Essential autism kinos?

Essential autism kinos?

Attached: Screenshot-2019-5-2 Realilty Show you won't see on TV about autism - YouTube(1).png (790x444, 604K)

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bravo nolan

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still making new videos

how can i pretend to have autism to get that tanked mom to put me in a fullnelson?

Does she ever soothe him with a handy J?

esbatsu would destroy this twink

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goddamn those big ass titties

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sometimes I'm just like, wouldn't world be better without the kid that regularly punches himself in the head? Any reason to have that guy eating up tax dollars, wasting the lives of his parents and siblings?

Dark, but fuck, man, what are we doing?

hot titz btw

>b-b-but all autistic people are actually very smart!!
>hehe having autism is a superpower!

are those the voices in your head or something, what are you sperging about

based estsubatsu poster

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god DAMN, look at those huge milkers!!

so i'm not an autist after all

what a milf though

imagine having a mommy this hot

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damn that autismo looks like he could have been a chad if his brain wasn't fucked.

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What you aren't taking into consideration is that there are millions of fully functioning people who are an even bigger drain on resources then this guy.

A NEET who has a single heart attack and needs open heart surgery to survive it will cost tax payers close to 1 million dollars. That's about 10 times more then this kid will suck up over a 30 year period.

Trying to think about balancing the contribution to drain ratio of society is pointless unless youre willing to engage in the wholesale slaughter and/or enslavement of about 30% of the population.

such a handsome boy wasted

I bet roasties cry over it






gib me big tiddy milf gf

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it is.



>you will never have this kind of attention :

>nips getting hard mid-restrain

i bet his mom had some fun with him
he can't tell anyone and even if he does no one would believe

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does she have nudes tho? with a bod like that damn

what does autism mean to you?

My man in the white has some CRAZY fuckin eyelashes, holy shit what's going on there

How do I minimize my chances of having a kid like that?

That is hell. That kid will never get better, never grow up, and you will have to go through those fits for the rest of your life.

I'm making fun of people who say that autistic people are all geniuses. My stepbrother is diagnosed with mild autism and everyone in my family keeps talking about how intelligent he is yet he can't even figure out how to walk the dogs and he has to call his mom to ask her what jacket is best for the weather that day. He's 18 years old by the way.

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Don't do drugs or alcohol while making a baby and do it before you're 30.

What is it like to have a mind like this? What is he thinking when he hits himself?

he is probably making qantum equations in his head while you're jerking off all day.


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Why are they blurring the MAGA hat?

if i have a heart attack and die because all the funding went to ensuring pet wheelchair friends live the longest lives imaginable, i'll be a ticked off ghost

>he doesn't freak out and hurl the kittens at the wall in a hilarious example of tard rage
Wasted opportunity desu..

traitors hate the president

>What is he thinking
His thoughts are on a different plane than yours or mine, there's no connection to the real world.

Has she done any porn to make some money to help support her family? I'd love to see her getting railed by a giant black cock and then the retard comes running into the room screaming unintelligibly.

You can just feel the rage in the voices of the parents in these videos even when they're trying to be nice. The patience that these parents possess is insane. Lmao if my son was like that I would take him into the woods and throw him away like a piece of trash.

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It's probably a brand that has a copyright on it you retards

You and your wife need to get a lot of sunlight. vitamin D deficiency has been linked to autism

I'd pay for that

he is probably jerking off all day between bouts of anger-induced projectile vomitting when he hears a noise outside that triggers his autism

after a minute I thought about killing the kid if I was in that position
good thing I'm infertile

Likely episodic. Under certain conditions I do the same thing and I have autism. Basically the mind is tortured and hitting yourself is lessening your mental pain by inflicting physical pain. It is weird but it fucking works. Few months ago I charged a wall head-first and it took me out of an episode.

Thanks, I'll try it sometime.

Do you wear a helmet too or does your bed just have straps?

1 million dollar for open heart surgery? At that point why not just say it costs a billion?

A good couple of hits to the head can take you out of an episode so a helmet would be contra productive

Counter you fucking retard.

I watched that video years ago & people wanted him to model. I forgot about those orbs though

sometimes i feel like punching myself but not because it would be "less painful", i think about it because i feel like punching someone and i deserve to be punched
not autistic btw

>Yea Forums in motion
what a wonder to behold

Counterproductive you fucking mongol

I doubt it. He keeps a diary that I sometimes secretly read for shits and giggles. According to this diary he just watches youtube videos all day.



MILF! God dam those tits look great. She's has to be strong too. Me wantee

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>Restrains him while playfully kissing his cheek and neck

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You aren't taking into consideration the after care while recovering, medication, return visits etc

Do you think doctors and professional care are cheap?

What a tard lel


seriously wonder if she's done anything sexual with him

Then support a single payer system.


Well it's good that these kids are getting all the help they need.

this, we need to kill whoever we want, and the strongers and smartes and wittiest get to live
the rest dies

>you are never going to fuck a cougar like that

>implying he doesnt slay

Jesus fucking Christ.
Kill the faggot and put him out of his misery.

You know they want to.

Have kids before 30 and abort any fetuses that aren't developing normally. Also avoid any chemicals that are known to mimick hormones involved in brain development while you're pregnant.

>do it before she is 30

age of wife having children < 35

Who the fuck would choose to raise this?

Hell yeah they’re crying.

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Retards should be property of the state.

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that's a big hat

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All these people who say "you can't abort children with neurological defects they can be normal" need to wake the fuck up and see what severe autism or any other serious mental impairment looks like. These people are hardly aware they're even alive and will live in constant fear, agony, and misunderstanding until they die from complications in their 30s. I know detecting autism in the womb is currently impossible but for fetuses that doctors can tell will develop birth defects which impair their mental functionality parents need to seriously consider that aborting them might be more humane than making a person live through this and the effects that having a sibling like this will have on any of their other children. You have zero time to spend with your other kids when one of them requires 24/7 care and might beat themselves to death the second you turn your back on them.

Any of your mom has breasts that big? My mom is A-cup so I don't know what it is like to have a mommy with big boobies.

>just be urself bro

>hits himself because there literally are no other worthy opponents for him to fight

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Tabooposting died too soon

Under eugenics programs they were. The problem is eugenics programs would sterilize people who were normal as well.

>My mom is A-cup
does she show them to you? you know, as a joke? haha

He's gay and it's compensation

Even if you have no autism in the family, parents are 18/22 and are healthy with no gene defects, they can still produce an autistic child.

Source: me.

I'm trying my best to be a success so their years wasted on me was not wasted, I've only been able to gain self-awareness since I was 23 years old and trying to make myself successful for them.

do self-harming crazy people feel pain? its like they experience self-consciousness in a total different way

>eugenics programs would sterilize people who were normal as well.
that depends on your definition of normal.

haha pics of mom tits?

god having children is so scary

i imagine a Yea Forums meetup would be pretty similar to this

don't fall for the
>sample dozens of women so you can get experience
>wait for my soulmate
>wait until we're financially stable

date 18-28y/o women and knock up the first one who's got good genes and isn't a psychopath. put a fake diamond ring on her finger and don't support the diamond industry. don't wait for "your soul mate" or any of that horse shit.

the responsibility of children will light a fire under your ass to get "financially stable" a million times faster than if you just jack off or shoot loads on tummies your whole life. the younger you do it, the healthier and happier your children will be.

kid has the looks to be a pussy slayer shame about his brain

Medfag here
I always get mad when I watch a post/video about how they are totally geniuses, and almost a next step in evolution.
When I have to examine one of those little shits they are irrational, speechless unable to express what the fuck they have, you even can feel the hate from the siblings.
One time was really fun
>Autist has fever
>21 years old, come with mom and his 14yo bro
>More or less he let me check him
>I was writing the indications
>Then, he starts to scream and screech while jumping in his chair
>The brothee starts to laugh at him
>The mother face was priceless
>Couldn't Lol until they go away

i wouldn't say whats up to anyone, I would just stare ay my phone

You're clearly on the functioning side of the spectrum through. People like this guy and estubatsu can't even dress themselves and live in constant pain.

get a woman that isn't in her 30s, also take care of her when she is pregnant.

Guys who chop wood and don't aspire to much probably arent a whole class of people deserving of sterilization.

We unironically need to bring back the gas chamber for retards.

again, that's arguable.

put a curse warning on this shit

some autistic kids i've known were a nightmare from age 1-10 but became somewhat level-headed in their teenage years. i hope yours turn out okay.

I wasn't for a long time, something happened at age 23 that made me functional, before then I was similar to this guy judging from previous home videos and my parents words.

even the autistic chads are better off than me. god fuck

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1) I'm not autistic
2) I'm 28 years old. I earn 60 bucks above minimum wage.
4) I call my mom every morning to ask her what type of clothes I should wear today.

I hate going out in autumn clothing and then the sun comes out and its hot as fuck, or vice versa, I go out in light shirt and then its cold as fuck. My mom always knows what I should wear.

oh you're talking about yourself. lmao i can't read.

well at least you're one of the good ones who eventually leveled out. keep focusing on bettering yourself. even non-autists struggle with self improvement.

I'm not having kids, like I said my parents were in perfect health and at the right age and still had me, I will end up with a child nearly brain dead if I was selfish enough to have a child.

So when people hold you like in OP's video. They are actually hurting you? If you hit yourself to ease the pain, then preventing you from hitting yourself is causing you more suffering.

For me it's Keri Lynn

have you fucked your mom? haha

Damn. Looks like the autism fairy got the wrong brother by mistake.

being gay isn't normal though

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The "next step in evolution" shit really gets me. Low functioning autists would die from eating tree back or sitting in a cold stream for 12 hours if you left them alone in a forest. Being self-destructive is not favored by natural selection.

Good to hear.


Have you had sex?

I want an autistic kid to use in gladiator battles in my basement, and to chase around the house in my cyberman suit.
I'm going to microwave my cum.

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Yes lost my virginity age 12, I've had 10 different women so far.

>parents had me right around the same time one of their best friends had a child as well
>grow up to be normal but the other kid has severe autism and down syndrome
>saw him at nearly every family event and holiday
>always treated him like he was one of my good friends
>as i grew up, i started to realize the situation at hand
>little brother gets born around the time the family with the autistic kid also has a daughter
>little brother becomes super close with her while I am left being friends with him
>Don't care that much because bros > hoes, even if they are severely autistic
>Whenever he comes over, he just wants to play MK2 on mame or the Obi-wan game for the xbox
>As we grow older, he considers me his best friend and hugs me extremely tight whenever i see him
>when im gone at college, he ask's his dad when he will see me again
>whenever i go over, he is always playing an old game like F.E.A.R. and wants to show me
>he always laughs at NPC's getting fucking annihilated and killed
>Tells me about how he will also go to college and become a firefighter even though he never will be able too

its a weird, sad feeling if i gotta be honest. Like knowing that the kid with the burned face has dreams of becoming an actor or the classic scenario of the girl in a wheelchair wanting to become a ballerina

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fuck you

how do i procure gf

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>Essential autism kinos?


Kek, this. Fucking autism faggots, man.

and meanwhile we're perfectly healthy and spending our days browsin and fappin

Jesus fuck look at those yabbos.
Are they nattie?

like a lot of other posters have already said, the chances of having an autsitic child increase dramatically with age. Have kids as young as you can.

There's a post from the parents of a wheelchair autist looking for a new baby cup because the one they have has like 10 years, and they tard doesn't drink in any other thing even if he is thirsty.

meh, at least he seems relatively happy
I wish I could still be satisfied playing old video games

what was he thinking at this very moment?

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Welcome to the National Socialist Party

None of them were gfs, The longest I've had a girlfriend for is a week. These women were just sexually attracted to me that is all.

>This guy is autistic!

Always makes me laugh when people say stuff like this. Most autistic people are retarded.
The high functioning people are more visible because they're not tied up in the basement all day, but they are not the norm.

how did u do it

>Trying to think about balancing the contribution to drain ratio of society is pointless unless youre willing to engage in the wholesale slaughter and/or enslavement of about 30% of the population.

really makes you think

what's the argument in favor of it?

why does he have a 1000 yard stare?

If he can communicate he can at least have a decent quality of life. Having a non verbal autistic child sounds like hell for everyone involved.

That dude at the end was totally responsive probably because she has her massive buxoms out.
>"crazy old lady."
Does this bitch not realize most guy would fucking go to town on her or is she playing coy?

Be good looking and in shape, I'm fat at the moment so no woman will go near me,

eternal sunshine of the spotless mind

Lol any more stories bro?

There is no one home

Is her mother a milf as well?

I think im gonna stop joking about autism now

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i have a cousin like this

such a fucking drain on society

Those are always related?
I mean, Downs always have autism? Or they can be retarded but able to express whatever they want?

im in shape, what now

fucking kino

Low IQ individuals are a drain on society and should be eradicated.

Better drain then shitskins having to make spawn 24/7

why the fuck am I laughing at this?

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at least shitskins can program terribly

all my cousin does is waste oxygen and taxes

>putting small animals near a retard who could chimp out at any moment
Poor cats.

shitskins can be turned into a labor force, as was done in the past.
severely autistic people cannot do anything.

I want to beat up severe autistics. They bring out my inner sadist. Those REEEEEEEE death rattles will leave me feeling all fuzzy inside.

Should parents with severely autistic children have the right to euthanize their child?

your parents should've had the right

Who else is going through the videos looking for more mom tits?

>seething retard

I think mine would have an "accident" where he fell in the pool and drowned.

Have other stories, just not with autists, im not that kind of doctor, Im in a little clinic of the 3rd world, just flu, intestinal stuff, injured backs etc, anything complex is deritvated to other places cuz don't have the equipment.
>Little kid with autism and his mom
>He apparently has a throat infection
>The mom adverts me he doesn't like contact
>Hear his lungs and explore his neck was a war of screams and failed tries to kick me
>Proced to chek his throat
>He was crying covering his mouth
>Showed my open mouth as a retard and tell him if I can see his mouth from that distance, he is ok with that and let me watch
>Finished the revision, explain to the mom how to give the meds, and says them that's all
>The little freak comes at me and ask me if he can hug me
>Huh? Sure...
>I knee to his height so he can he hug me and says "Gracias Doctor"
>Wtf dude you where trying to kick me a couple minutes ago

Hahaha, you cuckold pussy, you ain't getting rid of me boy.
I'm gonna' slap some 'tisms just for you.

sperm quality also decreases with age, my man.

when chad has autism

she's old and ugly

you're pathetic if you get hard to this

i say this as an incel

>so assblasted he's projecting
lol ok autist

You say this because you are an incel

Dr. CuatroChan, onions Autismo

depends on how sentient the kid is

if it's like a vegetable and can't walk and talk, then yes

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Because liking the president is a hate crime

should you be able to kill your parents if you were born broken?

nigga he is a literal autist

This guy absolutely slays.

god damn knockers on mom

i bet she uses him as a dildo when the parents are not around

Based tismdoc. Should've given him the goofballs.

One year ago also watched a no verbal autist, he was like 30 his mother was an old lady, the fucker has a permabelly full of air because he breaths from his mouth all the time sounding like a pervert, doesn't move or do anything, was hunched and had lanky arms, he needs diapers, but at least is docile, and understand basic orders, in order to move you need to hold his hand otherwise he just stands wherever you left him.
The mom had to work to support the family and his amputated dad (lost one leg to diabetes) watches him all day.
Is not a good story just a sad story.

I hope he dies soon.

The only reason I finished the video was because of moms chest melons

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name your top 5 essential Louis Throux kinos
i will watch them

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I hope so.

My dad got amputated too.
The leg's still kicking it good tho.

it's not like someone is gonna fuck these low-functioning autists and reproduce with them, though.

If I ever had a kid like this I'd find a way to accidentally kill him

did the guy on the left actually make this?


that one time based ricky BTFO fatass boogie 2988

a true legend

>and his amputated dad (lost one leg to diabetes)
One of my old coworkers almost got her leg amputated due to diabetes, she told the doctors to fuck off and leave her leg alone. Thankfully she's doing much better now.

You just know

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holy shit he is a slayer

Who was in the wrong here?

All of what people have said to you plus don't load your kid up with 80 vaccines before he knows how to shit himself.
I'm not against vaccines but I am against pumping dozens of chemicals into a child's body before it's even developed.

Just remember next time you think abput mercy killing people dumber than yourself. Legit geniuses have the same IQ gap from you as you do from a house dog. The gap between us and people with autism is not that big. Your power level should not be a factor in your right to live in a society.

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When is the next Lil Capo track going to drop?

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...The fuck? Did you go full on 'Farewell to Algernon' or some shit? I'm pretty sure low-functioning guys don't just begin to be as competent as you seem to be.

He's the next stage in autist evolution

that's a man

Please tell me you are american. I want to sabor the irony.

>TFW mommies tits so good they cause a tard seizure

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He is projecting into subspace and his brain cant handle it. Physical pain helps bring you back to your home dimension. Its like a thousand tv's playing white noise.

I guess you already ruled yourself out

>that dude's eyelashes
lol wtf

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Except low IQ goyim serve a great purpose while autistics do not, dipshit. We need people to push shopping carts and pick strawberries.

>being really irritated by clothing tags can be a symptom of autism
>i used to cut all my clothing tags off when i was a kid

And I want an iron saber but we can't all get what we want.

I used to cut the annoying ones out too, but most of them were fine. In fact if you did cut out a normal one then it was worse

what happened to "3)"?

She's quite hotistic. High fucktioning

Idk man could you do it? Could you pull the trigger? btw we'll have to put you down too you psycho

>autism propaganda
that bitch and her boyfriend aren't even mildly autistic


>Ywn have a qt brown caregiver who adores you

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He can see into infinity and beyond

Avoid fluoride and vaccines.

She has great tits.

You're right that her face isn't great but her body is fantastic.


Fuck you.

Doesn't matter, I imagine titfucking her, not having her as an actual mate.


Sometimes surgeons doesn't thrust the ability of the patient to take care of an injury that can lead to the death, so they choose amputate it.
If the patient go away and stills eating carbs an doesn't clean the lesson everyday and die it could give legal problems.
So they preffer the safe option.

i want to suckle on her 'tism teats

They immediately talk about trains.

there is no way that either woman hasn't had sexual relations with him in some way.

>Comments are disabled for this video.

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don't keep your cellphone in your front pocket

women don't even care that he hits himself or can't speak , they already want to fuck his brains out.

>comments are disabled
really makes me think

>Girls, on the other hand, may not get diagnosed or may be diagnosed later because their symptoms don't stand out, Kraus says.
It's harder to diagnose girls with autism because its practically impossible differentiate from normal girls. take from that what you will

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girls are born in easy mode

Haha yeah, given they’re only attractive for maybe 35 years and sex can lead to raising a stupid fuck like yourself

I cut the tag off my mattress. How fucked am I?

the failure of society to accept natural selection will be our downfall


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I'd rape his mom

As someone who teaches middle school to high school kids with varying degrees of autism, while they maybe be the atypical cringelords and spergs we make them out to be; they still have some form of brilliance and ability and have every right to try their best and make a life for themselves. Which is more than I can say for a good percentage of people living in the U.S today.

if only you knew how bad things really are

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>when your colleague makes a call for political violence so you join in the baffling cheers of support because you want to keep your job

Based. Wish I had you as my tism teacher.

females will probably be easier to diagnose 10-20 years from now through cultural changes, but they'll still be a lot lower in reported numbers when compared to males due to the theorized factors in gender manifestation

I'm sorry brother you are lost...

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The NEET is conscious and sentient even if he is a loser. The 45 IQ retard is just mentally not human, and has no potential to be so. Putting it down is no different than putting down a dog.

lumping in true autists like the one in the OP with socially awkward kids is retarded and exactly what big pharma and shrinks want hence all the bullshit propaganda about le autist snowflake superpowers


>The NEET is conscious and sentient
[X] doubt

R e d d i t

I only have one hope.
Candlejack! You are a n

No, they amputated my dad.
We have a lone leg as patriarch now.

I just try to make you feel as validated in your interests as possible but may push buttons that make you REEEEEEEEEE quite literally, but only do so to try and prepare you for some sort of life in society. Even if it takes you ten years or more, it'll better prepare you to function than people like OP posted.
Even with true autists like that, hopefully with enough early intervention, we can at least get you to an elementary level were you could be content stocking shelves for the rest of your life. Better than a breathing, screaming vegetable I'd say.

You can honestly tell which women will have autistic kids. No one wants to say it, but all the people who have autistic kids always seem to be a little dim and their families usually are as well. Wow, your 38 year old uncle works at Walmart, your dad doesn't have a real job and plays with Legos and you have all these autists, down syndrome people, and drug addicts in your family? Who could have guessed!


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Those tits are godly. Jesus.


This is why white women don't want white children.

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>mom's tits touching him
God i wish that were me

White women with niggers have the worst breedings

Why did the retarded kid's mom's nipples get hard?

I'm just here for those tits.

there goes my nofap streak

probably an leftist faggot fuckign libetal pieceo f dhiy that bamea enafbsk;;;;

Would take care of autistic son for a chance to tittay fuck mommy.

Women love chad and cripples

If you're average, you're invisible.

lol stacy has a incel baby, karma is running over that dogma loooool

is this a parody?

I can't tell anymore in this fucking clown world

I only have mild assburgers but I feel like I become more autistic than I actually am whenever I see or hear a conversation about autism. Must be a placebo.

Fuck off, roastie.

>A Modest Proposal

>moles on her breast
muh dick

My mom used to be that flat. She got a boob job sometime when I was 3 years old, and I didn't find out until she was openly talking about it to a friend of hers when I was 22.

I've always hated fake tits. I've always thought I was good at spotting them, too. I just never noticed my mom's, because I'm not a degenerate and don't actually want to fuck her.


>"I'm Louis!"

This movie is literally about weaponizing autism. Predators come to steal the DNA of an autistic boy to incorporate into their own genome so they can be autistic too. I wish I was joking.

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im glad he has you user


yes papa?

Why is he existing, to punish his parents? What an asshole, don't care if he's diseased.

>don't restrain him!
>restrains him

Why are they trying so hard?

this but unironically


he IS the abyss, staring back at you.

I should just go full autism mode
Would you blame her if she is a barwhore?

lmao why is this tard hitting himself in the head??

i am sam

rain man

>Makes a typo
>Pointed out
>"It was joke."
Sure, buddy.

The issue with this is that the genius does a shit ton of society, the average guy has the potential to do a good amount for society but the people with autism like in OP are non functioning and will struggle to do any task

Can you post your family home videos for us? I believe they would be great editions to this kino autism thread.

I know. They literally said autists are the next step in evolution. And some army wanking like in every american movie ever

it's different when that's your son

for some it is. wouldn't be different for mine because i know he and i would both suffer.

>the way she keeps biting her lip when she wants to speak
holy fuck

Attached: 1388983745407.gif (500x308, 92K)

Oh mamma I wanna wobble those boobies

Last I checked, killing people is very illegal

Last time I saw my mom's bra laying on the bathroom floor, I checked the tag. She's a G cup
Could explain why I have an intense large tiddy fetish

that's not a good thing user, I'm sorry

Damn user, that sucks

the "next step of evolution" shit was the plot of the new predator movie, i shit you not. the predators hunt to genetically extract the beneficial adaptations of different organisms so as to increase the fitness of their species. something about global warming and how the predators need to kidnap the main character's autistic son because he is the next step in human evolution. oh, and the predators take the spinal columns of humans because that's where the DNA is stored.