Critics' Poll: ‘Mad Max: Fury Road' Named Best Movie of the 2010s


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yeah, easily

>movies are so shit now that people think Fury Road was anything above average

Um where's Avengers

>When splitting the ballots between genders, female voters had considerably more love for Jordan Peele’s “Get Out” and Barry Jenkins’ “Moonlight,” both of which came just a vote shy of tying “Mad Max: Fury Road” for the top spot. Whereas, when it came to male voters, Peele’s film barely made the top 20 and “Moonlight” narrowly snuck into the top 10.

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Mad Max without Mel isn't Mad Max. He should have played the bad guy.

kinda goes to show how much of an absolute joke women are

The list is all pop movies, that's what the biggest critics get paid to view and review. Hollywood is in decline, sure, but the critics in a general poll are never not going to pick from their own reviewed work.
That being said, Furry road was the best movie out of their list so they at least have some semblance of taste, all be it clearly biased

Fine by me. It's pure motion, colour, sound. Fury Road utilises the most fundamental aspects of cinema just as efficiently and spectacularly as any academic arthouse piece. Being popular doesn't mean it's bad, it would have been BAD if capeshit or something had topped the list but John Seale and George Miller did an excellent job at making the format do what it does best. If you bitch about this and then also bitch about Nolan's fight choreography in the Dark Knight trilogy lacking proper geography, saying it lets down the entire film/s, then you're only on this board for the adrenaline rush of negging anything and everything, which is pathetic but unsurprising.

Fury Road is pure cinema entertainment; a self-contained, immersive, cathartic experience accessible to the masses, as it should be. If you rewatch it at home on your laptop and it doesn't give you the same feeling that's not the movie's fault, that's because it's a FILM. To be presented in a CINEMA. Gold standard.

this faggot has watched less than 100 movies in their entire life

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fury road was great

Sure, though really says more about shit the 2010s were for film.

I'd completely agree with that

moonlight is unironically better than fury road

Here's my top 3:
The Master
Blade Runner 2049
The Tree of Life

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But Sonic hasn't come out yet

Dredd was better.

>subhuman leftists vote for feminist propaganda

Why do women love black people so much?

Movies are generally pretty shit now, but you're retarded if you think Fury Road is below average.

Women are the oversocialized of the oversocialized. Everything is performance.

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It's schlock for Reddit manchildren.


I'm not sure I'd say that, but it says a lot given how blackpilled everyone was about it pre-release, didn't even come out until like 3 years after filming

>white man's movie beats two SJW nigger movies
>Yea Forums still mad
Can't even make this shit up.

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>No Black Panther

Women are the NPC gender



>Get Out
>Call Me By Your Name
>La La Land
>no Drive
Fuck off.

>Get Out above Certified Copy, Uncle Boonme, Twin Peaks, and The Act of Killing
If you actually put any meaning into this list then you are a brainlet.

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Fuck off, reviewscrew. Go rewatch Spider-Man: Homecoming.

With the amount of absolute dogshit that completes the list below it, It shouldn't have even been close.

That's retarded. Just off the top of my head, Whiplash, Birdman and Drive are much better.

>WB won't make the sequel
I'd think a follow up would do better than fury road.
Mad Max was basically a New Ip for most audiences but now that people liked it they would rush out to see the sequel


>Get Out
>not conjuring from Based Wan

I've been playing the game so much I forgot it was based off this movie specifically.

Get Out is the most overrated horror film of the 21st century. It isn't bad but I'm so sick and tired of idiots who don't know shit about horror calling it one of the greatest horror films of all time. Romero and Cronenberg are far better than Peele when it comes to social-commentary horror.

Fury Road is a good spectacle, a fun amusement park ride, but I can think of a half dozen movies I found more memorable.

1. mad max fury road
2. burning

I dont get zoomers (70+% of Yea Forums), I don't get their prise for this flick? like none of my friends (30+ y.o) tought it was above average

same with Dredd, who to fuck remembers Dredd? yet tv zoomers prised it to no end

anyway fuck zoomers

Green Book was a fun movie. I thought it would be much more heavy handed in SJW commentary, surprised I didn't see it on the list since it was all the rage a few months back.

And people still refuse to believe dilation is a thing

fuck off

I remember Dredd
Your friends are normie faggots that watch capeshit and GoT

Interesting, what does he mean exactly by oversocialization?

These critics might as well put the fucking Transformers movies on their top 20 if Fury Road is that high

>like none of my friends
I don't care for Fury Road, but whoever makes these kinds of non arguments is a supreme mental midget

>female voters had considerably more love for Jordan Peele’s “Get Out” and Barry Jenkins’ “Moonlight,”

Why do women tend to focus more on black people?

In terms of pure filmmaking skill, it's up there

>Also of note, Paul Thomas Anderson’s “The Master” was barely recognized by the female contingent of the poll, but did place at the sixth spot overall when all 250 lists were combined.
I fucking hate women

I hope you don't like movies like Moonlight and Roma and somehow think you have taste.

No Manchester by the Sea?

I'm comparing age 'brackets', you braindead moron

>Wins almost all the Oscars
>Story is actually great
>Practical effects AND CGI
>Actual custom cars
Yeah, it's safe to say it's the best one.

>didn't like Fury Road or Dredd
you might just not like action movies, because those two were great.


Was there any reason to include this obnoxious shit? Or is this the only way to get replies now?

women are the niggers of gender, this is known

ok, tell me your real age please.


>blue collar
>Casey Affleck got #MeToo'd
Um, sweetie...

No you'd be right, those movies are way worse, but most people already forgot about them compared to Mad Max, so yeah

Do you really think everyone older than 30 hates Fury Road and everyone younger than 30 loves it? Are you so deep in your mental gymnastics brainletism?
Are all of these critics actually underage? Is George Miller actually a 13 year old Fortnite player?

Women should genuinely not be allowed to professionally review movies after looking at the way they voted on this.


Drive was shit.

I'm 31 and i totally agree with

but the 2010s aren't over yet.
And obviously there are better movies this decade already as well.

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Obviously Mad Max Fury Road isn't the best film of the 2010s. But it is the best action film of the 2010s.

"""Critics""" always start their End-Of lists super early just to get clicks faster.

>muh buzzwords
>muh website tribalism

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website tribalism

try again, autist.

Why you gotta belittle good movies, user? Let people like what they like.

>let aggressive fanboy spergs keep shilling meme movies out of underexposure to the medium

Sorry not everything is as enjoyable to you as your snime you fat weeb loser

>liking something is shilling it
>only tourists could possibly like these movies

Basically NPCism

Zoomers didn't watch Fury Road. That's why it only broke even. They watch James Wan horror and MCU

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Mad Max dabs in the sequel

Disneymoms be seething. Twenty years ago These films were typical of Hollywood but in today's Chinese wasteland they stand out as new classics .

based and truepilled

What the stories of these films have in common is strong women. Visually, they were exceptional.

>Twenty years ago These films were typical of Hollywood
ahhh yes, the almost 3 hour long sparse dialogue contemplative Hollywood films of the late 90s, ofcourse

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>Women like whatever public opinion tells them to like

go watch someone yell at you or each other for 45 minutes

Lol literally me but i’m a 30yo

Fury Road in the cinema was head and shoulders the best movie experience of my life. Totally blown away. I was living with no internet at the time and expected a shitty action remake to tide me over until Jurassic World.

I've only seen two movies on this list
>Mad Max

I'm 31 and like all of those

not every movie has to be requiem for a dream
the music and visuals alone in mad max are worth a 9 or 10

>Fury Road in the cinema was head and shoulders the best movie experience of my life. Totally blown away.
this for me too
i went in with no expectations as my brother (who's born in the 70s and has seen all the earlier stuff) invited me to see it

Everyone in the thread is a pleb

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I prefer Mad Max 2: madder max

>No Turin Horse, Grandmaster, Inside Out, Knight of Cups, Drive, Death of Louis XIV or Duke of Burgundy.
Normies are a special kind of cancer.

>TP: The Return

Lynch said The Return was an 18-hour film

Fury Road was unironically a terrific action movie though.

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Lynch is a fucking hack, dude.

Notice how the people criticizing this never name an alternative for fear of being mocked.

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He was just explaining why it's allowed on the list. He never said it was good. Calm down, you seething sperg.

Why do people rate Moonlight and Boyhood so highly?

it's fair
think about it
name another film in the 10s that pushed the media and inspired other creators for it's originality
it's like one of these old movie that these days are classics and that many modern films rip off


you're mentally ill.

Because it was directed by a gay negro and the main character is a gay negro.


+1 like

Absolute seethe

-1 like


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FR is good but Dredd is the best action kino of the 2010s

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actual best is either of pic related

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Inside Llewyn Davis was my personal favorite of the decade. True Grit as well.

don't think I can look past Tree of Life personally. Maybe The Great Beauty.

>Muh 2001 for kids
You should be over 18 for posting here

>Maybe The Great Beauty.
That's 2008

Correction, it's actually 2013

Good taste but you'd be crazy to think either of these would win on public opinion votes

This guy gets it. It really is an incredibly well made movie. If it wasnt for the main story being about females and reproduction, Yea Forums would love it.


We did love it and I remember us cheering for it to go ahead and win BP at the Oscars.

This movie was fucking retarded trash.

Fury Road hating brainlets BTFO

Get over yourselves. What more do you need at this point to admit that you're wrong about this movie?

Finally, someone with sense. I mean, it was okay at best. Generic stuff that so many spooge over. Weird.

based as fuck

Yes, you have many pleb brothers.

>The Master

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Scientologist detected.



>The Master
lol no pseud

Mad Max: Fury Road was great, but Dawn of the Planet of the Apes was easily the greatest movie of the 10's.

It was a pretty movie and the production was impressive but it was not very good.

Kill yourself, pseud

01. Horse Money
02. The Act of Killing
03. Long Day's Journey Into Night
04. The Turin Horse
05. Goodbye to Language
06. The Master
07. The Tale of the Princess Kaguya
08. Spring Breakers
09. Mysteries of Lisbon
10. Happy Hour

special mention: Twisted Pair

it was a great visual spectacle but the plot and characters were nothing special. The best part of the world building was the war boyz lore.

it's pretty GOAT tbqh famalam

>John Wick
The only woman in John Wick was his wife and she was definitely not strong

honestly you got btfo there

>the turin horse

wtf this came out in 2011, I thought it was way older. I don't remember much of it though except for the thieving gypsies and the monologue.

I don't watch a lot of movies, or a lot of new movies but I did watch the big short recently and thought it was pretty good, except for those "here's celebrity to explain x"


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i bet you unironically like trap music nigger lol

Drive is literally the worst movie ever

Uncle Boonme was a fucking trip

What's wrong with that? I thought Fury Road was really good. Sure I wouldn't call it the best, but it was pretty good

>cgi snow

Mad Max spamming download.jpg faggot

Mad Max spamming download.jpg faggot

Mad Max was not a feminist movie. It was quite the opposite. If you say it was, you're literally retarded.
Also OP is an iPhone faggot, the biggest a fag can get.

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some film minor chick i was trying to bone said one of her top 5 movies she really liked was "12 years a slave"

then i learned she had a loose relationship with a spic
she's white

i hate liberal shithole cities with colleges

Well, since ya'll are so smart and have such big IQs, what are Yea Forums's best movies of the 2010s? And don't you fucking say Batman v Superman.


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>Mad Max was not a feminist movie
The director disagrees

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Peepee in asshole fucker

just another reasons women shouldn't be allowed to vote

just because you have female opinions doesn't mean you're a real woman

would be if it had a plot

>Blade Runner 2049
Could be this. I don't watch enough kinos to say, but it was the most kino film I saw.

>aah yes the late 90s where every film stared Ryan Gosling as a replicant
thats how dumb you sound right now.

It doesn't say anything. It doesn't do anything new. I don't think watching that film would unknot anything inside the viewer.

Requiem for a dream isnt even good though

>tfw oversocialised
I guess getting beaten and berated at random did its job

fuck, my mom did that shit all the time to me, but even then, i don´t care about normies (my brain does tho and it hurts like a migraine sometimes, i cannot escape the cringe itself)

Its not even close to the best action film.
>The raid
>Mission impossible rogue Nation
>Dawn of the planet of the Apes
>The Raid 2
>Mission impossible fallout
>Mission impossible ghost protocol
>Edge of tomorrow
>Hardcore Henry
>The night comes for us
>Fury Road
>Furious 7
Its the 11th best action movie of the 2010s, not even in the top 10 lmao. There's no way it's in the top 25 movies in general.

Moonlight was a better film than Fury Road

>hahahaha guys look I’m a contrarian

I won’t even elaborate on this just hold that L for eternity

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Not with that garbage blue day-for-night sequence and that horrendous flying at the camera 3D CGI.

>a terrible decade for film
>and then we get trump
Yep, we're living in the worst possible timeline.

>movie where nothing happens and then the character turns back and goes because back to starting point of the movie is the greatest movie of the 2010s
