Why did people choose Lucasfilm over the literal face of the franchise?

Why did people choose Lucasfilm over the literal face of the franchise?
Mark Hamill hates this sequel so much for ruining Luke but fans have started telling him to shut up and get over it since he's dead.

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Because Star Wars fans are almost as bad as furries and they don’t deserve good things

These people are loyal to Disney. They're not Star Wars fans, they're not Mark Hamill fans, rather they're fans of whatever Disney tells them is is popular and hip. They're mindless consumer drones.

Vader is the face of the franchise.

>fans have started telling him to shut up and get over it since he's dead.

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You're right, OP should've said "shills" instead of "fans."

alas, poor brainlet!

He doesn't hate it. He's made millions from it and will make millions more when Rise of Skywalker releases.

You do realise he is paid to pretend to hate The Last Jedi by Disney to start drama and controversy and keep people talking about Star Wars, right?

Many people are fans of a brand.

Instead of being fans of the things that made it great like the crestor, writers and actors they grasp onto the corporate owned nebulous brand and watch any shirt with e name pasted on.

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The new fans are:
>Onions boys/cucks & women

Choose one

I meant onions boys but onions works too fucking autocorrect

t. phone faggot


People get bored of the constant whining. These days only women are allowed to whine about SJW issues anyway.

Could Jeremy be on Disney’s pay role as well. They let him and his crew into celebration.

Because he was the face of a franchise for one generation. Then Hayden became the face of it. Overall the face of the franchise was Vader. Mark has an overblown ego when it comes to Luke. Just because he was up on a pedestal for years doesn't mean his time isn't over. It's over. He's a side character now. Rey is the face of the franchise now. Love her or hate her, that's the reality. He's only acting out because this is the first time his shitty ideas about what should happen to his character were validated by the fanbase. Even back in the OT he'd tell Lucas his ideas and Lucas would just tell him to fuck off. I understand that his identity is basically tied to this character (as pathetic as that is), but he really just needs to cash his check, shut the fuck up, and know where he stands in this franchise now. At least Hayden Christensen just laid low and waited for the fanbase to like him. Dude seems happy that people just like him at all. Mark is acting like a child.

0.03 mousebucks have been deposited into your account

It's not a defense of the fucking mousehouse. It's just a matter of seeing an elderly man screaming like a retard and being unable to move on.

Disney lied to him

Sure, shill

Does anyone have the webm of him sucking the milk from that creature?

Have sex.

I don't really sense much hubris in anything Hamill has said. He disagreed with how the story handled Luke, and was disappointed he didn't have the opportunity to act alongside his old cast mates more than he did. He's never seemed particularly disagreeable to me. He's not stepping on the toes of people flicking their beans to Reylo fanfiction or anything.

You're right that Hamill is just riding a wave of affirmation, but that's what happens when you speak negatively about movies that are shit. People tend to find reasons to agree and uplift that criticism, even if they disagree on why the movies are shit.

Honestly Star wars is fucking garbage at this point, once you realize that the creative apex of the series is KoTOR 2 you start to realize that there isn't a lot of wiggle room to right complex and interesting stories in this franchise. It's fucking trash and it's time to let that shit go. Stop making threads about this husk rambling like a necromancer is controlling it.

He read the script and performed. How was he lied to?
Imagine seething over a fucking movie so hard that you can't come up with a counter argument to someone with a realistic perspective other than "shill".

>that the creative apex of the series is KoTOR 2

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It's the only story that is different and compelling without following to a tee the tired formula for this films. It's the only reason I truly loved the series and once I realized that I gave up on it.

Prequels are shit, OT is a novel concept but age has hurt it, and the sequel trilogy is fucking garbage, even worse than the prequels. 80% of all content for this series is mediocre shit that people only tolerate because of lightsabers.

Sounds to me like you just don't like Star Wars. Go somewhere else

You're right, I don't anymore, but I loved it before I realized that most of the content is absolute shit. Even got bored of the OT. Seen it so many times and every movie since then is literally the same shit.

How do you know it's not twitter working directly for Disney?

Twitter has a "mute" setting that allows them to filter out anyone without them knowing they've been "muted". So let's say I troll CNN every day for their bullshit "news", next thing I know I get "muted" and now when I troll them I see my tweet on their feed, but nobody else does. This is how they keep a positive spin on shit in their fake ass twitter world.

IF, let's say a billion dollar company complained about an individual shitposting about their product, like a star wars movie, then twitter could very easily filter out a number of positive tweets to make it seem like the fans were "against him".

They can use this feature to spin shit for anyone to make it look like an account has positive or negative feedback. That's some 1984 shit, and why I don't use the crap.

As a kid in the 80's, Mark Hamill and Christopher Reeve were my heros. After my Dad of course. I'm white so I actually knew my father.

>Mark Hamill and Christopher Reeve
ah man, me too.