CONSPIRACY: new sonic movie was made in 2007 and has been sitting in a warehouse until now

The trailer uses gangstas paradise a song from 1995 which is something trailers did a lot in the early 2000s. The actor james Marsden was also in a live action disney film Enchanted which is a film about disney characters and talking animals in the real world and it came out in 2007. My theory is that studios own so many properties they make films years in advance and when they need to make some money quick they release the back up of films they have. What do you think fellow forchanners? Let me know below.

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>The trailer uses gangstas paradise a song from 1995 which is something trailers did a lot in the early 2000s. The actor james Marsden was also in a live action disney film Enchanted which is a film about disney characters and talking animals in the real world and it came out in 2007. My theory is that studios own so many properties they make films years in advance and when they need to make some money quick they release the back up of films they have. What do you think fellow forchanners? Let me know below.

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the new sonic movie was actually made in 2027
it was so good sega sent it back in time to inspire hollywood

More like they wanted to capture that comfy 2000s feel

everyone is complaining about his eyes and I was hoping they would give him more of a real hedgehog face

just make him look alien

nah that sounds retarded

why haven't they send Avatar 2?

It will have shit like flossing and dabbing in it for sure so explain that

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> (OP) #
>>The trailer uses gangstas paradise a song from 1995 which is something trailers did a lot in the early 2000s. The actor james Marsden was also in a live action disney film Enchanted which is a film about disney characters and talking animals in the real world and it came out in 2007. My theory is that studios own so many properties they make films years in advance and when they need to make some money quick they release the back up of films they have. What do you think fellow forchanners? Let me know below.

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This is by far the single stupidest thing I have ever heard in my entire life but I believe it.

That's not until 2047.

You're wrong it was made in 2005. My source asked to remain anonymous so I can't tell you how I know O.K.

>this movie

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They got George Lucas to advise them on adding new scenes

Honestly, this movie looks based. Nerds have no taste.

The Sonic movie is going to bomb for the same reason that the Halle Berry Catwoman movie bombed: poor main character look/design.

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Wouldn't be surprised. he looks like the monkeys from jumanji.

but halle catwoman is hot

Trailers are made separate from the actual film by third party marketing companies. They are always made literally upon release of the trailer.

OP you're just mentally ill

you could look up articles from last year saying how Jim Carrey was being cast for the new movie. Unless you think it's a media-wide conspiracy, which is retarded.

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>you could look up articles from last year saying how Jim Carrey was being cast for the new movie.

Obviously those are planted articles.

The movie takes place in the late 90s in San Fransisco.

You’re an autist.

Based, but people will mock you for it

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Carey dies look younger in the trailer
he gas been looking dried out from drugs the last decade

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you fucking retard. did the actors go back in time?

I believe the CGI was done in 2010 after Avatar was a hit. Then they finally finished it with Jim Carey after it was on the shelf for 8 years

So he actually died back in 2007 and has been replaced by a doppelganger since then?