I can't debate this
I can't debate this
>what is marketing
>McDonalds is the pinnacle of cuisine
This. The only thing nonsensical in her tweet is the tweet itself.
Damn bros. We've been conquered.
>food analogy
>maroon 5 is the pinnacle of music
>McDonald's is bad
>the best restaurants in the world aren't booked 24/7
Just admit your movies are bad
Indie films are literal dogshit
This is the mental level of the professional nerd.
why do we let women access the internet again?
I'm going to play double's advogue kit and say that yes, mcdonalds is the pinnacle of cuisine because it offered the best value and convenience for a meal. It's gone leaps and bounds over every other kind of commercialized meal.
In that same respect, the avengers ARE good movies. Not for their quality, but for their box office draw.
>The Mona Lisa is the pinnacle of art
What's wrong with McDonald's?
the nutritional values and production procedures
>this company has high profit margins therefore their art is superior
It's unhealthy processed fats fast food "made" by 16 year old part timers
I'm right from a human presepctive. Mcdonalds is global more than any other food and avengers rakes in dosh unlike any other movie. Again, from a social standpoint, mcdonalds and the avengers are the most successful and therefore the pinnacle.
Now are they both low quality pleb swill? Yes, but that doesn't change their massive success in their respective categories.
>unhealthy fats
Source? Also the food has good nutritional value, probably the best per dollar you can get
>average IQ is below 100
>average person consumes and has money
>average movie is made for average person
>average movie is made for sub 100 IQ humans
>the greatest of entertainment is for the majority
It makes sense to me. I don't expect the average movie to be made for someone in my IQ range because it would make next to no money. What's nonsensical is arguing with marketing in an industry that is fueled by money. If I want to be entertained as someone in the vast minority I must find the minority of work being made for me or else create it myself.
Should have gone with Thomas Kinkaid. It's not like everyone has the Mona Lisa in their house
Aproximately everything at every level, economical, culinary, sanitary, ecological, and so on.
Noticed you didn't mention marketing. Why is that bud?
>Food analogies are the pinnacle of debate tactics.
Dairy Queen > Wendys >>>>> the rest >>>>>> McDonald's
mass appeal=/=bad
people usually like things because they are good
Nobody knows if a movie is good until they see it. Once you've seen it, it won't matter if you liked it or didn't. All the sales came from whether people wanted to see it, not from whether they actually enjoyed it.
What kind of analogy would please you ?
>Responding to the tone, not the substance of the argument
mass appeal absolutely means a lack of quality, the more people like something the shittier it gets
>literally getting paid to have opinions this shitty
Sometime i dream that i am a teen girl and suddenly a little fox comes to me and tells me that it can fullfil any one wish i want but in exchange i have to become a magical girl and fight witches
Upon hearing this, i immediately wish with all my heart that every capeshitter dies the most horrific death possible while i rub my clit into oblivion with the sound of their dying screams as a lubricant
It's my favourite dream
There's a definite correlation between mass appeal and bad quality of writing, the brainless masses need non-complicated action heavy writing that doesn't confuse their poor simple minds
>action is bad
>the food has good nutritional value
>If those indie films aren’t getting seen, that might be because they’re not good.
No. It means that they don’t have the marketing power and normalfag appeal that superhero movies have.
>If people like superhero movies, it might be because most are good movies
No. Superhero films (and films like Harry Potter and Star Wars) are only liked by people with little exposure to media and would find any heavily marketed film good.
>Cold Play > Queen of Stone Age
>Have sex
You mean macronutrients. And McDonald's is not food, it's edible food-like substances. Look at the ingredient list.
>superheros! exploshions! spaceships! wooo!
>me no like talking films
>Sometime i dream that i am a teen girl
Let me dream of you user.
>Michael Jackson is the greatest artist of all time
oh wait a minute ... that checks out. SHAMONE
There is a business behind the business that says they play what they want and if they don't want you to play you don't get to play.
That's why the internet and e-celeb's are so important.
And why the "main stream"(many of them I don't even watch or even know who they are anymore) corporate industry makes fun of the internet and it's celebrities.
Their reason for laughing at e-celebs is different, they don't like being subverted.
no it's the exact opposite because mass appeal has to appeal to the lowest common denominator which is the lowest quality.
This. The only time they should be allowed online is when they are helping me cum somehow.
McDonald's web page
Most people are idiots. Capeshit appeals to idiots. Simple really.
Great argument. Dumb wojak and green texting
It literally is
Yeah nobody really likes the Mona Lisa.
Mcds is expensive as fuck. Had you said in n out then maybe.
Americans have been brainwashed to believe something is good because it makes money for it's Jewish owners.
>you can't compare things that you consume to things that you consume
Correct answer.
>millions voted for Trump, he MUST be good
There. This gay argument destroyed forever.
>Black Panther
>Captain Marvel
Good never.
When did movies change from a craft to a product?
Yeah dude, DBZ is clearly the best anime ever. Harry potter is clearly the best fantasy novel ever.
user, that's how the world works. The most successful animals (i.e the most successful in it's sole purpose to reproduce and proliferate) aren't always the best and brightest.
Hes no Bruno Mars...but hes pretty ok.
im going to eat 4 quesaritos from taco bell
>millions voted for Trump, he MUST be good
>getting the same thing instead of getting different burritos
Usually I like to throw in a gordita crunch and a potato roller with my quesorito.
pfftt hahahaahahahaahahaahaahahahahahahahahhhahaha
Break the conditioning.
Capitalism, it's stupid to live under a capitalist system and expect anything but the lowest tier art made only to make money
There's LITERALLY nothing wrong with food analogies
>Art is only good when it's audience is big
>More people means more people might like it
Her argument is basically, that artists without marketers are bad artists.
Explosions and spaceships made in a souless, generic, uncreative way.
this thread is really about how liberals and conservatives are both confused as fuck about the proper side to stand on. especially on Yea Forums
>yuropeeons denying darwinism now
Yes goy, follow your desert jew king. Love thy neighbor, let those immigrants in!