Newsflash for Adam Savage: Making a stupid little clay model for a piece of shit movie like "star wars" DOES NOT, IN ANY WAY WHATSOEVER MAKE YOU QUALIFIED TO ADDRESS SCIENTIFIC ISSUES ON YOUR STUPID TV SHOW. For some reason, this asshole Freemason scumbag "adam savage" likes to pawn himself off as some kind of "expert" on something. He arrogantly and stupidly identifies himself as such at the beginning of every episode of his stupid, total-waste-of-time tv show. In fact, the dude is an art school dropout with ZERO qualifications of any kind whatsoever, other than the connections he has with his freemason lodge brothers who got him the show. The guy is such a complete ass, and is so totally satisfied with himself, and yet his career and his TV show are nothing but a stupid and complete waste of time where he gloats repeatedly over the fact that he "gets to blow things up for a living",as if that was the very highest possible thing a person could do on earth. I am so fucking sick of this clown. I just had the misfortune to watch another show with this jackass where he "lives for a 1000 years". Every single thing this fucking DOUCHEBAG IDIOT does is totally replete with his asinine white, middle-class freemasonic assumptions about the world. He actually claimed he was going to do a show where he "proves natural selection". Good luck with that, shitbag.
Newsflash for Adam Savage: Making a stupid little clay model for a piece of shit movie like "star wars" DOES NOT...
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Adam Savage the art school dropout is going to "prove" that God didn't create the universe and that the discredited "theory of evolution" is 100% true. What a fucking ASS this clown is. THe other thing that is totally disgusting about this creep is the way he obviously considers his pasty white balding countenance to be really "sexy" or something. He is always dressing up in some kind of weird tight-fitting outfits and acting like people really want to think about his pasty white disgusting idiot moron self. What a creep. And a TOTALLY RIDICULOUS CLOWN IDIOT on top of it all. Yeah Adam Savage the art school dropout HAS GOT THE WHOLE UNIVERSE FIGURED OUT. ADAM SAVAGE THE ART SCHOOL DROPOUT KNOWS THE SIZE AND WEIGHT OF THE WHOLE UNIVERSE< WHEN IT WAS STARTED, AND HOW IT GOT HERE. ANYONE WHO DISAGREES WITH THE MIDDLE CLASS WHITE DOUCHEBAG FREEMASON ADAM SAVAGE IS JUST A PRIMITIVE SUPERSTITIOUS FOOL!
Whats the name of the girl on mythbusters? I'd like to bust her myth.
Based Adam savage magatards should be assaulted on sight
you could have just said that he's reddit incarnate
you could have just had sex
Since when did supporting trump become conflated with "white supremacy"? The fuck
Look at this triggered retard just go suck a black dick already and calm down
Agreed. Faggots deserve it for revealing their power level. You're supposed to pretend to not be a Nazi.
You're not suppose to question that
Do Amerilard libshits really believe 50% of their population is a white supremacist? Isn't Burgerstan not even 50% white? How is it mathematically possible?
Didn’t read lol
Lol @ this triggered incel
THIS: no one should have unpopular beliefs
>Bringing back an industry that provides cheap power and millions of good jobs for American citizens is akin to literally murdering people
Isn't that the guy who got his career killed by a professional punching bag on his weed radio show?
Adam Savage is based
>bringing back an industry whose externalities include the eventual end of human civilization
Sounds like a great idea
I don't disagree. Fuck Adam Savage, pretentious fucking douche. I never liked him. The build team was more entertaining to watch.
>claim you are only violent towards white supremacists
>call anyone you dont like a white supremacist so you can justify violence against them
Leftists are such fucking authoritarians
Things conservatives believe
>the earth is flat
>moon landing was faked
>9/11 was an inside job
>climate change isn't real
>holocaust was overexaggerated
>abortion leads to higher crime rates
>evolution isn't real
Pls explain
>believe in a debunked apocalypse cult and allow women to murder babies or else you're a nazi who deserves to be physically attacked!
Kill yourself bill nye retard. You only pick and choose which "science" to believe. Treating science as some indisputable law is fundamentally opposed to the spirit of actual science. I bet you have an arts degree.
Adam Savage should be lynched as a traitor
America not burning coal isn't gonna stop the every city from shitting car exhaust into the atmosphere and it isn't gonna stop China and India from doing it 1000 times worse than America does
The left has redefined nazi and white supremicist to mean someone who doesn't want to be the only white person in a sea of nogs and spics.
>trannies actually think this
Honestly what the fuck is wrong with celebrities?
I never realized what horrible people they all are.
Reminder that California was racist as fuck before the New Yorkers invaded
Why do they think snowflake means fragile and not mocking LGBTQIAP furfag identity shit?
Hi discord soyy boys
leftists absolutely hate science and technology
they do everything in their power to stop scientific advancement and economic production
But leftists don't believe in evolution though.
They don't accept human biological instincts.
Conservative here. I'll take a crack at your list.
>>the earth is flat
>>moon landing was faked
that's an a-political conspiracy theory stemming from distrust of govt. I personally believe it happened
/11 was an inside job
That's liberals that believe that
>>climate change isn't real
It is, it's just not going to be solved by banning straws. Liberals dont really care about the emissions from countries like china and india who dont give a fuck about environmentalism
>>holocaust was overexaggerated
maybe. 6 million is a fuckload of people. It might be closer to 1 million, but even then that's a FUCKLOAD of people. Visualize that in your head.
>>abortion leads to higher crime rates
It lowers them because you're mostly killing black people
>>evolution isn't real
That's evangelicals.
>Oh snowflake, I'm so sorry
>this is what people who have barely surface level knowledge of politics believe about conservatives
America burning coal will contribute to the problem, every source needs to be addressed
Not everyone who dislikes trump supporters are Hilary supporters or Bernie ones too they all deserve violence against them
>build team
>not jamie hymen
Fuck off authoritarian
Just don't post his nudes please. Think of the children
....How long ago was this posted anyhow
Beijing alone uses more coal than all of USA & Liberals love China, so i really don't understand why they hate coal in USA so much
moon landing is more of a leftist conspiracy theory, because liberals didn't want to admit USA landed on the moon first
also flat earth is a meme, no one actually believes it
Carbon Capture technology will solve global warming anyway.
It will also turn the CO2 into cheap fuel for cars, holy shit.
All the seeming contradictions and inconsistencies in the leftist worldview instantly vanish if you just assume that they despise white people.
For instance, China is allowed to use coal because they aren't white. France however is white, so they can't use coal.
Kek are there people that actually believe the earth is flat?
It's almost like op created this thread specifically to get this reaction
Everything that makes you look stupid is just a false-flag, right?
it happened in 2018.
Trump is on record as saying Nazis are "very fine people" and has said that being forced to criticize Nazis is the biggest mistake of his presidency.
I used to like Savage. He just blew that away. And the funny thing is nothing he said is true, and are just the standard democrat shit-slingings.
>libcucks literally making shit up as they go
Oh okay. Post proof.
>falls for b8
>h-haha ita actually you whocare stupid
Have sex redditor incel
>Miga Pete doesn't know about Charlottesville
Yikes, what kind of bubble do aut righties live in?
show me the receipts
He needs to go back to throwing dummies off rooftops with duct tape vests on.
>liberals love china
This is about as stupid as the poster who said all conservatives believe in flat earth
People's outrage over that would be like saying there were very fine people in 1940s Germany. It's intentionally obscuring the point to make it seem like he's saying Nazis are good people when he didn't. Only braindead retards actually believe that.
Huh you're right.
Jessie Smollett staged a fake hate crime and the media dropped it asap.
A white kid stood still and said nothing next to an Indian and was vilified in the media for weeks. Then when the full video got too big to ignore they started trying to bring focus to completely unrelated events that were tangently connected to his school that may or may not have been racist as if it would help their story.
These actions seem weird and retarded until you apply your theory
What are you talking about? There were some very good people at charlottesville. There were also Nazis. Apparently you are too atupid to make the distinction, and you are repeating corporate msm headlines. Try again, retard.
How can this guy talk intelligently about anything if he doesn't understand that this could happen to him?
So not wanting to be physically assaulted makes you a "snowflake"? I'm sure Adam would not object to a simple scientific experiment ...
Trump said that a group of people who were pissed off that a bunch of college liberals being paid and bussed to different parts of the country to destroy historical monuments could have some good people in them.
Inflammatory I know m
You can tell "snowflake" is effective rhetoric because left-wingers keep trying to clumsily co-opt it.