Why don´t whiteys let the negro dance?

Why donĀ“t whiteys let the negro dance?

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so people don't have to be there for 12 hours

nafeesah cute

is this at UF? what an overrated clown university
hurr durr harvard of the south... yeah keep telling yourselves that you gainrsville bums
enjoy being trapped in the armpit of florida!

cuz dey raysciis n shitt


Because racism is alive and well in this country and white people hate it when black people succeed. Fuck that white dude

The wh*toid in this video is undeniably based, and I say this as a nigg*r.

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Unironically this. Sad!

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cause it wastes everyone's time. Also the crowd cheers and covers up the name of the following person.

Happened to my sister. The family behind us yelled so loud and long that we couldn't hear her name get called.

It's like people don't understand there are other people in the world. Some rules aren't about 'restricting you' their about 'protecting others'

>takes too much time
>ruining the event for everyone else

He should have used one of those stage hooks from looney tunes.

Why do we let these low iq people exist? This applies to white trash too, if you can't act like a dignified adult for 5 seconds and instead impulsively have to break out into a dance, then you need to be removed for the betterment of society.

>Camryn comes up
>Light skinned
>Smiles and waves at the camera

>N'afeeesha comes up

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these are University graduates in America

>mystery meat mutt comes up with the... whatever race he is power fist
somehow this is worse than the jungle jive that follows

Schools need to calm down.

not even grad school is hard
college is ez mode until you start doctoral work, then you want to kill yourself
t. doctoral student

And someone wants to make it so the taxpayers have to pay for all of these retards to go to university?

I cant imagine being named nafeesha. Just immense pity for blacks.

Why are American graduations so fucking weird and official?

A fucking royal crowning ceremony is more modest and understated.

Ain't no one got time to be there all fucking day. Graduations need to be revamped because it is a dry shit show from start to finish. I don't blame the graduates for goofing off but do that shit while you're walking.

Lmao, does that guy want a lawsuit or something? I would've kicked the boomer off the stage.

>being more concerned with the duration of the event then the degenerate dancing itself

>Christopher N. Garcia-Wilde

What does the N stand for?

Niggers and spics really can't help themselves can they?

when there's 700 names to read through, yeah duration is an issue.

Looks like a comedy skit

Let the plebians have their fun. Some of them even think graduating high school is an achievement

>Getting a doctorate is difficult

Oh wait nevermind. You're one of them too.

>you'll never be a nigger

why is god so cruel?

They're more than likely graduating into student debt and white picks up a paycheck hustling them along like some kind of fucking beta battleguard.

>t. high schooler
Please immediately cease using this site until you are over 18.


In what? Is it a good ranked school?