Will any actor ever top Jim Carrey's 1994

Will any actor ever top Jim Carrey's 1994

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Lots have. Those movies aren't that good

Name a better year for a career. I'll wait.

That was the year I was born

based and blessed

Nicholas Cage comes close with Leaving Las Vegas, The Rock, Con Air and Face/Off all within 20 months

Tom Cruise in 1983 and 1999

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>Tom Cruise

Only risky business was good

Eyes wide shut and magnolia are pretty good but that's only two movies. Magnolia was an ensemble cast. He wasnt even really the star of it. Jim was the star of all three of his movies

Harison Ford did Star Wars, Indian Jones & Blade Runner one after the other in a 2 year span.

>Only risky business was good
>The outsiders
>not good

>Jim was the star of all three of his movies
Tom Cruise is the star of everything he's in. Even Goldmember.

>Tom Cruise is the star of everything he's in
You have a point here

Dumb and Dumber is unwatchable shit.
You have to be as braindead as the characters to think that movie is funny.

Nicholas Cage in 2011

Attached: Nicholas Cage.png (633x227, 7K)

Pleb tier opinion

Lmao autist

Dumb and Dumber is kino
fuck whatever happened to comedy jfc they don't make it like that anymore *sips monster*

>le contrarian redditor face

>appreciating Dumb and Dumber for the sophisticated kino that it is

Nicholas Cage 1992-2000

>The Mask
My dick remembers that film fondly.

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