Pikakino sneak peak

This is going to be flop yet kino, isn't it?

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Defective Flopachu

lol no, fuck the mouse.

It's not going to flop

I really don't see it flopping people are nuts about pokemon. I sometimes still see people playing Go.


>live action videogame movie
it will always flop

Unironically looks very fun except for the pikachu voice actor. Should've went with devito.

Floptective Pikakino

Pikabillion coming

Rampage didn't even flop

No just flop

epic meme bro

how do i upvote posts on 4channel

this underground pokemon fightclub stuff is pretty kino

how are there unrelenting faggots in every pokemon thread like you? You do realise there's an entire board on your precious Yea Forums about them right?

Stop willing it to flop. This happens every time someone makes something original and visionary that isn't owned by Disney or a bunch of fucking suck. People say "it's probably too good for mainstream success". It happened to Jupiter Ascending, aka the last American blockbuster that had any business existing, and it happened to Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets, precious pop art futurism from a genuine visionary. You guys tow the Mouse's line every fucking time, and poison the well of our collective dreaming. Go see Detective Pikachu ten times, buy your friends tickets if they're too fucking Mouse-craven for real joy and real vision, and tell everyone you can reach. We have an opportunity to bring real pleasure, craft and brio back to mainstream English-speaking cinema. Don't fuck this up!

>budget 200 million
Needs a 900 million to break even

>original and visionary
Are you a retarded person?
Fuck the mouse,ok, but let's not push it that far

I'm not giving a single dime to Pikachu. I don't condone replacing characters with niggers.

Attached: 1555655751974.png (924x628, 34K)

I meant what I said. This is cyberpunk, here and now, 2019.

Ironically, your mere existence will make this movie a success, people hate racist assholes like you.

Have sex


Tim being white has nothing to do with his character. This isn't Heimdall you fucking twat, stop confusing legitimate shoe horning with "HURR ONLY WHITES ALLOWED".

kek everyone is shitting on this


Pokemon is a 90 billion dollar IP with massive fanbases across the west and asia
If you think this will flop you are a fucking retard. It has quiplord ryan reynolds and pokemon. It's going to make 2 billion EASILY.

The marketing for this film is fucking insane. Billboards all over my city and they put detective hats and pikachu ears on some.

Don't worry bros I won't let it flop

Or just stop making whites into niggers. Seems like it shouldn't be very hard.

They shouldn’t have put it so close to Endgame.

>Forgetting that the character would have originally been Japanese before the game got a US dub.

Soon Cavill will be paying WB to be back as Superman

Based and PokePilled

Different audiences
Endgame = Mexicans and Incels
Pikachu = Chads

I'm going to hate-watch this so hard. Also why did they cast that weird looking mulatto for the main role?

I love him though and hate you, and my emotions are objectively right.

I find it absolutely bizarre anyone thinks a live action pokemon movie will flop even if it's bad(which doesn't appear to be the case based on early screenings)

Pokemon prints boatloads of money and this is the first attempt at live action so there is no fatigue associated with it.

You should be directing this post at the person that user was responding to

>there is no fatigue associated with it
What about negro fatigue?


EPIC!!!! KINO!!!! woah deadpool lmao

holy shit what is with the obsession on this site with black people and jews

Unlike all the "WE WUZ KANGZ AND SHIEET" movies Disney likes to shit out, all the trailers make it seem like the human character is just a faggy "no fun allowed" gay loser who can't even find his daddy and the real star is Pikachad, voiced by a white man, who wrecks Charizards and coats, and is obviously both smarter and more charming than the human counterpart. And his name is on the title.

You made a reddit post and go a reddit reply.

I hope Cavill makes a cameo so we get a DCxPokemon crossover

post the 2B image

bump :D

endgame wasn't even that good

It was made for Marvel fans

Wasn't going to see it before, but I will now.

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