/got/ general

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Other urls found in this thread:


First for symbolism

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I'm still seething if I'm being honest

no - they were married

So....when is Nymeria showing up?

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sixth GRRM master plan of releasing the books once the final episode airs

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God fucking damnit i want tywin back
Fuck arya


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Realistically, the only way the previous episode could've worked from the corner they've written themselves into is if the Night King won and literally everyone at Winterfell died. Acceptable exceptions:
>Jon and Dany escape on dragons (either separately or Jon is hesitant and Dany takes him forcibly/picks him up with Drogon)
>Jaime realizes he can't do shit and escapes (potentially takes Tyrion with him, potentially also on a dragon)
>MAAAYBE Arya stealths her way out of it (potentially saves Bran maybe with the help of Nymeria)
Not all at once of course, only one or two of these. Everyone else gets a few fitting closing moments but are otherwise overran and killed.



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Cersei the Usurper is still sitting on a throne she has no claim to
and nobody has even discussed how she murdered the rightful queen and the leaders of the Faith of the Seven

the grieving continues

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really wouldn't mind raping young, thin and blonde emilia

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Uh how were Jamie, Brienne, Pod and even Sam able to survive those 50 vs 1 fights for hours?

jaime look so young

She set off a nuke in the Great Sept and declared herself queen. that's a bloody powerful incentive to keep your head down

>he was taller
>he was also more rapey

I've been seething for 5 years. It never ends.

...rape pussy?

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he hit the wall now

I distinctively remember her not making this happy face during that scene.

>Jaime, Brienne, Pod
Teamwork, skill and raw badassery

Soldiers kept coming to save him and getting killed for it so he just sat down and let them come to him instead

alright lemme have shansa

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no u

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>Anime twink goes onto the battlefield
>"Knows" he's the invincible special snowflake chosen one
>From a magical house of dragonriders with white hair and purple eyes, genetically distinct from everyone else
>Chad Thundercock smashes his chest in
So kino. It's a shame George had to force his cuckold fetish fantasies into even that plot with the whole Lyanna wasn't actually raped shtick.

the arya-tywin moments were pretty good

have sex

Anybody got a video on the episode that actually talks about why Arya killing the Night King is total fucking bullshit (and not just cause "where did she jump from")?

Watch it again

Please stop posting this, I loved and miss Karsi dearly

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>"we knew arya would kill the night king for 3 years now because of the 'brown eyes blue eyes green eyes' line by melisandre"
>melisandre's line was written in 2012 at the latest, meaning it's 7+ years old
>implying some humans don't have blue eyes as well
LMAO. come on now, we all know in that scene that melisandre was talking about arya killing people. she doesn't even emphasize on blue eyes, it's the middle color in the sentence. you just KNOW d&d rewatched that scene before writing season 8 and decided that 'blue eyes' would mean white walkers and decided then and there it would be arya

the absolute STATE of dabid

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how about 60 minute long duel spanning the entire episode? not battle, but duel between the mountain and the hound

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>Joe Jonas marries 'Game of Thrones' actress Sophie Turner

Smirks his way into another general.

Tgis scene was great. What happened to this show? Utter shit now.


Just imagine what we could have had...

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First for new canon

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We failed to protect this smirk.

U 1st

now that the single most important plotline is over they might actually do this with the remaining screentime. but they won't

Episode 4: Over 1 hour of talking and setup of them going south to kill Cersei.
Night King saw this and allowed Arya to kill him.

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Can anyone explain why they want anyone else but Daenerys on the throne?

She's the only ruler besides maybe Bran from season 2 I think who listened to petitions from both noble and commoner, cares about the peasantry beyond looking good, listens to her advisers even when she'd rather do something else, gives credit where credit is due, is willing to spare traitors, who's rebuilt shit from the ground up. Not even Jon, Sansa, Joffrey and Cersei combined have done these things or care about these things


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that would be an upgrade of whatever we're getting next episode

a complete horse

a scene like this but ending with jon killing the NK but dying as well would have redeemed the show

fucking whore

h-he's gonna be ok, right bros?


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Based Aegon Blackfyre and the Golden Company will restore order to Westeros

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What was the IQ of this character?

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season 7 and 8 should have their own category

That ass will sit on the iron throne. Daenerys will be dead and Sansa warden of the north.

I honestly dont want anyone on the throne, definitely no main character, don't want also Sansa as the queen of north. Especially dont want Jon to kill Dany, what leak suggests honestly, its terrible writing. The only way to redeem the WW & mythology storyline is to write a big twist around Bran thats all. No some retarded twist Dany mad queen and Jon need to kill her its shit writing

Doreah was my favourite girl, looks and attitude wise

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>that cut from bronn taking the dragon down, to the night king falling off, to jon turning around as the dragon lands on winterfell
fucking perfect

god lena looks so fucking ugly in the show but in real life she's so hot. such a bad cersei casting.

>screenshotting your own posts

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Last time I had sex, was the night before episode three aired. So everytime I have sex, an episode so bad that even the normies hate it, will come.

wow how incredibly irritating

But who was she really, if she wasn't a whore?

rollan for ygritte


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They wouldn't know what to do with Tywin. He'd lose all his polish and just become a scheming 2D caricature. Sometimes dead is better.

Not very high

fuck it

I don't get it, what's the implication here?

Am I the only one here that actually really liked the episode and thought it was actually carried out well? I thought it was fitting that Arya killed the NK and was a great end to her character arc.

>his smile and optimism


There must always be a Night King.

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Don't have sex and don't use commas ever again.

Hopefully not, predictable, boring outcome. Jon is terrible, boring character, useless piece of shit, he should definitely die, there is no arc for him. Dany still has arc, they can write her to change her mind, and stop caring about ruling westeros, because if you read books Dany deep inside her doesnt give a fuck about rulling Westeros, it would be much better than shock value MUH MAD QUEEN

She's likely to just be another shitty despot. I kinda at least want the show to end with Tyrion and Varys implementing something more akin to a republic to replace the shitty monarchy that keeps Westeros from not being shitty.

What eye color did Trant, Waif and Frey have?

name another show that gave us an epic zombie polar bear.

yeah, thats what i thought.

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>another/got/ thread
Have sex and go back to plebbit.

best one

What was the Night King's tax policy?

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jon getting stabbed the same way as theon made me laugh that woulda been shitty. they both should have fought and in the end both end up dying

>not breaker of chairs

The Terror

I hope that in the next episode ice fragments of the Night King just melt and freeze together again like with Majin Buu cells in DBZ

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lol how this did nerd end up being the main character of the most popular show on the planet

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He held the gate.

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I suckled the teet of a giantess. What the fuck have you ever done?

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>main character
not even in his own story arc lmao


we saw what D&D are capable of
halfway through the last season and there's so little dialog you couldn't even fill an early episode with
not to mention its only made of shitty jokes and one liners

wow... incels btfo...

same goes for Jorah's armour. He's wearing plate while defending Kelly C but some weak ass zombie just stabs him straight through as if it were a hot knife through butter.


valyrian steel is sharp af

i watched s01e01 with my gf last night because i wanted to see if maybe i used to be a faggot and the show has always been stupid. it was so great bros. im not a faggot. Unfortunately this show is now made for them and basic white roasties. i wish i didn't care but i must be retarded because I do. Fuck d&d but especially FUCK that fat lazy pervert George "should I finish my life's work? Go fuck yourself I'm gonna have a burger because im a piece of shit" R. R. Martin.

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I had planned to kill myself after this season was over. I just wanted to see how it all would end. But after it has been THIS BAD (i figured it would suck but my god) I don't know if I can kill myself; it's like do I really want to associate any part of my existence with this train-wreck?

I would wait for the books, but George is going to take forever; and I hate my life.

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10/10 in bong



in interviews, lena is incredibly hot, but her cersei looks is really bad
the correct casting for cersei would have been a slightly older amber heard

he literally has the most screen time out of anyone

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In the show probably sub 50. Literally not a single thing she did made any sense what so ever. In the books she was at least talanted enough to figure out what made Tyrion tick and use it to manipulate him for her own gain.

what about
'the long night'
'the great war'
'children lived and died all in darkness'
'the prince that was promised'
'azor ahai'
'winter is coming'
'and the dead come with it'
what about those arcs you fucking buffoon cockless sad sack of shit

Would Dany be even more Mary Sue if she was just given all of Essos like this?

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You would really be associating a lack of existence rather than your existence.

arya's character arc ended when she killed walder frey, everything else is fan service and shouldn't be considered canon

arya sacrified NOTHING against the WWs, characters like jon, bran and jaime sacrified everything

boomer jamie (best character in the show) = best jamie (best character in the show)

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Dany should have sayed in Essos and lived like a Goddess to the end of her days

Thank you

Your gf is fat and likely so are you

At least she has a nice tight asshole

And about 336 minutes of it were worthless.

Wait for the books :^)

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>caring about what the p*asantry think
Republicanism was a mistake

>sam this high


Republic won't work since every kingdom only cares about itself and doesn't care about the commonfolk

i've been seething since season 5, but the last episode is just fucking horrific. there have been some pretty bad episode before, the north of the wall lake episode was the lowest point of the show for me, i didn't think it could get worse than that, but this episode basically destroyed the show.

who is this thick mistress?

don't forget that more Starks died in Avengers End Game

>when the writing is so bad it gives you brain damage

the real winners

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Things got weird for a while there

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that's not an image of maisie williams
and he's done nothing important in the last 3 seasons

me after watching episode 3

>2 white males hold the most screen time
yikes that’s problematic

Oh god fuck off with you Amber Heard. Every day it's the same shit

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she routinely has people she doesn't like burned alive or crucified, sometimes just because she doesn't like their culture.

Why IMDB rates is not moving? since yesterday this shit got locked in 8.9 rating and 104k reviews

How they are manipulating IMDB?

He still pretty much looks like
That they hagger him up for the show.

If they dolled him up and grew his luccious hair back he’d be the same + some smile lines


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>write a big twist around Bran

The last scene of this show should be in the chaos of the iron throne room with Red Keep and most of King's Landing in flames,
> Bran wargs back in time into Aerys II
> Bran makes him mad
> Aerys II stockpiles wildfire in King's Landing as a result of madness
> back to the present, Bran's eyes close after the warging session
> Bran's eyes slowly open
> they're blue
> bodies of the slain Starks, Lannisters, Cleganes, etc come back to life with blue eyes
> camera shows them bending the knee to Night King Bran on the throne
> camera fades away
The end

in retrospect, jon defending the wall with his buddies who used to be thieves and rapists and murderers but all turned into men of the night's watch was utter kino compared to this drivel

Those things refer to a possible worst case scenario. They avoided that because the NK was destroyed.

Alright Yea Forums, you're given total control over the show and infinite budget for the last 3 episodes. How do you fix it?

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Your gf is whore with a fat arse.

She had already sacrificed everything by giving into the faceless god of death. The second part of her arc is overcoming that idea and overcoming death and the sense of malice she feels towards pretty much everyone. Cersei on the other hand is nothing but malice and is a reflection of the same intent behind the creation of the Night King.

>not Caloriesi

which one was sent there for not letting some pedo didle him?

im fit as a fiddle, tranny. My gf has big khazar milkers to boot.

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>fat Walda


>The White Walkers will bend the knee or I'll destroy them

is that emilia after reading the script for season 8?

fucking saved

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maybe not amber heard but both cat and cersei WHERE TERRIBLY CAST

cat looks like a fucking granny and cersei like a heroin chic. both not book accurate at all. fucking melly looks more like cat than this fucking granny michelle fairley

Behold, the Night King, the ultimate paper Tiger.

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pyp i think

I really hope they will make Jon to kill Daenerys, even the biggest normies would start to hate this show and everyone will finally see what a fucking hacks D&D are, especially with the development of both these characters in the show until S08E03.

Do you think Bronn will shoot that crossbow at Cersei but Jaime will jump in front of the bolt?

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I would give anything ;_;

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Cersei paid up front. Bronn has fucked off to Braavos and will send Tyrion a letter about all the whoring he's doing on his sister's coin

I like where you're going with this.

>we say "not today" to the god of death
>implying today is tomorrow
>implying the NK won't reanimate at sunset and slaughter every major character before "turning" them, and leading the undead band of heroes to victory over Cersei

people gave the wall battle shit at the time. it isn't a great battle, it's just throwing shit off a wall and fighting a small group of wildlings in castle black, but that's pretty much exactly what it was in the books too. it's the best big battle episode of the entire show.

Only people she's burned alive were enemy soldiers, slavers and traitors. And not liking cultures that makes life terrible for 90% of the population for the benefit of the 10% is a good thing

Westeros just fucking explodes

hahaahahaha shut your fuckign mouth u absolute smoothbrain

you are literally room temperature iq

>giving into the faceless god of death
she never did that. she wanted to become a faceless (wo)man but in order to do that she had to cast away who she was. however, she got her powers while still remaining arya stark. she never gave in to anything, she left braavos having learned how to be a ninja that can change faces, and didn't lose her identity.

>have a bunch of diamonds that are enough to make you basically a queen
>nah i'd rather keep being a lowly whore for you and your dad with one of you probably killing me any minute

Literally the moment the show turned to undefendable shit.

so is episode 4 gonna be his episode? are we finally gonna get some bronn kino?

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I wonder if some autist actually thought this was going to happen...lmao

Was Roose the highest-test male in all of Westeros?

Shame that bitch losses 25 lbs she’d be a a dream

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How will Yara react to the news that Theon finally paid the iron price?

As soon as Arya assasinates Cersei and Euron (while Jon and Dany take the throne) in the first minutes of episode 4 I resurrect the Night King and make his army go south to Kings Landing for the real final battle

>giving into the faceless god of death.
No she didn't, she didn't assassinate the people she was suppose to and kept Needle

i completely forgot about this stupid assassination plot. i literally dont care what happens to any of the characters at this point. that is how fucking horrible the last episode was.

>She had already sacrificed everything by giving into the faceless god of death
>giving into the faceless god of death

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everything women say and do is cringy.

Compare Bran's magical journey to Arya's.

Bran loses his identity completely in order to obtain his power.
> Arya, despite being "no one" now, is the same shitty person she always was.
Bran lost all his friends; Jojen, Summer, and Hodor all died, while Meera left when she saw that the boy she had brought to hell and back had died and been replaced with an empty shell.
> Arya has a cute bf now.
Bran had to come to terms with his crippling physical disability, accepting not only that he may be sterile, but will never walk again.
> Arya's injury has no lasting physical or mental effect whatsoever.

And yet, despite all this, it is Arya who defeats the Night King, a foe she had not only never seen before, but hadn't even heard of until a week ago when Jon got home. While her brother just sits impotently and watches.

Keep in mind that if the original, immortal 3-eyed raven in the cave hadn't kept calling out to Bran and brought him north, the Night King would never have found him and the new 3ER (in Bran's body) wouldn't have had to flee south. Not that Bran gave them any kind of useful information about how to defeat the Night King anyway -- killing him was Beric's idea, and Jon was close to figuring it out himself.

Do not let anyone tell you that Arya Stark isn't, by season 8, a total Mary Sue. Or that this show isn't utter garbage now.

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You expect me to believe this ancient fucking bag of dust was able to break open that tomb in a single punch? Fairly certain that reanimated corpses don't have super powers like the NK/Generals do. Unless I'm wrong there.

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literally exactly the same but its stannis that teleports in and kills the night king then does a dab on him

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Absolutely having Ramsey straight up stab him like an autist was more retarded D&D horshit

At this point, I'd rather Jon become the new Lich King. It'd be much more fitting for him as a character.

>Trusting IMDB

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Just because most Americans are obese and its the norm in your society that doesn’t mean you qualify as fit.

objectively the best character
and objectively the only character that hasn't been ruined
even in dorne he wasn't ruined.


Agreed on Cat. How are we supposed to believe Bigfinger Chad is "saving himself" for that sack of shit.

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Just replace that bitchslap with the NK either freezing her or snapping her neck, it would've been perfect

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nice black screen you have here

I adore Stannis. He's a full metaphor of the decadence of our time. He represent the fight of contents over form. Everyone is obsessed with form and is ready to swallow a turd if presented well enough.
On the other side, we have Stannis. He is pure contents with absence of form. He doesn't care about diplomatics nor about what is socially convenient. He doesn't react if you die nor if you show up alive after he thought you had died. But he will stay true to his content, that today's society so much dislikes.
He is filled with them, and for that a lot of people hate him. Because those things are repulsive to a commoner, it's impossible to process them. He likes to live with no rules, where everything he does and like is always legitimated.
But not for Stannis. Offended or not, he will do what is right. In pain or not, he will keep going. When he died in battle (maybe not) a part of me died with him. What remains of me would gladly join the rest if it could help a many worth even a fraction what Stannis is worth. The real pain is living with the fear that such a mean will never appear, or will be betrayed by the mindless masses.


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>What do we say to the God of Death
>Not today

She beat Cercei trying to kill her in the name of the Seven.
She beat Waif trying to kill her in the name of the Many Faced God.
She beat Night King trying to kill her in the name of Death.

etc etc

>mfw you realize in the show iron price means paying with your own lfie
>nobody cares about this at all

this shit is fucking CANON. CANON. for fucks sake

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I rabu Griffu!

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I got an ass like that, how bad is it bros?

>a wight is carried in a wooden box in season 7
>a wight punches through six feet of dirt and concrete/stone in season 8
>night king easily destroys the winterfell walls using viserion
>viserion can't burn jon because of winterfell walls later on
i'm seething now again thanks

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Samwell Tarly has more screentime than Stannis and Tywin combined.

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Arya stabs everyone and then a second Arya comes out of nowhere from behind, says "valar morghulis" and stabs the first Arya, revealing the first Arya to be a faceless waif, then a faceless Jaqen, then a faceless Arya, repeat this sequence for 80 minutes.

>tfw leaving major plotholes is now called "subverting expectations"
what a shit time to be alive

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euron finds a dragon horn, binds drogon to him, and he sets the entirety of westeros on fire starting with all the characters in winterfell, then he goes south to kings landing and turns it to ash. BURN THEM ALL

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So... Is he really dead?

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I will never know the joy of a giantess gibbing milkies

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What did Melly and Grey Worm say to each other? Have they ever even met before?


I adore Stannis. He's a full metaphor of the decadence of our time. He represent the fight of contents over form. Everyone is obsessed with form and is ready to swallow a turd if presented well enough.
On the other side, we have Stannis. He is pure contents with absence of form. He doesn't care about diplomatics nor about what is socially convenient. He doesn't react if you die nor if you show up alive after he thought you had died. But he will stay true to his content, that today's society so much dislikes.
He is filled with them, and for that a lot of people hate him. Because those things are repulsive to a commoner, it's impossible to process them. He likes to live with no rules, where everything he does and like is always legitimated.
But not for Stannis. Offended or not, he will do what is right. In pain or not, he will keep going. When he died in battle (maybe not) a part of me died with him. What remains of me would gladly join the rest if it could help a many worth even a fraction what Stannis is worth. The real pain is living with the fear that such a mean will never appear, or will be betrayed by the mindless masses.


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We'll see him in KL next episode right bros.....

I'd vomit on you if we ever met.

Chaos is a ladder, you either climb it or you fail and fall and die.

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Does this play on the Silence of show Euron?

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Night King takes control of Bran body and raise the dead again. The Winterfell survivors have to retreat to King's Landing. A big battle setups at King's landing gates and half of main characters die, the dragons destroy city wall.
Bran dead army goes to KL and siege the city. The main characters are awaiting him in the throne room, as since he opens the door he snipes Arya with ice javelin directly in the heart. A big Ser Arthur Dayne style battle setups in the trone room: Jaime, Jon and Tormund vs Night King. Night king kills everyone


>The Drowned God said it was his purpose to die there
>To buy time for Arya Stark, the Savior of Westeros

yes he died in that plane

I actually think the Dragonbinder will make appearance somehow


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Yes, but
> breaking his oath to Starks
> conspiring with Freys to show the finger to guest right
not based from Westerosi perspective

>Bran wakes up
>The last 5 seasons were just a dream


Ok, screenwriter, so you want a scene with firery swords being slowly and ominously extinguished in the distance. And you want justification for the darkness. Here's what you have to do.
First a bit of establishment:
>Samwell points out that there will be no Moon in the sky the night of battle
>literally anyone proposes that they set up a few outposts with torches around Winterfell
>cute scene with children repaintin those Bolton shields in Stark and Targaryen colors
Now back to battle:
>horn blows three times
>a few minutes of anticipation
>the torches on the perimeter begin to go out
>greyworm waits
>another line of torches goes out
>FIRE! the trebuchets fire their first volley
>the unsullied are the first line of defense and they are using those Bolton shields
>the vale forces begin to flank the dead from one direction
>the Dothraki flank from the other, using torches and flaming arrows (incl. bla-bla-bla not enough dragonglass for all of the army)
>as they ride in to battle another wave of the dead and the giants surprise them from the other direction
>Dothraki flames begin to die out
>Dany and Jon come in to help and all of that
>the storm hits the castle and exinguishes the trebuchets bombs preventing them from firing another volley and saving money on the CGI

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It'll be used to lure Drogon/Rhaegal into that ballista contraption shown in the opening credits

>Sam's Poop and Soup

Episode 4 picks up immediately where 3 left off.
Left and right characters just start dropping dead, twitching, dying of brain aneurisms.
People run screaming, but the pulse ripples through the castle and beyond.
Shots of people dropping dead in King's Landing.
Show every single named character dropping dead.
The snap spreads across the earth until everything is still.
Remaining episode and next two are nothing but a silent, black screen displaying only the phrase:
> "Creatively it made sense because we wanted it to happen."

>Stannis sits on his horse in front of the army and demands they bend the knee, exclaiming how the Iron Throne is his by right

if bran doesn't become nk willingly then he would really be the worst character ever
dude has so much knowledge and d&d have no idea how to utilize it

>last shot zooms up and out into the armousphere

Turns out the whole thing takes place in a giants blue eyeball

she never gave into anything. that is the problem. in the books, arya has an impossible task: she wants to become a faceless man in order to kill people on her list, but becoming a faceless man or getting their skills comes with being brainwashed into not holding any malice or love towards anyone

for some reason, in the show, she gets away with becoming a faceless man while rejecting the faceless man conditioning

her arc was done when she killed walder frey, she avenged the red wedding and kill the man who killed her mother and brother. after that, there's really no big target left for her. tyrion/jaime/dany should kill cersei, jon should have killed the NK or at least been the biggest contributor to victory.


well, they did find a horn at the fist of the first men, it was wrapped up with the dragonglass. i dont know who has it now, sam i guess.

Instead of killing yourself just write a new better series

Even starting with no experience you could probably finish an entire bestselling fantasy saga before George is done with the next book (or more likely dies)


Its maester luwin. Although idk wtf he was doing there. I thought the crypts were for Starks

All I can do now is cherish that we have anything to talk about at all, because in three weeks time it's all ending

No more Game of Thrones ever again

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>Note the dragon skull in the crypt below Kings Landing in the series intro.
>Note that Qyburn is able to reanimate the dead.
>Note that Cersei knows Dany has dragons.

tfw Cersei and Qyburn are going to unleash zombie skeleton dragons when Dany and Jon arrive


Attached: S8 Intro.webm (622x350, 2.94M)

So, in the end, Valyrians were a bigger threat to the Free Peoples of Westeros than the Night King?


I liked this priestess

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>the guy who is STILL getting shit for the retarded fuckery he pulled in XMen Origins Wolverine now can't get shit for his latest retarded fuckery because it's sexist

Do we agree that the episode music was kino?

thanks for reminding me about the shitfest of joy
WHY would they make arthur DAYNE, known for his fucking greatsword DUOL WIELD instead

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How can you roll if there’s only 20?

Ilyn Payne has killed more Starks than all the white walkers, wights and Night King combined

>Qyburn is able to reanimate the dead
the dead... not bones

Soundtrack is always pretty kino but the slo-mo piano shit was corny

Every theory I read on here leading up to fucking episode was miles better than the complete dogshit we were give, they should recieve some kind of award for absolutely destroying 8 years of television in 10 seconds, well done dan and fabid, i hope you cunts get shot

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its fine theyre planning like 3 spinoffs

>le ebin piano piece recycled for dramatic moments in westworld

Pick one

bones OF the dead

read the books friendo

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>Dothraki btfo
>the living are scared and stare into the darkness
>the first inaudible screams can be heard
>tension grows
>the voices become clearer
>Heavy Cavalry breaks into the light
>Stannis leads the charge
>he straight up impales Brienne with his Lance

>destroying 8 years of television in 10 seconds
it wasn't just the arya thing. the whole episode was just total shit. every single fucking thing in it has 500 problems attached to it.


>it took Qyburn an entire season to turn a dying man into essentially a brainless zombie
>but he can bring back an entire dragon from one centuries-old skull
Are you retarded?


if it goes over 20 just pick the last digit desu

reminded me of this

>Are you retarded?
>people get better at things with practice


>implying D&D aren't that retarded and then some

>white walker spears begin landing in the unsullied ranks taking out 2-3 a time
>spears stop coming
>dead unsullied start rising causing havok

>misses him
>compares all other guys to him
what did D&D mean by this?

If you don't understand what happened or why, it's because you are not as intelligent as Bran, who was puppet mastering the entire thing

A man can dream...

They're all prequels we all know are ultimately meaningless with how things are going in the main story, that also don't have the strength of the books to prop them up, and that we already know are ignoring the relevant parts that have actually been written about the periods.

I meant no more this, discussion, hype, events, /got/. The remaining books are never coming out.

there’s upper limits to what qyburn can achieve. i know you want your zombie skelly dragons but don’t be dumb

I honestly won't care if Arya got the final blow on the Night King if he's not fully dead. Give something to Jon, please. There's no point to his entire arc if he doesn't get some sort of closure there.

He was her Sun and Stars

'the night king' track is a bit overdone and the "DUDE SLOW MOTION DRAMATIC SAD PIANO" shtick was too excessive. it should have been more violins and less piano overall


6:33 to 7:53 is the best part and the piano is only in a supporting role to the violins and violas and cellos



There's still a book to be adapted, friend. Hopefully by someone else.

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The rest of the episode was just typical DABID nonsense. Arya killing NK is bad on an entirely greater scale that I didn’t think they were capable of.

well done

>there’s upper limits to what qyburn can achieve

Says who?

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yes, but the one that completely ruined it was the arya moment, battles on the show have always had piss poor strategies that any real tactician in real life would laugh at,

There's going to be 3 spinoffs?

Name one prequel story that was actually good

Dont respond to that numskull. Its the same idiot that thought Qyburn was able to keep the severed hand of the wight in the dragonpit scene

They played that song in the like behind the scenes YouTube video, but did this play in the episode?

Someone has that stick figure drawing of Arya being dragged by Bran's crows dropping on the night king for the stab ?

they made a night king before, maybe they'll make a night king again. bran knows how the children of the forest made the NK thousands of years ago, he saw it. there aren't any cotf left, but qyburn is still alive... just a thought.

>tfw innocent S1 Dany knew how to deal with marriage to a rapist better than supposedly super smart Sansa

>yes your honour the experience was life destroying, i'll never recover
>are conjugal visits an option? hehe lol

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fun fact: D&D had part of the ME3 ending soundtrack playing in 'inside the episode' when talking about the moments jon tries to get to bran but can't

i'm pretty sure dabid tried to copy the moment where the piano in ME3 plays and you watch the cutscenes of the remaining humans getting swarmed by the reapers

I like the track a lot desu. It just sucks that it has to be associated with such a lack luster sequence. Could've been super iconic. I'm already humming it and I've only heard it thrice.

>my sun and stars :-)
>moon of my life :-)
>our son will be a white-haired, copper-skinned princeling and we will love him with all our hearts
better days

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Three Eyed Raven is Sportacus
The Night King is Robbie Rotten

When a Raven betrays his purpose and gives into the vices he was destined to oppose he becomes the enemy of his successor.


it's done man, they completely ruined almost major storyline and robbed jon of his destiny to subvert expectations, the cuntbags literally stated that it was one because jon would be too obvious, fucking morons

Normies loved the new episode. Also never use commas again.

Drogo wasn’t a pointless sadist and actually cared about the safety/comfort/honor of his queen. They aren’t comparable you retard, acknowledge the nuance

Most of the episode had the fastest, most unwatchable editing ever to conceal the complete lack of choreography and fight scenes of any kind, then the last part has more slow motion than fucking Mission Impossible 2

>Cersei paid up front. Bronn has fucked off to Braavos and will send Tyrion a letter about all the whoring he's doing on his sister's coin

Bronn will go to Tyrion to show him all the gold and Tyrion will offer him double to switch sides.


>and actually cared about the safety/comfort/honor of his queen

Not at first, only after Dany got taught how to give him the special birthday sex

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Sansa was never concerned with being a good wife to Ramsay or doing her duty. They both failed to live up to expectations.

>in a marriage
>in a medieval society

I didn't think it looked that bad

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What a ghastly post.

Better than a Gengar webm

same with tyrion. sansa has high expectations for her husbands but doesn't hold herself to any standard.

Gib slave wife danny.

Didn't see this before.
Does Randyll actually say anything wrong? Sounds like he's got a sold head on his shoulders.

>No more Game of Thrones ever again
lol you wish. enjoy your random prequel that has nothing to do with grrm

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>you were the best of them

Tyrion must be gratified to know he was a better husband than fucking Ramsay lmao


see, i told you they copied ME3 lol

okay lets roll

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8 seasons and she still can't pronounce the character's name

oh no... you'd better delete this before the janny sees!

agreed. that violin part at 6 mins was the fucking best part of the episode

You can nitpick literally every scene if you are autistic enough, sometimes making good looking scene is more important than writing, not always obviously, some important plot points should be written well, and there definitely should be more characters dead looking at their situation; the only thing that bothers me a lot in this episode is how they concluded the White Walkers storyline, not even that Arya killed him, it was anticlimatic as fuck. The other stuff like soundtrack, cinematography, comfyiness of this episode, sound design i enjoyed a lot.

jesus christ dabid actually copied a scene from a videogame

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I'm never here when these mythical good posts happen.

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>sometimes making good looking scene is more important than writing,
stopped reading here

>cinematography, comfyiness of this episode

are we watching the same episode?

>sometimes making good looking scene is more important than writing
this is your brain on capeshit

Shop the maga hat on him


Good writers don't have to sacrifice writing to make something that looks good.

This just shows that both Jon and Daenerys will die and Tyrion will stay together with Sansa while he's the King of all kingdom while Sansa is Queen/warden of the north.


how to have a waist like that

>sometimes making good looking food is more important than flavor

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it's basically confirmed they're going to fuck up bronns entire story arc and have him kill jamie.

There being no Lords left is intentional. With Cersei and Dany gone, Sansa will be named Queen as the last surviving Lady of one of the Seven Kingdoms

dubs confirm

More like JUST king

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you're in for a surprise, D&D really did a number on him.



yeah i caught it 10 min before it went dead.

good thing i screen capped it

side note : i hope tyrion betraying dany isnt true

What arc, faggot? Bron only wants gold

no, this isnt nitpicking. nitpicking would be complaining about dropping vargo hoat as a character and replacing him with locke. that's nitpicking. the winterfell battle was just awful in every single aspect, almost every fucking thing happening in the episode is just a mess on every level.

Jon dying to night king is actually a better fate than getting his fate cucked out by Arya, now at best he will either kill Danny, or marry her and become an whipped husband, being there only to agree with her, and get cheated on when danny inevitably spreads her leg to the kings guard because Jon is too "nice" and does not give her any passion.
Going out in a blaze of glory against night king is a better fate.

oh fuk rollin


Nah, cinema is audio-visual medium, writing is not THAT important in cinema, and capeshit are very story driven so i don't know what you are trying to say, i dont enjoy superheroes movies, watched maybe first Iron Man and that's all.

>sometimes making good looking scene is more important than writing
you expect me to read the rest of your post after reading that?

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you might as well just watch music videos you stupid fuck

>writing is not THAT important in cinema, and capeshit are very story driven
this is the world you chose Yea Forums

>cersei like a heroin chic. both not book accurate at all.

Wrong. In the books its stated that the constant drinking begins to effect her beauty and making her appear older and fucked up.
While still beautiful she turn full wine aunt

Same. It was his destiny FFS!

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I mean, we joke about this, but the show is now solely made for these kind of people, aka people who use twitter every day, use Yas Queen unironically, use clapping emojis unironically or who post shit like "Good night little bear #kween *5 sad emojis*" when lyanna mormont died

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Thats Measter Luwin. He knows how to finger.

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um sweetie where have you been?

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>spend 7 seasons gathering an army just to kill them off in a minute because it would look cool to have them disappear in the darkness
woah, that's epic haha
really opened my eyes

I remember when my gf got pissed when I didn't answer her during this scene

squats and low body fat

I fucking loved the wall battle
I also think that its the only big battle in the show where the protagonist isn't saved in the last minute by another army

honestly pretty sloppy, but I like the idea of it.

>>it took Qyburn an entire season to turn a dying man into essentially a brainless zombie
>>but he can bring back an entire dragon from one centuries-old skull

Qyburn builds a robot dragon that is powered by wildfire and piloted by Mountain.

>be in the hospital
>still take selfies and post them on social media

Ok, it's hard now.

why squats though? thought that was for getting a bigger ass or something

no evidence that it's maester luwin

I'm now thinking they will pull a fast one on people again and kill off cersei and euron in the next episode or at least by early in episode 5. yara murders euron somehow, then the iron bank realises they won't get their money and fucks off leaving cersei open.

then the last two episodes will focus on dany taking the throne and going power mad and becoming the main villain

I strongly believe there will be some major clash between sansa and dany, and tyrion will side with sansa, causing dany to follow through on her promise to kill him if he betrays her. jon will kill her eventually, then die having fulfilled his purpose, leaving the throne to sansa. bran is probably evil somehow, whether he misunderstood the night king's goals or something I don't know but there;ll be more to his character

one thing I'm certain about is that there won't be another big battle. that's why I think they'll take cersei's forces out of the equation early on (plus practically it will be no contest if they don't, given there are ~20 people alive at winterfell)

This would be so retarded it would make the show great again

Truth be told I was kind expecting a battle like this:

Just like in the 2:10 mark, I wanted a cool shot of lightbringer and her flames pushing back the night king ice spear, if they wanted to add Arya, they could have made into a fourway battle, with Theon and Arya offering support to Jon, and the night king being so strong that he still manages to keep up and push them back, Theon would sacrifice himself to hold night king long enough for Arya and Jon to deal the final blow.
Maybe its a little too anime/capeshit for got, but I would take it.

Roll for Meli

Don't forget the wights not being able to break through the wooden door that Hodor held

Halo Reach

This fight scene looks horrible and this movie was terrible.

Like S08E03 horrible

>If it was rape, it was rape by engraved invitation.

>They ripped off of ME3
Does anyone else here remember S1-S3?
Remember how there were stupid shit in those seasons as well but it was still just a fucking good show?
Remember when Tywin was alive?

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lol he would have raped and tortured her to death no matter what she did, and it was obvious from the start. there would be no pleasing him, all you could do is escape.


stop overreacting, this season is still the best on TV there is, and even episode 3 is the best episode since the blackwater imo

Listen man i agree that there are good prequel stories, but Prometheus is not an example