This was a 30 year old man in the 1980s

>This was a 30 year old man in the 1980s

Was it bad genetics, drugs, or what?

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Other urls found in this thread:

It was a different time

haha making the same exact threads for years because le brain no longer works XD

damn, impressive level of seethe on display here.

everyone in lethal weapon and beverly hills cop even seem like they should be 10 years older than they are

>bad genetics

you wish you were as handsome as mel

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Everything but the hair looks Chad af and commands respect. What are you even referring to? That he looks like a grown ass man and not a large doughy child?

>bad genetics

Higher testosterone levels.

Chainsmoking and boozing probably didn't help, but the sort of skin damage that can be seen from the fresh-faced youngster in Mad Max (1979) to the leathery visage of Mad Max 2 (1981) can only be explained by too much sun.

Pic related is 21 years old

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Fuck, what an absolute chad. Even ridiculous hair doesn't ruin the impression.

Sean Connery had it worse. This is him in his late 20s, already looking 40.

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that's what a man should look like

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He was 23 in the first Mad Max

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what are you talking about?
this is how a man is suppose to look

I can buy that

Men actually looked like men back then there's a reason why through history after a boy became 14 he was considered a man

How come my dad and older brother are chads but I'm not?

thats what happens when you don't deny women your essence

Your mom cucked your dad

>thinking that is bad
>when a lot of men in their 30s today are already starting to bald

This. Riggs was supposed to be a highly trained sniper in Vietnam but there’s no way that adds up.

This. Looking back I always guessed everybody's age completely wrong because I thought they were usually 10 years older. They looked more adult. You don't really see this anymore.

This thread was made by low test carbs addicted millenial wanker.

Mel specifically grew up in the Australian sun, drank and smoked heavily. I just assumed all Aussies look like that.

Sexy as heck here. Love the bad boy look, and his straight brow.

He actually looks like a man though. It's something discord trannys like you will never understand

Heavy drinking and high test.


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Why are 4channel soi bois afraid of a few forehead lines lol. Makes you look manly.

I would literally commit murder for beard growth like that.
It's fucking impressive.

It's all genetics, my friend.

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Kek. That is why a dude got the part in “Lethal Weapon” !!

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if he's 60 in that picture he looks sharp as hell


Ben Affleck got dermal fillers and botox to remove forehead lines

Mel is a badass,he is /ourguy/.

>This was a 45 year old man in the 1980s

Why did 45 year olds look like 30 year olds?
Was it cigarettes, whiskey, or Australia?

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>Lethal Weapon 3
>released in 1992



Gotta hand it to based Mel. At least he owned the wrinkles he got from his years of smoking and drinking.

>thinking the current trend of sóymen retaining the "babyface" look until their mid 30s is a good thing

It could be because people spent way more time outside in the 80's. The sun ages you pretty harshly. Just a guess though. Could just be genetics.

>go to uni at 18
>barely interact with coursemates for over a year, pretty miserable tbqh, it's like they actively avoided me
>much later learn they didn't want to approach me since they thought I was some sort of adult learner in his late 20s and looked "scary"
>tfw I now have a PhD and teach at a uni and my students tend to assume I'm ~35 even though I will only be 29 this year

>tfw can grow a good beard but mustache stays thin
sunscreen didn't become common until the 80s
they used to rub white kids in olive oil to deal with the sun

>Average 30 year old guy in the 1980s
>Average 30 year old xuy in the 2010s

So that estrogen in the water's just a meme, r-right?

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based riggs poster


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People dont go outside anymore and that's what ages you

>Best thread on Yea Forums right now

Seriously, what happened to this board? I miss the old patrician vs. pleb days.

Name a more kino soundtrack, I dare you.

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lawd that's a man

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Are you kidding?
I'm also 30yo and he looked way better than I do

>bad genetics
If that's bad genetics wtf are good genetics?
Mel looks hot af in lethal weapon

Men back then had higher testosterone levels. They also smoked more.

the father is obviously on the verge of either murdering everyone in the room, or commiting suicide.
Maybe both

He looks more like he can barely contain his horny.

if that's lethal weapon 3 then he should be 35 or 36

there is nothing more kino
try 'it's probably me' from the lethal weapon 3 soundtrack

>Bad Genes

Get raped by a pack of niggers OP

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>'it's probably me'
Is that from the fart scene?

I loved when Mel asked that reporter if he "had a dog in this fight" as a euphemism for "are you Jewish" after a question about his drunken antisemitic rant.

Damn bro

>when you hate the jews so much you become muslim

>Asked what he thought of gay people, he said, "They take it up the ass." Gibson then proceeded to point at his posterior and said: "This is only for taking a shit." When reminded that he had worked closely with gay people at drama school, Gibson said, "They were good people, kind, I like them. But their thing is not my thing." When the interviewer asked if Gibson was afraid that people would think he is gay because he's an actor, Gibson replied, "Do I sound like a homosexual? Do I talk like them? Do I move like them? What happens is when you're an actor, they stick that label on you."

Based Mel


before the onions epidemic

do i need to fuck hooker to look like this? PLEASE TELL ME MEL!

>Mel Gibson was 23 years old in the first Mad Max
what the fuck

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Or that other time when he called Winona Ryder an "oven dodger." Classic

Men are more feminine now. Wil Wheaton is older now than Patrick Stewart was when Star Trek The Next Generation started.

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Sun, smoking, drinking, and probably the various speeds of the 1980's.

Woah, I didn't even realize that about Wheaton. Really puts it into perspective.

Patrick Stewart was 46 during the filming of the first season. Wheaton turns 47 in a couple of months. Only one drinks onion juice.

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Holy fuck, dude. I'm going to be turning 46 soon and Mel looks older than me by about 10 years. Crock Dundee looks like he could be my Dad.

I dunno about why but when you're a heavy drinker and smoker, it catches up to you. As for myself, never smoked, haven't drank since my college days, no drugs, low salt for 20+ years & lowering sugar intake for past 10 years (not diabetic, just health conscious).

Mel beats me in the big hair department, though.




uhm yeah, he looks like shit, OP.
fearfully assumes erection

What you're seeing isn't age it's testosterone and absence of onions.

he looks great you filthy nigger

fucking filter

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He looks young though. His skin is youthful. It's just his hair and the general style makes him look older

smoking and LA

Remember when Bill Maher thought he could be Mel Gibson? Good times!

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you mean he became a sikh

It's Mel fucking Gibson, great genetics.


Nah. Looks no youthlier than harry styles today.

The "father" looks like some biological experiment that lost its funding half-way through. Jesus.

People go out of their way to look effeminate these days, more or less. People are more healthy, nobody smokes, people usually only drink recreationally. It's a different time.

I'll take the way men used to look over the way they look now any day of the week. At least they look like men and not metrosexual faggots.

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Wheaton is the God of BetaBoys. I always chuckled at his starfleet uniform. He could have passed for a chick.

weird choice of pic considering your rhetoric. you know if you take off the nostalgia goggles (and high contrast film) this looks like an older michael cera

And yet you won't get .000001% of the pussy that he did. Pretty sad.

This is an actor, a man who is supposed to look better than average man. He is not representation of average mans looks of his time.

Jesus fuck why don't you post Paul fucking Newman as an example of "le average boomer" while you're at it.

Apparently this entire board has never heard of cocaine and how the seventies and 80s were peak cocaine times in Hollywood. You could still see it early 90s but it started to peter out.

>I'll take the way men used to look over the way they look now any day of the week.

I second that

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>older michael cera looks like Steve McQueen
He fucking wishes, lad.
That's true but this is a television and film board and everyone else is posting actors, you absolute retardo.

its called testosterone ask your dr. maybe you can start living as a man
fuckung phyloestrogen gen zzz fagets

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>heh Im a moron but ill just post insults cuz no arguments

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Looks like Tom Holland at 40 shot with crusty film stock. Ever heard of a jaw?

>the year before the murder suicide

Sean Connery ()
Clint Eastwood (34 in Fistful of Dollars)
Daniel Craig (30 in Elizabeth.)

They all look "old" around age 30, but their appeal to women only increases (don't listen to media shrikes clucking about based Mel, he has always been attractive).

What argument is there to be made? Everyone in the thread is posting actors. Nobody is posting 'average zoomers' and 'average boomers.' Are you retarded?
>looks like Tom Holland at 40
Here's your (You)

Attached: steve-mcqueen.jpg (800x1116, 103K)

Creepiest motherfucker I've ever seen

Connery is absolutely based

It's no surprise that a bunch of incels on Yea Forums can't understand what makes a man attractive to a woman.

After a man hits 25, it's more important to look distinctive than pretty.

i'm 30 and i look way worse. i'd kill for the volume of his hair

this is a better pic, still leather skin and crusty photography (find a normal contrast pic, i dare you), while it makes you look 'mature' certainly, isn't really overcoming the fact of skull/jaw shape when you compare to for example OP gibson

They’re more overweight, if you get fat your skin looks younger because it’s stretched and looks smooth like a big dumb baby

If you stay thing your skin doesn’t do that and you just look your actual age

In America like 70% of people are massively overweight or borderline so they look more effeminate and youthful but the reality is they’re just fat

Stewart was never muscular but he never got out of shape, at 46 he was still thin and fit.

The 80s didnt have neet onions faggots that got excited for kids movies, thats what happened.

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this guy is just frowning a lot

It's because he's Australian. They have a hole in the ozone and heavy sunlight there.

It ages them.

you're nitpicking.
It's true he doesn't have a lantern jaw. But everything else about his face is masculine. Chin, eyes, brow, and expression all convey strong masculinity.

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I don't really care about Mel's personal beliefs, but I wish that he hadn't drunkenly exposed them, because he's a handsome, charismatic bastard and I want people to love him still :( The comments sections under any of his vids on youtube give me hope though.

lots of masculine men don't smile a lot. Yet another soi trait is smiling like a goof constantly. One of those OkCupid studies confirmed this. Smiling improved responses for women, but not smiling improved responses for men.

Fucking fag pussy

Sup Eric, hope you like gay porn

That's likely part of it but Mr. Wheaton goes out of his way to reject masculinity so for dudes like him, there's probably more going on than just excess body fat.

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sure. just let's not shoot that chin tuck angle like the mcqueen-op used

Big Boss: Mel Gibson
Solid Snake: Wyatt Russell

Not only that but masculine men tend to silently laugh as well.

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No one is saying he looks bad just saying looks more like a handsome 40 year old than a handsome 30 year old. Why is that difficult for you nog's to grasp

haha! Thanks, man.

wtf are you talking about the hair is iconic

This is the zoomer zenith of masculinity.

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Is that beard natty?

He's actually pretty masculine apart from how well coifed his hair is in this one pic. Would offer him my white daughter if I had one.

How else would you get 18 year old pussy if you don't look young?

>tfw no mommy janeway

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oh man, you need to learn a lot lot of stuff

I look worse than him and I’m 20

He's australian

just less onions

>nostalgia goggles
>Steve McQueen looking at all like Michael Cera
Thanks for telling us you don't know what you are talking about, superfaggot.

>always couldn't help smiling like a goof all the time in grade school and laughing at the stupidest shit no one else laughed at

Yep. I was always doomed. Genetics are a bitch.

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The only arguments you made is how much of a superfaggot you are and no one is going to argue against that.


18-22 year olds chicks, aka the only ones that matter, want a pretty boy with patchy stubble at best and a fuckboy haircut with putty in it, not some leathery, chiseled smoker with a Muslim beard. Young bitches want Tom Holland and Zayn, not Daniel Craig

>tfw looks like me
Am I old?
30.7 years of age

tell that to my 18yo gf, maybe she wants to reconsider

This. I work in a pizzeria and all of the young ladies who work there were ready to jump my bones because I'm baby faced, but then they found out I was 30 and now I have to work a bit harder for it.

>only ones that matter
gross, all the ones up to 35 are fine

if your gf is still in HS then you need to reconsider the relationship, it's just extremely creepy

>it's just extremely creepy

I'm 31 and I look exactly the same (sans the 80s hair)

This is what bigotry, hate and antisemitism does to you

>if your gf is still in HS then you need to reconsider the relationship, it's just extremely creepy

Do you want to know how I know you're a pedo in denial?

fellow baby faced 30yo boomer confirming.

shit is, as we used to say, so cash.

>Was it bad genetics, drugs, or what?
>or what

Looking like and carrying yourself like a man (indeed, like an alpha man) was encouraged throughout the 1980's. By comparison, millennials are low-testosterone söÿböÿs who were raised in a culture profoundly distorted by cultural marxism thanks to the rise of the 1960's hippie generation into positions of power (CEO's of news organizations and entertainment media production outlets, mayors, governors, and presidents). Millennials have been conditioned that it is acceptable to remain as manbabies, playing video games and consuming Star Wars, Capeshit, and other media made for children ages 5-15.

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do tell, I'm only 22 and I wouldn't want a relationship with a fucking highschooler, they literally have children mentalities still for christ sake, I knew a guy that dated a 16 yo while being 21, she ended up dumping him because again, HS kids are just that, trying to get em to commit to adults is asking too much

I never got why the hate to the guy at the right, he just looks like a vintage soccer player

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i was with you until video games, fuck off... i just want to enjoy my video games, if it means men becoming pussies so be it

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Fashion shows are drug-money laundering schemes, right?

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nice cherrypicking. most dudes just dress like normal people and I'd rather be able to just throw on a pair of jeans and shirt than have to maintain that 50s crap everyday of the week and need to constantly go to a dry cleaner. I guarantee you've never dressed like that for more than a day straight, its a fucking hassle and theres a reason why everybody ditched it as soon as they could

>I'm only 22

Oh, I see, you haven't seen it from the outside yet, just wait, you'll miss young meat a lot, a damn lot

post what you wear on a daily basis.

I hope my morals prevent me from lusting over HS kids then, geez

>that whole post

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>18-22 year olds chicks, aka the only ones that matter, want a pretty boy with patchy stubble at best and a fuckboy haircut with putty in it, not some leathery, chiseled smoker with a Muslim beard. Young bitches want Tom Holland and Zayn, not Daniel Craig
You're thinking of 16 and under girls. 18-22 are high school seniors and college girls and while their ideal might be a Chris Hemsworth pre-Med student on the Lacrosse Team, they'll go for Daniel Craig like masculinity every single time before a baby-faced pretty boy.

cigarretes and dugs and eating different things
plus he is looking better the you ever will, incel

looks like a normal dude to me

>bad genetics
Yeah I'm thinking he probably banged more chicks in a week than u will ur whole life

>Why did 45 year olds look like 30 year olds?
but he looks like a 60 year old, faggot

also they might pursue cutie tom holland for a boyfriend but there will be nights (particularly around ovulation) when they fantasize about one of these rough masculine men taking them hard.

anyone else starting a fedora collection
men used to have such class, guess we have to remind them of what real men look like, right?

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very weird how everyone's talking about manliness or whatever nebulous shit instead of the obvious implication OP is getting at with how fucking old he looks for his age

Not that guy, but are you saying that based Cary Grant doesn't look better in that pic than any of those guys he's juxtaposed with?

i think a lot of it had to do with cigarettes. Smoking blocks estrogen. so your test is higher. plus smoking keeps the weight off.

based twink bros. feels good still being assumed to be 18.
>t. 27 y/o twink

you know Mel smells like Brut.

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>collection of trilbys
>thinks they are fedoras

Fagit manbaby millennials don't even realize how inadequate they truly are.

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>a trilby is not a fedora

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>millennial manbaby wearing trilby

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>alpha male wearing fedora

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I like the smell of brut

I still buy the deodorant, smells nicer than the sports ones

Based and this.

>using deoderant with aluminum in 2019

Large Yikes

Cucked and soi

he looks fine nigger faggot retard neck yourself

>thinks a construction like morals impacts an unbidden instinct like lust
oh, to be so naive again..

mad about boring truths

dae oldschoolcool ftw?

not american

waste of dubs on sub 80 iq retard faggot

Why don't men look like men anymore? I'm 30 and I look like a child

I forgot where he said this but he drank a pitcher of beer every morning while he was filming that movie.

Probably haven't destroyed your skin with UV radiation like Mel.

does he dye any part of that beard? that coloration is peak aesthetic

he has to, it just looks too badass

Because he’s an amerimutt.

Gays keep themselves in shape. For the homosex.

Should I be comparing myself to people that are being paid large amount of money for being exceptionally good looking? Because I am.


Mel and Rich Piana, brothers in drunk racist rants

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The goatee looks legit.






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Always was interested, why "era" of hats passed away. Classic men's hats look cool as fuck

>the way men used to look

For a very brief few decades during the 1900's. I'm not bashing your tastes, but you come off as the type of person who complained about men having long hair in the 60's and 70's while totally ignoring the fact that long hair in men was common for most of history.

Nigga you just did