Did anyone here unironically lose all interest in the show after this scene?
Did anyone here unironically lose all interest in the show after this scene?
Why are you still making threads bout it then you fucking imbecile?
>I have no interest in this show at all anymore. Let me keep posting about it!
After Stannos burned his daughter
It sort of destroyed much of the past seasons that built up to this moment, so yeah, in a way
i hope cersei wins now
she's very clearly the smartest after that shitshow of a battle plan
desu that was the scene after which I realized most of my interest had actually slowly bled out since Season 7. At this point I'm just in because I sunk way too much time into the first six to not see how it all shakes out.
Friendly reminder that the intended audience for this crap are the "YAAASSS QUEEN SLAAYYY" braindead normies that only use Instagram all day.
No, I lost it back when she was stabbed 7 times in the guts, swam over a sewer and then run a marathon the next day
Didn't watch any more episodes since then, but these threads plague Yea Forums evern now and then and webms about this meme show are everywhere
What is wrong with Yea Forums where you always talk about how much you hate a show and it upsets you and then every week you still watch it?
>Undo decades of buildup for things like Azor Ahai, the Three Eyed Raven, and the mystery of the Others (among other things) for the sake of a YAAS QUEEN moment seemingly built for the inevitable Burlington Bar reaction video
Yeah, you might say that I’m a little bitter.
I'm even more interested now just to see what kind of bullshit DD will make up for the last three episodes. I barley watched S 6 and 7 but can't wait to see in what utterly stupid way they'll end this shit.
im going to watch the last three episodes just to see how they absolutely destroy the only characters left i give a fuck about
im sure jaime, bronn, tormund, and clegane will all get their dicks cut off somehow & die while the womyn keep queen'ing
then and only then will i have peak cynicism
I'm only still watching because I've seen every episode to this point.
Also for some reason my boy Euron is still alive and I'd like to find out how they destroy him (that is, more than they already have).
Nah I lost interest when in season 4 when they changed mountain actor again, baelish changed accent again, daario wins a fight as stupid as Arya just did and more.
I lost all interest after Littlefinger cucked himself at the end of S6.
how the NK battle should have gone down:
>bunch of people left defending bran. jon, arya, jaime, brienne, gendry, and a few others
>night king strolls in with his white walker posse
>white walkers walk forward and fight begins
>humans have valyrian steel, eventually start to get the upper hand
>night king summons another blizzard
>jon calls to retreat back to bran
>blizzard stops but snow/fog still in air
>can hear someone die
>close up on arya, she closes her eyes
>jon and a few others have found bran, circling him in a defensive formation
>ICE SPEAR OUTTA NOWHERE kills someone, maybe pod or something
>night king is readying another giant ice spear (he can create them or something)
>arya stabs him
>night king shatters, fog slowly clears
why isnt she turning into a zombie?
i stopped after like season 5
Because only the dead turn into zombies and only males into WW. Being female and alive is the ultimate protection against the NK magic in DD universe.
Arya is immune to the ice touch because she serves the many faced God.
Pretty based
user how does it feel to have no grasp of dramatic pacing, asking for a friend
This scene was like seeing my beautiful wife getting fucked by another guy.
I was honestly expecting some super-elaborate plan was being set-up by a Bran.
I cannot WAIT to see how the writers magic up a fleet, army, and wizened battle generals for Dany within 15 minutes of the beginning of E4.
That moment completely ruined the entire show. I had some hope the end would at least have a cool story or something. But no, it's all trash.
Arya kills Cersei as well
I lost interest long ago, I keep watching now out of a mix curiosity, hope that they will recapture some of the feel from the first seasons, and to see how they decide to end it. Like most I was very unsatisfied with how the NK saga ended after years and seasons of buildup, however it's done now and no use complaining over it. Our best bet is to wait and see how GRRM ends it, assuming he ever finishes it that is.
I lost interest after season 5. If you continued watching after that point you have trash taste.
If it took you up till season 8 to lose interest in this trackwreck, you deserved this episode. It's a karmic punishment for watching garbage, really.
No, because I'm not a virgin woman hating child and followed the entire story.
Arya was trained BY A LITERAL FUCKING GOD to be an assassin.
If you're too stupid to follow a story to its conclusion then maybe you should stick to something with an easier plot and more men.
Nigger do you really not understand why people are pissed off? Nobody cares that Arya trained to suck cocks for 8 seasons, that's not her character arc and not her enemy to slay. Why not as well just hastily introduce Quentyn Martell in the last 3 episodes, tell everyone that he was actually training with jedi masters for the last 10 years, and have him kill everyone, makes sense right?
>NK snaps her neck without wasting a thought
>fans “holy shit!!!!”
>Hound stumbles in
>PTSD enrage
> throws axe that was foreshadowing earlier
>right in the chest
> NK starts to slowly shatter, grasping at Brans chair
>”Azor Ahai...”
>shatters along with wights & walkers.
Have bath nigger
You have enough interest you have to constantly remind us you did not like this scene.
Also this was set up seasons ahead.
im here until daenerys has her skull popped by the mountain in episode 5
Will be the greatest fap since her anal rape in S1
Wait, what anal rape?
I did.
i havent been excited to watch GoT since like s4, i have more fun shitting on it in /got/ threads. but this episode was a special type of bad. i didn't think it could get any worse than s7.pffffffft
This shit is so fucking retarded
>shadowstep costing mana
Fuck off
>trained by a god to become one of his followers
>decides halfway through she isnt bothered anymore, quits her first assassination attempt and runs away
>there are no repercussions for doing this
This is one of the many reasons why its retarded.
>she has to give up who she is to be what she wants
>literally giuving up her motivation to become an assassin in order to become on
>Dumb and dumber can't understand let alone write a proper conclusion to it
You're right. Thinking about it is useless since there simply isn't anything to think abou. Just consume and try to avoid the headaches it could provide otherwise.
Hold hands.
hang on what if everything after Bran says he's going away was just him experiencing the future
so like we go on for another couple of episodes and it turns out that Arya killing the Night King makes something worse happen, so Bran has to use trees timetravel to go back and stop it
literally the only way to save the finale of the show desu
what show?
>NK freed himself from control of 3ER/CotF
>now wants to kill what turned him from human into a monster, the 3ER/CotF
>3ER manipulates humans into defending him from NK
>3ER still wreaking havoc and killing humans through manipulation of the past and warging
Sunken cost fallacy at this point, gonna finish it anyway.
The thing is, most people who have lost interest in the show from this scene believe that Arya is a mary sue. A character that spends 6 seasons training to fight isn't a mary sue.
This but since season 5
Cause it wasn't convenient for the plot
Oh that actually makes sense because men are the only gender that have the corruptable evil soul required for the night king's magic to worl
I stopped watching when I saw Jaime and Bronn's buddy cop duo in Dorne. Even that was laughably bad, so I can't imagine how shit it's got since then.
I lost interest in season 7. Now I'm watching to see how bad it gets.
I have to say, it's quite entertaining to see how all the build-up with "Winter is Coming" and "The Long Night" and "The war for the dawn" all culminated in this limp-dicked piece of shit episode.
They outdid themselves.
Fucking Euron and Cersei are the final villains
It made me losebnterest in rewatching all the seasons after it ends.
Maybe I'll get over it, maybe not. But the mysterious side of characters like Beric. A fire god was bringing him back to life to save Arya to kill NK and that's the end of it. That's gay.
this desu
first couple of seasons were kino.
they are when they can teleport and survive several gut stabs then a swim in a open sewer.
lost interest in season 4, its been dropping in quality since then
it pulled off the rare TLJ tier fuck up where it retroactively taints every previous entry. The show 's legacy is dead. It could of squeaked by with the normies, but they'll be gone when the craze ends
Anyone who watched past S4 deserves everything thats coming.
honestly thats her plot dating back to season 1. it would be karmic if Jon now gets her kill for no good reason
Never had any to begin with
Dothraki use anal as foreplay and shit as lube
Pretty much this. They chose to get the 15 minutes of fame and the top trending on Twitter by pleasing the normies, but they had a chance to create a legitimate work of art that could have been still considered great in 50 years.
They chose fleeting glory over eternal glory and they shot themselves in the foot and it's truly a tragedy what could have been.