Is a role still considered brownface if a European (white) actor naturally looks a little darker without darkening makeup?
What exactly is brownface?
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I'm a quarter Farsi and am lighter than Alicia Vikander, what the fuck
It doesn't matter, burger. Also European =/= white
she's part Sami. Native Swedes that look like Eskimos.
she has a kino nose
I'm sami, that's simply not true
So being white is just a rigid phenotype, like pale and blonde? So does that mean darker Scandinavians, Italians, Brits, Greeks, French etc are People of Color?
When you put brown makeup on. That’s her natural coloring, so no.
which part? Samis are browner than the germanic invaders right. I went to the whole fucking Sami exhibit at the Swedish circlejerk museum.
There is literally nothing wrong with swarthy non-Mediterranean, non-Jewish European actresses.
What role you are talking about !?
Yeah but she's from Scandinavia, literally where the white people came from. That's a pale blonde haired blue eyed place, not a place where dark melanated people come from.
I thought they are Asian
She's 1/4 poo
A leftist term designed to bitch about whites
I want to suck her fake tanned bee stings
She isn't fake tanned, they actually tried to make her look lighter for a different movie she was in.
im full white (almost entirely german) but I get confused for middle eastern mix or hispanic all the time
Does it fucking matter? Be an individual.
You could be southern German. I get called whiteboy all the fucking time and I have significant sandnigger genes. Genetics are weird
PLEASE BE MY GE EF I'm mostly Germanic as well
You’re very pretty, could see how you could be confused for MENA or Latina, but you could be Med as well. There are Germans with those phenotypes like Mats Hummels.
that’s obviously not whoever just posted.
kek that's not you
Imagine being such a newcunt you're baited this hard.
How is that obvious, unless this is a regular bait pic, I wouldn't know because I’m not a regular poster to this board. Either way, there are Germans with similar dark features.
Slavs are the true whites
They're Sinoid the same way Native Americans are Sinoid.
Not Yugoslavs. Literally Hellenic-Turks larping as white.
A racist comment
By reverse image searching.
Southern Slavs are mixed with Romano-Illyrian-Thracian tribes that inhabited the Balkans
is this the swarthy general.
No? If you use make-up to make yourself darker though, that's a different story
Reminder that the only reason gingers and super pale people exist was because of inbreeding.
I did, nothing is coming up.
no slavs are "white." Sorry. Hundreds+ years of degeneracy and totalitarian control have turned them into pasty gooks.
Yeah, because one royal family inbreeding to secure the bloodline is totally comparable to the billions of non royalty... you fucking dumbass.
You're doing it wrong, I even linked her Instagram account
post pics of pits
Is this the pale actress general.
Oh oops
not one family it was a function of agrarian societies. Everyone that was a serf just lived on the same plot of land for their whole life and never moved. They'd marry off to their neighbors and generally just fuck the people around them, who were all just cousins anyway. The reason things like ginger hair/pale freckly skin became a thing was because of inbreeding. The reason green and blue eyes became a thing was because of inbreeding. Places like Ireland was just ten thousand years of the same families fucking each other living in cloudy shitty bogs, mutating into pasty redhead inbreds. Then they started outbreeding and spreading the trait into their pasty rest of the British Isles etc.
Is this swarthy?
Kind of.
What’s pathetic?
That guy un unironically flirting with some random person pretending to be a girl on Yea Forums. Even if it is a girl it might be even more pathetic
You can be a tourist and not a retard dumbass
I wasn’t flirting lmao, I’m a femanon myself, I just mentioned that a pretty person was pretty, but there was obviously more substance to that comment but incels here try to cling on to one thing and project.
That’s not that retarded, on plenty of boards people lazily post censored photos of themselves they might have and people take it for what is is without expecting a time stamp.
Nope, it's long been proven that European peasants aren't inbred at all
contintental europe is generally less inbred than the british isles but no, tens of thousands of years ago most breeding was inbreeding.
>ess inbred than the british isles but no
Or Iceland. That place is inbred even more.
no, Britain is one the least inbred parts of Europe actually
your mom cheated
she so breddy