It’s out

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Other urls found in this thread:

this guy's still making videos? Damn.

Are you like 16?

keep saying it

Dunky is so washed up now it's not even funny.

isn't he a cuck?

> people who make videogame movies have no soul


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My favourite eceleb!!!!

>drops LoL
>content quality instantly goes to shit
>gets cucked

Cannot stand this faggot’s schtick, how does he have any type of audience

well the problem with dunkey is that if you've seen one you've seen em all, his videos all play out exactly the same

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He got cucked?


Keep saying it!

Keep saying what, homie?

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Honestly, with this film, there's a Jontron clip that sums up my thoughts on the subject perfectly.

Here it is:

Keep saying it

Go back /veddit/

>hahah im so smahhht I can deconstruct comedy

Dunkey? More like Cuck-ey!

i dont want to deconstruct comedy, dunkeycuck, it's just very obvious that his style is formulaic and repetitive

>dunkey jerks off mario again

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Keep saying it.

Ecelebs won't understand this movie because it scares them. It pushes them out of their comfort zones.

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>pre-LoL ragequit dunkey
>based banter
>shits on naughty dog garbage

>post LoL-ragequit dunkey
>supreme nintendo fanboy
>shills naughty dog garbage
>offended enough by cuckold accusations to go full damage control

Yiff in hell furfag.

Fun fact: I was working in Riot's Player Support department at the time of his ban. I did an audit of his account, and the report score (essentially how often were players reporting him for being a fuckface) was off the fucking charts, enough to easily warrant an automated ban multiple times over. Motherfucker was getting manually waived through, and then when someone finally drops the hammer he has a gigantic fucking pisspuddle of a tantrum. Good fucking riddance.

>the producer has some dirt on jim carrey, like he killed someone in the 90s
hahaha is this the girl he drove to suicide with his herpes? 2:00

Dunkeys a massive fag but I'm sure he got mass-reported anyways because hes an e-celeb.

Why would I want to watch this retard?


>my account has been 2 week banned
>I’ve been auto-banned at least a dozen times since
>currently on a 25 game chat restrict
Whoever the Rioter manually waving me through is gonna lose his fucking job, kek. Also, the League community deserves to be flamed most of the time. If you’re gonna pick Garen jungle in my ranked games, refuse to take barons when I try to carry you, and died 1v5 mid 30+ minutes in yeah I’m gonna call you retarded. Worth.

So he is the tarantino of youtube?

kys nigger

>caring about video game movies and Sonic well into your 20s

Accounted for in the system. Like them or not, they used to have some ace designers and developers there, especially for internal systems like that

I can't stand the way this faggot talks, idk what it is but this isn't how men are supposed to speak

have sex

genuine subhuman

>on Yea Forums
Blow your fucking brains out you teenage piece of fucking shit.


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why do i want to fuck her in the ear

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Yeah I'm sure the people who couldn't implement a simple replay system are ackshually top coders.

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>it's out
>it's up
i need to put these in my filters

The system doesn’t even make sense in the first place. You say too many no-no words and next 10 or 25 games you can only say 5 messages next game. Meaning, you can’t communicate strategies with your team, you can’t have a friendly conversation, but you can still be just as toxic. Doesn’t fix anything.

>"keep saying it" filtered from all his comments
not helping at all



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>haha i don't want to desctruct
>haha let me deconstruct i'm so smahhht



I bet that nigger deconstructed her ovaries, dicklet

Seriously what is the “SAYING IT” meme about?

How is eating shit out of the toilet and excreting food from your anus, Bizzaro-worlder?

a video surfaced of dunkey's gf getting plowed by a black guy while he watches

I thought it was proven fake? Does someone have the vid?

>proven fake
audio is clean, no cuts and voice reverberates naturally

Still no video, though

>unironically played and enjoyed shit like LoL
Dunkey did right quitting that worst game ever.

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>if there are enough accusations the suspect is obviously guilty
you must be a genius


Or I guess rather that it just sounded similar. I dunno, I don't really care but I don't like jumping to conclusions without actual proof.

Time to unsub this cuckold

took me 5 secs to source it, faggot

I like seeing his funny videos. His not funny videos are shit because of how safe and boring his opinion is on Nintendo games

Greg Lanksky baby

too thick to be his anorexic ass girlfriend

desu I don't see Jason in either of these, just a nigger fucking a white girl (whose face, incidentally, we don't see). How is this your standard of evidence?

it's real

jesus christ dude what are you, his lawyer?
His internet reputation is gone.

That's his fucking voice. What the fuck is wrong with people

its fake you retards lmao

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Based dunkey

So you keep saying, but that 'evidence' is literally nothing

People can develop moles and the bottom of the ear is the exact same. It's his fucking voice.

keep sayin it

I don't care, I'm still going to believe its true and say that Dunkey is a cuck who likes his wife to get rammed by BBC on the daily

keep saying it indeed

I want someone to provide evidence that they merely spliced in dunkey's voice "keep saying it". I want to see the video they might have ripped that from.

What’s this whole cuck thing

dunkey likes african penis inside his girlfriend, especially when she thanks him during; he urges her to keep sayin' it.

The burden of proof is on you, and you dropped it.

Don't get argumentative. I'm just saying it's his voice.

I think dunkey is funny and I don't think that was him in the video

Spaghetti and meatballs

Fine, but you should probably recognize that between his streams and videos there's probably countless hours to comb through. It isn't a reasonable request.

based, even if it's fake it still rattles him to be called a cuck



>I think dunkey is funny

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is he the BLACKED poster?

based cucks: gf isn't into it enough and the cuck encourages her to be more enthusiastic
cringe cucks: gf is really into it and the cuck wants them to stop

at least dunkey is a based cuck and not cringe

he's got some guts to show his face after everyone saw his gf fucking some nigger

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There was a video of some blacked porn with people claiming they could hear dunkey recording, for the most part its likely fake but its a good way to derail e-celeb threads and discourage people from posting future e-celeb threads

Dude this is the first I’ve ever even heard of this being a thing, let alone seeing the video myself. I don’t want to believe. Leah is pretty skinny maybe that’s not her? Her high pitch yells do sound similar.... and that guy does sound like
Jason... maybe it’s just confirmation bias though. Maybe im just hearing what I was told to hear.... fuck guys this can’t be true :( when was this video taken/leaked?

I fully recognize that. But although the inflection doesn't change much it changes enough that it's not just a repeat of "keep saying it".

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Leah is skinny but she's a bit tall so her frame is bigger.

So this is the power of onions

Yeah, it’s plausible that’s still Leah. Skinny girls aren’t always paper thin. And even though dunkey is funny, he doesn’t like trump so he’s probably a democrat, if he even cares about politics... fuck this is fucked I think there’s a legitimate plausible chance that video is real... FUCK WHY WHY WHY :( can someone please convince me to not believe it :(

keep saying it

so this is the power of underage b&.
cucks are everywhere, and many are based. if you haven't been asked to be a bull or partake in a threeway by one of your coworkers you must be hideous.

Well, when you put it that way,

This bummed me out. Why the fuck would anyone do this to themselves?

Dunkey hasn't been funny since 2016. 2013 was probably his peak


Isn't this dude's whole gimmick that he has an accent?


the original video is here
someone edited dunkey's voice into it

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>Ah yes I do play League of Legends and browse Reddit every day! Have an upvote, kind sir!

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What the hell is wrong with this world? Fucking Jews have poisoned the mind of even dunkey :( he’s overweight, obviously a gamer so didn’t develop proper chad social skills as a kid, listen to that sad episode of his super Mario 64 play through and listen to how beta he used to be- that kind of ingrained behavior doesn’t totally go away. Fuck fuck fuck this is too plausible for me. That might just be his voice telling sweet, innocent Leah to keep thanking that black bull FUUUUUCK! How would dunkey and Leah even get some tatted up nigger to do this? They had to just place an ad on the internet, and Milwaukee has a sizable nigger population iirc.

My day is already ruined because the Jews ruined game of thrones but this broke my heart :( dunkey and Leah gave me hope that even after my past heartbreaks I might have a happy ending myself like they did. But now this is fucked :(

this is literally all the proof you need, fast forward to that part, no dunkey voice

that's if you thought his girlfriend wasn't built like a skeleton anyways

>we will never have leaked nudes of Leahbee
please tell me i'm not the only one crying

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You are one stupid nigger.
Look at you retard.

t. Mad cuz bad

Well, looks like I was proven wrong

it was fake

Gonna look at dunkey and Leah vids to see if her hands match. This makes me feel better that it’s fake

>white people

That fact that you're so emotionally invested is disturbing. Go outside once in a while, cuck.

It's bizarre that we now live in a world where people obsess over a cuck porn video with fake audio because they want to believe it so badly. Not only that, but they want other people to believe it too so they can spread their ideologically based cuckolding infatuation.

No the part where he says keep saying is literally not even in that video. Where he says she's mad wet there was a longer part before that.

even if it's fake, her response spoke volumes.
not "i love jason and would never do that"
not "cuckolding is disgusting"
not "eww blacks"

it was
"ummmmmm that's not what our room looks like"

Keep saying it

people tried to do the same thing with AVGN a few years ago. mentally ill incel dudes will start projecting things like this on e-celebs that they've become disillusioned with.

If you're black dunkey will probably let you fuck her.

I'm mexican. Is that brown enough? Where do I apply?

No, it's to distract and get rid of e-celeb threads, which it did pretty effectively here.

The ring doesn’t match, arm width doesn’t match, chest/shoulders don’t match, hands don’t match, i can rest ez, this is a troll lmao. Wonder where they got the dunkey audio from

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what a terrible 'sode. our boy dunk is losing it.

Keep saying it.

Which I think is super weird, I have no idea why everybody's complaining about dunkey nowadays, if I remember there's this one video of his that ended in like 2 or 3 clips of Hilary Clinton saying stupid bullshit back in the day. Wouldn't that make him based and redpilled?

You there's a difference between an engagement ring and a wedding band right? I mean you do know the distinction?

>snowflake triggered when the real world isn't racist like his little safespace


Keep saying it

>implying playing shit normalfag games like LoL is quality content

I love Dunkey

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If your dick is big enough, shoot him a dm.


Imagine being the asspained incel trawling interracial cuck porn videos until you found the perfect one to lay your carefully extracted audio over. Then going straight to your favorite alt-right imageboards to meet with like-minded individuals trying and force it as a meme.

Reminder, that the /pol/ userbase is clearly NOT obsessed with black cocks.

jesus dude go get checked

You ok bro?

Keep saying it

You have mental badness, go to funny people house, okay?

Fuck off boomer.

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>unironically outing yourself as lolnigger

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It's gonna be a beach BLAAAAAAAAAAASSSST!

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