a army of dothraki?

>"i want to see the manager" cersei

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This was the biggest waste of potential I've ever seen

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>a character looks at another for 10 seconds
muh foreshadow

Because magic never makes sense and is always used as a copout

Yes I can foreshadow that i'm going water my grass with gasoline, that doesn't mean it makes sense to do.

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I pay for HBO and only used a torrent because the megalink I was using was downloading at 400kb/s, and wanted to make webms to shitpost with here.

lesson learned though, never torrent got, not even if you do it within minutes of it airing.

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next episode where it will be reveleaded that littlefinger is alive and controlling robyn forces

If they didn't do so many crap fake-outs I wouldn't be so mad.

Brienne being a badass but pushed back and dragged down? I'm sad but she went out like a boss

Brienne pushed back and it cuts away and then zooms back to see her ok.
Whatthefuck is this?

It doesn’t require kings blood. It requires wanting to do something. That’s why Beric was able to be brought back so many times.

use vpn idiot

>not using a VPN
get what you deserve pleb

>a story for another time

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kek imagine living in a country this cucked

my ISP also provides my cable and they get the channels through pirated broadcasts

Wow it was foreshadowed in the same episode.

holy fuck

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I wish the NK's generals were more like death knights

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interesting. where do you live? i've never heard about HBO enforcing their IP protection.


eh, I could have, but I've been torrenting this way for YEARS without any consequences. This is the first notice I've ever gotten in well over a decade.

It must be due to the popularity / the episode itself that HBO paid some companies to monitor torrents immediately. I've torrented previous seasons of HBO like this at times without ever getting any notices.

AHhahahaha what kind of a shithole do you have to live in for downloading to be a violation?

Don't let yourself be treated like fucking cattle

That’s literally already the case. You can’t end the show without stating who holds what seats of power, and that shit will take a while. Literally a “how do we fix a country that is irreparably fucked”.

>not using private trackers
>not encrypting

Arya is actually a faceless man that Littlefinger warged into.

It was through Cox Cable, so I'm in the US.

Been using Cox over a decade and it's my first "violation" at least first I've gotten a warning about.

I download 99% of things I watch via mega today, not torrents though, but every mega link for e03 was downloading at such a slow speed so I gave up.

you're a retard

final scene could've been all main characters (jaime, brienne, the hound, jon snow, theon, gendry) fighting the night king and the white walkers. They manage to kill every WW, but everyone dies except for Jon. At the end, it's jon vs the NK, then when he's about to get raped arya jumps out of nowhere but doesn't kill the nk, only serving as a distraction. At that point jon snow manages to deal the final blow to the nk.

Still a shit ending, but more believable and decent.

This would be fine I guess. I’d also make Qyburn a new Night king, living somewhere remote and redirecting more and more dead people to do his bidding. Maybe an island or something.

This is incredible. Unfortunately no one has created an autistic enough head canon about how this even makes any sense or how it would continue on into the next episode. The "Bran was controlling them the whole time" thing is retarded, it would be more kino for Bran to be completely shocked by the Night King bowing to him

Realistically, the only way the previous episode could've worked from the corner they've written themselves into is if the Night King won and literally everyone at Winterfell died. Acceptable exceptions:
>Jon and Dany escape on dragons (either separately or Jon is hesitant and Dany takes him forcibly/picks him up with Drogon)
>Jaime realizes he can't do shit and escapes (potentially takes Tyrion with him, potentially also on a dragon)
>MAAAYBE Arya stealths her way out of it (potentially saves Bran maybe with the help of Nymeria)
Not all at once of course, only one or two of these. Everyone else gets a few fitting closing moments but are otherwise overrun and killed.

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Winter came, but I didn't

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>fire kills wights
>"frozen fire" called dragonglass kills white walkers
>steel forged in dragonfire kills white walkers
>dragonfire doesn't kill white walkers

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I wont lie I was drinking a ton when I watched it and I actually thought they were going to merge like the smith/Neo did in The Matrix. Boy was I let down.
I was properly like THE SIGNS WERE THERE MAN and all. Felt like a right pleb when teleportation chav flew in and dabbed on mr smith

The night king could have just gone to kings landing like suggested.


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But in this show Melli told us need KING blood to cast any bigger spell. Did she went to slaughter the entire of Essos's noboility to get the magic resources ?

>subverts your expectations

such subversion

Wasn't it snowing in kings landing at the end of last season? What the fuck happened to that?

Cersei looked down at the elephant the Golden Company brought for her, and thought, "He's a big guy..."

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Yeah the only good scene in that movie lmao

Maybe the never really did betray the CoTF and the 3 eyed raven is actually the soul of a CoTF leader. They'd have to do some retcons for this to work of course, but that's never been a problem for D&D before

Imagine living on the freedom land and can't torrent a TV show

Ameritards in a nutshell lol

She believed she needed kings blood. Thoros of Myr is evidence that this is wrong.

>Maybe an island
Give him a tan and make him look like some voodoo doctor dude. Next wave of undead come from the south with drowned god stuff mixed in.

>Yeah the only good scene in that movie lmao
And the people who came up with it had 12 IQ in total

Where's the Godswood Trampoline she jumped off of?


Making the last episode just them apologizing before hanging themselves.


Can't wait for them to reveal they had Elephants in reserve when they launch their coup.

Global Warming

Are we using Ork logic? Cause in the show it was clearly said that Noble blood energize the magicians. So each time Thoros revived Beric he lost a bit of him self in sacrifice to the god.

she jumped out of the pond that no longer exists

The littlefinger theory would be absolute kino, but i don't believe D&D are smart enough to do it.

Bran is the real villain of the series. Basically Palpatine from Revenge of the Sith. The Night King was basically Count Dooku trying to free the world from Bran/The Three Eyed Raven's tampering without realizing he was getting played as well. The little kid pinned to the wall in the middle of a circle they found at Last Hearth was The NK trying to communicate that there is an evil child at the center of everything. The constant circular imagery in the NK's message is Bran's wheelchair. This also adds additional meaning to Dany's "I'm going to break the wheel." They're all getting manipulated by Bran so the Children of the Forest can reclaim Westeros and he can rule as a God. Also he can walk. It's all a ruse at this point.

This. It should've been a host of characters, both named and unnamed, fighting against the small group of WW and the NK.
NK himself should be holding off Jaime, Jon, Brienne, etc and then right at the end you could have Arya come in if it's really necessary.

why did Ghost charge in with the Dothraki, bros? talk about "bet the family pets" on that shit ass sally defense! what a dumb fucking pointless detail

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If Littlefinger somehow returned it would redeem the show imo.

So is he dead or what?

>have 10 seconds of budget for ghost
>waste 5 seconds of it on charging with the dothraki

Seasons 5 and 6 weren’t awful, at least they still felt like GoT, albeit, the quality of writing dropped a fair bit. It REALLY got shit at season 7 episode 1.

A woman tells her “Your time is up” and he pays her the day before he was executed. People think the woman is a faceless man that takes his place

This is more or less what I'm hoping for now, but I'm afraid everything is as it seems sadly.

he will be "what a tweest" revived if they had any CGI budget left over but if he was gonna die after 10 seconds of screentime like says, then it should've been doing something reasonable. it's Jon's decade-old best friend for fucks sake.

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It's actually a really good theory. Too good to be true,even.

the whole movie is shit

Ghost is alive. Watch ep4 preview on youtube.

Goddamn it you people are dense

didn't watch the preview my bad dude I was too floored by how retarded episode 3 was. even if Ghost survived it's dumb he charged out with the Dothraki to begin with and you can't defend it :^)

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No, I cant. I cant defend anything in the episode

No shit numbnuts