Why are people complaining about episode 3?

Why are people complaining about episode 3?

I'm not totally defending it, because this show has been fan fiction since season 5, but you guys are missing the point.

GRRM has said since day one that he didn't want to write another cookie cutter fantasy series about a cliched battle vs. good and evil. He wanted to tell a story about complex grey characters and show that men are the real villains, not some dark lord or some shit. This is LITERALLY the entire point he's been building up to and hinting at for years, and you all are surprised that the plot is resolved in the 4th to last episode?
Also they didn't kill off any major characters to further prove this point. To show that the white walkers were a literal non threat. The real threat is humans killing each other, not some zombie shit.

tl;dr: You are all morons. The white walkers were always pointless. The show has ALWAYS been about who takes the Iron Throne.

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>show a bunch of named characters literally pinned to wall by zombies
>change scene
>cut back
>characters now in open fighting 1v1

The sequence made no sense and the dothraki charge etc were retarded. An 8 year old playing total war would've planned it better. And why the hell were the walls not manned? So many little cheap things for the illusion of suspense instead of just showing a good battle and letting suspense build naturally. How about have jon kill a white walker which thins the crowd out enough for Brianna and tormund to get away from the wall? Have the cavalry do a lotr style flank but still die? Don't put artillery in front but rather several volleys that in the end do little to help? So many little things made no sense in the episode that it killed the suspense.

>Why are people complaining about episode 3?
Because it was poorly done, literally, the opening scene with dotraki **charging blindly** into the undead masses **literally** made me question WHY THE FUCK am I watching this shit

Why not use the castle and the fortifications instead of meeting the enemy in the open???

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Beric was rendered a completely pointless character who had been resurrected 6 times only to be mauled by basic undead and delay them for about 20 seconds to ensure Arya would survive? That's retarded. Completely anticlimactic. I don't care about the hamfisted Jesus iconography. It's obvious the writers had absolutely zero idea what to do with his character. A better ending, which I had thunk up, would be that Beric was to slay the converted dragon and perish in a blaze of it's flames, after piercing it through the head; opening the way for Jon (or Arya now, apparently) to face the Night King. This would be a far more appropriate, impactful ending to his character whose fate is supposed to be shrouded in mysterious, mythical qualities and nothing would be more appropriate than being the one to slay a legendary dragon. The dragon just dies in the most anticlimactic fashion with Jon screaming at it like a retard. These Jewish, hack writers don't have an imaginative bone in their body.

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Because it was stupid

>everything is literally laid out to protect Bran
>Brans contribution to the battle was to have a seizure on his wheelchair for half an hour

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sounds like your low IQ expectations were utterly subverted... an accomplishment for only the most talented of writers

Well my Lord, what's our opening gambit?
>Hmm. I think we should send our entire cavalry to face the wights head-on
At night?
With no light?
In territory completely unfamiliar to them?
In frigid conditions they're not used to?
And then what, my Lord?
>Then we let loose the trebuchets
On our own cavalry?
And then what, my Lord?
>Well then we'll send the Unsullied out
Don't you think such an autistic and poorly-equipped eunuch army will crumble immediately to a mindless, fearless mob of unfeeling demons?
And then what, my Lord?
>Send the dragons out to torch the battlefield
On our own infantry?
And then what, my Lord?
>Then, I suppose we'll light that trench on fire and man the walls
Man the walls? Very well. I'll have the archers--
>No, no archers. Just man the walls and wait for them to climb up
And then what, my Lord?
>Well if we haven't won by that point I suppose we'll just leave it to the main characters
Ah, you'll be defending the castle?
>No, I'm going to go play with my dragons. I mean Gendry, the Hound, those guys
A blacksmith's apprentice and an old fart who's pathologically terrified of fire?
Very well. I will communicate these tactics to the different echelons of command--
>No, no need to do that. We'll just shout commands as we go

Then why introduce a stupid dark lord red herring in the first place if that's the case? And why are they called 'the others' in the book? That obviously has sociological implications and suggests they're a misunderstood species with a unique culture not a generic bad guy with no backstory.

Dude, if I order a fucking pizza and you subvert my expectations on whats delivered I am never ordering from your place ever again

The episode was bad because Jon didn't die to the dragon. Everything else was okay, It's a battle in the dark who gives a fuck about strategy and to everybody who hates on Arya. She grew up and made a difference. You, at least have sex.

>It's a battle in the dark who gives a fuck about strategy
anyone who ever planned a night raid

>Everything else was okay, It's a battle in the dark who gives a fuck about strategy
You do, if you're on the side of the living because the undead can fucking SEE IN THE DARK and RECEIVE TELEPATHIC ORDERS allowing them to do tactical army level maneuvers AS ONE, something period armies CANNOT PULL OFF

The episode should've had the action paced over whole night instead of what felt like an hour or tops two, use fortifications to defenders advantage and make the undead WORK FOR IT

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You know what, you really shouldn't OBSESS about a TV show and instead try and HAVE SEX instead of dripping salty tears on female protagonists.

thats it, I am canceling my HBO subscription and typing in the comment field that the reason is the shills they pay to try to subvert fan conversation

Wow, this show could have been so much worse than it is already. Thank god you are not a writer.

Ok this is a crazy thought but hear me out. What if the White Walkers were suppose to be grey characters too? You know seeing as how they were created from men too.

>this show could have been so much worse than it is already.
"be happy that on top of blood poisoning and necrotic gangrene you don't also have diabetus"

Two things need to pointed out, not to shit on your "joke". The dragons were never supposed to be on the battlefield. That was Danaerys improvising. The other thing is the fact that the walls were very clearly manned. They even showed the old archers rotating out for new archers.

Whats morally grey about literally murdering everyone and anyone they can get their hands on?

I'd say I'm happier with a fleshwound than cancer. Your analogies are even shittier than your ideas.

It was too dark for one.

That was D&D's take on them. We don't fully know GRRM's plan.

>I'd say I'm happier with a fleshwound than cancer.
S08E03 was non-consuensual lobotomy, seeing the dothraki charge into the dark to die for no gain except to feed night kings army instantly made me want to stop watching

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>"dood, little girls killing zombie giants is based, bro, but an immortal character who nobody knows or has a clue what purpose he serves in the universe killing a dragon is dumb, dood."

Winter is coming for seven season. Its on ads, billboards and posters.

Season 8 is here, it turns out it was nothing more than a side mission.

But hey it was about who ass sits on a throne.

Nothing about people getting their shit together to face an apocalyptic event. Nah not at all

>Plunges sword into undead dragon
>Lord of Light boosts his fire power by a ton
>Dragon whole body in flames
>Dies in the flames
Would have been kino

WW could have just gone beyond the wall because the humans broke the promise of not fucking with their children. Sam took the caster baby to below the wall.

based moron