Sonic director says they will fix how Sonic looks for the final film
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Wow! That’s awesome!
As much as I doubt that they'll achieve it, I do appreciate the sentiment. They could have easily just ignored the criticism or refuted it, which is what most studios do.
It was part of the plan all along desu
so nothing is going to happen
>what is a marketing stunt
Holy shit can somebody say BASED?!
Looks like Vidya kino is back on the menu, boys
theyre so lost that they could just put out there some concept art and let the fans decide.
>didnt just blame the alt-right or russian bots
someone needs to tell them
All this means is a bunch of cgi artists are going to have to work insane overtime for no extra pay, all because some suits decided to go with a retarded design.
That's actually based as fuck unironically
all they have to do is fix his eyes and mouth imo. Sure you can fix a shit ton more but there is no where near enough time to do it
I actually liked the old design,
people were thanked for being real and expressing criticism, why would they apologize.
Why would a specialized skill like that not be paid overtime?
Isn't it almost out?
The bad design was a fake out the entire time
Because CGI artists are a dime a dozen. If you don't want to do crunch they'll just replace you. Artists don't get paid for shit, and when they do it isnt much.
When was there ever any vidya "kino" you memespouting sack of shit? Take your epin wojak edits back to facebook or wherever you came from.
We hear you loud and clear user! The design will be changed back to original for release
re-cgi every sonic scene LOL
wonder how much that is going to cost
It comes out in november
Who hurt you?
lmao ok
So we can have pregnant sonic with an eyepatch, bandana and tommy gun? FUND IT
A live-action Sonic movie was always a bad idea, how did anyone ever think otherwise? I'd rather see a 16-bit cartoon movie if they absolutely had to make a new Sonic product for the big screen, at least that'd be new.
Get the fuck out of my board, cockbreath.
How will they adapt this classic scene?
People who can only communicate in memes are the saddest posters.
Thanks, Jeff.
Lmao, you’re literally mad for no reason are you feeling alright buddy?
I really hope they make sonic look like a big faggot furry or some shit. There is no way they wont screw it up again.
Ok this is getting weird. Where did you find a picture of me?!
Why are sonic fans so mentally unstable?
I don’t get it. What’s “wrong” with the design?
>this post made me watch the trailer
Why don't mid 20s losers just go travelling around Asia for a few months?
Reminder that Sonic characters canonically just have blobs for feet and don't have toes
Sonic isn’t a woman or black so they can’t claim their favorite ism is the reason fans hate it.
I can’t afford it and I’m scared of getting sick or worse.
>may 2nd
[doubt intensifies]
>Not just blaming Russian bots
>Not just blaming the Alt Right
>Not just blaming toxic fans
Fucking amateur
I watched this entire nightmare take shape over my life and even I don't know. Loved the Genesis games, read some of the comics as a kid, fell off after the Dreamcast games. Years later, I see shit like Tails in diapers and Sonichu.
I just don't know what happened, user.
>scared of getting sick
What a fucking faggot. You will always be a beta suburban loser
>can't afford to save a few thousand dollars
>scared something might happen when your life is shit already
Yikes bro
There's something sickening about seeing creators being so transparent about pandering to outraged fanchildren.
i want to know which diversity hire fucked this shit up in the first place
Not everyone can afford the disney propaganda machine
>lol bro, just spend thousands of dollars on a trip across the country where you’ll blow diarrhea and vomit 80% of the time and wish you were back in your bed
Meanwhile you’re not doing it either asshole, so don’t act like you’re a regular Indiana Jones.
Yes holy fuck
Thanks, forgot to add that one to the filter.
>You're not you when you're hungry
i got the robotnik happymeal toy
I still think live-action Sonic is an awful idea but at least this one looks like Sonic.
Inb4: across the country lol
Across the world* obviously
I’ve been to southeast asia 3 times, sick for a total of 2 days. Grow a pair
>announces filtering things that hurt his feelings
Lol, why not just go someplace where you can downvote and live in your echo chamber?
>Okay team. You fucked up. Start from scratch. Say goodbye to your families. You've got work to do.
Ahh, so you just wanted to brag about your vacations. I understand now. I’ll just waste thousands and thousands of dollars get sick for days just to talk down to people online about how it’ll change their life’s to walk around Asia.
Sweet Jesus that's perfect. How hard was it to do this. I'll never understand how anyone could fuck up Sonic so much.
>it's like that shit Red Dawn reboot all over again
Sonic tards confirmed to be as powerful as the Chinese.
what's it like to use a floor toilet when you have explosive diarrhea?
The $10 a day that you spend on fastfood, save that up for just half a year and you can fly anywhere in the world kid. Quit making excuses
so much this
yeah sonic was a fun game and it was bundled with sega so everyone played... but for some reason it developed a fandom that went totally off the rails.
The one who stole my forskin
it's called gender dysphoria
Awkward, it was a random barbershop and I made the driver stop and ran inside, asked for the bathroom. They knew the score. Had to splash my ass off with a water cup. They laughed at me on the way in and on the way out
Who in the fuck eats that much fast food? I have maybe one burger once a month if that.
Jesus how fat are some of you anons?
There's no fucking way they'd change sonic this late into production. cgi ain't cheap. It's better they cut their losses. People will still watch it for Jim Carrey
I reckon it was just furry fags before furry became a 'thing'
>caving in to whiners
No artistic integrity at all
Honestly based of them to do something rather than play the WOW GAMERS ARE ENTITLED card.
right. this is a ploy, they've had the real design up their sleeve the whole time.
could a cgi fag explain how long it would take to render the whole film again?
>idiots in this thread think they can totally redesign their 3d animated characters for the entire movie between now and november 7
these things take 3-4 years to make
I think the early internet played a role in this, maybe one of the first isolated self-degenerating online communities I was aware of existing back then.
>unironically calls people kid online
I see your trips to Asia have made you a swarthy worldly gentleman of high culture! Perhaps I shall take your advice, my fine gentleman, and spend money stupidly for bragging rights and talk condescendingly to strangers anonymously for not sharing my priorities in life!
holy shit you're probably correct
future chinese anthropologists will study the sonic phenomena
CWC is actually a cosmic nexus point for autism in the form of a man. He's the origin point of Sonic, MLP, and Pokemon autism.
Based. Now is Wagner turn to apologize
Skeletons, animation, lightmaps etc are all done. Changing the model does not take 3 years you braindead fucking retard.
pokemon autism i can understand, there's a card game and mechanics behind it
even the mlp i can understand, it's just degeneracy
but the sonic depravity was ahead of its time and there was little foundation. so random.
If they announce delay to Q3 2020, I believe they change it but otherwise they can fuck right off
Have sex
Why are you such a cunt?
>so much this
The body needs to be fixed too. It looks like a mascot costume
CWC tainted the collective consciousness of Sonic fans by his association with the fandom. CWC is the origin.
The Sonic Phenomena may be ground-zero for all future autistic fanbases that spiral wildly out of control until they're drawing characters pissing themselves and masturbating to it.
And CWC is the infectious vector that spread it.
Even if they do "fix" his appearance by year's end, it still won't stop the movie from sucking.
maybe it's just for the trailer
except for the energy drinks, deleting facebook, being a kissless virgin, and being a NEET parts, this is literally me. it hurts, bros. especially the drunk part and the job part.
>plays incelscape
>I’m scared of getting sick
Amerimutt, I suppose? lmao it's a common fear of them
Completely and hopelessly OBSESSED.
>energy drinks
>no selfies
>no anime
>vidya waste of time
>smart but not really
haha guilty
it's the only country where that happens, though.
True, because in Europe they bring the 3rd world strait to you.
dude literally took one look at that fix photo and was like holy shit we dun goofd
they're going to make it cartoonish like space jam, because that's what people pretend to want.
then when it comes out people will be like "no that's not what we want"
kek I'm going to though, I've lived and visited a bunch of different places in the world already. Stop making excuses desu
This is me but anime
Exactly! Don't you know mutts know that diarrhea is commonplace is glorious Europe? Its part of our diverse culture.
i uhh i uhh i have to return some videotapes
WTF?! Why are they fixing it instead of telling fans to 'grow up' and then blaming to failure of the movie on Russian hackers and their smear campaign? It's 2019, what kind of response is that?
shilling in full effect
>3-4 years
space jam was shit
If a gross misconception like this scares you, you're probably already extremely unhealthy. Exercise you fat fuck
thank you
>stop making excuses for not doing things you don’t wanna do
We gotta talk about this superiority complex of yours. I already live in a world class vacation spot and I’m going to California to surf soon. You probably live in dogshit city or bumfuck suburbs and you sound like a high schooler who just tried weed telling everyone else they JUST GOTTA TRY ASIA BRO there is like NO EXCUSE it’ll expand your mind and change your world!
Good thing you’re already on a film board, because a projector like you fits right in.
I'll do you one better.
Almost absolutely nothing to the studio. This is going to cost whatever poor cgi house bidded for this piece of shit.
I feel sorry for those cgi artist, this is the kind of thing that can sink a company too.
>12k for your ring but 60k for your middle finger with exact same injury
What the ever loving fuck is wrong with America?
100% this.
They knew what they were doing.
Not fat and i have a very healthy diet which strictly excludes ingestion of any kind of recreational substances. The only projector here is you
The middle finger is more valuable for expressing your inner thoughts than the ring finger.
>Mario Bros. movie
>not kino
Pleb desu senpai
jesus christ
only 18,000 die a year because they don't have health insurance. hmm. pretty small number. maybe we're just healthier than europe. definitely healthier than central and south americans.
This was literally New Coke Sonic.
You fell for it.
Well done.
Fuck you sound corny as hell, get a grip before I get one for you.
SEGA does own Marza who I think is the main animation studio on the film unless that's Blur Studio. It'd be a massive undertaking, but it wouldn't surprise me if SEGA panics and tries to make it happen.
That's what they did
you talk like a fag and you're shit's all retarded
>only 18,000 die a year because they don't have health insurance. hmm. pretty small number. maybe we're just healthier than europe. definitely healthier than central and south americans.
Mortal Kombat is gud
Jokes on them, I pirate.
Doesn't the hospital pay for it if you give an upfront deposit and they get the rest of the money from government subsidies?
They said it's unconstitutional to deny medical care because no money some years ago, maybe this was after this doc?
>original assumption gets completely destroyed
>creates a new assessment of my character in order to maintain superiority
And you sound extremely unpleasant. Probably undiagnosed sociopathic narcissism. In other words: have sex
>Mogs on user for sounding smart.
You're like one of those niggers who looks down on other blacks who dare to talk normal.
i like how it has spaces between dialogue for you to talk to sonic
Back to Plebbit cocksucker
The games were literally designed for autism.
>working on a movie based on one of the most recognizable videogame licenses ever
>artistic integrity
No it isn't. The only video game movie even remotely resembling something decent is the first Silent Hill, and it's still super shit.
I think they'll probably just redo the teeth - which is what I hope. I mostly like the design and hope they don't go ripping it all out and pasting in his 3D game model or doing something like {pic related} to appease whiny, over-reactive fans and braindead bandwagonners.
They might correct his porportions and frame a bit aswell, with any luck, but I wouldn't hold out on it
Which ones? I only ever played the Genesis ones, and then a little of Mania a year or so ago. Hated Sonic Adventure when the Dreamcast came out, and stayed away from the games since then.
They're not going to do a fucking thing
And dropped.
>people have licked their computer screens to this video
Honestly I was going to watch it for the trainwreck that we would witness on screen. His design isn't even that bad, if they change it I will lose interest, they should double down on his design if anything.
Street Fighter is fun as hell and stars JCVD
That means they will have to re-render the whole fucking movie LMAO.
I didn't need to think about this user.
Neck yourself, you fucking mongoloid.
Classic Sonic is designed for obsessive repetition. That is autistic game design.
At the MOST they can do little things like tweaking the teeth or eyes. With enough unpaid overtime from their visual effects artists, they can get face changes done on a deadline.
They sure as fucking ain't changing proportions, any animation, texture or lighting work, any major design elements like the shoes or gloves instead of hands. They're just setting themselves up for fans to be re-pissed again when they drop another trailer months from now and Sonic barely looks any different. Fans will then be shouting entitled, "BUT YOU PROMISED US!!!" complaints.
this is why video games will never be art
>I completely destroyed you!
>youre btfo for trying to sound superior
Ironic, since youre the one insulting random people on the internet and then claiming to "diet which strictly excludes ingestion of any kind of recreational substances."
Jesus you're so reddit it hurts. Just go back.
Or maybe nobody wanted a fucking Sonic movie in the first place.
>being this angery
Good. It looked fucking retarded.
>Classic Sonic is designed for obsessive repetition
Have you ever played any platformer ever? That's just how games were in that era user.
this - otherwise what were they going to do in the 6 months before it comes out? obviously that's the cgi time
Didnt think i touched on your nerves that badly. Might be time to reinvigorate that diet user.
Sonic looks worse than Thing 1 and 2 from the Cat in the Hat movie.
>I was a concept artist on Detective Pikachu
The problem is not the concept art but the 3D design, get off with this pokefag
That's why speedrunners play those games. they're cute
I wonder if these fantasies have always existed and it's only in recent times that we've found an outlet
Dude dont you think I have it bad enough? Can you stop trying to piss me off on Yea Forums too? Seriously I get it you called me fat, then explained how youre on a massive diet, now you keep harassing me for being fat. I'm not even out of shape bro stop trying to trigger me its really pissing me off.
holy based
I am now a #sonicmovie fanatic!
Being irrationally angry all the time on the internet is a solid bit
I worked at MPC and the upper management is total shit there. Glad they're getting rekt.
I've never watched speedrunners, never really saw the appeal. I guess I get it though, with classic Sonic and Mario games you could get good enough to burn through a familiar level quickly, might be pretty fun if it werent' so boring to do the same level repeatedly enough to memorize it all.
kind of feel bad for him desu
dude must be stressing the fuck out
Paraphilias cause more paraphilias. I doubt many wanted this before the dooouuuuubbbblleeee-yyyyooooouuuuuu-dooouuuuubbbblleeee-yyyyooooouuuuuu-dooouuuuubbbblleeee-yyyyooooouuuuuu was ubiquitous. Millennials often had to wait for people to say the Ws in a URL, despite gopher never catching on. That shit was so frustrating.
Genesis was losing the console race as soon as it started and it keep losing until the end, even after Sega started slashing prices, it had less games and worse games, the sort of people that would want a Genesis were the ones wanting to be different, which likely meant they didn't have friends therefore didn't worry about them playing a different console.
It's very different from consoles wars nowdays, if you had a Genesis you would really be surrounded by NES.
And then there's the parents who bought Genesis by accident, either because it was cheaper, it was what was left in the store or they didn't bother asking anyone else which was better, so we can assume some parenting issues down the line, which leads to insane people.
I didn't ask for a video game and I was gifted a Genesis by my dad on a good discount, but that's what my dad could pay so I'm really glad he did.
Should have chosen another job, then.
Other than not watching anime this isn't me at all.
He was dumb enough to accept making this shitty movie though.
Hopefully someone sent this to the animators.
>the sort of people that would want a Genesis were the ones wanting to be different
That was so much different in the UK. Nobody had a SNES
>little tweaks
Country to popular belief film cgi isn't made in a fucking game engine and you can't just tweak little things and press a button and it's done. There's nothing vfx artists can do in regards to sonic and his animation. The modelers/animators have to change it and re-rendering all that shit is expensive as fuck.
Man, I got my Genesis a little later when the 6-pak was packed in with it, presumably at a discount as N64/Playstation were around the corner. I could not have been happier to have a game console of my own, as well as a dozen hand-me-down games right off the bat. I had at least one friend with a model 1 and we'd mostly end up playing Sonic. Granted I was around 8, but I nor my classmates ever had any idea of console wars and just uniformly loved fun games.
I think that user's perspective is a little warped on the subject, or at the very least biased by his own experience. My cousins had SNES and I had Genesis, when they'd come hang we played Sonic and when I went over there we played Mario World/Allstars. Nobody ever console-warred where I lived, though maybe the kids who were a few years older and already in the middle grades did without me noticing at the time.
>mono eye
>noodle limbs
Too bad that Sonic was the least of the many problems this movie has. This movie feels like Fast and Furious with Sonic, not an actual Sonic universe film.
It better look like this.
why don't they just make, you know, fuckin sonic
what's the point on redesigning the damn character
No, that would look shit in movement alongside real humans. It'll look like a CGI creature, rather than a creature in a world that just happens to be CGI for the movie.
The entire PURPOSE of CGI as a tool is its ability to be easily modifiable in a short amount of time.
You're talking out of your ass if you think 5 months isn't enough time to tweak the teeth on Sonic here and there, which at most, is all they'll realistically do.
>MY board
Lmao shut the fuck up loser
>insults people for no reason
cant take a joke, has to defend himself by explaining how healthy his diet is and he doesn't partake in ANY recreational substance
hypocrite accuses others of "creating assessments to maintain superiority" while ironically lobbing yet more baseless insults
If you think you're healthy and happy with your life you wouldn't go online anonymously to harass people and brag about how great you are.
Oh, this is good.
Oh, I'm sorry! Do you work as a cgi artist? No?
Then shut the fuck up, you uneducated troglodyte before I easily modify your asshole!
>isn't enough time
it's really a budget issue. they honestly have to dump millions to tweak cgi animation this late into production.
forgot to include
>looks like I struck a nerve!
as if you were just trolling the whole time, and aren't actually just a defensive person who regrets looking for a confrontation
fucking internet reddit nerds ruining some pure bad movie Kino potential
Millions is a drop in the bucket if the studio believes it's somehow going to make or break the bank.
And because most VFX artists aren't unionized, it's actually a cheap solution.
I did that, came back, and I'm still a loser.
It isn't even close to the same cost as developing these shots from scratch. They can retarget the current rig to a new model and then re-render all the current sequences without that much work assuming the proportions aren't changed. But re-rendering and then compositing these new shots would probably take more time than they have.
The Sega vs. Nintendo ads were very popular in America.
Well it's a good one that will work. This is the first time I've ever seen a studio attempt to act like they're actually beholden to their audience. As godawful as this movie looks, it's an incredible message to send that the common people are actually being listened to.
I'm almost speechless. Could you imagine Kevin Feige or Rian Johnson saying that?
Disney and Sony have gotten so huge that Viacom can finally play the ol' underdog card again.
No it’s not you tranny shill
I was probably too young to remember the ads that ran during the first few years of the 90's, and don't really remember the rivalry existing in my corner of the midwest at all. Like I said, kids just played what they had and when you went to someone else's house and they had a different system, you were excited to play something you didn't have yourself.
If what the director says is true, then Blur (the vfx studio) is gonna have to rebuild Sonic from scratch. Meaning, they have to conceptualize Sonic, rig his body and face again, groom his fur, and then animate and composite him on top of the live action plate.
5 mouths isn't enough time.
>i'm in the union
I'm normal like you i swear
What if they just give him a big dick lol
Are you stalking me?
>profile picture is shoes
Though it may seem retarded (it is), that's also really clever.
Really weird to see this kind of symbolism in footfags of all people.
Its going to look bad no matter what design they use because its a fucking blue cartoon CGI hedgehog against actual actors.
>Cfw they keep the model but change the arms to tan
ok cuck
He’s lying to get people to calm down.
I had both a SNES and a Genesis. But the Genesis, with its sleek black design, was the cool system. Especially when Mortal Kombat came out and only Genesis had blood. It had more arcade games and better sound than Nintendo.
I really wanted the love craftian horror to be unleashed onto the world
Based teeth chanter.
I dont believe it
>pandering to complaining faggots
So this is how movies die, with thunderous virginity.
Why they didn´t adapt Dark Sonic?
>But the Genesis, with its sleek black design
I always thought so too, but I still love Allstars on SNES among a few others today.
>giving him realistic hedgehog teeth
Now he's uncanny in the other direction. A cartoony depiction with one realistic detail.
So like, is he an alien or from another dimension or what?
Ask away
the flick is for little children
why are you so obsessed by it?
is replying to these posts a banable offense?
He's lying.
i wonder what his reaction will be
I've never understood this meme.
I grew up travelling the world with my parents, and I always hated it. I hated the sense of helpless that comes from not being able to communicate, or if I did know what to say, the shame in knowing my thick accent made me sound like a retard. I hated the way people looked at me, stares of curiosity at best, disdain for being an American at worst. I missed the material comforts of air condition, being able to put toilet paper in the toilet, and not having to ride an overcrowded bus of 40 strangers. I hated knowing that I hated these people, because they hated me back, only 10x more justified in doing so.
Then again, my parents always made a point to visit the common folk and see how people really lived. Maybe most Americans only go to resorts where they're waited on. I'm also only talking about the beaner lands, no idea what asia is like.
>I worked at MPC and the upper management is total shit there
Not surprised at all. I've never worked at a vfx company that didn't have shit upper or incompetent middle management
I'm 43 and this is 93% me tho
publicity stunt. I fucking hate this shit because it's gonna work.
That's really not going to fix the generic looking movie though. And no one is going to be satisfied with his look no matter what they do, why even bother
Roger Rabbit was fine like that. That's how the movie should be treated.
Bowing down to retarded 'audience' is more harmful than just ignoring them
This is already the case while sonic looks horrible. Making him actually look like sonic is only a good thing
Does it matter at this point
No one at Sega is happy about the movie, Sonics original creators have publicly denounced the movie with Naka even apologizing for him not stopping it, Sonics english voice actor calls it a joke and his jap voice actor thinks its insulting.
Why even promote it, just write it off as a $90 million dollar loss and promis to never put Sonic in his own movie again saved for crossover film by studios who care.
Also Scooby Doo
i actually liked the trailer and the character design. FUCKING NORMIE FAGGOTS!
I'll pray for you, user.
This must encompass a whole generation of us.
I don't know about you guys, but I lost the majority of my old friends due to a distance not because of anything else.
This is like a basis for normality as you grow up.
Yes but you did ironically.
Based schizo user.
>Why don't mid 20s losers just go travelling around Asia for a few months?
I'm not really a sonic person or anything, but the original design for the character in this film looks like a strange horrible monkey creature
>Director literally admits a fault to something and offers to fix it to please audiences
I don't know how to process this feeling.
must've missed that left turn at albuquerque
We must steer our terrible reality in this direction at all costs.
Yikes this post
is he wrong tho
The irony is that people only replied to that post with stale memes.
Sonic on Genesis was a fun and beautiful but ultimately shallow game. The Sonic adventure games for Dreamcast are still decent but they are a rarity.
I still like sonic as a character and he is definitely the best video game mascot, but the old games just aren't fun as an adult now that they aren't pushing the limits of the console. I think of Sonic like Megaman. A really good character with mostly weak games.
>thinking they're going to "fix" his design in less than 6 months
Yeah okay they're going to totally double their budget because some spergs on twitter are upset LOL
Illogical storylines can ruin a good story but being purely logical in the face of being entertaining is even worse. Sonic should look like sonic. Nobody wants to watch a photo realistic hedgehog that happens to be blue
>game of thrones was never #gottafixfast'd
CGI is popular because its cheap, the hardest part is sitting around waiting for computers to render
why didnt they give him the gloves
I still enjoy playing the classic games from time to time, though usually for no longer than a half hour to hour, depending on how focused on the game I am. I hear what you're saying though, and my enjoyment of them is definitely at least partly nostalgia-based.
It's very likely the trailer shots are the only one fully complete. The rest will still be in various stages of progress or hardly started. Depends on the house that's working the vfx
30 minutes is about as much as I can enjoy the games as well. But those 30 minute spurts aren't ever on back to back days. Its just wanting to do and complete objectives I couldn't when I was 10.
will there be a green hill zone in the movie
If the corrected CGI looks at least 50% like this, I may consider paying a ticket for this movie.
This is all they needed to do in the first place.
Fucking zoomers and sois missing the point of Sonic’s design so badly. I don’t want this movie to be a focus tested and soulless piece of polished marketing. I want this to be a rough and cringey project no one asked for that pisses off the world and excites my schadenfreude. This is supposed to be /ourmovie/ not /redditsmovie/. Fuck I hope they don’t change it much.
I sometimes wonder if parody and irony on this site have become so commonplace it's turned into LITERAL belief.
Only sometimes?
You’re new. You don’t even know yet the layers of irony that are possible to achieve. Enjoy your sterile Sonic movie. If they make more changes it’s gone succ.
But user, I have been on Yea Forums since the age of longcat. I just... I cannot fathom your level of irony, or shitposting.
Surely you don't seriously want the el goblino sonic? I mean a videogaming movie is always going to suck until a movie is made by a developer themselves (rumour was a TF2 film at some point written/produced by valve), but wanting uggo sonic? I mean wouldn't it please your chaotic tendencies a little more knowing they actually TRIED and it still fell on its face due to bad acting and soundtrack usage?
>reminder if Sonic movie do well, then they will establish SCU, and finally we will have Sonic Heroes: Endgame movie
>pic related
>still the nike shoes
yes yes shalom goy, we HAVE to keep the branding!
I’m a producer and don’t work in CGI but I can tell you these people probably wanted Sonic designed “as real as possible.”
All the trailers have shown Sonic wearing Nikes, Pumas, and Adidas. Indiscriminate branding adds to the realism in general, although I would prefer he wore the sneakers he wears in the game
Not all correct, but some spot on
I used to chad but now I'm bad what do
that's exactly my point.
>stupid branding
>lack of gloves
>user makes art remake
>fixes the face
>leaves everything else still fucked
why bother.
I thought this movie had chris pratt
>Skies of Arcadia cast
>Fina holding her skirt down
Adorable, wish my Dreamcast hadn't died so I could finish the game.
You dont know that everything is fucked. It might be fun
Probably not but give things a chance
what is even happening ITT anymore
>sonic has a pile of worn out shoes
charming, makes sense
>robotnik origins story
makes sense
>fast and blue
>normies go "hurr sonic is dr. strange now with portals?" but don't realise it's just the large rings from the special stages
but then
>it's on earth, not mobius
>it's a "human companion" angle
>it has TEH ARMY
I don't understand the Earth + army + humans thing. At least they made it work for the bumblebee movie, but for this it feels so cruddy.
Its incredible hulk but sonic oh shit
I unironically wouldn't mind the army thing if they were GUN. Seems like they have to be intentionally ignoring the source material at this point.
Can't wait till people realize that they lied on opening day. All they have to do is not release another trailer and everyone gets fooled, maybe change up the Movie poster.
Genuinely surprised there wasn't a push to call people "toxic" or whatever -ism.
then that'd be fraud/false advertising. And there'd be massive lawsuits on their hands.
They can't lie, but they CAN deceive. Like.. a trailer which is 1 minute with sonic that everyone likes the look of. Everyone thinks its fixed.
then on day 1, they watch the movie, and it's ugly sonic, and that 1 minute is just sonic, playing a sonic game in the after-credits.
They could legit get away with that.
>it's on earth, not mobius
>it's a "human companion" angle
>it has TEH ARMY
it's on earth, not mobius
>human companion
I think SEGA banking on the idea that sonic can meet any random human and become his best friend. That's a sonic fan's biggest dream
only the energy drink one hits me, but hits quite hard desu