May as well tell the story here, pn the odd chance on of you fuckers are dumb enough to make same mistake. So I was planning on getting a fucking 4k OLED TV. ends up backing out of that after the first delivery date for ir was Jone 18th. But still had this DVD on order. It was $400. I thought I had seen DVR on it, and after al, for 2x what the BEST DVD players cost, must be fucking amazing, right?
WRONG. It's only selling point? It's for rich regenerate gulf arabs who's end their filthy oil money like water, ad get DVDs from over the world and different zones, much of which is probably tapes of pedo shit.snuff porn knowing what generates they are. That's it. That's the only selling point.
Other tha that, it's fucking...the DVD player had about 5 years ago that "upscaled" before my brother stole it from me has better pic. and it has ZERO other fucking cool pictures like the "keyboard" type remote. Nothing. Could ave used my fucking x-box on remote blue-ray slyer and no fucking difference.
Can I send the fucker back? I don't se how I have ground to, and thy take pics of the motherfucker on the doorstep now so you cannot say it was damaged. 400 fucking shekels. Could have bought a new PS 4 pro with the new VR *ok for a few more bucks but stillP. the fucking driving set have been wanting to use with euro Truck Sim and VR? About $415. and I fucking WASTED monet on this since eI thought I needed it with my new OLED 4k TV. Someone just kill me right fucking now please.. maybe if I register it i can return the cocksucker and get credit with Sony, my only hope.
Just fucking wasted $400 on a Dvd player. I want to die
have sex pls
Just tell Amazon it won't turn on.
can't you just read amazon's return policy on it?
Hi, I work at Amazon and can confirm you have 30 days from purchase to return with no explanation. Outside of those 30 days you also have Amazon's 1 year warranty, if anything goes wrong just send it back and we'll replace it or refund it, your choice.
Amazon, we're taking you from A - Z, with a smile. :)
amazon have become sneaky fuckers though. They fo occasionally test shit these days, sound out with a monitor i tried to return, which the fucks sent back, postage due.
You let too much pressure build up in your life, your wife (ok and me too) decide on an OLEd since it seems reasonable enough now i terms of price. so you ask your "Assistant" to look into for it you, then ququestion her about price: "$400? how about the others? That sounds like a lot since others ones..." (don't want to admit i'm in my 30s, her boss and play with an xbox.)
"umm, Annona, does it DVR?"
"Wait..let me check for you Mr. user...umm, yep, I se the words DVR here.."OK, then i guess maybe if I can record shows too, maybe it is worth it. thanks.."
Should have fuckign checked myself other than briefly glancing it over... I mean i my defense, who the fuck could imagine they make this kind of shit now for Gulf oil scum spending money they didn't earn on illegal porn? Speaking of which, wonder if I'm on an illegal list now or something. It was also mean to come with an EU plug and some other shit, which it didn't. Maybe I can get Sony on THAt and get credit for a PS VR????
This post reeks of autism. The typos, the grammar - I don't think you're even white are you? Pathetic. I'm glad you lost your money.
I don't quite understand what the issue is. Did you want a BD player and got a DVD player or what? It's pretty normal that region free players are this expensive.
/g/ here. Avoid like the plague.
assume you are trolling, going to try but i've been being fucky with them a bit, but given the amount of money wasted with them I should have the right to be fucky... the fuckers, ge this...sent me an email that they "Want to have a team of accountants look over my...I think it said "tax returns" or something? I just laughed, and this was, (JUUST MY LUCK) a few days ago, when i not only wanted to return this but also wanted a bunch of free prime books to fucking get a clear rundown on installing an octane into a new motherboard to give it a jump when starting up...I'm just so, so fucking unhappy with myself and everything right, WHO THE HELL COULS IMAGINE THAT GULF DEGENERATES PAY AN EXTRA $250+ FOR A DVD PLATER THAT PLAYS SHIT FROM "ALL 8 ZONES???" I'm a fucking tech geek with subs to software, hardware, and electronics mags and didn't know these existed...
Just tell them it isn't what you thought it was from the ad.
>on't think you're even white are you? Pa
yeah fucko, I'm white. the typing is shit bc I'm in shock at pissing away $400 shekels...on nothing, on a plater gulf perverts and possibly jews buy to watch bizarre porn.
You write like a literal psychopath my man. Get help.
None of the return options let you leave no explanation - what is the best one to choose? The “i just dont want it” option makes you pay to print the return label, is it best to just lie and say it’s damaged??
wtf is this reddit shit
OLEDs? Keep hearing good things about them, just don't fucking game on them and don't leave on stations like CNN with the fucking emblem. Basically, you use them for mostly movies. Which I was cool with, was just going to hand the others 65inch Tv over it on the wall and use my consoles on that. Any opinion on the QLEDs?
>this fucking thread
hi redd1t
>You write like a literal psychopath my man.
you fucking unless scumbags, who I'm assuming are arabs pissed that I'm calling out what these players for bizarre "different zones" must be used for, you fucking useless degenerates. Hoe exactly a "psychopath" type? you sound like a man of experience. and you Are a fucking arab, correct?
I have no idea what OP tried to tell us. You bought BD UHD drive but got DVD player? Or tried to play DVD on BD drive but didn't work? I really don't get it. Even dogs can do better grammar.
Yeah, he seems to be kinda fucked in the head.
Looks like he purchased a standard definition DVD player that happened to come with a length of hdmi cable that was rated for 4k.
wait for micro-led or get a good IPS LCD.
OLED is buzzword snake-oil meme tech for trendy idiots who will gladly cash out for a downgrade. The color "richness" is just oversaturation to trick the plebs.
my S8 got burn-in after a year, and I got a Pocophone because of the IPS screen specifically.
>buying a dvd player when any modern computer and game console can play them
>hi redd1t
Another motherfucking arab, the most clever response ehe can come up with. Spying I'd EVER "sign up" for anything. Os is it bc, like Dr. Pierce, i don't like seeing young white women (and in some cases girls) being abused by semites? Is that what makes me "red--t? How about digging your dead mother's corpse up, trying to pay mods a few grand to find out where you live, and to have her sitting on your couch WiTH my new DVD player on with "Pocahontas" playing and a cup of steaming hot tea in front of her rotting, decaying body with only her finger nails and hair having grown? Is that r--t too?
Fuckig having a genuine crisis, the one group of degenerates where I actually consider some here "friends" even though hav never met any of you faggots, and i get this shit from the nu-Yea Forums brigade. Lovely...
>optical drives
>it's a OP is a schizo episode
yeah, and genius, explain how you run a wire 90 peet and down a flight of stairs from your PC to where your OLED TV is meant to go? How does that work? Are you going to do a "Srceen capture" each time you want to watch a movie? Explain...
god lmao, please don't delete this thread
include me in the screencap boys
Give me back my DVD player inshallah or I'll slay you puny kuffar
>He doesn't collect physical media
Why are you here? Back to redd1t with you, fuckface.
t. quffar
God damn why would you buy a DVD player which supports 480p at most for 4K TV?
Why the fuck did you even buy a region free model
UHD literally has no region codes
You could've bought any old 4K player and then only paid like a 100 bucks for a second, regular blu-ray player that's region free if you really wanted one
Dude calm down just contact amazon and get a return address you spastic
>>it's a OP is a schizo episode
That's always the next insult.."shizo." As if THAT is meant to insult me. i don't get "incel" though, which is interesting. Only posted this here today sine last night, looked it over after work, and posted on here "I think I got fucked paying $400 for a garbage DVD player...." 3 diff anons responded: "not possible, you must be missing something." and so I was comforted and responded; "yeah, you're probably MUST have a DVR built in, just not seeing it...
Xbox one s has an ultra hd player for half of the price with Xbox one, 360, and og game support. (It also supports kodi and it is easy to install other shit to make it worthwhile)
I just torrent what I feel like.
I only have a phone, and a tv, ps2, gba, and thinkpad I never use.
>That's always the next insult.."shizo."
That happens a lot doesn't it you fucking nutcase
Take your Clozapine dude.
It's still good for ultra hd and ripping cds.
Should’ve bought an Oppo for $1700
I guess a BluRay drive would be nice but you'd still barely use it.
Ehh, don't know where you are from OP. But people in the EU have the right to revoke (almost) any online transaction involivng physical goods in the time span of 14 days after delivery.
>spend $400 on a blu Ray player
>could’ve bought a PS4 Pro for less
you're a fucking retard
PS4 probably wouldn't be region free, but like I said earlier, you can just buy another player that is for peanuts. Unless, of course, you want an actual GOOD player, in which case you should follow this guy's advice
what oled did you order?
any reccs for a good blue ray with really top notch special effects and sound? I need to find my fucking receiver and plug in my speaker towers and the ones hanging on the wall and see if at least the sound is good.
What's a good BlueRay to take really take the sound for a test drive and try to wake up neighbors 2 acres away? And please not that "fast and furious" or degenerate "rap" shit..
Irony here is that for another $600, could have gotten a fucking 65inch 4k QLED.... I should just shut up and try watching something and think about this tomb when I have a clear head and if I can jew amazon back out of this money somehow...I know anons said it should be easy and under normal circumstances would be but THIS is month fuckers decided to "investigate" me after a mother board and a GPU from amazon crapped out on e, got a "Puget" engineer to independently certify it, and so in last few day Amazon has locked ,e out of my account wafter an email saying they were "auditing" my account with a team of accountants. the message? "You're NOT really meant to ever use the insurance coverage, goyim..."
did you wander over here from /x/ or /pol/?
>What's a good BlueRay to take really take the sound for a test drive and try to wake up neighbors 2 acres away?
I'm sure there's something in this list that'll please you
I would bet my life that this is a boomer who discovered this website through Qanon.
yeah fucko, you found me out. Now, get my arthritis cream, goyim, and fetch my "Q" shirt and my painted "Lock her Up" sign. Any day now Q is going to give th sign and she'll be in jail, the last brick will be in the wall, and Trumps' 44D chess will pattens off when he nukes Israel. Just wait, you'll see... fetch my heart pills too while you're at it, goy...
Nice blog. I got the same one. I moved from Europe to US, and even before that my BD collection was nearly 50:50 split because i imported a lot mainly from Japan.
I debated getting two units for each region, for legit warranty and shit, in the end convenience won. As long as it doesn't break, I have no regrets.
Protip: 4k are region free anyway.
It's literally 2x the price of unmodded same model unit. Maximum jewing for a 15 minute hard mod job, but then it's like 3 hours of my work after taxes so what fucking ever.
look at the bright side, at least you got free shipping
>Should’ve bought an Oppo for $1700
Just looked into it...fucig OPPO seems to do pretty much everything mine does, although admittedly surely at a higher quality, seems like same gulf oil arab. Jew pedi base of buyers. Who else on this planet needs a fucking DVD player tha can play from all 7 "zones." Yes, I know Nippon and Europe supposedly used to have different DVD standards, but I could swear the changed all tithe and standardized it with the US...i know last time I was in Italy with an ex-GF, we were at a friends' house and watching DVDs I brought from ZOG...
It has a stocker on the side that says "do not desperate this from the attached package," so no idea WTF was in it but the dumb negro amazon driver def. dropped something.
You sound a bit intoxicated OP. Better take a break from whatever shit youre taking and get a clear head instead of posting here.
The anons before were right btw. you can probably just send the DVD player back to amazon if you bought it from them directly.
hows your collection going user i dont buy 4k movies just blu rays?
I just want to tell you that you should probably seek some kind of mental help ASAP.
Also that you're an idiot and Amazon will refund and pay for shipping any item you tell them is defective, no questions asked.
physical media is completely pointless aside from making the initial 1:1 rip
Wait, you got fucked too with the same model? I thought that with blue rays they had changed it as far as as the "zone shit," thus my assumption only arabs or jews could want it for pedo, scat, etc... ripped onto shitty dvds...
You have a disorganized mind and it shows in your writing style.
>I just want to tell you that you should probably seek some kind of mental help ASAP.
Gee, thank you so much Dr. I do so appreciate mental health advice from motherfuckers on here who are, in about !60% of cases far more unstable than i could ever DREAM of being...
Wish...just explained, CANNOT return fun-all to amazon, given that the fuckers locked me out 3 days ago after I had a motherboard and a card both legit burn out on me, and had an engineer who works for Puget do an independent review of it and sent that to them by overnight fed-ex. And I had their "extra insurance" on both of those, but when they break suddenly the fuckers don't want to pay..
Oh, and at least the fucker has 3D so I can watch "Avatar" in 3D, despite it being possibly THE most anti-White, anti-Western movie ever made...Let cameron make one like that, only concerning the people of constantinople rallying to defeat the turks, and see how long before the turks kill him...
Sorry, I actually got X700 instead of X800, there was some difference in specs and format support that tipped me that way, despite X700 being more plasticky and cheaper looking.
Other than that I have no clue what the fuck you're trying to say, can you rephrase in English?
>ou have a disorganized mind
true enough. also have moments of creative genius, which is why have an assistant to keep me on schedule, maid to claim the house, accountant to do taxes, business manager for bills, agent, publicist, etc...I just have to fucking "produce" what I do...
Alright Anons, what's the over/under on OP actually being insane? If it's a joke he's definitely committed to the bit, and I'm inclined to think it might be real.
Place your bets here.
Your mom has many titles.
Eish....I'm doubting you speak Afrikaans, correct? I thought that, in ~2010, they had done away with all the "zoning" shit regarding DVDS once Blue Rats were brought into common usage.
Hence, my reason for assuming the only people who would need non-standardized types of VDVDs that could be read by a player like this would be Arab filth watching Scat or whatever filth they buy from tel-aiv.
I'm also asking if anyone in the thread can recommend one good blue ray to really test out the sound and the picture...then I will go away. Much to the relief of the nu-pol types here atm.
Take your meds, user.
>over/under on OP actually being insane?
It's a "special" kind of nuthouse my sweet, sweet friend, where you get to use internet and buy DVDs and OLED TVs.
you know, I just looked, and my current fucking samsung runs at 3845x2420. That's actually pretty fucking good, esp running on a Roku. A 4k rich, but still a Roku. Other than the OLED to get "true blacks" in my colours, not sur why i really need an OLED. Maybe I need to reevaluate this entire gig.
It's pretty amazing the way some of you react when you actually meet a genuinely "creative" person. If I told you fuckers what I did for a living and what I wrote, not one of you would believe me. anyway, thanks to the few anons I had civil conversations with. Later...
What am I looking at?
Clean that crud off your screen.
The X800 is a really good UHD 4K player. It looks better than your Xbox, especially when it comes to upscaling DVDs. You're a moron, dude. You're complaining about a player because it has "zero cool pictures." Fucking lmao kys.
You sound literally retarded and can barely even string a coherent sentence together. I actually have no idea what the fuck you're saying.
This thread is fucking insane. OP, are you drunk or just crazy?
>Take your meds, user.
It's such a paltry excuse for an insult. Is there nothing more creative in that useless thing you have rattling about inside your skull? I actually enjoy creative insults, but you lot, blheee...the guy suggesting everyone who works for me is my mother was kind of funny, I wish it were true as I could stop giving the agent 15% and business manager 8% and so on down the line.. the rest...bores.
Is this Gary Busey?
kekd and checkd
I for one believe you to be the successful person you claim to be. Purely because I've met a lot of successful people and they are absolutely mad. It's why they're successful
got any tips for an up and comer like myself?
Fuck it, I spend £5k on bottles of wine some nights despite the fact I don't drink, it's the fucking principle. given the amount of shit I have the fucking various GPUs and all sorts of computer HDs, modems, etc.. I have ye to set up and won't put on e-bay, hardly worth complaining over. but it's the PRINCIPLE, mind you. Nah, none of you will ever get it. Fuck it. Off to Union Square to buy a "good" Blue Ray and see what the girls are wearing.... I actually still have all the Academy Screeners from last year, but none of them are Blue Ray and almost all the films are shit. It's all so tiresome...
>It's an "OP is legit crazy thread"
What the fuck is going on here?
If you were who you claim to be, you wouldn't care this much about wasting $400 and you wouldn't come to the mongolian basket weaving forum to cry about it.
If you actually are who you claim to be, make a clear reference to this thread in your next work, then we will retroactively believe you.
Until then consider the reminder you to take your meds as a week intended sign of care and worry, because you unironically appear like a serious mental case.
week -> well
>I'm also asking if anyone in the thread can recommend one good blue ray to really test out the sound and the picture
A BD player does nothing else than decoding a digital stream on the disc and sending it through a HDMI cable to your TV. Every BD player, doesn't matter if cheap or expensive, just sends a fucking series of bits to your TV. It should always look the same.
Legit insanity
Check these doubles by the way :^)
>got any tips for an up and comer like myself?
The movie "there Will Be Blood" i actually all about MANIA. you need to control your mania and channel it, or else your just a loon. Now, you can be a loon on an anonymous place like this. You can even be a lunatic with your...manager, agent, etc.. since they want the gravy train to keep coming in. It's a matter of handling it properly though and channeling the mania when appropriate.
People can laugh here and tell me i belong locked up, but when I get a call from x "yeah, the fucking script for y is REAL fucking garbage, we need you to do your best to fit it. you have 30 days, we'll pay you Z amount of money.."
how many of those people could go those 30 days sleeping at most 2 hours a night? Not many. I can.
Yes, you can return things to Amazon. It says "by HDI" but as long as they're not a scam seller you should be fine.
Wtf is DVR? Does it play DVDs or not? Boomer scum
Playing discs from different regions is super nice. For instance, this is gonna flag me as a fag, but Bam's Unholy Union was only ever released on DVD in the UK. So, if you want to watch it on DVD, you have to import it and play it on a region-free player. Which I do. Seek help.
So are they generates or regenerates?
I farted and shitted at the same time it felt really good but made a big mess.
Hahahaha Sony X800 isn't even $400.
This dumb faggot bought from a third party reseller and paid an extra $100 on top of the normal sale price. Jesus Christ I'm laughing.
I gotta tap out of reading this thread, bro’s. I’m getting physically upset from laughing
And here's the reseller marking up a $300 player to $400.
It was the Indians all along, not the Arabs! Lol
Because some regional dvds have extras or more footage or available exclusively as a region 2 PAL or region 4, etc, disc. Since it's a dvd with a hacked code chip, they charge more. Has nothing to do with arabs and pedo shit, lel at this autism. It's easier to return shit to Amazon than fucking walmart. I've asked for return labels and amazon just sends me what i want and tells me to keep the unwanted product.
Oppo has the best dvd player on the market, but their stock belts are shit. You can conract oppo and they'll send you two free belt replacements tho.
Maybe if you didn't act like such a fucking tweaker you can get what you need in life.
I hear you. I've been thinking about the mania recently. I think I'm channeling my hidden insanity into the right thing now. Time will tell
Are you having a stroke? Call 9-1-1
Why didn't you just channel all this energy into some actual fucking research about what you're buying?
This. Why must you autists make such a fuss over everything holy Christ
>people like OP vote (and probably voted Trump and believe all that retarded pizzagate shit)
Holy fuck we are screwed.
Probably a methhead or someone with a legit psychosis. I know the type, they think they know all about everything but have problems processing the most basic things.
my local dollar general has a 4k copy of BvS: Ultimate Cut for $5 should i pick it up even though i dont have a 4k blu ray player
You should put it up your anus and see if it plays in your head.
You should kill yourself for buying shitty movies.
from the sounds of things OP not only votes but is in charge of some form of business with employees
unless all his 'assistant' talk meant tardwrangler now that i think of it
You should have sex with it.
my local torrent site has BvS: Ultimate Cut for 0$ should i pick it up even though i dont give a shit about capeshit
You should just have sex.
I farted and shitted at the same time it felt really good but made a big mess.
>optical media
I hope you die
LMAO thanks for the easy (you's)
>dollar general
it's probably a retired Redbox Disc
Optical media is not worth anything, I'd rather buy VHS Tapes.
This thread is fucked
ive bought a few blu rays from there and they have all been in great condition
You're welcome.
He means a disc. He wants a disc with a good audio mix with a lot of oomph to demo what I assume is a decent sound system.
Why would you buy this player if you assumed that all the little numbers and shit on the store pictures were to advertise that it is capable of playing strange and poor quality pornography from third world countries?
Unless you secretly have a stash of that shit and wanted a high quality player to watch it.....
You a big dummy or something?
if this is true, oh lawd am i laffin at you OP
what a retard buys "dvd" players, lmao dude just stream from your own server