I kinda get this...

I kinda get this. My mixed race friend mentioned during the episode it was just like south park’s “Operation get behind the blackies” lol and I can’t disagree.

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Dothraki? Perhaps.

But the Unsullied showed their worth. In the first battle stage they were BEHIND the fighting lines, and formed a professional rearguard that allowed a retreat to be completed when the lines broke. Many of their number managed a good order complete, and were fighting as a unit up until all order collapsed for all the forces in Winterfell.

If I may quote D&D on this subject:
>all fucking niggers must fucking hang

The unsullied are the biggest cucks in fiction (after Snape). And now they sacrificed themselves like good little cucks. Not really surprising.

>takes in the unsullied in an attempt to show that they are more than just tools for war
>throws them away like tools for war

They served their queen well. Libshits can eat a fat dick if they disagree.

Why didn't they just drone strike the night king?

Don’t forget the wildlings, they made sure to exterminate the snowniggers too.


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They knew what they signed up for


>biggest casualties at the battle of winterfell were people of color
>people of color
I though calling people colored was literally racist??
also, thats what you get for voting Hillary

Really? Because I couldn't see shit.

wtf i love GoT now

the unsullied and dothrai explicitly came to westeros to "kill the men in their metal suits and tear down their stone houses". killing them off was probably the easiest way to deal with having a hostile foreign army in a country after the war is ended

Trying too hard.

Dial it back a bit if you want more replies.

>Dothraki lead suicidal charge into a tidal wave of undead
>Unsullied are the front lines directly behind after the Dothraki. Whats more, they also have to cover the retreat of all other soldiers once the exterior of the castle begins to fall.

It was literally operation: get behind the darky

>equating a group of barbarians and murderers with real life "people of color"


>dothraki all killed
>the only foreign invaders left are sterile

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it was operation get behind the darkies

This tbqh. Also they're warriors who lived for the glory of death in battle, libtards could never understand

>Dial it back a bit
Why do I need to dial it back when thats the spot where the main stream media outlet placed it?

Strawmanning ignorance only results in people calling you a retard. Work on your subtlety.

the dothraki are murderous rapist savages, fuck them, they were rightful fodder

>Strawmanning ignorance
?? Did you have a look at OP message? :)

Dany knew the Westerosi Lords hated her because she brought a foreign army, she killed them off in a play of 4D chess.

Based Khaleesi