What kind of formation is this?

Attached: 21-war-planning.w700.h700.jpg (700x700, 129K)

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Total War AI

Even Total war will only send the cav at you unsopported if they get baited by the player

I love that someone wasted the time to carve hundreds of white blocks just to show that the enemy has a lot of wights.

I also like how after everyone looks at this battle map their best strategy is to send their light cavalry straight into it.

>Jorah and Jaime ok’d this

The classic "let's have everyone killed" one.

Shadman destroys D&D hacks

Lol everyone knows that light cav is only good for hunting down routing troops or disrupting skirmishers.


assuming that you're keeping the cavalry protected until you need them to route the flanks, they've literally got the formation upside down.

easy mistake to mate.

>someone spent time laying out all those random tiles for the undead
>probably the peak of their career

That aint him

cavalry, light or heavy should always be at the front or at least the flanks

internet tacticians
>let's fight them inside the castle despite them having a dragon that blew up the wall! I am sure this castle is more sturdy!
>let's face this horde of zombies in these cramped spaces inside a castle!
>let's just hide inside and hope for the best!

The "Destroy the existential threat of the dothraki horde to all of civilization in 5 seconds"

>someone had time to paint this battle map along with all the trenches and barricades and houses

but why aren't they in the castle tho? Like imo being inside the castle is a better plan

doesn't look like they could all fit in there, plus they'd get stomped in there.

>muh historical accuracy
Which historical era had dragons and undead hordes interacting with eachother? Pretty sure the Middle Ages did not have both.

They could have built wooden forts and trenches around the castle. The roman army could build forts in like a day

Wow they were really planning on frontal cavalry charging the front infantry center from the earliest strategy plans. I didn't even notice at first.

>The roman army could build forts in like a day
That's because the roman army literally carried a fort with them, they just assembled it.

>let's fight them inside the castle despite them having a dragon that blew up the wall! I am sure this castle is more sturdy!
They had 2 dragons to counter it.

With how the barrier slowed down and funneled the undead army movement, if they had the infantry behind it poking at them with long spears, they would have won the battle with minimun casualties.

Attached: other_mbs-walkerbarrier_photo_03_dp.jpg (700x600, 228K)

I'm a tactician in my free time I could tell you right now with some authority that there is no way this formation could work. IF they intend the cavalry to charge into the white blocks and not get rekt their only option is to send the infantry to the front as well to support the cavalry and send the dragons in in a bid tow iwn the entire battle moving but also the infantry away from the castle and cutting off their retreat and making them vulnerable to encirclement. The other option is keeping the cavalry in front of the spears and artillery while waiting for the enemy to make contact which will jsut decimate the cavalry anyway since they would only be able to fall back on the unsullied which will kill a bunch of cav and disrupt the entire unsullied formation

yeah but the undead started poking holes in the entire trench, and the plan was to get the Night King (mouse) to fall for the bait who was Bran (cheese)

The got like 100k dudes in that army and trees around the castle they could have built a fort

the lack of layered trenches and barriers to bottleneck zombies was embarrassing. Maybe you could excuse it as they didn't have time to be digging trenches far out in frozen ground, but had they trenches and barraccades going out way further they could have met the approach and fallen back to each staging point instead of just getting swarmed right outside the gates.

what would a fort do

provide a barrier to slow down zombies


Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 27K)

for like fifteen seconds

>probably the peak of their career
no shit, they literally died after this life achievement!

what if the zombies just surrounded them instead of just swarming from the north? Why was NK so dum

if they know it doesn't provide an effective barrier why can't they get into the castle? They could fit into the fucking Castle it's bigger than the Red Keep in the books

>have magic and dragons
>a little girl kills the big bad with a lame knife trick

Why do the white walkers attack from the south?
Surely they would be attacking from the opposite direction, no?

going by that map, shouldn't they have assumed some of those wights would have wrapped around and flanked them?

in fact, they couldn't see the undead army coming, so what if the zombies just went to the back of the castle and went straight into the world war Z piling up thing they used to get over the walls?

but why is that a good strategy?

they had the script for the next episode

>yeah but the undead started poking holes in the entire trench, and th
It takes time for the undead to create an opening, they have to lay down on the spikes and others have to go over them, if the soldiers were killing them there, it would create a mountain of dead bodies which would slow them down even further, the undead only won because they came in like an avalanche and broke through their ranks, the barrier prevents that.

>the plan was to get the Night King (mouse) to fall for the bait who was Bran (cheese)
But they didn't have anything prepared to ambush him at the site Bran was, this is made clear by the fact that the witch lady has to tell Arya about it in the middle of the fight, they didn't really have a plan.

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it's a better strategy to fight zombies when you're behind a wall rather than when you're outside. Literally everyone knows this

Explain why

Why not a huge trench with dragon glass spikes on the bottom?

because a wall provides protection and a barrier from the zombies. They could have built a trench dug a moat put up spikes and burning oil etc

Just like The Wall did eh?

Getting attacked by their dragon was the one thing they were gunning for and the zombies climbing the wall could have easily been countered by some horizontal pieces of wood on top of the wall. Or alternatively enough dudes with swords to stab at the ones that try to climb over.

They're attacking from the north, you fatty mong

>let's fight them inside the castle despite them having a dragon that blew up the wall! I am sure this castle is more sturdy!
Then why use the castle at all? If you are afraid of using the walls becaus they may destroy them then just fight on the field, genius. Walls give you an advantage and if the NK has to use the dragon you force him to come out and expose himself, not to mention you have dragons of your own.

>let's face this horde of zombies in these cramped spaces inside a castle!
Yes, exactly. When you are outnumbered cramped spaces work for the smaller army's advantage and it's not "inside a castle" it's on the walls where the defenders have a huge advantage.
>let's just hide inside and hope for the best!
In the end that's what they end up doing, but they had to lose their entire army first. Great job, you are as dumb as the people who wrote that mess.

>b-but dragons and magic
why do the plebians keep using this argument?

Night King: Wololooo

I have seen enough zombie movies to know that cramped places are the worst place to be with zombies around

>I have seen enough zombie movies to know that cramped places are the worst place to be with zombies around
Not if you have an army with spears and shields.

You're right, survivors in zombie movies never take shelter in fortified buildings

How is it possible to be this fucking sloppy? Every 7 year old could tell their ”strategy” is retarded.

which become traps when the zombies find a way in

Not if you have spears that magically 1 hit kill the undeads, shields and armor.

What do you think is easier, to fight 5 zombies jumping at you from all sides or just one that is in front of you, one at at time?

This is basic stuff you can learn from meme battles like Thermopylae:


>From a strategic point of view, by defending Thermopylae, the Greeks were making the best possible use of their forces.[75] As long as they could prevent a further Persian advance into Greece, they had no need to seek a decisive battle and could, thus, remain on the defensive. Moreover, by defending two constricted passages (Thermopylae and Artemisium), the Greeks' inferior numbers became less of a factor.[75] Conversely, for the Persians the problem of supplying such a large army meant they could not remain in the same place for very long.[76] The Persians, therefore, had to retreat or advance, and advancing required forcing the pass of Thermopylae.[76]

>Tactically, the pass at Thermopylae was ideally suited to the Greek style of warfare.[75] A hoplite phalanx could block the narrow pass with ease, with no risk of being outflanked by cavalry. Moreover, in the pass, the phalanx would have been very difficult to assault for the more lightly armed Persian infantry.[75] The major weak point for the Greeks was the mountain track which led across the highland parallel to Thermopylae, that could allow their position to be outflanked.

Keep the unsullied inside the castle on the walls. Hold the dothraki behind the castle. Light the trench when the walkers get close. Have a dragon spit hellfire 100ft beyond the trench running parallel. Have the dothraki charge through that corridor slaying all the walkers. Repeat again and again using the dragons to create more fire trenches further out on the battlefield and the dothraki ripping through each subsequent corridor. I win.

how you gonna spear and shield down a zombie? you gotta hack it to pieces, not ineffectively pierce it

against zombies you want swords, and against zombies in armor you just run the fuck away because you're doomed
or, well, you would be if armor worked in your setting. remember how jorah got into an argument with a horsefag over how important armor is, and then he proved him right by mercing his ass 1v1 later thanks to it? this sure ain't that show anymore

Do you even know the lore of the show? These zombies are instakilled by dragonglass weapons.

>how you gonna spear and shield down a zombie? you gotta hack it to pieces, not ineffectively pierce it
Have you even watched this show?

It's from the Battle of Cannae

how are they even a threat then? you just stand there in your phalanx and let them march into you, instantly dying upon the slightest contact with your spearwall.
that just makes it more retarded

you think I still watch this show after the abomination that was everything after tywin died? I learned my lesson after the first season of that shit, can't believe you faggots are still able to tolerate it

>This show is retarded
And so are you. Holy fuck. The show makes it painfully obvious about anything and people like you still can't pick up on it.

>how are they even a threat then?
If you intentionally act like retard, see last episode, now you are getting it.

Zombie runs full speed into your spear. Your spear is now stuck through a zombie. You can no longer use your spear to stab other charging zombies.
It's not rocket science.

>the shit is shit but I still watch it
I'm not the retard here m8

This would have been prevented by putting the infantry BEHIND the trench/barrier

>I haven't watched that show in years
>But let me tell you about how last week's episode
You're not making any sense.

Shit pic related

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then why is it a good idea to fight this zombie horde in tight spaces again?

you may not have noticed, on account of your chronic retardation (which I assume is strongly correlated with still watching this show), but I didn't actually say anything about the episode specifically

>how are they even a threat then? you just stand there in your phalanx and let them march into you

This is what they should have tried to do, but to make it effective they should have tried to use the castles and traps to their advantage to slow them down and thin their ranks before they reach you so you can grind them.

Dig a moat, put the fire barricade BEFORE your soldiers, have a third line on the walls, etc. That way you avoid being overrun and you can stick the zombies with the dragonglass weapons.

But no, they do everything wrong and backwards, not to mention they don't use archers at all when it is a huge advantage for them.

>I'm not the retard here
Then why do you keep saying retarded things?

If you consider a different tactic or strategy was better to deal with the NK army then it's another matter. The show decided to make their last stand in Winterfell as a siege and there are dragonglass weapons that instakill zombies.

Those are the premises we use to discuss the retarded tactics they used.

You're in a thread talking about last weeks episode, cupcake. People pointed out that you had a complete misunderstand about how the zombies in the show work and you started having a little fit. Settle down.

Because he's the retard here.

And why the fuck would the zombies only attack from one side when they have the numbers to attack from all sides?

I'm thinking now that they must have realized that the humans had a massive advantage and had they used proper tactics would win with minimal amount of casualties, so to keep things "interesting" they decided to make the human's tactics completely retarded to give the NK a chance.
I was unironically thinking to myself before the episode that the characters were being overtly dramatic, they had the upper hand.

Why didn't they just employ the undead as cheap manual labor?

Is anyone just tired of this? I must have discussed the battle tactics of this episode on this board a dozen times and I've felt less intelligent every time I did. If the showrunners played Total War for like, an hour, and applied the knowledge they gained from a stupid video game, they would seem like tactical fucking geniuses.

The only people defending this are baiting, retarded kids, or Burlington Bar patrons. It's pointless. It's degrading to attempt an intellectual discourse with these fuckheads, it's like explaining to some child why you should eat breakfast and they just scream in your face that food is poo. It's actually such a stupid series of events in this episode that even your 76 year old wine aunt on facebook can point out how nonsensical it all is.

I can actually sum up every single argument used in this episode's defense regarding military tactics, or lack thereof:
>They were going to lose no matter what they did, so fighting in the open field like this was the best option
Then why fight at all? Why even make a stand instead of focusing on getting to some boats and evacuating?
>The plan was to lure out the Night King, Bran was bait
Except he doesn't even function as bait. The defense they left with him was pathetic, in the middle of a pitch black forest. The Night King actually doesn't even enter the castle until it's conquered. They needed a deus ex machina to save him.
>It's just fantasy, it doesn't need to be realistic! They're not fighting a real army, it's a horde of undead!
If you were to set up a formation like this in real life against an attacking force, the exact same thing that happened in the episode would happen to your defenders.

The fact that they're fighting an undead army, that many people at Winterfell currently actually have prior experience with, should have been all the more reason to employ better tactics. Fighting them on open ground is complete suicide, while fortifications and chokepoints are classic force multipliers.

Attached: lao watching.jpg (1777x999, 108K)

It's called Sitting Duck formation.

>get rid of all niggers :D
>white men in fort, niggers in with the dead

I agree. When you think about it dragonglass arrows and spears would have been very bad for the undead.

With smart moats and barriers they could slowly grind down the horde which only had numbers and speed. If they use the dragon they expose him and, if you use how the giant was killed by the little girl, a single dragonglass arrow would have killed it.

Not to mention that the undead have the terrible problem of the NK keeping everyone alive and just a tiny dragonglass wound kills him.

The white walkers would have been a complete non-issue if they hadn't been given a dragon.
Also, did anyone see any creatures besides the one giant? Didn't they have like mammoths and bears and shit?

Anyone saying charging cavalry from the flanks is literally retarded. The effect of cavalry on the flank is from morale. The dead had infinite morale

And, y'know, disrupting their formation and throwing the ranks behind the 1st line into dissaray so they have a harder time replacing casualties/contributing to the human crush at the front.

Actual combat has more variables than Rome Total War, dabid.

Cavalry charging the dead straight at the front would have literally the same affect as a flank charge

Westeros has basic engineering with gears and shit, they should have done some traps kinda like dwarf fortress with hallways, some water pits, i don't know, westeros is full of stupid people

>Dothraki boys learn to shoot bows from horseback when they are only four years old.

desu the role they should have had was either skirmish or just dismount their horses and have them on the walls shooting stuff.

Which is why cavalry always relied on frontal assaults and all cavalry chargers directly at the enemy's front line were overwhelmingly successful.

>imagine actually being this retarded.

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Why would they let the dothraki charge into the dark if they were defending the castle?
Why use the catapults when they couldve dug more trenches?
Why didnt they have unsullied on the walls to spear at the climbers?
Why did danys troops have shitty weapons against the swarming dead?

>There are dragons in it so everyone can act as retarded as possible

Happened all the time retard. Look at the battle of Eylau

The letting women be in charge formation,
or Rian Johnson siege doctrine.

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It's a fucking siege battle. You dsmount your cavalry units and put them inside the wall or keep them in reserve

>>The plan was to lure out the Night King, Bran was bait
>Except he doesn't even function as bait. The defense they left with him was pathetic, in the middle of a pitch black forest. The Night King actually doesn't even enter the castle until it's conquered. They needed a deus ex machina to save him.

there wasnt even a real plan for the bait situation because nobody was near Bran when NK and the gang strolled into the godwood, not at any point was someone specifically dispatched to set an actual trap. they just placed him and theon there and then...

for me is andy

The "we let women help us plan our defense" formation.

>the plan was to get the Night King (mouse) to fall for the bait who was Bran (cheese)
if this was the plan then EVERYONE should've left winterfell, instead of pointlessly dying. Or at least keep 1/10 of the army as bait, then let the night king come to bran and kill him somehow. It doesn't make sense to use "bait" while at the same time losing your entire army and not even planing for a trap.

hell, they should've sent bran directly to the north in his wheelchair and then make arya jump out of nowhere. gg
0 lives lost

Even that's known to send the Cavalry at the flanks since Shogun II.

>implying it's a bad idea to narrow the flanks when fighting against overwhelming numbers

Imagine being this retarded, kek

Just place the siege engines in the back lines and dig a proper moat, placing your troops behind the moat. Placing everyone inside the castle is retarded, actually the whole thing is retarded because all the dead have to do is surround the castle and starve them out, forcing the humans to do an offensive move eventually. This whole show is just dogshit.

you are right, getting burned by a dragon *in the open* is so much better!

loose, unprotected infantry flanks are far more vulnerable than head on engagments. Believe it or not but horses don't throw themselves onto spikes at their master's whim, and a big mass of pikes will skewer anything that gets close. This is why there will still tightly packed pike formations after muskets were invented, because cavalry charges were still a real thing

I think they took "defending the castle" a bit too literally.


Why werent they either hidden behind the castle or within the walls waiting?

Instead they fly around in circles in the clouds for an hour while everyone dies, then fly down and sit in a pile of zombies and let them just drain dragon HP until they are useless

>drain dragon HP
have sex

Remember that part where they didn't support the second wave and made sure they weren't totally overrun like the first wave.

Why do retards love to use this argument?
Just because it has fantastical elements doesn't mean that you can just throw away common sense. He even mentions them in the beginning of the video. You did watch it right?

I would if i could FUCK YOU

can someone post a pic of a viable strategy in this scenario that would help me (a total tactics noob) understand why what they did in this episode is idiotic. I don't doubt that it is I just don't get why.

Infantry behind the trench with long spears poking the walkers.

the wall defeated them for hundreds of years, only the revived dragon could punch a hole big enough for them to breach. it's definitely a better plan

also archers in the walls shooting obsidian pew pews

The zombies in question had a neat ability of falling apart like broken glass upon death, as seen in the scene multiple times, so that shouldn't be a problem.

ITT clinical autists thinking real life tactics apply to a fantasy show for kids that features zombies and dragons

>what is a castle?
all they had to do was look up defence formations on google. it's that fucking easy

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do you think there are lot of mediaeval books about siege tactics that say how to defend when the opponent side has a zombie giant with turbo strenght? or how to defend an army of zombies that pile each other to climb a wall? or how to defend against dragons

please have sex

The zombie horde's lack of tactics and simply being a giant blob that runs straight at you (save for the part where they bridge across the fire trench with their own bodies) would actually make them easier to fight with even "I just graduated from officer school" tier strategy.

Create barriers to alter their path into bottlenecks, and engage them in those zones, and for fuck's sake use your nigh invincible napalm air support to absolutely fuck their numbers.

Attached: Esidisi.jpg (680x794, 63K)

Why does strategy matter when Jorah and Dany can just mow down 50 wights like it's Dynasty Warriors?

The fact that it is fantasy does not mean that non-fantastical elements can't face scrutiny if they are inconsistent with logic.

ITS MAGIC can only be used for suspension of disbelief of the magical thing in itself. No one questions that zombies rise or that dragons exist or Melissandre setting the swords on fire with magic because it is ok in the fantastical premise, however, said suspension of disbelief doesn not extend to the entirety of the show.

Considering the fantastical premises of the show, historical military tactics and principles still apply and are used along with the magical elements, they are not incompatible.

Without being contradictory with zombies and dragons, there's nothing that prevents better, less idiotic tactics to be used, especially considering the element the show gives us like obsidian weapons immediately killing the zombies.

Military strategy is a science that is universally applicable, you just adapt its principles to your particular situation.

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you can tell these fags never micro'd any ranged cavalry before

Against ANY army, the shit displayed in this episode would be suicidal at best. Against a supernatural army that they have battlefield knowledge about, it is extremely suicidal given what they know about the swarming masses of undead. You're an asshole and a faggot.

Dragons are super cavalry and zombies are just infantry. You can still use realistic tactics with fantasy creatures if you equate them to known standards.

heavy cavalry

NPC meme is fucking real
>Why did this stupid thing happen
>it has DRAGONS so it can habben!!!

By definition, the Dothraki are not heavy cavalry.
Just because Dumb and Dumber don't know jack shit about medieval warfare, doesn't mean you need to remain an ignorant fuckass.

woudn't a better strategy be Calvary are used as bait in the front? Then they back off and infantry do tiny encircles all over the map.


You realize medieval castles were literally designed to be able to hold in a 100vs10,000 style scenario right? That's literally why castles were so important. You could hold them with next to no man power.

>being american

Heavy Cavalry:
>Heavy cavalry is a class of cavalry whose primary role was to engage in direct combat with enemy forces


These are heavy cavalry. Now you've learned something.

Light cavalry being used in the role of heavy cavalry doesn't make it heavy cavalry.

>and are heavily armed and armoured compared to light cavalry.
I like how you left that bit out.

Why didn't they set the woods the wights have to go through on fire? We even see White Walkers straddling horses right in front of a forest that Jon almost completely crashes Rhaegal into.

They could've taken out thousands of wights instead of letting them get into formation. Both dragons flying in a circle over the forest's edges trapping the dead inside

breakfast is a meme bro, it was always meant to be a small thing to "break a fast", ie. bone broth.

human beings are meant to be fasting and in ketosis.

They are not fighting an army of battle mages who can fly and cast fireballs, it's not that difficult to try to think how the fantastical elements we are given change regular things but how the principles still apply with some modifications.

Zombies are just infantry without self-preservation and that can just die in certain ways so you just think how that affects a real life siege, you don't just ignore everything else.

They won, didn't they?

What's your fucking problem then?

Pretty good
Although the dothraki would be best used luring huge amounts of zombos away from the battle.

If light cavalry charges head on into a mass of infantry and instantly dies as they attempt to engage in direct fighting, they are not heavy cavalry. They're dead light cavalry.

I like how you quoted wikipedia and left out the part where they and their horses are armed and armored to the fucking teeth.

Why the fuck didn't everyone go south and fight the OUTNUMBERING ENEMY FORCE at that NOTORIOUS FUCKING CHOKE POINT that dabbed on Robb? It's like, tactics 101.

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The problem with your stupid incel strategy (yes you need to have sex and you won't be able to refute the following argument you virgin) is that the undead have no reason to attack a heavily fortified defensive position when they can just surround the castle and wait for the humans to come out and attack or die of starvation. The NK has waited 10,000 years for this moment, I'm sure he can wait a few months for everyone to starve.

why is GOT so dark...why NO lights

>I'm sure he can wait a few months for everyone to starve.
So why didn't he then?


>Build trebuchets and place them in FRONT of our lines
>using light cavalry to start the battle in a headlong charge (basically trying to zerg rush the zerg)
>Not using the Dothraki as light arrow skirmishers
>Use them for a couple of volleys max
>Unsullied in loose formation, not phalanx
>Unsullied positioned in front of the trenches
>Using Vale knights as footmen/spearmen instead of what they're famous for "heavy cavalry"
>Trench is like 20ft away, not 100+ to allow archers time to pick off undead
>Spikes in the trench facing towards the castle
>Spikes too large to impale any of the wights
>Gate isn't barricaded or reinforced
>Dragons only occasionally used, fuck off for most of the battle
>walls aren't manned
>Barely any archers
>No phalanx behind the gate
>Everyone using meme weapons like hammers and polearms
they had Yohn Royce and Jaime on their side, two very experienced commanders available along with jorah who was a war veteran. they had no reason for the extremely poor battle formations and tactics they employed

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>mixing napoleonic era heavy cavalry with medieval era
This is good bait.

Literally, have sex

Why are you breaking your head trying to analyze troop placement and fortification uses (no moats) when the show already told you to turn your brain off at the start when the undead charge in for no reason? They already told you "Hey dude this is a turn-your-brain-off-lmao kind of show, don't like it stop watching" and you are breaking it down. Why? Your criticisms are technically correct but they are cringe because you are criticizing a kids show for normies.

>your not a military tactician, you can't critique this!!
why do normies do this

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Because why would I listen to some fat fuck that refuses to have sex when I could listen to Jon fucking Snow instead

Because while you were consorting with Stacy, I studied the blade

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Could someone explain why Bran couldn't have been wheeled by the wights away from the dragonglass and to the NK in a big cage or something?

Defense is a Force Multiplier.

You need to read some books and stop watching so much garbage television, ya retarded plebittor.

all your so-called tactics are tarded. might as well ask why they dont just build a nuke made of dragon glass and the green fire stuff.

You need to explain why having everyone inside the castle is a good strategy.

>Bran equips his war-wheelchair

Attached: IAmAwaitedInValhalla.jpg (1000x902, 131K)

Their goal first and foremost is to be dramatic, exciting and entertaining. If that means doing things like sending the Dothraki in first to be slaughtered eerily in the dark by an unseen force even if it makes zero logical or tactical sense for them to do so then that's what they're going to do. Their second goal is to hit story beats they've plotted out in advance, like the loss of a massive amount of Winterfell's troops to set up a disadvantageous position against Cersei in the later episodes.

I don't deny they could've done this better and more realistically but they didn't because they're hacks. I'm not sure why anyone expected better after how bad the show got after they ran out of books. The real, satisfying, logical conclusion will (may) be written by George.

castle = defensive structure
defense = force multiplier
people in castle are stronger

low key hope he dies first this shit is garbage.

you got rekt

Because the argument presented is stupid in the first place, don't argue realism in a place without it but this isn't an issue of realism It's an issue of stupidity.

Operation hide behind the darkies.

Not Tournament Legal, since Warhammer switched to the 40k-style round bases years ago.

They had two dragons of their own.
Fighting them from walls was objectively a better idea than fighting hundreds of thousands of undead in an open field with no light. If you disagree it's because you fundamentally don't understand what castles are or how they work.
"Hoping for the best" is unironically a better strategy than what they actually employed, which was basically throwing bodies at an enemy that can resurrect bodies. 10 Unsullied throwing rocks from a rampart would kill more wights than 1000 Unsullied standing in a fucking field. It's almost like the Wall was built for this explicit purpose. It's almost like the reason sieges took years in medieval times is because assaulting castles was effectively a death sentence for most of the attackers.

There are so many pathetic beta apologists trying to cover D&D for their complete Jewish lack of understanding of how battles actually work, their race having actively avoided them since 2000 BC.

A castle isn't always a better option when you're fighting a million zombies and a zombie dragon. The point was to at least establish some sort of engagement area where they could whittle down as many as they possibly could with close air support. Taking your entire force into Winterfell, which isn't a large castle in the first place, doesn't seem useful when your only engagement weapon at that point are the dragonglass arrows, which there weren't a lot of.

At that point you've basically given the White Walkers complete free range around the entire castle, and you've made close air support useless.

A shit one

Zombies spread by biting. The undead have to die and then be resurrected by the night king

Stop being antisemitic.

I'm tired of you sexless losers complaining about how it went down.

You're literally worse than asking why they didn't take the eagles to mordor.

after all that they just ripped off lotr again and not even in an interesting way

why did they even have the white walkers on the show?

i don't care what anyone says it's the stupidest shit that they didn't place everyone on the walls of the motherfucking castle

The funniest bit about the suicidal Dothraki charge is that they were originally using steel swords before she gave them +1 to flame, which means they would have all died anyway and in total darkness. Dany and Jon would have been standing on that mountain looking at a blank black empty abyss. Showfags are forced to admit that entire sequence was done for visuals and nothing else. It made no sense, not even in the logic-free "turn your brain off" sort of way.

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Great reply, tranny

For the spectacle.
This show isn't about plot or characters or a story. It's about getting obese childless women in bars to clap.

staying in the castle the whole time would have been beyond stupid

>unseen force
a majority of them already know and have a rough estimate of the enemies numbers
>a massive amount of Winterfell's troops to set up a disadvantageous position against Cersei in the later episodes.
they still have 2 dragons 20k sellswords and a fleet of wooden ships aren't gonna stop those aside from extremely poor writing.

>This show isn't about plot or characters or a story. It's about getting obese childless women in bars to clap.

Hence the reason the Cool Wine Aunt red woman saved the day in the end....with the amazing skill of lighting a fire and giving a pep talk to a young girl.

So those same obese women can stagger home feeling that her Wicca studies and Gender degree are useful.


hes not wrong but his delivery and snark is incel tier

>"what kind of taxes did Aragon have?"
>b-but its fantasy guys

If they had to get rid of the Dothraki for plot purposes, why not at least include a 20 second scene where Jon/Tyrion/Jamie are telling the Dothraki leader that they want them to flank/harass and fall back while they are occupied with the Unsullied. And The lead Dothraki guy says some bullshit like "The Dothraki don't strike from behind and they don't run like westerosi dogs". It would be in character for them from what we have seen.

Why they didn't just send 100000 men to dig a huge hole and then fill the hole with oil and flamable shit? They had the numvbers.

>let's fight them inside the castle despite them having a dragon that blew up the wall! I am sure this castle is more sturdy!
>let's face this horde of zombies in these cramped spaces inside a castle!
>let's just hide inside and hope for the best!
you don't have to hide inside the walls and do nothing, they had ONE fucking trench that was about 2-3 ft deep at best with spikes that couldnt impale a man sized target,they had 4 fucking archers and literally no one was manning the walls, phalanxes work best with chokepoints where they can't be flanked not in front of a fucking trench where they can be pushed into guess what the unsullied are famous for.
dothraki are mongol expy's that are fantastic at hit and run tactics with bows. the vale knights are famous as heavy cavalry but sure lets deploy them as footmen instead. lets also put our catapults in front of the fucking army. kill yourself

Attached: proper tactics.png (314x567, 16K)

This. they had the manpower to have a fucking massive trench, or series of massive fucking trench's. line those bitch's with pitch and light em up with Dragonfire when the white walkers are closing in.

The trench they already dug was all they had time for. From the time Tormund came back to tell them NK was coming, they only had about a day and a half to prepare.

Why are you nitpicking my post? I agree with you. You aren't even contradicting what I said.

Judging by Podrick's hair growth from last season to this season, they had months to prep for this fight. are you telling me they didn't set up ANYTHING until 1 day before the fucking battle?

I don't think they would've been able to evacuate Winterfell without the army of the dead catching them

Hey on the off chance you actually read this; I strongly encourage you to kill yourself

Why? Is there something you disagree with?

No I just think there needs to be fewer people in the world

They were also training everyone to fight in the snow. The unsullied and dorthraki were not prepared to fight there so they had to train them. You can't just bring a bunch of guys not used to the snow and expect them to fight in it.

Imagine thinking this is an argument.

Well then lead by example fren

So they didn't prepare any defense or strategy because they were training for fucking snow conditions for months? and what was the result of this training? they didn't fight any differently than before. they didn't even modify their goddamn equipment. they were all wearing the same shit they were back on essos.

Train in shifts, also enlist the unable civilians to support in building.

Now that's a lie, the dothraki were in fur armor. The unsullied were in thicker leather armor.

It's not abour arguing realism, it's about arguing common sense, basic stuff like not running toward an early dead just because, or putting the traps behind your lines instead of in front, or literally just making a lick of sense in the way you're using your armies

I noticed some fur pelts on the Dothraki, but I didn't notice any difference in the unsullied armor, can you provide me with a screencap?

underrated post

Maybe that's chainmail undernet all the fur?

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nigga dats the box formation from age of empires, shit's legit.

No they used local supplies cause the Romans would burn the for once they were done with it. Crazy fucking bastards would do this daily after hiking like 20miles with all their gear

>Yep that's me
>You're probably wondering how I got into this situation

You got any caps of the unsullied? that's the one I was really curious about.

It knew that in fucking Rome 1. Med 2 was a bit weird because heavy cav was OP enough to do frontal charges

They've leather sleeves vs just being bare.

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Does anyone know exactly how much time they had to prepare winterfell before the ww got there?

That moat should've been so much larger.

the ethnic cleanser

Human wave assault

>expect the wights to curl around their western flank
>just leave them completely open because you'll send them to their death before that happens anyways

sure user

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I've learnt that you're a retard. Leave this thread.

I think it's only cured leather

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>shitting at Total War AI

Attached: Total-War-Warhammer-FB-Games-FB-Other-Warhammer-Fantasy-3225982.jpg (854x495, 114K)

These westerosi DOGS don't know what they're doing

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Gladiator had reasonable tactics in the first battle why couldn't this? I'm sure that even though its just a show it still had a very large budget to work with

>sending backward mongol tier immigrants that killed lanister supply corps and dickless niggers to their death
he probably even planned it.

The just fuck my shit up wedge

>a season later

You wouldn't know this, cuck, but people who have sex still want more than lazy writing.

The Dothraki are steppe horsefuckers, i.e horse archers first

>tfw quit after the 6th season