Why does this scene trigger so many people on this website?


>Larry offends black people
>"Haha based Larry!"
>Larry offends gay people
>"Larry is redpilled as fuck!"
>Larry offends women
>"Hahaha he's just saying what we're all thinking!"
>Larry offends Muslims
>Larry offends white Christians
>"What the fuck?! Typical fucking kike! He needs to be gassed! Muh feelings!"

If this scene upsets you, I wonder how you managed to get through like 7 seasons of this show while completely missing the point of it.

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Other urls found in this thread:


the people shitting on this scene don't watch the show

the whole series is incredibly overrated



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you first

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Evidently not. They probably think that Larry David is exactly like his caricature in real life too. Stormweenies aren't exactly known for having a high IQ level.

This is the first time I've heard of people shitting on this scene.
That said, white Christians are good and those other groups are all dog shit.

/pol/ are just right wing SJWs. Everything has to be about race for them. Everyone has to be judged on their race and gender. The idea of everyone being individuals and skin tone being independent of one's moral compass is a ridiculous notion to them.

Funny you mention storefront, which is probably the only place you ever saw anyone care about it And let's be honest, even that was second hand because you were terrified to go there yourself. Don't bother dilating, just kys.

>reposts the same like 4 or 5 pics of dudes in drag all the time
You've owned us by proving we're gay and you're not


I'm what you'd probably call a nazi, and I found this scene pretty much in line with what I've come to expect from Curb.
The upset people you're referring to are literal shills. Probably a combination of HBO shills trying to stir shit and /pol/ shills talk about things they don't watch also trying to stir shit.
Pretending like it's only /pol/ shills leads me to believe you're an HBO shill. Especially since no one has talked about this scene that much since it aired.

It is. It's also faggy, inhuman and autistic to divorce yourself from a major aspect of human existence like race, which is something people feel on a chemical, instinctual level.

Stop being afraid to be a normal human being. Stop being afraid of your fucking lizard/mammal/monkey brain. Stop it, you're harming your own descendents for selfish reasons.

If you don't get trigerred by that, you are most definetly on the wrong side of the story

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Yea Forums is full of hypocrites.

100% this poster jerks off to tranny porn.

can he fix Yea Forums?

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Why do shills phrase lies as questions? It's because this buries the lie as a presupposition (When did you stop beating your wife?). This works on NPCs because of their lack of an inner monolog. But you can still spot the shill by his unfamiliarity with the site (hey shill, are you holding Yea Forums responsible for another board?) and clumsy ad wizard phrasing. Sage and hide shills.
Hey shill, if you knew one thing about internet Nazis, you'd know that we love Wagner-appreciating true-satire-writing golf enthusiast Larry David.

Calling yourself "this poster" is the gayest third person speak I've ever seen on Yea Forums

it has its moment but the writing becomes questionable later on

Pre op passable trannies are kino. Ugly speedrunner looking trannies on Yea Forums though...

they are trying to use times of moral panic to promote their agenda. Its a stupid tactic but they aren't the ones that started it

You are describing a minority of /pol/ users.


I'm an unironic nazi as well and I don't give a shit about religion.


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And more importantly, these minorities are mostly recent converted reddits.
They discover the world "redpill" and already think they are the fucking saviour of humanity.
This messiah syndrome is cancer.


christianity is a jewish religion. The natural religion of the white man is paganism

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The word*
Fucking auto correct

Lolbergs aren't human
Racism is as human as hunger and love.

Black "people", gay "people", w*men and Mudslimes are evil. We are the protagonists of planet Earth.

you're all by yourself nu-jew

>tfw not living in pagan rome

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seething tranny

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lmao why is he so butthurt over a joke? His wife restrict how much he can see his cuck baby again?

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You are not fooling anyone
And even though you know the truth, you will seeth for the sake of edgyness


>continuously dumping nazi tranny fap collection
>saying literally anything negative about another human being
Pick one

>>Larry offends black people
>>Larry offends gay people
>>Larry offends women
>>Larry offends Muslims
Huh? Never happened.

cry + dilate

>seething about pro-Palestine sentiments right in infographic

>>Larry offends black people
Bow tie black guy, insinuating a black guy stole his laptop, being uneasy with a black doctor
>>Larry offends gay people
saying he thought the kid who liked sewing was gay
>>Larry offends women
dear god where to start. Lets just cite the battered womens shelter ep as an example
>>Larry offends Muslims
all of last season

I mean he's not wrong, both incels and SJWs do p much sound the same on Palestinian stuff


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So does everybody else that's not a neocon/Jew

I'll try to speak in your language
You hate so much both sides, at least that's what it seems, but yet, you do the same thing than those you criticize, you pick a few ones from those groups and acts like the morons represent the majority of those groups. Point is: you are an hypocrite if we are talking in that perspective.

watched this episode the other day. forgot about that ending.
i prefer the episode before it about the wheelchair though

>those shitty condos all looking the same
it really was better before

I've noticed that many people seem to believe that if a character does something, then the people writing that character must be 100% endorsing that action, and that writers never write characters doing things they don't fully believe in.

not really. Israel is usually p popular in nationalist circles today, /pol/ is obsolete on the issue.

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wtf I love shitskins now!

>haha, these people used to raise productive creatures like sheep instead of infinite Hasidic leech-persons here
Kikes habe no sense of aesthetic anything

There was an entire season of Larry writing a fatwa musical. And in that same season he picks a fight with a dyke.


reminder that Jesus was a clown-nose wearing leader of a pederastic sex cult and (((the bible))) is just a jewish conspiracy to turn white men into a kid-diddlers.

Ok, Shlomo, back to office

It's because you know that this "joke" comes from a place of real hatred and is not just to be funny.

Literally the only right-wing parties with more than 10 people that aren't pro-Israel I can think of are like the Jobbiks in Hungary. And pic related on them

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reminder that hitler had a cunt cock.

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Neither of these posters are Jewish. But I am.

keep banging those rocks together ahmed

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Yea- no. Stop reading fairytales

>believing in right wing and left wing dichotomy
You are a fool, politics shall never be that simple.

post pictures of your tits faget

These threads are great.

>altard gets triggered, spams standard trannies

>libtard gets triggered, spams nazi trannies

I love it

Yeah, no shit, nobody else hates Palestinians like that

As has been said a million times, there is nothing wrong with supporting an israeli state. The problem is giving them your money and going to war for them.

Don't kid yourself, Mahmoud.

>Neither of these posters are Satanists.
There, ftfy

>People who put paintings or images of people or animals staring out in a bathroom.
The worst shit. Some subtle exhibitionist shit I'm telling you.

the joke is that he did something terrible on accident because he's a clumsy idiot. it isn't anti-christian.

Give me the microphone.
Listen up.
I'm sick and tired of all you anonymutts runnin' your mouths.
Every single day you come out here, you make the same damn threads. "BLACKED" this, "cucked" that.
Well guess what I'm gonna do.
I'm gonna take my mouse
I'm gonna click on the post number
I'm gunna start typing in the reply box
I said I'm gunna start typing in the reply box
I'm gunna call you a faggot
A retard
A autist
A no good son of a bitch
I'm gonna solve that captcha
The one with the fire hydrants
The one with the stoplights
The one with the crosswalks
The one with the cars
The one with the busses
The one with the STOREFRONTS
I'm gonna click submit
I said I'm gonna click submit
I'm gunna derail the the thread
Send all you race baiting sons of bitches home
I said I'll send you back

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the sooner you realize that all the white christians in this place are shitskin larpers, the quicker you can move on.

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This is a blue board.

>larry antagonizes a banal situation that becomes comical
This show is so repetitive. Funny for the first couple of viewings, but I lost interest after a while.

all followers of abrahamic religions are satanists dipshit

>I'm what you'd probably call a nazi
>I'm an unironic nazi as well

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This is despicable....
Larry David Pisses on Picture of Jesus from the show Curb your Enthusiasm. Now tell me what would happen if it was making fun of other religions. It would be an outrage. But as long as it's Christianity, it's all in good spirit of fun. Please........

For those who don't give a shit about religion... this is not a matter of your faith, it's a matter of something people care deeply about. If you don't care about Jesus, how would you feel if someone pissed on your mom's picture. Now imagine that some people just as offended about that being done to Jesus....

It's not a matter of religion - it's a matter of insulting something very sacred to one group of people, be it Jesus, mother, Koran, Obama, etc. If you don't understand this part, you should probably should stick to videos of cats... thanks to you they are doing very well on Youtube.

Why "support an Israeli state" unless you plan on deporting Jews there?
Do you "support a Nigerian state"? Wtf does that even mean? It means nothing. "I personally think a random state elsewhere on earth should not just collapse for no reason"?

>It's because you know that this "joke" comes from a place of real hatred
why does this one come from hatred and all the others don't?

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I've literally never seen anyone post this scene and get mad

>hello fellow white Kuffar, you know only Jews hate us....I mean them

Guaranteed the "omg /pol/ and SJW are the same why do you care about race we should be individuals" poster and the pro-Israel poster are the same Jew

Finland here

Fuck Palestinians

Paranoid Muslim

horseshoe meme is real.

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Do a lot of them immigrate to Finland? If yes that'd be because Jews kill them in their homes, and push to allow infinite immigration to Europe.

Guarantee you’re a virgin

You call anything to the right of Mao a nazi, so I'm not wrong.

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post pictures of your tits shitskin

>muh Muslims dindnuffin
You’re glowing Ahmed

>You call anything to the right of Mao a nazi
No I find larpers cringe. Commiecucks and NEETSoc alike.

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non-caring master race

The left here in Finland sucks their dick much like you’re doing. The anti-immigration groups back Israel. Mainly why I hate Palestinians

based jews


>Why "support an Israeli state" unless you plan on deporting Jews there?
Who said that's off the table? Regardless, in conflict between states (in this case Palestine and Israel) you can support one side or another without giving physical support.

a real meeting of the minds ITT

you know that jesus nigga fucked kids

You're Jewish


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You’re a virgin

>palestinians literally never did anything
>somehow they are worse than jews

u mad bro?

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pictured: historically accurate painting of Jesus, being crucified after being found guilty of running a pederastic sex cult.

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I have never once seen anybody shitting on this scene. Where do you get your info?

One reason may however be that black people are not a religious figure. Larry offends Muslims but I don't think he has ever pissed on the face of Muhammad or the Quran. If they did, i'm absolutely positive many Muslims would be triggered just the same as Christians.

I'm right and you're wrong.
When's the last time you even looked at a pussy?

>that incredible power stance
Is this supposed to make me hate nazis more? Because I'm finding this all quite based, if a bit comical.

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You're not Jewish enough to understand

Larry is right in most cases. But he is also responsible for getting himself into virtually all the stupid shit he's been a part of either by sheer stupidity or simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
However, with this scene, if anything I'd be offended only because it only proves that he's been pretending to be highly intelligent for so long that it's like a cognitive dissonance to see him actively go out of his way to do something so base and retarded. And the other reason being that after all this is a painting, someone worked hard to first of all learn the skills and knowledge to know how to do it, then have the time, willpower, dedication to practice it with the end result being the painting and he doesn't give a shit about any of that and for a creator such as himself it's very disappointing and offensive to see him like this.

I wouldn't say based is the first thing I come to mind when I look at it

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Why are you projecting? Go back to /r/atheism and stop letting Christians live in your head rent free

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The show states that it is a version of himself and in true Larry David fashion, many of the scenarios are in fact based on real things that have happened to him.

Fun fact: Jesus' nickname for his penis was "The Sun." And everyone called him papi. And he always used Spirit brand condoms that he poked holes into.

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How do we stop the pilpul epidemic in this board?

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They did the meme backwards. Desolate earth into paradise, not the other way around.

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Man is certainly at the top but he needs to treat the other animals with respect, like any good master does.

The U.S. has a growing number of anti-Israel socialists in its legislature, and Donald Trump is probably the last kosher Republican that will ever be president.

This is the last generation that will ever hear a president call Israel an American ally.

>this thread

rational people think that people on the hard left and right are die-hard supporters of the mainstream US political parties? and only after that does it immediately switch to extremists who are beyond party politics? what?

I don't get it. Why is it so crazy to people that the atoms their body is made of was once a atom in some body of pure atoms.

I never understood why people think the concept of stardust atoms are so romantic. They are no more romantic than the atoms of shit you wipe from your ass.

Why was he already annoyed at her when she told him where the bathroom is?
Don't remember context.

Fucking hell, reading this is seeing "first as tragedy, then as farce" in action. Hitler's writing is penetrating and compelling, meanwhile that user's post is just "memes memes buzzwords personal convictions memes buzzwords."

>still manages to rule a country and be one of the most remembered figures of modern history
Is he, dare I say, /ourguy/?

Literally describing /pol/ argument tactics perfectly. I don't think I've ever seen a /pol/tard argue in good faith. Might as well call it /pol/pul

>reality is objective
Brainlet spotted.

it seems odd to put one quote directly about the relationship between man and animals next to one of those epic "we are all stardust" sagan/black science man quotes. especially because it doesn't say anything about how man should act in relation to animals

spot on, but its far from the minority

nah dude I don't blame my grandpa for my shrivel dick and kill everyone like him. That's pretty far from like me. I'm not a deranged unfuckable faggot.

Unironic Esoteric Hitlerist here AMA

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also the episode with the blind guy, sets him up with a muslim because he can't see she's a muslim & because the blind man couldn't see her looks he was happy with it.

No one is as easily triggered as /pol/ettes

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what is the starting pay for a toilet washer?

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Which one is you?

Did he pee on Koran? If not, it's not the same thing.

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>crotch bulges

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>Jew dabs on everyone except Jews
>Has a free pass to dab on Jews to keep the (((charade))) up (by virtue of being a Jew)
>Doesn't do it
>Literally exposes himself and the plot by being a Jew
>Jews are smart they said, Einstein wasn't a fraud they said

>worship of the written word
the fuck? do they mean "reading?"

Unironic absurdist meme painter here

Is time anything other than entropy through space?

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I’ve literally never seen any of what you described.

it more or less is. Your experience of it is subjective but things exist outside of yourself.

The jew on a stick suffered worse desecrations.

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so a portrait of jesus is the equivalent of the bible now?

>let the politicized elite decide for me so it could serve their own interests
>master race

triggers christcuck /pol/tards, but then again what doesn't