Are you watching Killing Eve?

Are you watching Killing Eve?

Attached: MV5BYTVhMmUwZTktMGJlZC00NDUyLWExYjktNDBkZTU3YjU0ODNiXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzQ2NjI4MDM@._V1_.jpg (1080x1600, 513K)

Yes, it's nice, not as good as hannibal though

It’s totally awful and worthless in every possible way.

Outside of homolust I don't think they're comparable.

no im watching alienist

Attached: alien2.jpg (1260x720, 61K)

I watched season 1 of both Killing Eve and Happy! and enjoyed each show immensely, but have yet to check out either of their second seasons.

Yes but mostly out of boredom and because I want to know if they fuck

why the long face

It's pretty kino

I had completely forgotten how ugly Sandra Oh is.
Holy shit she's ugly!

Didn't like it.

Both have good second seasons.

They're gonna meet up next episode.

>They're gonna meet up next episode.

imagine a show about a man chasing an assassin and ending up homofucking him.

That's pretty much Hannibal

this but the complete opposite

I am convinced literally every post about this show is viral marketing

A handmaids tale too

I never see posts about this show but Handmaid's Tale sucks

i mean post in general not on Yea Forums

they mostly know a bunch of autistic incels wouldn't be swayed to watch feminist shows nomatter what somone says

Yeah I fucking love it. Want to have sociopathic babies with Jodie Comer.

I liked it.

Attached: jodie comer killing eve.webm (700x394, 1.2M)

Attached: killing eve-7.webm (640x360, 2.3M)

>i don't like thing therefore a conspiracy is afoot

>copying tarantino

big cringe

why would someone shill a show that airs on BBC america of all channels? literally nobody watches this, it's less than 700k people per episode

because its liburl propoganda

>ugly chink
fuck no


Viral marketing is a well established technique and not a "conspiracy" you dumb tranny.