Boomers think this is the scariest movie ever

>boomers think this is the scariest movie ever
Explain yourselves

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i shit my self with boredom

It's okay. Definitely not scary, though. I would argue The Blair Witch is scarier and better in pretty much all aspects. The '99 version, not whatever shit remakes have been done since.
>38 yo boomer

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>zoomers think this is the scariest movie ever

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It was scary when I watched it when I was 10. I haven't seen a 'scary' movie since then that was scary at all. So it wins by default.

Not boomers but it scared the shit out of GenX kids. Christlarping felt real back then. We now know what real horror is though.

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Better than your version gramps. Fuck off and eat some figs.

that shitty flick butchered the book which wasn't great to begin with

You'll never get it, stay with your capeshit you eternally shit eating zoomer

This pic needs the Podestas photoshooped into it.

I used to jack off to the crucifix banging

It is a comedy, I swear Raimi made Evil Dead entirely because he saw The Exorcist.

t. brainlet zoomer

seinfeld effect

its good but too long

>millennials think this is the scariest movie ever

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Inb4 something about super heros, adhd, zoomers and looking at the phone

Seething boomers(early 20s larping) can't even elaborate on why without buzzwords

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why do people even like scary movies? how unimaginative you have to be to enjoy that shit

name 1 post 2002 movie scarier than exorcist
inb4 muh vitch and it follows reddit tier scaries

God, the remake is so stupid.

The Grifter (2003)

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>can't even elaborate on why without buzzwords
I already did you weeb pedo >name 1 post 2002 movie scarier than exorcist
The Ring

Literally any movie, the exorcist is not scary at all so any movie that is remotely scary would be scarier.

But I bet you gotta be fairly high iq to get scared at the exorcist, right?

>the ring

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Post your age and what you consider either the scariest movie ever or the scariest movie you know.

>Halloween (original ofc)

never heard of it

its scary when you watch it in middle school, then you just wanna rape samara

no, just not atheist

Was the mother's drunk cunt of a boyfriend molesting Regan? Would explain her psychotic breakdowns, constant swearing and pushing the fucker out of the window. No wonder she missed her real dad.

fucking boomer faggot, shaky cam is not scary

It's not a particularly scary movie if you're above 13 years old at least but it's very well-made and comfy. A definitive classic.

Let me know if you find It's been scrubbed from even the darkweb as far as I can tell. It was pretty much banned after the incident in west virginia.

tfw I was 8 and stay over at my friends house for the weekend. We watched The Thing on Friday and then this on Saturday. I didn't sleep for the rest of the week. Pure fucking kino

>shaky cam
The fuck are you on, retard?

? I can't find anything

What bit of Blair Witch was even remotely scary? It's was a massive pile of shit.

You had to be there at the time.
Of course it won't have its original effect if you watch it in a lit living room with your zoomer friends on your phones.

When I was a kid it was the only film i wasn't allowed to watch, I could watch literally anything else, i seen it when i was like 13 and thought it just looked stupid

I mean it's scary, but not as scary Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island.

What is the scariest film though? I feel like it all depends what age you were when you first watched them. I think most of the freddy Krueger films have some laughable moments watching them now but they still give me that tiny little niggle in the back of my mind that scares me because I watched then all when I was about 8 years old.

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honestly the grifter still creeps me out anytime im in the forest

You wouldnt understand.

It's only scary if you're religious.

i think REC should be mentioned as one of the most effective movies for making you feel genuinely uncomfortable

The original Japanese version is legit guite disturbing and definitely much scarier than The Exorcist

100% this.
i honestly think that pic related is the reason why im social retard. saw that when i was maybe 10 years old and i remember it fucked me up. also, i never saw psycho except the stabbing scene and sometimes i remember it when im in the shower and have to wash my hair with eyes open...

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it is exactly because of this reason The Exorcist is one of the scariest. It was fucking 1973. People didn't have internet, no Yea Forums gore threads, a lot of folks were strongly religious, everybody, including movies, were all well-mannered.
Then comes out The Exorcist.

Mostly the sound design, one of the greatest in the genre´s history

The christian theme resonated far more during its release than today´s audience raised in public schools, losing a lot of its original impact.

A good cast and a bunch of practical effects placed in the right time helped too.

It´s not my favorite horror movie at all but I can understand its relevance.

This guy gets it.

I don’t get that one. Yeah it’s a good movie but not really scary. Maybe the ending..

Do modern zoomers audiences even find any of the pre 2000s horror movie classics scary anymore? Genuinely interested


Depends on what scares you. I know people who grew up deathly afraid of stuff like Nightmare and Child's Play and I just thought they were fun exciting movies.
On the other hand I thought Evil Dead was the scariest fucking thing when I was a kid, turns out some people call that movie a horror/comedy. There's nothing fucking funny about that movie!

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its not scary to zoomers because they already are possessed by demons

Well, back in my day you little fucks this was new shit.

They all have a little bit of Pew De Pie in them

There's that reddit pic of some tranny that looks much worse than anything in this movie and everybody is calling it brave and beautiful. You must be on to something here

Kill yourself zoomer faggot, nuPennywise is garbage compared to Tim Curry

Oldfag here. Most of the hype about this movie, and how scary it was, was marketing. It's been revealed long ago that the marketing campaigns were fake news reports of people fainting, and how 'doctors and nurses will be at every theatre for anyone that passes out."

It's a well made movie, and the special effects top notch for the era, and the base material was solid, as Beatty based the story on a real one. They got the whole creepy/jumpscare balance right. They got lucky with the right mix of acting, directing, production, and using part of "Tubular Bells" for the soundtrack.

Scariest? No. I laughed at it, still do, because it's so preposterous. Most infamous because of a successful marketing campaign implanting the idea of how scary it was? Yep.

The Blair Witch? Scary? What the fuck is wrong with you?

I watched that alone, in the dark, at like 2am, and laughed my ass off at how bad it was.