>I was one of those unfortunates adopted by upper middle-class professionals and nurtured in an environment of learning, art and a socio-religious culture steeped in more than 2000 years of Talmudic tradition. >Not everyone is lucky enough to have been raised in a whiskey tango trailer park by a bow-legged female whose sole qualification for motherhood is a womb that happened to catch a sperm of a passing truck driver.
Naw. Any psychopath like Whopper knows that superstition is simple spook. Theres no superstition behind a bullet in the brain, just simple god-given mathematics.
Isaiah Gonzalez
Firstly, I would rather by white trailer trash than adopted into a schizoid upper middle class Jewish family where all the furniture has plastic on it and my adoptive parents consider me below them by merit of ethnoreligion.
Secondly, GK did not age well. I enjoyed it upon release, but the casting didn't fit the characters at all. This is a group of big meaty bulldog looking Recon Marines being played by skinny pretty boys.
Camden Sanchez
user, what kind of guys do you think fill out the grunts? Do you think they're all musclebros? In the early 90s?
Jeremiah Scott
A lot of neocon types talked a lot of shit on it when it was fresh, calling it liberal pacifist bullshit, when in reality they couldn't stand how accurate the portrayal of incompetence and low IQ fuckery is not only allowed but praised in wartime.
Ryder King
>Generation Kill is so much better than BoB >Comparing a miniseries about the first 2 weeks of the 2003 invasion of Iraq to the last year of WW2
Sebastian Campbell
>Actually plays himself
The absolute madman.
Bentley Peterson
nigger please. WW2 has been done way better in dozens of other media.
Brody Hernandez
I wish we could get an entire song of their version of Hot in Herre by Nelly
Caleb Bailey
>getting through that hard work day with 5 cups of steaming hot november juliet
David Moore
it's 2003. Colbert was the only decently cast actor, and they wrote his character out poorly.
The CG is horrific in the few places it's used also, I would pay for a remaster that touches up stuff like the helicopters.
Gabriel Collins
You know it's a good show when the Marines themselves hail it as one of the most accurate portrayals of military life and is recommended for viewing by them.
Literally wtf are you talking about. Did you bitch like this when you saw Black Hawk Down too?
Ryan Gomez
>Sixta IRL is a child molestor
Matthew Brown
It's been a while since I've watched the show so I can't remember when exactly it was but I remember helicopters flying overhead of the characters during the day in a couple instances and it looked awful.
Evan Lopez
if you pause the show and look frame by frame at certain helicopter shots, yes that will happen. ive never noticed that without trying to find it on purpose though and ive seen the show like 4 times over the years now. most helicopters and stuff in the show are on screen very briefly